Author Topic: Kelly Thomas murderers walk free.  (Read 6920 times)

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Offline bcg

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Re: Kelly Thomas murderers walk free.
« Reply #50 on: Wed, 15 January 2014, 00:41:11 »

I think you've illustrated my point.
You're so accustomed to crying police state at every police action you see that you don't differentiate between situations that require stronger police action and situations that clearly don't.

Locking down an entire city with thousands of "officers", military vehicles and "assault rifles" is clear not warranted when trying to arrest an unarmed pot smoking teenager (who as it happens wasn't even in the lockdown area).

That said I'm glad I illustrated your point for you.  Clearly I'm delusional, so I'm just going to go grab some Kool-aid and from now on stick to talking about keyboards on geekhack.

Offline Novus

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Re: Kelly Thomas murderers walk free.
« Reply #51 on: Wed, 15 January 2014, 02:27:43 »

I think you've illustrated my point.
You're so accustomed to crying police state at every police action you see that you don't differentiate between situations that require stronger police action and situations that clearly don't.

Locking down an entire city with thousands of "officers", military vehicles and "assault rifles" is clear not warranted when trying to arrest an unarmed pot smoking teenager (who as it happens wasn't even in the lockdown area).

What are you even talking about? What does this even have to do with pot smoking teenagers?

I don't think you are delusional.
Judging by some of your phrasing, I would hazard a guess that you are likely ex-military and you resent the way police officers (let's throw TSA in here too) manhandle and abuse people in general.
I would agree with that but I wish you would've just said that - although this is just speculation.
I don't think that makes us necessarily a police state however.

First things first this is a terrorist attack though and not a routine DUI checkpoint.
When a bomb goes off, in a major city no less, you're going to have panic and civil unrest.
You also don't know who or what is behind the attack. You don't know if there will be another attack. You don't even know that some misguided angry residents are going to start a mass riot in the confusion and fear. You do know that many people died and bombs were involved.

Well on the day of the bombing, you have to keep in mind they didn't know who the perpetrators were and what they were potentially up against (more attacks, large terror group, crazy militia).
You say that this response was unwarranted only because now you actually know, in hindsight, who was involved and their motives.

There is a difference between police using their powers abusively and police actively using them to subvert your freedom.
The line is hard to draw when police are conducting "random" searches and things of that sort but that's not what you are saying.
Everybody has mixed feelings about these. On one hand you can't make it difficult for police to apprehend suspicious individuals and the other hand you can't have police harassing whomever they please without any proper cause.
You have to understand this distinction between abuse by individuals and systematic oppression.

You are not being systematically oppressed but you may often be the victim of abuse by individuals of a particular organization.
Not every police officer is out there trying to influence your politics.
Not every NSA analyst has access to your phone calls and emails.
Not every CIA operative is running a black site torturing people (well this one is more systematic abuse actually but these operations are generally confined to specific departments and indicative of the overall organization).
My point is that these guys clearly overstepped their bounds (and they've been doing this for 50+ years) but these organizations serve legitimate purposes and having these organizations is not tantamount to being a police state.

Now, why are police so heavily armed?
Well 9/11 is a good one to start with.
Drug cartels and violent gangs are heavily armed and dangerous to deal with.
There's also the Miami FBI shooting which started the trend of arming police heavily.

Again draw the distinction between police using increasingly military style tactics and weapons and police systematically abusing you.
Riots and demonstrations are another place where we don't properly draw distinctions.
In many peaceful demonstrations, police don't actually manhandle anybody or bother anybody. They're simply there in case things get out of hand (as they often do with large groups).
You've also seen cases where police have beat people or pepper sprayed them for no reason at all.
Then there are cases where demonstrations turn violent and police are actually (believe it or not) acting in self defense and then things wildly escalate out of control.

There are actually good examples where we have acted like a police state and/or engaged in systematic abuse.
Some of the systematic abuses from the federal government and many local police during the civil rights movement is a good example.
The Rampart scandal probably qualifies.
Waco and Ruby Ridge also have disturbing police state elements, although they attempted peaceful resolutions many times at first.
There's plenty more that are legitimate cases where I think it's appropriate to say police state.

Again all I'm saying is to tone down the rhetoric and examine issues more thoroughly.

Offline iri

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Re: Kelly Thomas murderers walk free.
« Reply #52 on: Wed, 15 January 2014, 06:22:05 »
Police in North America are becoming violent and militant.
oh, that's bad.
(...)Whereas back then I wrote about the tyranny of the majority, today I'd combine that with the tyranny of the minorities. These days, you have to be careful of both. They both want to control you. The first group, by making you do the same thing over and over again. The second group is indicated by the letters I get from the Vassar girls who want me to put more women's lib in The Martian Chronicles, or from blacks who want more black people in Dandelion Wine.
I say to both bunches, Whether you're a majority or minority, bug off! To hell with anybody who wants to tell me what to write. Their society breaks down into subsections of minorities who then, in effect, burn books by banning them. All this political correctness that's rampant on campuses is b.s.

-Ray Bradbury

Offline mr_a500

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Re: Kelly Thomas murderers walk free.
« Reply #53 on: Wed, 15 January 2014, 08:18:36 »

I think you've illustrated my point.
You're so accustomed to crying police state at every police action you see that you don't differentiate between situations that require stronger police action and situations that clearly don't.

Locking down an entire city with thousands of "officers", military vehicles and "assault rifles" is clear not warranted when trying to arrest an unarmed pot smoking teenager (who as it happens wasn't even in the lockdown area).

That said I'm glad I illustrated your point for you.  Clearly I'm delusional, so I'm just going to go grab some Kool-aid and from now on stick to talking about keyboards on geekhack.

I like how police said they "exchanged gunfire" with the unarmed Boston bombing suspect. (still only a suspect because he pleaded not guilty and hasn't been found guilty yet)

There appears to be only one American politician with any sense regarding the Boston lockdown:

I guarantee we'll be seeing more of this in the future:

and I'm sure we can look forward to plenty of "checkpoints":

I better go and "shelter in place" now.
« Last Edit: Wed, 15 January 2014, 08:32:05 by mr_a500 »

Offline paicrai

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Re: Kelly Thomas murderers walk free.
« Reply #54 on: Wed, 15 January 2014, 08:25:37 »
I just remembered some other pole-ice brotality:
A black man was pulled over and asked for his stuff and whatever, and the police killed to death him because they said he was reaching for a gun (Which they didn't see, the only thing found was what the police had requested, not a lethal tool or object of any kind.)

I will literally **** you raw paicrai, I hope you're legal by the time I meet you.
👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good **** go౦ԁ ****👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌**** right👌👌th 👌 ere👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯  i say so 💯  thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good ****

Offline demik

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Re: Kelly Thomas murderers walk free.
« Reply #55 on: Wed, 15 January 2014, 08:51:44 »
Cops always pull that "I felt fear for my life crap". There is a study out that the number of dead cops has gone down every year. And the number of animal attacks is ridiculously low. Doesn't stop them from kill fluffy though. Instead of trying cops better they just tell them shoot to kill.

But isolated incidents. Not a social problem. Right?
No, he’s not around. How that sound to ya? Jot it down.

Offline Novus

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Re: Kelly Thomas murderers walk free.
« Reply #56 on: Wed, 15 January 2014, 14:13:22 »

I think you've illustrated my point.
You're so accustomed to crying police state at every police action you see that you don't differentiate between situations that require stronger police action and situations that clearly don't.

Locking down an entire city with thousands of "officers", military vehicles and "assault rifles" is clear not warranted when trying to arrest an unarmed pot smoking teenager (who as it happens wasn't even in the lockdown area).

That said I'm glad I illustrated your point for you.  Clearly I'm delusional, so I'm just going to go grab some Kool-aid and from now on stick to talking about keyboards on geekhack.

I like how police said they "exchanged gunfire" with the unarmed Boston bombing suspect. (still only a suspect because he pleaded not guilty and hasn't been found guilty yet)

There appears to be only one American politician with any sense regarding the Boston lockdown:

I guarantee we'll be seeing more of this in the future:

and I'm sure we can look forward to plenty of "checkpoints":
Show Image

I better go and "shelter in place" now.

Don't misrepresent what I said or take it out of context.
You know I did point at Waco and other things right?
It's one thing to say that strong arming citizens is not effective or proper in a democracy and to point out some of the things written in here ->

And it's a completely other thing to do this.

Are you in fear now?

Offline osi

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Re: Kelly Thomas murderers walk free.
« Reply #57 on: Wed, 15 January 2014, 14:25:48 »

I think you've illustrated my point.
You're so accustomed to crying police state at every police action you see that you don't differentiate between situations that require stronger police action and situations that clearly don't.

Locking down an entire city with thousands of "officers", military vehicles and "assault rifles" is clear not warranted when trying to arrest an unarmed pot smoking teenager (who as it happens wasn't even in the lockdown area).

That said I'm glad I illustrated your point for you.  Clearly I'm delusional, so I'm just going to go grab some Kool-aid and from now on stick to talking about keyboards on geekhack.

I like how police said they "exchanged gunfire" with the unarmed Boston bombing suspect. (still only a suspect because he pleaded not guilty and hasn't been found guilty yet)

There appears to be only one American politician with any sense regarding the Boston lockdown:

I guarantee we'll be seeing more of this in the future:

and I'm sure we can look forward to plenty of "checkpoints":
Show Image

I better go and "shelter in place" now.

Don't misrepresent what I said or take it out of context.
You know I did point at Waco and other things right?
It's one thing to say that strong arming citizens is not effective or proper in a democracy and to point out some of the things written in here ->

And it's a completely other thing to do this.
Show Image

Show Image

Show Image

Show Image

Show Image

Are you in fear now?


Offline mr_a500

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Re: Kelly Thomas murderers walk free.
« Reply #58 on: Wed, 15 January 2014, 15:06:12 »
Don't misrepresent what I said or take it out of context.
You know I did point at Waco and other things right?
It's one thing to say that strong arming citizens is not effective or proper in a democracy and to point out some of the things written in here ->

What the hell? I didn't misrepresent anything. I wasn't even talking to you. I was replying to bcg there. He just happened to have a bit your post quoted.

And it's a completely other thing to do this.

I did no such thing. You seem to be misrepresenting what I said.

Offline demik

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Re: Kelly Thomas murderers walk free.
« Reply #59 on: Thu, 16 January 2014, 22:11:45 »
No, he’s not around. How that sound to ya? Jot it down.

Offline kolonelkadat

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Re: Kelly Thomas murderers walk free.
« Reply #60 on: Thu, 16 January 2014, 23:20:29 »
nope try again. the guy was deaf and had some sort of knife like object for some benign reason. iirc he had just gotten his mail and was using a letter opener on it. in any case a cop sees him and leaps from his car an yells for the deaf man to drop the knife.

of course the deaf man ignored the cop on account of he was deaf and had been walking away from the cop since before it ever got out of its car. so the cop shoots him whatever like 14 times in the back.

if you could link that at me id appreciate it. im having a hell of a time remembering if if was seattle or portland.
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Offline demik

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Re: Kelly Thomas murderers walk free.
« Reply #61 on: Thu, 16 January 2014, 23:22:47 »
did you even bother to read the article?

1) there was no shooting
2) it happened in oklahoma
3) he was being stopped for and i quote the article

allegedly fleeing the scene of an automobile accident.

i have no idea what you are talking about.
« Last Edit: Thu, 16 January 2014, 23:24:46 by demik »
No, he’s not around. How that sound to ya? Jot it down.

Offline kolonelkadat

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Re: Kelly Thomas murderers walk free.
« Reply #62 on: Thu, 16 January 2014, 23:30:38 »
yeah iread your article. some guy got his eyes blackened. its not at all relevant to my initial comment which you quoted. please try to find the story i described. it will do a better job supporting your argument

eta: here you go. put this link instead of the one you linked and you will win the argument.
« Last Edit: Thu, 16 January 2014, 23:42:10 by kolonelkadat »
"Obviously, windows are central to Windows. But what is a window?"

Offline Input Nirvana

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Re: Kelly Thomas murderers walk free.
« Reply #63 on: Fri, 17 January 2014, 00:08:30 »
I wanna machine gun.

But I have no idea what I would do with it.
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Offline iri

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Re: Kelly Thomas murderers walk free.
« Reply #64 on: Fri, 17 January 2014, 04:44:09 »
I wanna machine gun.

But I have no idea what I would do with it.
move to arizona. they have cookies.

(...)Whereas back then I wrote about the tyranny of the majority, today I'd combine that with the tyranny of the minorities. These days, you have to be careful of both. They both want to control you. The first group, by making you do the same thing over and over again. The second group is indicated by the letters I get from the Vassar girls who want me to put more women's lib in The Martian Chronicles, or from blacks who want more black people in Dandelion Wine.
I say to both bunches, Whether you're a majority or minority, bug off! To hell with anybody who wants to tell me what to write. Their society breaks down into subsections of minorities who then, in effect, burn books by banning them. All this political correctness that's rampant on campuses is b.s.

-Ray Bradbury

Offline Input Nirvana

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Re: Kelly Thomas murderers walk free.
« Reply #65 on: Fri, 17 January 2014, 08:47:10 »
I wanna machine gun.

But I have no idea what I would do with it.
move to arizona. they have cookies.

I lived there once…it's different.
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Things change, things stay the same                                        Thanks much, Smallfry  
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