Author Topic: [IC] GMK TRUMP  (Read 52380 times)

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Offline Ripcord

  • Posts: 10
« Reply #150 on: Mon, 04 January 2021, 23:40:40 »
To be fair everyone posting extra **** other than ... a simple No is in the wrong.... Why don't you just post a simple No if you don't like it. But of course it's ok for people to get their two cent in at the POTUS... But not the other way around right?

Offline Livid

  • Posts: 45
« Reply #151 on: Tue, 05 January 2021, 01:04:47 »
can't wait to put this set on my endgame

Offline Techichi

  • Posts: 106
« Reply #152 on: Tue, 05 January 2021, 08:06:02 »
It’s sad how many people have been literally brainwashed to hate trump from the “news”. Let’s be real MSNBC and CNN have gone from boarderline new and journalism to 24/7 anti trump channel. I don’t watch them but their clips show up in my youtube feed here and there and I can’t recall seeing one that didn’t contain the main theme “Trump is the devil”. The fool could literally solve world hunger and MSNBC and CNN would find a headline to discredit what he did and take seven jabs at him, and that in turn ends up with 50% of the country who have been either programmed to cringe at the sight or sound of him or worse the ones who are too insecure to hold their opinion so they just do things like Post some negging comment on a keyset such as this. Ask yourself, do you hold yourself, your friends, your family to the same standards you hold this guy? If you’re one of those so far brainwashed you might as well be an NPC in this matrix that you think he should be arrested.... would you arrest your dad for doing the same or similar things? How many times Will the media ask if he will finally denounce racism just to make him look like he’s afraid of doing so, which ironically has basically made the guy publicly denounce racism many standard deviations above the average for any president in history. I could go on forever but I realize it’ll fall on the empty head of a NPC who isn’t capable of doing anything other than defend the government, government controlled media, politians, government funded scientists and doctors.... thus no amount of logic thrown at them could bring them into reality. I chalk it up to the universe is  currently experiencing a shortage of souls so many on this planet are born without one into an empty meat carcass that wouldn’t know truth from fiction without snopes and Wikipedia. This is just my baseless conspiracy theory though. Hope it triggered a bunch of SJWs into cutting off a limb because it was the wrong color.
No one needed to be "brainwashed" to hate that oompa loompa coward. He's a realty tv star dude, the scum of the earth.
And people don;t like liars. inb4 "what lies?!" these:
inb4 "fake news"
("Souls" LOL! Superstitious people are so silly)

"Superstitious people are so silly."

Really? Care to share more about that?
Do you disagree? Do you not think believing in ridiculous superstitious things like goblins, faeries, ghouls, spirits, horoscopes, gods, demons, Santa Claus, "souls" and other magical nonsense is kind of silly? How could holding an objectively incorrect position, not be "silly"?

I was just wondering if you were bigoted toward all religions that believe in the soul...or just Christians. Muslims, Jews, Hindus, and Sikhs? Are they "silly" people as well?

Offline Viriid

  • Posts: 11
  • Location: US-MI
« Reply #153 on: Tue, 05 January 2021, 08:45:38 »
Funny concept, but I don't see it working.

Offline Havattack

  • Posts: 723
« Reply #154 on: Tue, 05 January 2021, 09:28:15 »
It’s sad how many people have been literally brainwashed to hate trump from the “news”. Let’s be real MSNBC and CNN have gone from boarderline new and journalism to 24/7 anti trump channel. I don’t watch them but their clips show up in my youtube feed here and there and I can’t recall seeing one that didn’t contain the main theme “Trump is the devil”. The fool could literally solve world hunger and MSNBC and CNN would find a headline to discredit what he did and take seven jabs at him, and that in turn ends up with 50% of the country who have been either programmed to cringe at the sight or sound of him or worse the ones who are too insecure to hold their opinion so they just do things like Post some negging comment on a keyset such as this. Ask yourself, do you hold yourself, your friends, your family to the same standards you hold this guy? If you’re one of those so far brainwashed you might as well be an NPC in this matrix that you think he should be arrested.... would you arrest your dad for doing the same or similar things? How many times Will the media ask if he will finally denounce racism just to make him look like he’s afraid of doing so, which ironically has basically made the guy publicly denounce racism many standard deviations above the average for any president in history. I could go on forever but I realize it’ll fall on the empty head of a NPC who isn’t capable of doing anything other than defend the government, government controlled media, politians, government funded scientists and doctors.... thus no amount of logic thrown at them could bring them into reality. I chalk it up to the universe is  currently experiencing a shortage of souls so many on this planet are born without one into an empty meat carcass that wouldn’t know truth from fiction without snopes and Wikipedia. This is just my baseless conspiracy theory though. Hope it triggered a bunch of SJWs into cutting off a limb because it was the wrong color.
No one needed to be "brainwashed" to hate that oompa loompa coward. He's a realty tv star dude, the scum of the earth.
And people don;t like liars. inb4 "what lies?!" these:
inb4 "fake news"
("Souls" LOL! Superstitious people are so silly)

"Superstitious people are so silly."

Really? Care to share more about that?
Do you disagree? Do you not think believing in ridiculous superstitious things like goblins, faeries, ghouls, spirits, horoscopes, gods, demons, Santa Claus, "souls" and other magical nonsense is kind of silly? How could holding an objectively incorrect position, not be "silly"?
This is geekhack, a site for keyboards and such. If you want to talk about this crap, go to r/atheism with all the other guys that are super fun at parties.
This a troll thread, a thread for jokes and off topic nonsense, I'll talk about whatever I want here, and if the powers that be want to delete it, cool.
« Last Edit: Tue, 05 January 2021, 09:38:02 by Havattack »

Offline Havattack

  • Posts: 723
« Reply #155 on: Tue, 05 January 2021, 09:37:24 »
It’s sad how many people have been literally brainwashed to hate trump from the “news”. Let’s be real MSNBC and CNN have gone from boarderline new and journalism to 24/7 anti trump channel. I don’t watch them but their clips show up in my youtube feed here and there and I can’t recall seeing one that didn’t contain the main theme “Trump is the devil”. The fool could literally solve world hunger and MSNBC and CNN would find a headline to discredit what he did and take seven jabs at him, and that in turn ends up with 50% of the country who have been either programmed to cringe at the sight or sound of him or worse the ones who are too insecure to hold their opinion so they just do things like Post some negging comment on a keyset such as this. Ask yourself, do you hold yourself, your friends, your family to the same standards you hold this guy? If you’re one of those so far brainwashed you might as well be an NPC in this matrix that you think he should be arrested.... would you arrest your dad for doing the same or similar things? How many times Will the media ask if he will finally denounce racism just to make him look like he’s afraid of doing so, which ironically has basically made the guy publicly denounce racism many standard deviations above the average for any president in history. I could go on forever but I realize it’ll fall on the empty head of a NPC who isn’t capable of doing anything other than defend the government, government controlled media, politians, government funded scientists and doctors.... thus no amount of logic thrown at them could bring them into reality. I chalk it up to the universe is  currently experiencing a shortage of souls so many on this planet are born without one into an empty meat carcass that wouldn’t know truth from fiction without snopes and Wikipedia. This is just my baseless conspiracy theory though. Hope it triggered a bunch of SJWs into cutting off a limb because it was the wrong color.
No one needed to be "brainwashed" to hate that oompa loompa coward. He's a realty tv star dude, the scum of the earth.
And people don;t like liars. inb4 "what lies?!" these:
inb4 "fake news"
("Souls" LOL! Superstitious people are so silly)

"Superstitious people are so silly."

Really? Care to share more about that?
Do you disagree? Do you not think believing in ridiculous superstitious things like goblins, faeries, ghouls, spirits, horoscopes, gods, demons, Santa Claus, "souls" and other magical nonsense is kind of silly? How could holding an objectively incorrect position, not be "silly"?

I was just wondering if you were bigoted toward all religions that believe in the soul...or just Christians. Muslims, Jews, Hindus, and Sikhs? Are they "silly" people as well?
"Bigoted" you don't have to lie bro, we're just having a convo, why be dishonest? I am in no way being a "bigot" if i was, you would of been able to explain how, instead of just making bald assertions.
Bigot:"a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group."
I am not "attached" to ANY belief. Once something i believe is shown to irrational, I abandon it. Everything I believe is based on demonstrable evidence. I am not "prejudice" against any group of PEOPLE, I am prejudiced against irrational, ridiculous BELIEFS. Superstitious people are just as much a victim of their irrational beliefs as the people they harm.
But yes, Islam (and the other religions to a lesser extent) is just as absurd , and harmful as christainity, but more so, because the secularism that arose in the west, dragged christainty kicking and screaming into the 19th century. The same did not happen for islam.   

Offline stevenopoly

  • Posts: 19
« Reply #156 on: Tue, 05 January 2021, 10:02:28 »

Offline Owl

  • Posts: 245
  • Location: United States
« Reply #157 on: Tue, 05 January 2021, 10:05:16 »
It’s sad how many people have been literally brainwashed to hate trump from the “news”. Let’s be real MSNBC and CNN have gone from boarderline new and journalism to 24/7 anti trump channel. I don’t watch them but their clips show up in my youtube feed here and there and I can’t recall seeing one that didn’t contain the main theme “Trump is the devil”. The fool could literally solve world hunger and MSNBC and CNN would find a headline to discredit what he did and take seven jabs at him, and that in turn ends up with 50% of the country who have been either programmed to cringe at the sight or sound of him or worse the ones who are too insecure to hold their opinion so they just do things like Post some negging comment on a keyset such as this. Ask yourself, do you hold yourself, your friends, your family to the same standards you hold this guy? If you’re one of those so far brainwashed you might as well be an NPC in this matrix that you think he should be arrested.... would you arrest your dad for doing the same or similar things? How many times Will the media ask if he will finally denounce racism just to make him look like he’s afraid of doing so, which ironically has basically made the guy publicly denounce racism many standard deviations above the average for any president in history. I could go on forever but I realize it’ll fall on the empty head of a NPC who isn’t capable of doing anything other than defend the government, government controlled media, politians, government funded scientists and doctors.... thus no amount of logic thrown at them could bring them into reality. I chalk it up to the universe is  currently experiencing a shortage of souls so many on this planet are born without one into an empty meat carcass that wouldn’t know truth from fiction without snopes and Wikipedia. This is just my baseless conspiracy theory though. Hope it triggered a bunch of SJWs into cutting off a limb because it was the wrong color.
No one needed to be "brainwashed" to hate that oompa loompa coward. He's a realty tv star dude, the scum of the earth.
And people don;t like liars. inb4 "what lies?!" these:
inb4 "fake news"
("Souls" LOL! Superstitious people are so silly)

"Superstitious people are so silly."

Really? Care to share more about that?
Do you disagree? Do you not think believing in ridiculous superstitious things like goblins, faeries, ghouls, spirits, horoscopes, gods, demons, Santa Claus, "souls" and other magical nonsense is kind of silly? How could holding an objectively incorrect position, not be "silly"?
This is geekhack, a site for keyboards and such. If you want to talk about this crap, go to r/atheism with all the other guys that are super fun at parties.
This a troll thread, a thread for jokes and off topic nonsense, I'll talk about whatever I want here, and if the powers that be want to delete it, cool.

"Bigoted" you don't have to lie bro, we're just having a convo, why be dishonest? I am in no way being a "bigot" if i was, you would of been able to explain how, instead of just making bald assertions.
Bigot:"a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group."
I am not "attached" to ANY belief. Once something i believe is shown to irrational, I abandon it. Everything I believe is based on demonstrable evidence. I am not "prejudice" against any group of PEOPLE, I am prejudiced against irrational, ridiculous BELIEFS. Superstitious people are just as much a victim of their irrational beliefs as the people they harm.
But yes, Islam (and the other religions to a lesser extent) is just as absurd , and harmful as christainity, but more so, because the secularism that arose in the west, dragged christainty kicking and screaming into the 19th century. The same did not happen for islam.   

While this thread does have a lighthearted, or joking tone to it, it technically meets all the requirements for an IC in my eyes and I don't see where the thread owner has ruled out running the set. I think it's at least clear that the OP wanted to incite a conversation about the material presented, but I don't thinking treating it as a troll thread where you can just say whatever you want is warranted or respectful or an "objectively correct" position to take. So, Dr. Spock, A more logical approach would be to provide actual feedback instead of spewing your emotions all over the place. since, of course, emotions are objectively flawed and can not demonstrably be used as evidence as to why religion is a harmful tradition in any culture, which objectively has nothing to do with this persons work or thread.

Offline Techichi

  • Posts: 106
« Reply #158 on: Tue, 05 January 2021, 10:27:27 »
It’s sad how many people have been literally brainwashed to hate trump from the “news”. Let’s be real MSNBC and CNN have gone from boarderline new and journalism to 24/7 anti trump channel. I don’t watch them but their clips show up in my youtube feed here and there and I can’t recall seeing one that didn’t contain the main theme “Trump is the devil”. The fool could literally solve world hunger and MSNBC and CNN would find a headline to discredit what he did and take seven jabs at him, and that in turn ends up with 50% of the country who have been either programmed to cringe at the sight or sound of him or worse the ones who are too insecure to hold their opinion so they just do things like Post some negging comment on a keyset such as this. Ask yourself, do you hold yourself, your friends, your family to the same standards you hold this guy? If you’re one of those so far brainwashed you might as well be an NPC in this matrix that you think he should be arrested.... would you arrest your dad for doing the same or similar things? How many times Will the media ask if he will finally denounce racism just to make him look like he’s afraid of doing so, which ironically has basically made the guy publicly denounce racism many standard deviations above the average for any president in history. I could go on forever but I realize it’ll fall on the empty head of a NPC who isn’t capable of doing anything other than defend the government, government controlled media, politians, government funded scientists and doctors.... thus no amount of logic thrown at them could bring them into reality. I chalk it up to the universe is  currently experiencing a shortage of souls so many on this planet are born without one into an empty meat carcass that wouldn’t know truth from fiction without snopes and Wikipedia. This is just my baseless conspiracy theory though. Hope it triggered a bunch of SJWs into cutting off a limb because it was the wrong color.
No one needed to be "brainwashed" to hate that oompa loompa coward. He's a realty tv star dude, the scum of the earth.
And people don;t like liars. inb4 "what lies?!" these:
inb4 "fake news"
("Souls" LOL! Superstitious people are so silly)

"Superstitious people are so silly."

Really? Care to share more about that?
Do you disagree? Do you not think believing in ridiculous superstitious things like goblins, faeries, ghouls, spirits, horoscopes, gods, demons, Santa Claus, "souls" and other magical nonsense is kind of silly? How could holding an objectively incorrect position, not be "silly"?

I was just wondering if you were bigoted toward all religions that believe in the soul...or just Christians. Muslims, Jews, Hindus, and Sikhs? Are they "silly" people as well?
"Bigoted" you don't have to lie bro, we're just having a convo, why be dishonest? I am in no way being a "bigot" if i was, you would of been able to explain how, instead of just making bald assertions.
Bigot:"a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group."
I am not "attached" to ANY belief. Once something i believe is shown to irrational, I abandon it. Everything I believe is based on demonstrable evidence. I am not "prejudice" against any group of PEOPLE, I am prejudiced against irrational, ridiculous BELIEFS. Superstitious people are just as much a victim of their irrational beliefs as the people they harm.
But yes, Islam (and the other religions to a lesser extent) is just as absurd , and harmful as christainity, but more so, because the secularism that arose in the west, dragged christainty kicking and screaming into the 19th century. The same did not happen for islam.

You are attached to a belief. A belief that religious people are silly and ignorant. In fact, I'd say stubbornly so. You're obstinately antagonistic toward a LARGE group of people because of their religious beliefs. Sorry "bro."

Offline harlekein

  • Posts: 464
« Reply #159 on: Tue, 05 January 2021, 10:57:44 »

You are attached to a belief. A belief that religious people are silly and ignorant. In fact, I'd say stubbornly so. You're obstinately antagonistic toward a LARGE group of people because of their religious beliefs. Sorry "bro."

So tell me, which religion is the correct one? And what does that make the other believers?

Offline steelpot

  • Posts: 2
« Reply #160 on: Tue, 05 January 2021, 13:15:14 »
my first response to this was a strong "hell to the naw". now, I think the answer is "sign me up for as many as my credit card will allow" if only so someone else makes money off this dingus

Offline NoteMakoti

  • Posts: 124
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« Reply #161 on: Tue, 05 January 2021, 15:10:36 »
It's an excellent meme/troll set, but this IC is as late as possible. OP would have probably been given the Medal of Freedom if this ran a year ago.

Offline Havattack

  • Posts: 723
« Reply #162 on: Tue, 05 January 2021, 15:16:14 »

While this thread does have a lighthearted, or joking tone to it, it technically meets all the requirements for an IC in my eyes and I don't see where the thread owner has ruled out running the set. I think it's at least clear that the OP wanted to incite a conversation about the material presented, but I don't thinking treating it as a troll thread where you can just say whatever you want is warranted or respectful or an "objectively correct" position to take.

And if you had stopped there, you might have a leg to stand on, but  unfortunately, you had to go all hypocritical, and start in with the baseless personal attacks... sigh.. as it goes with the superstitious i suppose.

So, Dr. Spock, A more logical approach would be to provide actual feedback instead of spewing your emotions all over the place. since, of course, emotions are objectively flawed and can not demonstrably be used as evidence as to why religion is a harmful tradition in any culture, which objectively has nothing to do with this persons work or thread.
What "emotions" champ? Are you sure your talking to the right person? I know you guys take your beliefs very seriously, but you should try not to get so defensive, and project your own "emotional" faults onto other people just becasue they are exposing those beliefs for the immoral nonsense that they are.. I only stated facts. Religion, especially the abomination that is christiainity and the other abramic religions, is harmful becasue, in general, it teaches that skepticism is a bad thing (blessed or those who believe but have not seen, etc) and then you have the specific, disgustingly evil teachings that christainty pushes: pro slavery, pro genocide, pro punishing the son for the crimes of the father, pro substitutional atonement, pro infinitive torture for finite crimes, etc, etc.
Maybe you could try and explain, without emotions please, how religion, especially the major ones, is in anyway not an immoral absurdity? No? Yeah.... I didn't think so

Offline Havattack

  • Posts: 723
« Reply #163 on: Tue, 05 January 2021, 15:28:52 »

You are attached to a belief. A belief that religious people are silly and ignorant. In fact, I'd say stubbornly so. You're obstinately antagonistic toward a LARGE group of people because of their religious beliefs. Sorry "bro."
 1. I don't believe all religious people are "silly and ignorant" and I did not say that they were. I just said "they're silly". Do you not understand how people communicate colloquially, or are you just being dishonest? "They're silly" is not meant to be a summation of their entire character It is shorthand for: "I believe they are being silly, currently, on this one issue." But you knew that..
2. Once again, (you must of missed it the 1st time, no biggy) I am not "attached" to ANY belief (yes, including that one) I LOVE being proven wrong, becasue that way, I don't have to walk around being wrong anymore.. (something you might want to think about buddy..)
I accept those beliefs NOT becasue I want to (we don't simply "choose" our beliefs) but becasue I am FORCED to by the rules of logic and rationality, sorry.
3. Once again, again, i am not "antagonistic" against anybody, I am antagonistic against silly, immoral, BELIEFS.
Beliefs aint people bra.
I'm sorry if you feel "antagonized" that was not my intention, but ridiculous things, like religion, are deserving of ridicule by DEFINITION. -Toodles

Offline Owl

  • Posts: 245
  • Location: United States
« Reply #164 on: Tue, 05 January 2021, 15:44:42 »

While this thread does have a lighthearted, or joking tone to it, it technically meets all the requirements for an IC in my eyes and I don't see where the thread owner has ruled out running the set. I think it's at least clear that the OP wanted to incite a conversation about the material presented, but I don't thinking treating it as a troll thread where you can just say whatever you want is warranted or respectful or an "objectively correct" position to take.

And if you had stopped there, you might have a leg to stand on, but  unfortunately, you had to go all hypocritical, and start in with the baseless personal attacks... sigh.. as it goes with the superstitious i suppose.

So, Dr. Spock, A more logical approach would be to provide actual feedback instead of spewing your emotions all over the place. since, of course, emotions are objectively flawed and can not demonstrably be used as evidence as to why religion is a harmful tradition in any culture, which objectively has nothing to do with this persons work or thread.
What "emotions" champ? Are you sure your talking to the right person? I know you guys take your beliefs very seriously, but you should try not to get so defensive, and project your own "emotional" faults onto other people just becasue they are exposing those beliefs for the immoral nonsense that they are.. I only stated facts. Religion, especially the abomination that is christiainity and the other abramic religions, is harmful becasue, in general, it teaches that skepticism is a bad thing (blessed or those who believe but have not seen, etc) and then you have the specific, disgustingly evil teachings that christainty pushes: pro slavery, pro genocide, pro punishing the son for the crimes of the father, pro substitutional atonement, pro infinitive torture for finite crimes, etc, etc.
Maybe you could try and explain, without emotions please, how religion, especially the major ones, is in anyway not an immoral absurdity? No? Yeah.... I didn't think so

you've exposed nothing lol. You are literally blabbering on about your opinion on a subject that has NOTHING to do with feedback for these keycaps. No body wants to talk religion with you. No one cares. This is a keycap forum. If you want to have a debate about something, go join some sweaty subreddit. You are the one that is refusing to respect this persons post by shoving your beliefs and opinions into a thread where they don't belong. Which is ironic given your stance on the subject that you just won't let go of.

Offline zombie2life

  • Posts: 4
« Reply #165 on: Tue, 05 January 2021, 15:57:40 »
Yes please!!!

Offline Havattack

  • Posts: 723
« Reply #166 on: Wed, 06 January 2021, 15:21:58 »

you've exposed nothing lol.
Sure I have, I've explained how obviously immoral, and silly, your objectively incorrect beliefs are numerous times. You so silly!

"on a subject that has NOTHING to do with feedback for these keycaps." Awww lil buddy... you sill haven't come to terms with the fact that this is a joke thread... Yet another reason religion is makes you gullible.
"No body wants to talk religion with you. No one cares."..... Wait a minute... You aren't real?! (and that other guy... Tekeshi?) This whole time I've only been talking to some figment of my imagination?! Na, that couldn't be, why would i torture myself like that... (The fact that you keep responding, says differently lil buddy! ;) ) You care.. you know you care, just admit it. If it makes you feel any better, I care about you too! :-*

This a troll thread. Everything the oompa loompa graces is automatically "trollish". So I will continue to infect it with ridicule for my favorite troll topics, until they get deleted, or i get banned, or the OP ask me to stop. Sorry sweety.
« Last Edit: Wed, 06 January 2021, 15:28:22 by Havattack »

Offline El_Jackador

  • Posts: 39
« Reply #167 on: Wed, 06 January 2021, 17:26:03 »
Can we get a **** emoji keycap to go with our set for GMK ****, I mean GMK trump

Offline blaqbern

  • Posts: 36
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« Reply #168 on: Fri, 08 January 2021, 09:36:02 »
Let’s let this disturbed, petty loser be forgotten, not remembered.

