Author Topic: [GB] Red Alert Round 2: COMPLETE  (Read 252531 times)

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Offline Ragnorock

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[GB] Red Alert Round 2: COMPLETE
« on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 01:32:18 »
Ordering closed, keycaps SHIPPED!
Okay, so after much anticipation and hubbub, I present to everyone, Red Alert Round 2! Generally participants of previous group buys can skip most of this, as not much other than prices and shipping have changed. As these keys come in much higher quantities, bubble mailers are not an option. There is no problem for those ordering up to 3 base sets in a small flat rate box, but if you buy several expect your shipping rate to increase for a larger flat rate box. Generally the small box can fit about 300 1x keys. If you have more than that, then you will need a bigger box. Be sure to remember that modifier keys can be equivalent to several 1x keys, so factor that in when ordering the modifier add on kits. Those sizes have been listed in the kits below, at the bottom of their info.

Red Alert Base Set:
88 Doubleshot keys in RBV on WFK (No longer including Center Stemmed Stepped Caps Lock as it is impossible, the GEEK HACK Esc key is still included)

It will be similar to this, but without the custom legends at this time. Standard WYSE SP font. We may use the original legends shown in the picture above if permission from Uranium over at OCN/KBD is obtained.

Here are a few other pictures of the original set to give you a better idea. We will not be doing the numrow of white on red keys or the special keys though.
<- Photo credit to Inlikeflynn, DanGWang and the other proud owners of the original set.

Anticipated demand is over 200 sets. Please keep that in mind when looking at the price tiers. I am likely to keep it open until we hit that range unless momentum doesn't get close. At an absolute minimum we will be over 100. I will buy up to that if necessary.

In addition, I am offering several compatibility kits for use with various keyboards aside from the basic 87 key set. How this works is that you buy the 87 key set, and then choose which, if any, add on kits you want to suit your needs. That way the people just looking for the base set, which is what this group buy was originally limited to, don't have to pay more for keys they don't need. The kits start off expensive, and to avoid confusion they have been limited to only those kits most likely to succeed. Any kits that get less than 15 takers will be dropped. I expect to see a minimum of 50 for the modifier, Tsangan, and 104 kits, and at least 25 for the ISO kit. That puts everything in an affordable price range.

Each base kit is the equivalent of about 100 1x keys.

Modifier Add On Kits

Okay so this kit is one of the cornerstones why people love Red Alert. It consists of modifier and other perimeter keys in accent colors. It is going to come in both red on grey and white on red. Color codes are RBV on GAL for the grey and WFK on RBV for the red set.

Here are rough mockup images of the kits. They contain 33 keys.

The arrows will be normal arrows. The image above from inlikeflynn's WTT ad also shows what the actual red on grey modifiers look like.

Spacebar is modern 6.25x and the bottom row mods are 1.25x the rest range between 2x (shift) and 1x (esc keys.) If you are using this to calculate space requirements and you aren't sure, I estimated it at about 45 keys. Feel free to round up to 50 though, I did so with the base sets (to 100) and that was about right after considering the bags and the inefficiency in their placement.

Tsangan's Combatibility Kit- Comes in 3 colors, make sure you pick the right one!

Makes the 87 kit compatible with winkeyless keyboards such as Phantom, Dox, Cherry G80-3000, DKSaver, 356CL, Choc Mini, and many more! Ask Tsangan for clarification if you are unsure. This is being offered all 3 colors, (red on white, red on grey, and white on red) and now includes an extra 1x windows key and 1x Fn key (for KellyBear) :p
Contains 13 keys
<- This picture plus a Win key and a Fn key, all 1x

Ignore the colors of course, but that gives a good idea of what you get:

2 Alt (1.5x)
2 Ctrl (1.5x)
These are just the bottom row in 1.5x size

2 "Star" 1x keys that fit row 4

2 Diamond/Meta/Super (1x keys) <- This will go between the Alt and Control and is a 1x size key, with a diamond legend.

1 1x Win key

1 1x Fn key

1 Stepped CapsLocks
Same size as the capslock but it's stepped. It is off center stem.

1 1800 Shift (1.75x)
This is a short shift in 1.75x size for the right shift so you can fit another 1x key beside it

1 Spacebar (7x)
Just longer then your average spacebar, this one would be 7x size and its center stem.

Equivalent to about 20 1x keys

The 104 Kit
The 17 keys that make up the tenkey and its surrounding keys. Basically making this set compatible with full size ANSI keyboards. I may add the couple extra keys for 0 and 00 option if there is enough interest. At this point it is only being offered in red on white. I am pretty firm on keeping at least this one that way.

Equivalent to about 20 1x keys

The following picture but with a blank JRET. ISO people please step up and get in on this or else its really spendy per key. As the quantities for this are traditionally low, rather than offer 3 different ISO kits or have people miss out, the ISO kit is being expanded to offer all 3 colors of the short shift and JRET that would limit ISO users from having complete matching sets if they desired colored modifiers. Thus, this set is now 8 keys:

3 blank JRET keys, in WFK, RBV, and GAL

3 short shift keys, in WFK, RBV, and GAL, with their corresponding legends, RBV, WFK, and RBV

1 |\ 1x key in RBV on WFK

1 #~ 1x key in RBV on WFK

<- Does not show the majority of the keys in this set, but does show some of them.

Equivalent to about 10-15 1x keys

Rules and Notes

Payment by Paypal only, do not order if you do not have a verified account yet, and get one if you want these.

Country must be specified with your order, US, CAN or whatever country you're in, in fact don't forget anything in the sample order PM. I only listed the essentials.

I have rounded the prices to provide a streamlined ordering process, and include any markup I need in compensation for my time. The sorting and all cutting/legend/misc costs (about $1500-2000) have also been included in the prices. The shipping prices have been lowered to essentially my cost for shipping, instead of being marked up. I have made these adjustments in light of recent feedback with the way I run these group buys, so I hope the streamlined process works better for everyone. The only extra costs that will be added to your order price are the Paypal fees, which are listed near the bottom.

No trolls allowed. (Except for happy rainbows) >.>

I might be ordering extras, how many depends on our total orders and quantity discounts, but they are quite expensive to invest in. Whatever extra sets I do buy will be marked up a reasonable amount. If we hit somewhere past the "Magic Number" for the next discount, do not expect me to give that discount to everyone and buy the extras that make it cheaper, because if you do the math its easily over $1000 for me to do it. Simply stated, the magic number doesn't exist, and doesn't help anyone but me if I decide to order more and not share the discount. There has been plenty of vehement discussion on this, and I will not go through it all again here. I will not cut off orders preemptively to try and screw people out of a discount, orders close when they close. If anything, I will only extend the deadline to meet the next discount. I think everyone here knows by now that this whole gig runs on mutual respect and amicability between everyone. I've built a pretty decent reputation here and I don't intend to betray that.

Traditionally I have been offering a full refund to those who have lost packages. As I am trying to get tracking/delivery confirmation set up for this group buy, that will no longer be the case if it shows as delivered. If it shows as lost in the mail, I would like to split the loss 50/50 as these are relatively expensive sets, but we can work that out. I believe if I have tracking/delivery confirmation I can file a claim with USPS and get the value back up to a certain amount, (I think $75-$100) in which case I will refund as much as possible of your order.

Missing keys will happen, though they are relatively rare (only 25 missing/defective keys out of about 15,000 in the last round.) Those missing keys SP will replace, and I will cover shipping to you with a bubble mailer. Any exchanges we cover shipping our way.


1. Specify which keys you want in both a response to this thread and a PM. I am tallying orders from PMs, not from responses to this thread. The only difference between your reply and PM is that you include your Paypal email and your shipping address this timein the PM. I will be sending the Paypal invoice to this email. When you get that email, please pay immediately. The thread response is just to keep the thread bumped and let everyone know how how awesome you are by buying 15 sets. The PM should also include which country you are in, US or Canada etc.
Please put Red Alert somewhere in the PM title. I am running concurrent group buys at the moment, so this is very important. You can edit your order as many times as you want up until orders close and invoices start going out. In fact you can edit your order after orders close, but after that point discounts no longer change. The reason being that it is likely that I have already started sending invoices and will not be resending new invoices if prices change. Just be sure to send another pm and indicate somewhere in it that you want to change an order and it isn't a new one.

2. Check for your name in the list of confirmed orders in the OP. Expect it to be updated generally within 48 hours, if you don't see it, I haven't gotten your order yet and you need to resend your PM. If I didn't add you to the list it may be because YOU DID IT WRONG. So double check you shiz and make sure it's correct before resending! I will try my best to respond back to clear up any confusion as soon as possible, but I will not be checking the thread's replies for orders that haven't sent me PMs, so don't count on that. Note: Ragnorock is an intentional misspell of Ragnarok, make sure you sent it to the right person.

3. Wait for the orders to close, and when they do, expect an email from me asking for payment. I'm going to be calculating everyone's individual cost via a very cool Excel doc I've whipped up and it's kinda what my major is so there shouldn't be any errors. Nevertheless, if you do the math based upon the final count in the OP and calculate your cost to be different, then respond ASAP to clear it up. When you pay the invoice, your shipping address will probably be sent to me by Paypal, but I will be shipping to the address in your PM over what is in Paypal. This circumvents the issue with outdated Paypal addresses.

4. Wait for keycaps to show up. I will be providing updates in new posts as my work progresses so keep an eye on the thread.

5. ??? ??? ??

6. Man your battlestations?


Bold = current price

Red Alert (Price lowered by $1 for just the GEEK HACK Esc Key, due to the impossible stepped caps being removed)
25 keysets $87.00
50 keysets $75.00
75 keysets $64.00
100 keysets $57.00
150 keysets $52.00
200 keysets $48.00 <- Target Price
250 keysets $46.00
500 keysets $43.00

Modifiers (Keep in mind there will be 2 of these, and 3 Tsangan kits, and they do not share a discount)
15 keysets $75.00
25 keysets $53.00
50 keysets $37.00
75 keysets $30.00
100 keysets $27.00<- Target Price (Red made it, grey didn't)
150 keysets $24.00
200 keysets $23.00
250 keysets $22.00
500 keysets $20.00

Tsangan (Updated to 13 key set, price increased by $1/tier)
15 keysets $36.00
25 keysets $26.00
50 keysets $17.00 <- Target Price (White made it past 50, red and grey didn't)
75 keysets $14.00
100 keysets $13.00
150 keysets $11.50

15 keysets $30.00
25 keysets $22.00
50 keysets $16.00<- Target Price
75 keysets $14.00
100 keysets $12.00
150 keysets $11.00
200 keysets $10.00

15 keysets $20.00
25 keysets $15.00 <- Target Price
50 keysets $11.00
75 keysets $10.00
100 keysets $9.00

Quantity discounts are not shared between keysets. For example, the Tsangan keysets ordered do not count toward the 104 sets ordered, the combined count does not matter. However, within the set, the discount does come from the sum of those ordering. It is not "You must buy 50 sets yourself to get the discount."

Shipping + Handling

Note, these prices do not include tracking, which may increase the cost a small amount if I decide to offer it.

US Options:
Small Flat Rate box

$5.50 A medium or large flat rate box that may be necessary if you order a large quantity of keys. Up to 3 base sets.

Medium Flat Rate box

$11.50 More than 3 base sets

Canada Options:

Small Flat Rate box

Canada didn't go up in price so its still $13.00.

Medium Flat Rate box
$33.00 More than 3 base sets


Small Flat Rate box


Medium Flat Rate box

$55.00 (comes with insurance)

All of these will ship in the Priority flat rate boxes, which is what these rates are based off of. Multiple boxes and potentially insurance may be required for large orders. I will work with those buyers to ensure fair shipping. You do not need to tell me what shipping you need, I will determine that based on your order. I went to the post office yesterday and all domestic orders will be receiving delivery confirmation, while it is looking like international orders can't. Though I will try. Larger international orders will have insurance either way though, so even if the order is lost, you get your money back.

Extra large orders will be custom quoted via PM.

Paypal fees:

2.9% + $0.30 (3.9% + $0.30 for international) and is calculated in the invoicing. If you must gift it, arrangements must be made via PM.

Sample order PM:

1x Red Alert

1x Red Modifier

1x Grey Modifier

1x Tsangan White

1x Tsangan Red

1x Tsangan Grey

1x 104

1x ISO

Country: US

Email: (

^Be sure it is your paypal email!

Frank Miller
234 S Doom St
Apt 666
Los Angeles, CA 123456

REMEMBER, for your own privacy, do not include your address or email in your post within the thread, but DO include it in your PM! The post within the thread is unofficial and only serves to show the community how popular the group buy is. Don't be a derp!

Order counter:

Red Alert- 173
Red Modifier- 115
Grey Modifier- 78
Tsangan White- 57
Tsangan Red- 42

Tsangan Grey- 41
104- 41
ISO- 16

Do not forget any of the info in that sample order, I need all of it!

Planned order close date: June 15th
Estimated ship date: July 9-15th
ETA to your door: End of July- Early September
I may be convinced to hold it open a couple extra days to hit the next price break if we haven't hit 200 yet etc. We won't know till we get there.

Confirmed order list:
Choi Young Gyoo
Kim Minchul
All The Fire

101 buyers!

Dave out.
« Last Edit: Tue, 01 April 2014, 13:47:36 by Moderation Team »

Offline bavman

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #1 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 01:37:37 »
Some of your attachments aren't working. Says invalid when I click on them

Offline Ragnorock

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #2 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 01:38:08 »
Yeah just fixed them. I spent too long making the post after uploading them so the server deleted them.

Offline nntnam

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #3 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 01:41:41 »
No grey modifiers :((

Offline Ragnorock

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #4 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 01:43:54 »
Uhh, yeah there are. Read the post.

Offline demik

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #5 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 01:44:27 »
Quote from: nntnam;603639
No grey modifiers :((

instead of skimming the OP you could have paid more attention to it :)

front printing on print screen and pause going to be there?
« Last Edit: Wed, 30 May 2012, 01:47:04 by demik »
No, he’s not around. How that sound to ya? Jot it down.

Offline Ragnorock

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #6 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 01:47:31 »
I'm going to do a lazy photoshop of it now, someone please do a better one. XD

Offline nntnam

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #7 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 01:51:27 »
Got it. Thanks man.

Offline bavman

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #8 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 01:54:47 »
I made a couple pics of the grey mods in the IC thread too if you wanna grab them off of there. Page 2 or 3 I think

Color was of course picked pretty randomly

here it is:
« Last Edit: Wed, 30 May 2012, 01:56:54 by bavman »

Offline Ovoxo

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #9 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 02:46:45 »
Quick question. Will the grey modifiers be darker than the grey modifiers from the original RA set? And regarding the Tsangan kit, does the pricing include all 3 colors? Or is it just for 1 color?

Offline nntnam

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #10 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 02:49:10 »
How about individual order for Red Enter? It will look great with the base set. I saw some guys here did it with the original set.

Offline snowboarder3

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #11 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 02:53:43 »
Obv not for this run, but it would be cool to do a GH set with inverted color G and H keys, as well as a GEEK HACK esc key or smoething along those lines

Offline jil_jil32

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #12 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 02:59:23 »
Yeah, realease the "GH kit" which include White on Red "G" + "H" + "Enter" please :yummy:
How about the "Lotus" in White on Red ;p

Offline Djuzuh

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #13 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 03:03:13 »
Red on white lotus key was already in R4.

Offline Ragnorock

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #14 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 03:05:18 »
Quote from: Ovoxo;603663
Quick question. Will the grey modifiers be darker than the grey modifiers from the original RA set? And regarding the Tsangan kit, does the pricing include all 3 colors? Or is it just for 1 color?
Same color grey as the original set. Check the pictures of the actual grey in inlikeflynns pics I posted, but be mindful that they are still just a picture, I'm fairly sure the color temperature in that pic makes them look more yellow.

Tsangan kit is just for 1 color. Yes you'd have to buy all 3 if you bought all 3 options for modifier colors.

How about individual order for Red Enter? It will look great with the base set. I saw some guys here did it with the original set.

No individual order for a red enter, this set is complicated enough as it is.

Inverted GEEK HACK key is already included in the Tsangan kit. No interest in the inverted G and H keys.

Again this set is complicated enough, no more will be included unless it fits in one of the other sets or is really awesome.

Offline Ovoxo

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #15 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 03:11:48 »
Quote from: Ragnorock;603672
Same color grey as the original set. Check the pictures of the actual grey in inlikeflynns pics I posted, but be mindful that they are still just a picture, I'm fairly sure the color temperature in that pic makes them look more yellow.

Tsangan kit is just for 1 color. Yes you'd have to buy all 3 if you bought all 3 options for modifier colors.

Oh ok. Well saves me some money then since I already have those grey modifiers. =P

Anyways order submitted!
« Last Edit: Wed, 30 May 2012, 03:43:15 by Ovoxo »

Offline Nunez

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #16 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 03:56:30 »
Lacking PBT.

Holding out for a PBT Dye-sub.
I miss Ripster :(
HHKB Pro 2 || KBC Poker || Filco MJ2

Offline nntnam

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #17 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 04:05:19 »
I like PBT too, however, what if PBT dyesub GB will never happen :-<.
« Last Edit: Wed, 30 May 2012, 04:16:35 by nntnam »

Offline alixinhzai

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #18 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 05:08:41 »
Quote from: nntnam;603699
I like PBT too, however, what if PBT dyesub GB will never happen :-<.

because easyto  buy it from imsto and his keycap is cherry profile thick pbt =))

Offline nntnam

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #19 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 05:27:38 »
I'll be moving to Japan by October. Still unsure what address I should put in the message, .... hmmm....

Offline Acanthophis

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #20 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 05:33:10 »
Yay! I gonna order as soon as I get home :D

Offline boost

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #21 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 06:22:57 »
"Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines."

-Enzo Ferrari

Offline Nunez

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #22 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 06:55:21 »
Quote from: nntnam;603699
I like PBT too, however, what if PBT dyesub GB will never happen :-<.

My wallet wont hate me so much.
I miss Ripster :(
HHKB Pro 2 || KBC Poker || Filco MJ2

Offline jdcarpe

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #23 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 06:58:30 »
Order sent for 2x base kits, 2x red modifiers, 1x grey modifier, 1x Tsangan red, 1x 104, 1x ISO red.

Thanks, Ragnorock for running this!
KMAC :: LZ-GH :: WASD CODE :: WASD v2 :: GH60 :: Alps64 :: JD45 :: IBM Model M :: IBM 4704 "Pingmaster" ::

in memoriam

"When I was a kid, I used to take things apart and never put them back together."

Offline WorldExclusive

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #24 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 07:11:58 »
Ordered. Waited a long time for this. 1x Base, 1x Red Mod and 1x Grey Mod.
Wish we could get the GH key separate from the Tsangan though.
Leopold TKL White w/ Red Switches and Red on Black DS Caps

Offline AKIMbO

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #25 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 07:28:11 »
Quote from: WorldExclusive;603762
Ordered. Waited a long time for this. 1x Base, 1x Red Mod and 1x Grey Mod.
Wish we could get the GH key separate from the Tsangan though.

And the stepped caps too.  Looks like I'm going to have a massive order of modifiers in both colors and tsangsan in both colors just to get that center stem stepped capslock.

What's up with the space bar in the modifier kits?  Are they going to be red and grey respectively or just white.  In the Red mod kit picture the spacebar is white, but in the grey mod kit the space bar is grey.
« Last Edit: Wed, 30 May 2012, 07:54:06 by AKIMbO »
Mkawa Beta SSK | IBM SSK | IBM Model AT F | IBM F 122 | IBM Unsaver | LZ-GH (62g ergo clears) | HHKB Pro2 Type-S | HHKB Pro2 | Realforce 87U-Silent (55g uniform) | Leopold FC660C | Omnikey 101 (blue alps) | Kingsaver (blue alps) | Zenith ZKB2 (green alps)
| KBD75 (box reds)

Offline longweight

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #26 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 07:44:45 »
I am definitely in for one but I am just waiting to hear from my forum as to whether anyone else wants a set :) I will weekend.

Offline AKIMbO

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #27 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 07:49:13 »
Just submitted my order to you Rag

1x Red Alert
1x Red Modifier
1x Grey Modifier
1x Red Tsangan
1x Grey Tsangsan
Mkawa Beta SSK | IBM SSK | IBM Model AT F | IBM F 122 | IBM Unsaver | LZ-GH (62g ergo clears) | HHKB Pro2 Type-S | HHKB Pro2 | Realforce 87U-Silent (55g uniform) | Leopold FC660C | Omnikey 101 (blue alps) | Kingsaver (blue alps) | Zenith ZKB2 (green alps)
| KBD75 (box reds)

Offline mayhemw1ns

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #28 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 07:56:14 »
Put me down for:

1x Red Alert

PM sent also
« Last Edit: Wed, 30 May 2012, 08:52:22 by mayhemw1ns »
Ducky DK9008S       |              WASD V1             |                 ReAlforce 103UB             |           CM  QF Rapid

Offline ekw808

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #29 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 08:06:58 »
1x Red Alert

1x Grey Modifier

1x 104

PM sent
[One Keyboard at a time]

My Heatware Please comment, and I will do the same =D 

Offline emptythecache

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #30 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 08:13:18 »
It kind of sucks you have to buy the base kit and modifiers separately, if for example you were planning on ALWAYS using red modifiers, there's not a lot of point in also having the white modifiers. it makes your order like $30 more than it would need to be.

I'm probably just going to pass on this for now, since I'll finally have trading leverage when my CC&G, and all my R4 sets come.

Offline Djuzuh

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #31 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 08:14:51 »
Quote from: emptythecache;603782
It kind of sucks you have to buy the base kit and modifiers separately, if for example you were planning on ALWAYS using red modifiers, there's not a lot of point in also having the white modifiers. it makes your order like $30 more than it would need to be.

Nop. Becuase the white modifiers are waaay cheaper than the red ones.

Offline emptythecache

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #32 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 08:25:40 »
Why? are darker colors of plastic more expensive than lighter ones?

Offline Ahlitah

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #33 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 08:26:13 »
no PBT?

going to have to wait on this for now. I have enough DS sets.

Offline Djuzuh

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #34 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 08:35:52 »
Quote from: emptythecache;603796
Why? are darker colors of plastic more expensive than lighter ones?

Because they are part of a bigger set (including the alphanum and everything). You can't include two different color combination in the same set.

I might be wrong however.

Offline emptythecache

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #35 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 08:49:57 »
Right that was my point, I wish there was an option to buy the base set with red modifiers INSTEAD of white ones. If i'm never going to put the white modifiers on my board, I'd rather not pay for them.

Offline merijn

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #36 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 08:52:25 »
As soon as the price drops to that of 200 orders, I will take one base set and a 104 addon. (That should do for filling a complete us layout filco right?)

Offline Djuzuh

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #37 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 08:53:15 »
Quote from: merijn;603815
As soon as the price drops to that of 200 orders, I will take one base set and a 104 addon. (That should do for filling a complete us layout filco right?)


Offline jrockroll

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #38 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 09:00:34 »
1x Red Alert

1x Red Modifier

1x Grey Modifier

1x Tsangan

Offline i3oilermaker

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #39 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 09:07:42 »
Submitted order for:

1x Red Alert
1x Red Modifier
1x 104

Offline demik

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #40 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 09:09:18 »
Quote from: merijn;603815
As soon as the price drops to that of 200 orders, I will take one base set and a 104 addon. (That should do for filling a complete us layout filco right?)

You know, putting in your order right now will get you there faster. Saying you will order later helps nobody. I wish people would stop doing this crap.

