13 July 2022: Everything has been paid for. I'll provide an update on the manufacturing status in the coming weeks. I'll get to cutting case and plate foam by the next update.
31 July 2022:Cases: Things are
moving quickly here. Cases are being
anodized and e-coated.
Plates: I've received all FR4 plates. Brass plates are being cut by the case manufacturer and will arrive with the cases.
PCBs: Daughterboards and PCBs have shipped. If you haven't been following in 40s Discord, I decided to add a 6u spacebar option for some sweet sweet symmetry. I didn't advertise this because I made the add mid-groupbuy and didn't have the time to prototype it. This was a
relatively easy add since we already had 3u bars and no other layouts needed to be removed to support it. Once they arrive, I'll be able to test it out.
Other Items: Plate foam is done. I still need to order the material for case foam, but that will arrive quickly and will get through my laser queue much more quickly than the plate foam. Off the shelf items I still need to pay for are bump-ons and JST cables. I may op to make my own cables, bet either way, this won't hold us up.
Hopefully things keep trucking along!
25 August 2022:Cases: The manufacturer is in their QC phase. Hopefully shipping is not too far away.
Plates: I've received all
FR4 plates. Brass plates are being cut by the case manufacturer and will arrive with the cases.
PCBs: All PCBs have been paired with their JST cable and Daughterboard and flashed. The 6u spacebar add was test fitted and works.
Other Items: All plate foam and case foam is done. Bump-ons and case screws have been bagged.
16 September 2022:Shipping is (effectively) complete! There are 2 customers that have been contacted about their order, but everything else is delivered or with the post office. This was pretty quick! Just over 2 months past the end of the purchase period and about 6 weeks before the deadline! Those remaining 2 orders should be taken care of as soon as I receive parts in the next couple of weeks. Extras will go up at
www.eyeohdesigns.com as soon as they receive their packages.