Are you designing these yourself? If so you really have a knack for this.
Some designs were taken off google and altered slightly to heavily depending on the image
And some were designed by myself :]
The heart bottle was inspired by this

The x_x face I thought up while messing around with random asian fonts
Like this ✖‿✖
Crossbones design was inspired by Huck G

(The crossbone design took me a while to finish :[)
The Chocobo design was pulled off the internet and edited
heavily because the original had way too many fine lines and small gaps to even be considered for doubleshot. This took me a whole week to fix up and get it right.
Currently working on a keycap design...

Really appreciate the positive feedback guys! Definitely been financially tough ever since I started this haha.
For all who are wondering what the ETA for the "Currently In Production" List, they will be available sometime within the next 2 weeks! Been getting quite a bit of delays..