I have two of the tops I linked, one for me and one for the wife. They are beautifully made. The description says if they are being used for kitchen countertops additional sanding would be required but the two I have are perfect. The Durakryl finish is exceptionally durable and I haven't left any marks in it yet, and you don’t have to oil it which is one thing I wanted to avoid. Some cheaper tops you have to sand, finish, and oil. A greasy feeling desk doesn’t sound appealing.
I live close enough that I just drove up to PA to pick them up instead of paying the shipping costs, so that helped. I spent a good amount of time researching these tops and trying to find the best bang for the buck and I couldn’t find anything better than Grizzly. If you do search around find tops with Durakryl finish.
I posted some photos in this thread a while back, the link is in my signature.