SA A History of VioletsJanuary 2025: I've collected and sent along all of the responses to the feedback form to the vendor I'd like to work with, along with updated kitting and new renders. I cut most of the sets that didn't reach the 25% threshold, and combined some that were on the cusp. For the ergo kit, I've proposed two alternatives - a full standalone ergo base that absorbs the monolegend alpha kit (similar to GMK Arch), or the same individual ergo mod and monolegend alpha kits seen here in the IC. For the latter, it's possible the mods may run while the alphas don't. We'll see what happens! I also proposed a 25% smaller NorDe kit without tertiary legends, should an EU vendor want it anyway despite its poor IC performance.
Feedback Form LinkVendorsTBDI'm hoping to offer this once again through SPKeyboards, and their growing network of international partners. SP has of late been working with proxies in the EU, UK, and other locales to make overseas purchases easier.
Background11 12 13 kits? In this economy?Buckle up, folks. This is a biggie.
This wasn't the set I thought I was going to try to run next. I've been challenging myself to create a quickie design a couple times a week, based on silly names I come up with. One recent one was "Cream of Cadet," which spawned the idea for a low-contrast, beige-on-cream cadet set.
While I was messing around with that and trying to make it more legible, I started fondly remembering the old Violet on Cream rounds, and came up with a name for another purple set, "A History of Violets." (Get it? Like that David Cronenberg film from 20 years ago? Sigh.)
Drawing influence from the movie's mood, I went dark; using two similar shades of deep purple, with cream's presence reduced to just the legends and accents. And you know what? I liked the results. A lot. And I felt like other people might, too. So I pushed this ahead of multiple other projects, and I'm presenting it now.
Yes, it
could be said this is just Cream on Violet, instead of Violet on Cream. But there are a LOT of shades of violet, and the two used here are nowhere close to VoC's.
Violet on Cream (left) vs A History of Violets (right), both using identical legends. Render colors sourced from Signature Plastics's own provided hex values. Since I was now making something of a 2014 throwback set anyway, I thought
why not try to design and include ALL the niche kits you'd see offered back in the day? After all, Symbiosis had 20 kits! So I looked at every feasible request anyone had ever made of my previous designs, and drew them up.
And I mean EVERY one.
It's up to you if ANY of these kits get made, but let no one say I didn't try.To sum up - this looks good, no one owns the concept of purple (except maybe Grimace), and it's been too long since we got purple, cadet legends, ostentatiously comprehensive kitting, and Signature Plastics's quality all together to party. Let's do this.
ColorsAll colors are Signature Plastics stock resins.
REC Purple alphas
RFH Violet mods
WCK Cream legends
Accent keys are WCK with RFH legends
DatesTBD, but probably shipping about 2.5-4 months after going on sale, given how long recent sets have taken to produce. SP has been getting busier again, but so far they've kept up, and maintained a quick turnaround time.
PricingExtended Base: TBD
Numpad: TBD
40s/Ortho: TBD
NorDe: TBD
Cream Alert: TBD
ErgoDox: TBD
Mac: TBD
Typist: TBD
Macro: TBD
Monolegend: TBD
Novelties: TBD
VimCaps: TBD
KittingExtended Base
Includes UK ISO, basic 40's, split spacebars, and HHKB support. Calling this the Extended Base because it contains many keys usually relegated to an extension kit.
Includes four R1 cadet numeral keys for 108-key layouts, like the Keychron Q6.
40's / Ortho
Includes 2x 1u, 1.25u, 1.5u, 1.75u, and 3u bars, plus an additional 2u. (2u, 2.25u, and 2.75u bars are in the base already, along with 4-key 40's.)
Z and Y have cadet legends (the same pairings as their Qwerty counterparts). Number and symbol keys feature tertiary legends where applicable.
Cream Alert Accent Row
ErgoDox / Boardwalk / Promenade
ErgoDox keys with retro nonsense legends drawn from old Rounds runs.
Includes Cmd/Opt mods, function row, 1.75u R3 Caps Lock replacements, and Apple's weird UK ISO keys.
The cadet legend pairings remain the same as on the Qwerty layout, so as not to require new molds. That's the tradeoff for Colevrak support on a doubleshot cadet set, but hopefully it's not too weird. SA Symbiosis did the same thing.
XT Macro Columns
Supports alternate bottom-row 1.25u placement of Caps Lock.
Can replace the base alphas, or pair with the ergo kit so the base isn't needed for coverage.
A pair of flowers - a new violet symbol courtesy of Deadeye, and a retro lotus flower from 7bit's old Rounds. The R1 keys have cream variants to match the Cream Alert kit.
VimCaps courtesy of Potatowire of Includes an alternate G with the dual-head cadet arrow from L, since Vim repurposes L as its right arrow.
Additional RendersMore
About the DesignerMore
Hi, I'm Jeremy. I'm a Boston-based maker, photographer, and designer. My previous sets include SA Dasher Nights and DCS SMRT. I like to draw inspiration from vintage boards of the 1960's-80's, especially when it comes to weird keypunch and terminal legends.
Support AHoV!I'll be blunt - this is a LOT of keycap. I'm counting on y'all to agree with me that this color combo looks pretty spiffy, and to
vote with your wallets and prove you want to see bigger, more outrageous offerings like this come back again. This set is a deliberate throwback to the heady era of the 2010's, when windowed, ErgoDox, NorDe, and Colevrak kits were a common thing.
Do you want to see more of that? I do.
Again, there's no guarantee ANY of these kits will run without your support. So please fill out the feedback form and let vendors know you want them.Also, comment here!
Interest isn't just determined by a form, but also through the excitement demonstrated on social media. Share this on Instagram, Discord, Bluesky, or wherever. Tell your friends. Tell your enemies. Talk to your pets - do they know how important this is to you? Maybe get a tattoo of the logo, as a conversation starter.
Or, add the AHoV banner to your signature:
[url=][img width=480 height=120][/img][/url]
This message has been brought to you by the Committee to Manufacture A History of Violets.
24/12/03: Added VimCaps kit.
24/12/02: Added cream R1 brackets and missing R2 ? key to Typist kit. The cream brackets allow mixing with the Cream Alert accents. Expanded Mac kit to include function row and Apple ISO. Added Novelties kit render.
24/12/01: Expanded Mono kit to include alphas, added more 1.5u and 1u bottom-row keys to the Ergo kit, so it can be paired with the Mono kit without needing to buy the base. Added Novelties kit, which will consist of a new violet symbol and retro lotus flower from the old Rounds runs. Novelty set render will come as soon as the violet artwork is finished.
24/11/30: Moved cadet numerals from Cream Alert to numpad kit. Added unscooped F and J to base. Added unscooped 5 to numpad kit. Removed unscooped F from Typist kit. Removed redundant R3 up arrow from 40s kit.