Author Topic: Project "Board Chow"  (Read 37364 times)

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Offline ch_123

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« Reply #100 on: Wed, 26 August 2009, 10:04:26 »
Did a similar thing when I was rewiring my Model F and put the connector on the wrong pins. Worked fine when I put it on the right way.

Reference -

Oddly enough, they have five wires running to the keyboard controller even though only four are used. That's IBM's trademark over-engineering for you.
« