Author Topic: The Ergonomic Task Chair Guide *OLD*  (Read 39732 times)

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Offline Lanx

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #50 on: Wed, 29 August 2012, 23:01:03 »
that chart is from 1998 , ppl spend more hours in chairs/online. it's even before the dot com boom and bust, before ergo chairs and height adjustable everything, imo old chart, should be thrown out. (for instance it does not take into account 2 or 3 or even more monitor setups, i mean who has one monitor anymore really?)

Offline Glod

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #51 on: Thu, 06 September 2012, 12:54:40 »
I spend up to 18 hours a day in my chair (usually 12) as i work from home most of the time and then leisure/game from the same desk. Yes that sounds ridiculous but its the truth i swear

I used to be in major pain, i didn't feel energetic at all, i was suffering. I think it was actually causing me to gain weight more than being at a desk for 18 hours does already.

Then i saved up and bought the HM Embody chair about 2 years ago and wow, just wow, things are so much better now, i mean this thing is freaking amazing and durable too, only fabric discoloration is the only issue i can think of.

its pretty expensive though...... :rolleyes:

Offline absyrd

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #52 on: Thu, 06 September 2012, 13:03:57 »
That thing is nuts, glod. Looks like it is straight out of a sci-fi film.

I watched as much as I could of the adjustment tutorial vids. Can't believe after 2 years that none of the knobs and levers have given out.
My wife I a also push her button . But now she have her button push by a different men. So I buy a keyboard a mechanicale, she a reliable like a Fiat.

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #53 on: Thu, 06 September 2012, 13:21:25 »
That thing is nuts, glod. Looks like it is straight out of a sci-fi film.

I watched as much as I could of the adjustment tutorial vids. Can't believe after 2 years that none of the knobs and levers have given out.

After spending a little more than a grand on my chair, it better damn well last me a decade lol

Offline Lanx

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #54 on: Thu, 06 September 2012, 16:47:57 »
actually, my chair, even tho it was expensive, i used the shifter knob so much it broke off, and it was hard plastic too. I then found gorrila glue and that makes an incredible bond, it can stand up to me shifting again (it requires a lot of force) i did have to reapply the gorrila glue once after 2 years i believe but it's not a bad fix.

Offline mkawa

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #55 on: Sun, 09 September 2012, 00:23:59 »
so i've had a few days with the aeron and the foam lumbar support. in general, i like the aeron, and in some ways i can definitely see how it's superior to the mirra. in particular, i really like having the sized-to-fit aeron seat pan rather than the one-size-fits-all-but-here's-an-adjustment mirra seat pan. i also like that the back suspension isn't obviously going to break off of its supports like all the mirra ones eventually do. however, i kind of like the higher back of the mirra more than the aeron, and well.. i think the key difference between the two is:

the HM aeron is completely unusable without one of the "optional" lower back support kits

seriously, the aeron has 0 lower back support without either the foam lumbar thing or the posturefit. with good lower back support it's very nice, but i can see why there are multiple options available, because there's just no support down there built into the design.

anyway, i have the posturefit kit coming next week, and i've found that even after a few days, i'm still tuning the chair settings. i'll check in periodically with how the chair is going, but so far i know it's definitely a keeper.

also, dv: hahhahahaha 3x 100 v-ups? FFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU

i bet you followed that with like 10 x 75 muscle up-and-overs on the high bar. i hate you born and bred gymnasts when i'm at the gym lol
« Last Edit: Sun, 09 September 2012, 00:32:23 by mkawa »

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Offline ferociousfingerings

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #56 on: Wed, 26 September 2012, 01:34:27 »
This is a topic i can identify wi- "with which i can identify." (lol.)

I played high school football in a small town in TX. I played "line," both ways, and was only ~6' 190lbs., by my junior year. (in other words: not really big enough to play line...)
Before my football years, i was very into skateboarding. (lots of falling and odd motions)
Around age 11-12, i started learning/playing guitar on a regular basis. (constant asymmetrical positioning)

My freshman year of HS ("long story short") (edit: ok, not really), we had 11 grade-eligible guys on JV, all playing every snap, and while on defense, i both took and delivered a direct helmet to helmet crown-hit, and experienced my first neck-related nerve injury. This type of thing happened 2-3 more times in the next 2 seasons. During my Junior year, i had a mild concussion, and another nerve-injury, due to an illegal, below the knee "cut-block," during a kick-off, which resulted in me doing a vertical "180," and landing directly on top of my head. Luckily, my helmet jammed into my shoulder pads and stopped, before anything more serious occured... but it still caused damage. Same year, I broke my right fibula at the ankle, on the growth-plate, twice; once during a game (next to last game of the season), and again 6-months later trying to rehab for next season. Unfortunately (perhaps not-so-unfortunately), after that 2nd break, i didn't suit up again. My neck has always bothered me, ever since... but my ankle almost never gives me trouble. Only if i "stomp" flat-footed. :P

Jump ahead to ~4 years later, i was living in Austin, TX, very into "urban bmx," and riding down increasingly large stair-sets. Not "rails" or "grinding," but actually riding down the steps themselves, often at high rates of speed. I was getting ridiculously good at "manualing" (riding a sustained "wheelie" for long distances, often over obstacles), and riding every day, like a madman.

Around this time, i had also been introduced to a somewhat-well-kept-secret tai-chi/kung-fu "school," in the outskirts.

I learned about mindset, breathing, relaxation, flexibility, posture, positioning, technique, movement, some "actual kung-fu," and even falls... (a not well known northern shaolin family system, in case anyone is wondering... along with some tai chi, chi kung, and even a bit of yoga. Not saying i'm a "badass" or anything; just that i learned some very useful stuff at a place i'm glad i was allowed to experience.)

And despite all the problems and injuries i've had, the stuff i learned at that place literally changed my life. I didn't even complete "the long form," but what i learned changed the way i approach interactions with everything; including the way i sit, mouse, and type. ^^

So back to "urban bmx;" one day i was "kung-fu-biking" (lol), and i guess my balls were bigger than my eyes, and i rolled up on this 4-section, 32-total-step set, and thought "f'yeah."

So close... but slammed so hard. Whole left side of my body, meet concrete. Thigh meet cross-bar.

So i get up in a daze, wondering if i had been out longer than a blink... and rode about 1.5 blocks home... and proceeded to leave my bike in the open doorway, collapse on my bed into a "post-concussion-nap," and have a nightmare that i got hit by a car, while riding my bike. When i woke up ~2 hours later, at first i didn't remember what happened, but as i came-to, i started freaking out when i realized that the pain in my dream was real. For a few panicked moments, i had no idea... until i finally got up and walked out of my room, to see my bike still laying in the open doorway.

"Oh yeah... damn this hurts..."

I could barely even walk, for the next two weeks. At the time, it seemed terrible... but i eventually got over it.

BUT THEN... (lol)

I moved out of the city, back to the small town, with my best friend from HS, and we got back into skateboards again. By this time, i had learned to be more careful, and could usually avoid serious injuries. Quite a few times i rolled that bad ankle enough to scare myself, but never really messed it up.

We had built a little rampish plywood platform at the house, to avoid the need to drive several miles to anything skateable.

One day, i was trying to learn a heelflip, rolled off a 1' drop, and ended up folding my "back leg" (left) knee sideways. That sh!t was excruciating. Another 2 weeks of immobility... doc said "sprained MCL;" I said "you mean tear. That one took... years... to start feeling "stable" again, without tender soreness. ~10 years later, it still aches sometimes, especially when the seasons change.

So, for a while, i didn't have any new crazy injuries... but almost 3 years ago, i flipped my '95 integra after double-over-correcting, after a "lift-throttle-oversteer" in the middle of a ~40mph curve, pushing 90+.

Could have died. Didn't. Lucky as hell... but hurt my neck again. That one still bothers me every day.

The really weird thing is that i didn't even know i was hurt at all, for about 3 months.

I flipped it, landed on it's wheels, and it even started back up, and i was able to drive it, all smashed up, to within a block of my home, before the damage caused it to swing itself into another ditch at ~20mph, and get stuck there.

Since then... almost everything has gone wrong in my life... and so on top of all those past injuries, i've struggled with severe depression... which really doesn't help living with nerve damage, in the slightest.

And on top of all this... my chair sucks too! (lol). It has a slight side-lean. Last thing someone with symmetry issues and nerve damage needs.

What i can recommend for the topic, is that i fully agree with all the suggestions about "core strength" being of utmost importance, but also emphasize breathing, "active relaxation" (supple; not loose, not tense), and probably most of all, your mental state. You have to be in a reasonably appropriate "comfortable" position, but your mind needs to be comfortable as well... and try not to be static. Get up, move around. Go outside and just breathe some fresh air. Improve your nutrition. Stop worrying. Slow down. Try to let your body find it's own most appropriate position. (i know, some of this is easier said than done) And when your back hurts, be gentle with it. You only get one!

(lol: "fix your chair with your mind!)

Or, you know, you could maybe check out "bizchair {dot} com" (no affiliation; just found it a week or so ago, and thought "hey, lots of chairs...")
They might have something reasonable that doesn't suck.
Or maybe even something unreasonably awesome. ^^


"my chair also sucks, and my back hurts too. Try to be more careful. Try to be healthier. Breathe. Relax... and stuff. And probably find a chair that doesn't suck, but instead, gently suggests your body into a more appropriate, long-term sitting posture."
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Offline alaricljs

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #57 on: Wed, 17 October 2012, 22:28:54 »
Anyone know of a place closer to CT than Manhattan where I could try out a Humanscale Freedom? 

cross posted from the task-chair thread... :)
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Offline SleepingInMyCode

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #58 on: Thu, 18 October 2012, 06:13:09 »
So let me throw in my two cents. You're probably not going to like it but... here goes.

1) Get a standing desk.
2) Barefoot or minimalist footware.
3) Fix imbalances in your posture proactively.

I've been doing all three for the last two years and it's been great.

For the back pain as well as the posture, check out

Offline Icarium

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #59 on: Thu, 18 October 2012, 12:02:43 »
Well, we have discussed standing desks earlier.

There seem to be studies that came to the conclusion that they're not really healthy and personally I find it extremely exhausting to use one for an extended time period.

Haven't made my final judgement yet.
I had a sig once but it's gone. It used to display an icon of a Kinesis. Just imagine that.

Offline mkawa

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #60 on: Fri, 19 October 2012, 21:09:59 »
i have to agree on #2 though. building up your balancers is hugely important, not just for your knees (but also for your knees), but for your back.

finally, i think everyone agrees that fixing one's posture is important. the question is HOW


i just realized that i forgot to update on the posturefit kit. it's FAR superior to the chintzy little lumbar support thing, and pretty much trivial to install (people on amazon etc make a big deal of it but seriously rolleyes)..
« Last Edit: Fri, 19 October 2012, 21:13:20 by mkawa »

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Offline Lanx

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #61 on: Fri, 19 October 2012, 21:18:12 »
being in retail for 4 years, i just don't see how a standing desk can be good for you in the long run, trading forced posture for eventual foot pain/aggravation. On a side note i did have this issue of not being able to study sitting down, i had to stand and read for a few months to kick that habbit.

Offline DarkShot

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #62 on: Fri, 19 October 2012, 22:51:40 »
I mean not to threadjack at all, but was wondering for those who've gotten an ergo chair, did you try it out before you got it?

I don't have the readily available option to do so without taking a lot of time to travel to, and then around Toronto (over an hour away and I don't have a vehicle).

I don't think my posture is the greatest, but a standing desk won't do it for me as I'm on my feet for 8+ hours a day for work and most of my time not standing is spent at my desk. Hence, I intend to get orthopedics and an ergo chair but have no way to try one out.

Anyone take the 'leap' and get one before trying?

Crossposting from the Task chair thread.
« Last Edit: Fri, 19 October 2012, 22:53:17 by DarkShot »

Offline alaricljs

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #63 on: Fri, 19 October 2012, 22:59:15 »
You really have to analyze your usage and figure out what sort of things you need to have in a chair.  On top of that try to find reviews of the chairs most interesting to you.  I will not get a Freedom without trying it since many people agree that you either love how it works or hate it.  I can't risk $1k+ like that.  On the other hand I've sat in a Mirra and in an Aeron and can say that either is an excellent option if they meet your specific needs.  I have not used an Aeron with an ergo desk but I have done so with a Mirra, if you want a lowered-height desk the Mirra will function with it nicely and is a comfortable chair (with the full adjustment package).

I'd really like to get the HM Envelop desk and believe that if I find the Freedom comfortable it would be an excellent match given what I've seen of how it reclines.  HM shows the Envelop with the Embody without arms... I've never tried an Embody but it's price is above my threshold of pain.
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Offline DarkShot

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #64 on: Fri, 19 October 2012, 23:09:07 »
I can't risk it either, as I'm located in a town where reselling is absolutely not an option.

I've been looking at the HM Celle as it's one of the cheaper chairs that I could get as money is tight as is, so even dropping a few hundred on a new chair is tough but this 10+ year old chair isn't cutting it anymore.

I'm really looking for a chair with an adjustable seat pitch and length as well as lumbar support. Adjustable arm wrests aren't a priority for me, however a headrest would be an added bonus. Of course, the chairs with this are dead expensive, even on the used market.

Offline mkawa

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #65 on: Sat, 20 October 2012, 01:28:02 »
one of the problems with "try before you buy" is that you really need to use a workstation for a good few weeks to get a good idea of how it's going to work in the long term.

to all the brilliant friends who have left us, and all the students who climb on their shoulders.

Offline kurplop

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #66 on: Sat, 20 October 2012, 09:04:22 »
one of the problems with "try before you buy" is that you really need to use a workstation for a good few weeks to get a good idea of how it's going to work in the long term.

That's a good point, a complete tryout is sometimes impractical. I know that I always get funny looks when I go to a mattress store with my pajamas and teddy bear.  Unless they let you spend the night sleeping on it, how can you really know how your back is going to feel in the morning?

Another difficulty with a highly adjustable ergo chair is that is can take weeks of fiddling around with the settings before you get it right for you and then another few weeks of use to confirm that they really are the best settings.

My point about trying it out is more to identify the glaring issues about the chair that would immediately disqualify it from your consideration.

Don't you love/hate making these decisions?

Offline Amarok

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #67 on: Sat, 20 October 2012, 12:19:26 »
I tried out the HM Aeron for 45 mins or so in a furniture store called Copenhagen. It's an extremely expensive store and the sales staff seemed pretty annoyed that I was just sitting in a chair playing with my phone for so long, but whatever.

When I bought the chair I ordered it from and I actually didn't like it at all for the first week or so until I found the adjustments that worked best for me. I highly recommend because they have a great return policy if you end up hating what you buy(see below).

When you buy from, if you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, we will be happy to accept a return for a full refund for up to 365 days from your date of purchase -- we will even pay the cost of shipping the product back to us if you return the product within 30 days after it is delivered.*
« Last Edit: Sat, 20 October 2012, 12:35:59 by Amarok »
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Offline alaricljs

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #68 on: Sat, 20 October 2012, 12:26:56 »
Found a place in Greenwich CT which has the Freedom on the floor... yaaaaaay.
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Offline alaricljs

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #69 on: Sat, 20 October 2012, 13:20:46 »
They didn't know he was going to buy on-line and perhaps if they didn't treat him that way he would have bought from them?
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Offline thegunner100

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #70 on: Sat, 20 October 2012, 13:30:32 »
They didn't know he was going to buy on-line and perhaps if they didn't treat him that way he would have bought from them?

Kinda applies to the very few stores that sell mainly headphones. A lot of people go in to try the headphones... but the chances of them buying the stuff in the store is fairly low, cause most most products can be found for cheaper on-line, and perhaps tax-free.
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Offline Lanx

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #71 on: Sat, 20 October 2012, 14:00:14 »
lol, the sales staff could probably tell if you are a customer or you are just there to try out stuff and basically take advantage of the fact that the store has stuff out there for ppl to try. I was in sales for 4 years, i could tell with 90% accuracy if a person was.
a buyer
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an abuser

Offline thegunner100

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #72 on: Sat, 20 October 2012, 14:06:49 »
lol, the sales staff could probably tell if you are a customer or you are just there to try out stuff and basically take advantage of the fact that the store has stuff out there for ppl to try. I was in sales for 4 years, i could tell with 90% accuracy if a person was.
a buyer
a browser
an abuser

Could you explain? I'm actually pretty curious about this.
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Offline Amarok

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #73 on: Sat, 20 October 2012, 14:18:21 »
lol, the sales staff could probably tell if you are a customer or you are just there to try out stuff and basically take advantage of the fact that the store has stuff out there for ppl to try. I was in sales for 4 years, i could tell with 90% accuracy if a person was.
a buyer
a browser
an abuser

Probably haha. Perhaps if they didn't price a $700 chair for $1400 I might have bought it there. Then again I probably wouldn't have since I didn't have to pay tax when buying it online.
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Offline mkawa

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #74 on: Sat, 20 October 2012, 14:25:42 »
relaxtheback is a nationwide chain btw

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Offline Lanx

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #75 on: Sat, 20 October 2012, 18:18:33 »
lol, the sales staff could probably tell if you are a customer or you are just there to try out stuff and basically take advantage of the fact that the store has stuff out there for ppl to try. I was in sales for 4 years, i could tell with 90% accuracy if a person was.
a buyer
a browser
an abuser

Could you explain? I'm actually pretty curious about this.

sure, this is of course dependent on one criteria,

is the salesman/staff on commission,
if yes, then they can tell, if they are just on salary, then they can give 2 %%%%,

why? well when you're on commission, you make your paycheck from a customer that buys from you, and that's it (some stores go halfsies, where they pay you min wage + commission or you're put on like a waiter hourly salary and commission, so you have something to fall back on when it's dead slow).

So if you're on commission, you scrutinize the customer, cuz if you don't well you just might be wasiting your time, for example,

guy comes in, wants a chair, you help him and show him this chair, that chair, oh you want this dot com era chairs? or the chairs from 24? sure here they are, 1 hour later he says thanks, i'll go buy it online, and now you've potentially lost 20bucks or how much you would have made in that hour if you had customer that bought from you, a salesman on commission doesn't think that "oh well that's a lost sale" no a salesman on commission thinks, "that customer STOLE, 20bucks from me" because in the end, what do you have in your pockets? nothing, exactly what you got from that. Of course someone can come in with BS, like it's your job to help ppl, or it comes with the territory, or crap like that, those ppl if they are salesmen themselves just suc, they are the lowest common denominator as a salesman, and these kinds of salesman can't tell the difference between...

bleh getting called away will be back to this post later.

Offline alaricljs

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #76 on: Sat, 20 October 2012, 18:22:54 »
I foresee a lot of retail stuff moving toward brand sponsored showrooms (no salesman) and on-line sales.
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Offline Amarok

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #77 on: Sat, 20 October 2012, 19:33:59 »
guy comes in, wants a chair, you help him and show him this chair, that chair, oh you want this dot com era chairs? or the chairs from 24? sure here they are, 1 hour later he says thanks, i'll go buy it online, and now you've potentially lost 20bucks or how much you would have made in that hour if you had customer that bought from you, a salesman on commission doesn't think that "oh well that's a lost sale" no a salesman on commission thinks, "that customer STOLE, 20bucks from me" because in the end, what do you have in your pockets? nothing, exactly what you got from that. Of course someone can come in with BS, like it's your job to help ppl, or it comes with the territory, or crap like that, those ppl if they are salesmen themselves just suc, they are the lowest common denominator as a salesman, and these kinds of salesman can't tell the difference between...

Exactly why when the sales people asked me if I needed help I made it very clear that I didn't want to waste their time and I could look around on my own. That didn't stop the same few people from coming back up to me every 5-10 mins and trying to start selling again, leading to them being annoyed with me. I tried to not waste their time at least...  :eek:
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Offline kurplop

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #78 on: Sat, 20 October 2012, 20:18:28 »
I foresee a lot of retail stuff moving toward brand sponsored showrooms (no salesman) and on-line sales.
I think that is the missing element of online sales. Do you think these showrooms would only display 1 brand or combine with there competitors. For example would Steelcase, HM, Humanscale, etc. display at the same showroom or would a brand have its own proprietary showroom? Another alternative might be renting display space from an office chain like Office Max or Staples. Unfortunately I think the economics of 50 showrooms dedicated to one brand conveniently scattered across the land that doesn't sell but just displays may not pencil out as well as simply offering a 30 day return policy.

Offline thegunner100

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #79 on: Sat, 20 October 2012, 20:21:48 »
Problem with offering a 30 day return policy is the inconvenience/cost of either bringing it back to the store, or shipping it back. That being said, a few online retailers do offer free 30 day returns though.
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Offline kurplop

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #80 on: Sat, 20 October 2012, 20:30:46 »
I agree, I guess I'm just stating the obvious. The showroom idea may just be cost prohibitive.  When I was looking for a chair I was frustrated too that there was no place local to try out the more esoteric ergo chairs. I'm just trying to see it from the vendors perspective. 

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #81 on: Sat, 20 October 2012, 20:37:02 »
Vendors can always lower the price on their floor models, as long as they don't advertise it. It's a way of bypassing MAP and perhaps they can convince their customers to buy the chair from their store instead of buying it online.
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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #82 on: Sat, 20 October 2012, 21:20:26 »
MAP... lol.  The showrooms I'm looking at are in areas where they can sell the chairs hundreds above MAP.  Hell, I can get the Freedom cheaper directly from Humanscale.
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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #83 on: Mon, 22 October 2012, 05:32:04 »
anyway long story short, a commissioned salesman can tell what type of shopper you are usually the first step you take into a store, everything is evaluated, sex/race/clothing,demeanor blah blah. For example 10 years ago i wouldn't really go and help a lady buy a laptop, usually they just come in browse, ask tons of questions, unless...
1. they are with a kid (usually kid says i want this)
2. it's july/august/september (college/high school starts)
3. they are pretty

now when i say they are pretty, i don't mean that my 21 year old self was a horn dog, no them being pretty means that they probably married well, and even if they didn't dress up just to look at laptops, i would always eyeball the ring, if the rock was oversized (as in it was too big for her fingers, guys who have bought engagement rings know what i mean) that means she married into money, and for her just buying a 2k or 3k laptop just off a whim was no big deal for her.

i could say more for example but it'd just really make me look like an a$$, i mean it was really like "mean girls" for salesmanship.

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #84 on: Wed, 24 October 2012, 17:07:48 »
Sat in 2 Humanscale Freedoms today.  First one was base model w/ std arms and headrest.  It was ok... made me think I should try some other ergo chairs.  On the way to the office I thought maybe they'd rent it to me for a week so I could make a solid decision.

The 2nd one was after work and had upgraded fabric, arms and seat.  Wave fabric is plush, quite nice compared to the base Vellum.  The arms don't really effect me since I don't use arms, but the upgrade is that they swivel in over your lap.  Then there is the seat bottom, the upgrade is some gel substance instead of firm foam and it solved my decision dilemma.  The gel seat bottom really completes this chair.
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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #85 on: Wed, 24 October 2012, 19:10:43 »
alaric enjoys soft gel on his bottom. duly noted.

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #86 on: Wed, 24 October 2012, 20:07:49 »
Went to Staples today to try out some of the chairs and wasn't impressed with most of them. Somewhat disappointing, seems like I'll have to save up to actually get a good chair.

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #87 on: Wed, 24 October 2012, 22:44:49 »
for long periods of sitting, i can't think of a single chair i've used under 400$ or so that has not ended up causing some kind of pain, and i've gone through quite a few. in retrospect, if i'd thrown down on a proper ergo chair 10 years ago, i'd have spent the same amount of money total and saved myself a lot of soft tissue pain.

photographers often say the same thing about tripods, and i'm sure there are tons of other examples in the world of mechanical engineering. there's a certain amount of hard reality that the laws of (bio!)physics provide.

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #88 on: Wed, 24 October 2012, 22:56:45 »
for long periods of sitting, i can't think of a single chair i've used under 400$ or so that has not ended up causing some kind of pain, and i've gone through quite a few. in retrospect, if i'd thrown down on a proper ergo chair 10 years ago, i'd have spent the same amount of money total and saved myself a lot of soft tissue pain.

photographers often say the same thing about tripods, and i'm sure there are tons of other examples in the world of mechanical engineering. there's a certain amount of hard reality that the laws of (bio!)physics provide.

Agreed, cheap chairs really just don't make the cut. You're better off saving up some money for a decent chair than wasting money returning cheap chairs. I learned this the hard way, even though i'm still at a pretty young age.
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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #89 on: Wed, 24 October 2012, 23:06:00 »
craigslist put up some nice 400ish to 600ish results for my area just by typing in "aeron", seems a few of these postings are by businesses (not surprised) that sell refurbished or they do in house refurbishing of the aerons.

i just used aeron as an example, since it's most widely known ergo chair, putting in a more obscure term like leap, humanscale provided no results.

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #90 on: Wed, 24 October 2012, 23:25:41 »
there are a lot of dotcom era aerons floating around. keep in mind that aerons have 10 year warranties only when purchased from an authorized retailer and only for the original purchaser. ironically, although there are tons of aerons floating around, parts for them are still shockingly expensive.

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #91 on: Thu, 25 October 2012, 00:32:13 »
for long periods of sitting, i can't think of a single chair i've used under 400$ or so that has not ended up causing some kind of pain, and i've gone through quite a few. in retrospect, if i'd thrown down on a proper ergo chair 10 years ago, i'd have spent the same amount of money total and saved myself a lot of soft tissue pain.

photographers often say the same thing about tripods, and i'm sure there are tons of other examples in the world of mechanical engineering. there's a certain amount of hard reality that the laws of (bio!)physics provide.

Well I had assumed as such, but hadn't gone out looking for a new chair in for ever as I've been using the same ancient chair for 10+ years already, and this year it's been killing me. Had to replace the base that it came with, so it messed up the forward balance of the chair so it's not centered anymore. Not to mention my rear goes numb after an hour of sitting. Although I think that might be just me, but this isn't comfy for long term.

If I knew that an Aeron would do for me, I'd save up the money and go ahead and get one, as that 10 year warranty is enticing.
« Last Edit: Thu, 25 October 2012, 00:34:09 by DarkShot »

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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #92 on: Fri, 26 October 2012, 14:04:13 »
Has anyone had any experience with instylemodern? They have a pretty big selection of refurb chairs, at a very good price, and free shipping, 30 day returns. It seems like they have their own retail stores and recently opened up their online store in June according to Yahoo.

Really tempted to buy off of them, but just unsure of their reputation.

Crossover from my thread. We should just combine the two threads somehow into a single thread, since it's pretty much about the same thing. Maybe the "Ergonomic chair thread"?
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Re: chairhack! OR why does my back hurt so much
« Reply #93 on: Sun, 28 October 2012, 15:50:28 »
1. Herman Miller Embody Chair or Aeron Chair (adjustable backs and arm rests). There's a good reason these chairs cost so much - cheap knock offs will leave you suffering still.

I can second this, went through a few chairs before I shelled out for a aeron and not only does it save your back it also ultimately saves your wallet as the chairs built to last for decades.

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The Ergonomic Task Chair Guide
« Reply #94 on: Fri, 09 November 2012, 14:11:17 »
A guide to high-end ergonomic task chairs!

This is a work in progress, I'm busy with school so this will take some time to complete.

If you own or have sat in any of these chairs, please post your comments in this thread and I'll update this post accordingly. I'm listing the most popular chairs here; if you've sat in the less known high-end chairs, post your opinions here!

Online Retailers: SmartFurniture, TheHumanSolution

I highly recommend purchasing from SmartFurniture. Their customer service is great, and I got a 5% discount through their offer system. They are also having a 10% off Steelcase sale near the end of November if anyone is interested in purchasing a chair from them

Herman Miller

Aeron - $629.00 base, no arms

Embody - $1,099.00 base, no arms

Mirra - $599.00 base, fixed arms

Sayl - $399.00 base, fixed arms


Leap - $769.00 base, no arms
Most expensive of the steelcase chairs, with the most features, and also the most well known by Steelcase.

Amia - $519.00 base, no arms
The little brother to the Leap, with most of its features for only about 2/3 the price. It has a slightly different curve on its back, compared to the Leap.

Think - $629.00 base, no arms.


Freedom - $899.00 base, w/ arms

Liberty - $879.00 base w/ arms

Diffrient - $659.00 base, no arms


Generation - $711.00 base, no arms

ReGeneration - $541.00/$643.00 base, no arms


« Last Edit: Fri, 09 November 2012, 23:33:53 by thegunner100 »
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Re: The Ergonomic Task Chair Guide
« Reply #95 on: Sun, 11 November 2012, 01:18:05 »
Thanks for posting this! Those Herman Miller chairs look amazing. One day.

Offline jeroplane

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Re: The Ergonomic Task Chair Guide
« Reply #96 on: Sun, 11 November 2012, 02:11:23 »
Great start; there's not many good guides to ergonomic chairs around.

I wonder, would you be able to do a "best chair under $X" guide (e.g. $200, $300)? It would be really helpful to me to know what's the best bang-for-your-buck at lower price points.

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Re: The Ergonomic Task Chair Guide
« Reply #97 on: Sun, 11 November 2012, 11:22:14 »
My next ergo purchase will be the Geek desk:

Maybe there should be a standing desk guide too.

then I will get a chair.  I definitely want to try out a Herman Miller but here are some chairs I'm interested in that don't get much attention:

IBM Model M SSK, Filco MJ2 Ninja TKL with Reds ergo-clears, CM Storm QFR 55g Whites, Poker II with Reds

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Re: The Ergonomic Task Chair Guide *OLD*
« Reply #98 on: Sun, 11 November 2012, 21:51:08 »
Great start; there's not many good guides to ergonomic chairs around.

I wonder, would you be able to do a "best chair under $X" guide (e.g. $200, $300)? It would be really helpful to me to know what's the best bang-for-your-buck at lower price points.

I'm going to making another thread again, as requested by mkawa. I'll do my best to to make a "best chair under $X" guide, or atleast the best contestants for the price range. A lot of it is subjective, and of course the chair's comfort will vary a lot by an individuals size, weight, and build.

 Got midterms and papers... sooo it'll have to wait :D. Meanwhile, I'm enjoying my Amia.
« Last Edit: Sun, 11 November 2012, 21:53:33 by thegunner100 »
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Re: The Ergonomic Task Chair Guide *OLD*
« Reply #99 on: Mon, 12 November 2012, 15:49:46 »
New thread posted(sorta). Please continue the discussion in the new thread! Lock away(?), mkawa.
« Last Edit: Tue, 13 November 2012, 13:01:54 by thegunner100 »
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