Quote from: emptythecache;603814
Right that was my point, I wish there was an option to buy the base set with red modifiers INSTEAD of white ones. If i'm never going to put the white modifiers on my board, I'd rather not pay for them.

You know it would probably be even more expensive since it would be like buying a completely new set?

Say 100 people want the current all white base set and only 4 want what you want.

Yeah, you aren't getting that 100 order discount.
« Last Edit: Wed, 30 May 2012, 09:12:05 by demik »
No, he’s not around. How that sound to ya? Jot it down.

Offline kaiserreich

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #41 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 09:10:29 »
I think you gotta modify the sample order. You missed out on Tsangan white/red/grey
I didn't see it the first time.
1x Red Alert

1x Red Modifier

1x Grey Modifier

1x Tsangan white

1x Tsangan Red

1x Tsangan Grey

1x 104

1x ISO

Country: US

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #42 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 09:11:11 »
Quote from: demik;603829
You know, putting in your order right now will get you there faster. Saying you will order later helps nobody. I wish people would stop doing this crap.

I hear you on this.

Can we order the Gh key seperate?
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Offline DanGWanG

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #43 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 09:57:12 »
2x Red Alert
2x Red Modifier
2x Tsangan
1x 104

Country: USA

Offline AKIMbO

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #44 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 10:02:00 »
I'm curious to see how quickly we hit the price breaks.  I think this GB will blow up rather soon and we'll be swimming in cheap RA sets.
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Offline merijn

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #45 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 10:14:56 »
Quote from: demik;603829
You know, putting in your order right now will get you there faster. Saying you will order later helps nobody. I wish people would stop doing this crap.

Because you ask so nicely. (I thought *somethingh* it and went ahead.)

Hereby I place my order of:

1x Red Alert set
1x 104

Shipping to the Netherlands

Offline emptythecache

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #46 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 10:16:54 »
Quote from: demik;603829
You know it would probably be even more expensive since it would be like buying a completely new set?

Say 100 people want the current all white base set and only 4 want what you want.

Yeah, you aren't getting that 100 order discount.

What if the base set didn't include any modifiers, and white modifiers were an add-on themselves. That would fix that problem. Either way, I'm already waiting on more sets than I have boards, so I'm passing on this one.

I was just saying it would be more expensive than it would theoretically need to be for what I would want from this set. Not trying to threadcrap or be argumentative or have the GB change to suit my tastes. Just explaining why I said what I said.

Offline demik

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #47 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 10:24:01 »
Quote from: merijn;603876
Because you ask so nicely. (I thought *somethingh* it and went ahead.)

Hereby I place my order of:

1x Red Alert set
1x 104

Shipping to the Netherlands

good! see, one more closer to your 200. im sorry if i came off rude but, i see this way too often and it honestly helps nobody.
Quote from: emptythecache;603879
What if the base set didn't include any modifiers, and white modifiers were an add-on themselves. That would fix that problem. Either way, I'm already waiting on more sets than I have boards, so I'm passing on this one.

I was just saying it would be more expensive than it would theoretically need to be for what I would want from this set. Not trying to threadcrap or be argumentative or have the GB change to suit my tastes. Just explaining why I said what I said.

that COULD work.. but then that's one more split in mods for those that want white
No, he’s not around. How that sound to ya? Jot it down.

Offline jdcarpe

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #48 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 10:27:05 »
Quote from: demik;603888
that COULD work.. but then that's one more split in mods for those that want white

Actually, it would make the base sets cheaper (fewer keys), and each person could choose whether they want white, red, or grey modifiers. There would be at least as many modifier orders as base kits. The only people it might get more expensive for are people who want white modifiers, if there is reduced interest in those. But I do feel like I'm subsidizing, in a way, the white modifiers for those people that want them, when I don't.
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Offline faMine

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Red Alert Round 2 Order Thread [Order Submitted to SP!]
« Reply #49 on: Wed, 30 May 2012, 11:19:53 »
Quote from: demik;603888
good! see, one more closer to your 200. im sorry if i came off rude but, i see this way too often and it honestly helps nobody.

that COULD work.. but then that's one more split in mods for those that want white

ohhhh you..