Offline ideus

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« Reply #169 on: Fri, 08 January 2021, 11:40:03 »
This is a bad idea—even as a joke—and it is turning worst by the minute.

Offline NovaRMK

  • Posts: 318
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« Reply #170 on: Fri, 08 January 2021, 11:49:42 »
Ok, I'm very against Trump, but I would buy this set in a heartbeat

Offline mustardgreens

  • Posts: 117
  • Location: Canada
« Reply #171 on: Fri, 08 January 2021, 11:53:28 »
Only question, are the proceeds of this set being donated to BLM?  ;)

Just kidding, everyone relax and have fun. This is troll bait

Offline Ensaum

  • Posts: 447
« Reply #172 on: Fri, 08 January 2021, 22:33:19 »
This is a bad idea—even as a joke—and it is turning worst by the minute.

Yeah, I thought this was kinda funny at first, but I just feel like it's not even an acceptable troll post anymore. Kinda feels like a GMK Adolf or Stalin type set. Probably best to just delete this man.

Offline //gainsborough

  • Posts: 364
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« Reply #173 on: Fri, 08 January 2021, 23:39:51 »
can the "worst keyset of the year" award be given in January?  :))

Offline AT

  • Posts: 24
« Reply #174 on: Sun, 10 January 2021, 02:12:45 »

Offline FiX

  • Posts: 3
« Reply #175 on: Sun, 10 January 2021, 12:14:01 »
gib 1 deskmat pls  :thumb: :D

Offline Zlane

  • Posts: 17
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« Reply #176 on: Wed, 20 January 2021, 05:34:25 »
keyboard's cancelled everyone go home

Offline iamsegal

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« Reply #177 on: Fri, 22 January 2021, 18:34:57 »
I don't know why I'm so tempted

Offline psxndc

  • Posts: 504
« Reply #178 on: Fri, 22 January 2021, 18:46:09 »
I don't know why I'm so tempted
Because you always play Toad in Mario Kart?
Ortho. Always.

Offline DERBS

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« Reply #179 on: Sat, 23 January 2021, 05:55:41 »
Such a **** show, I love it!

Offline senencito

  • Posts: 11
« Reply #180 on: Sat, 23 January 2021, 09:54:44 »
This is a bad idea—even as a joke—and it is turning worst by the minute.

Yeah, I thought this was kinda funny at first, but I just feel like it's not even an acceptable troll post anymore. Kinda feels like a GMK Adolf or Stalin type set. Probably best to just delete this man.

Agreed. the worst of this thread is people turning it into troll arguments replicating the toxicity and division Trump causes.

Nothing of value was gained here.

Offline Havattack

  • Posts: 723
« Reply #181 on: Sat, 23 January 2021, 12:39:00 »
Only question, are the proceeds of this set being donated to BLM?  ;)

Just kidding, everyone relax and have fun. This is troll bait

What is that keyset in your avatar?

Offline mrvco

  • Posts: 106
« Reply #182 on: Sat, 23 January 2021, 13:03:27 »
Haha, so great.

As someone that is not a member of either Team (or Tribe if you prefer) that eschews the collective toxicity flung back and forth, the only thing worse than 'Trump fatigue' is 'anti-Trump fatigue (and yes, it's over, now everyone needs to return to their regularly scheduled reality TV show)'.

Regardless, the design is apropos.
« Last Edit: Sat, 23 January 2021, 13:05:39 by mrvco »

Offline mustardgreens

  • Posts: 117
  • Location: Canada
« Reply #183 on: Sat, 23 January 2021, 15:48:41 »
What is that keyset in your avatar?

GMK Zhuyin BoW with GMK WoB mods. Render

It's a Chinese input method also known as bopomofo most commonly used in Taiwan.

Offline psxndc

  • Posts: 504
« Reply #184 on: Sat, 23 January 2021, 16:13:06 »
Ortho. Always.

Offline Drakenocas

  • Posts: 65
« Reply #185 on: Sat, 23 January 2021, 19:29:40 »
I'd buy one for my kid and get Trump to sign it next month, if it weren't a joke. It's hard being a hispanic-cherokee white supremacist these days working for the Boss.

Relax, I answer the phone for fellow veterans and connect them with local social workers or VSO representatives for services. 

Offline mustardgreens

  • Posts: 117
  • Location: Canada
« Reply #186 on: Sun, 24 January 2021, 10:44:05 »

What is that keyset in your avatar?

Sorry I totally misread what havattack wrote.
The caps in my avatar are blank DSA singles I bought off the SP website in 2016. Pics

Offline EstericOppar

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« Reply #187 on: Tue, 09 February 2021, 19:44:52 »
Oh no...

Offline Elth

  • Posts: 374
  • Location: California
  • Easy now fuzzy little man peach
« Reply #188 on: Tue, 09 February 2021, 20:43:47 »
I'm all in.
TGR Jane V2 | TGR 910 | TGR Jane CE

Offline crispgm

  • Posts: 14
« Reply #189 on: Wed, 10 February 2021, 02:35:58 »
The Deskmat looks good but the keycaps dunno how to describe.

Offline LaserCrafter

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« Reply #190 on: Wed, 10 February 2021, 02:39:57 »
Keyboard Collection: Unikorn, Orion v2.5, Orion v3, Realforce 87u, Viper v3, NMB RT8756CGR, Unicorn x Legend, Das II, TC-V3, Jetfire, Wang 325-3770, Lightpad v2

Keyset Collection: OG Doubleshots, CRP 2551 R4, Muted 2, Cyan R1, WoB, DCS Wyse, ISO OG POM, ePBT Blanks, BSP Blanks, BoW + Gigachild

Offline stevenopoly

  • Posts: 19
« Reply #191 on: Wed, 10 February 2021, 09:50:30 »
EPIC!!!  :thumb:

Offline elfick

  • Posts: 262
  • Can I get Colemak and a side of fries with that?
« Reply #192 on: Wed, 10 February 2021, 10:48:12 »
Even though everyone knows this set won by a landslide, I could only buy it if it had more militia backing and Q support.

Offline psxndc

  • Posts: 504
« Reply #193 on: Wed, 10 February 2021, 17:37:13 »
You know Q is all a front, right? The real guy-behind-the-guy is R, but we’re not supposed to talk about R.
Ortho. Always.

Offline Mike2046

  • Posts: 18
« Reply #194 on: Wed, 10 February 2021, 18:55:51 »
That deskmat won't make sense to anyone outside US though

Offline _senya

  • Posts: 38
« Reply #195 on: Wed, 10 February 2021, 19:58:16 »
That deskmat won't make sense to anyone outside US though
But who cares about anyone outside US though? America first, right?

Offline psxndc

  • Posts: 504
« Reply #196 on: Wed, 10 February 2021, 20:11:33 »
That deskmat won't make sense to anyone outside US though
But who cares about anyone outside US though? America first, right?
Outside the US? You mean like California?
Ortho. Always.

Offline leodev

  • Posts: 3
  • Location: California
« Reply #197 on: Wed, 10 February 2021, 21:58:02 »
As long as its not made in china

Offline elfick

  • Posts: 262
  • Can I get Colemak and a side of fries with that?
« Reply #198 on: Wed, 10 February 2021, 22:56:24 »
Set also needs two artisans shaped like or reminiscent of peaches.

Offline gianmejia

  • Posts: 5
« Reply #199 on: Thu, 11 February 2021, 01:27:14 »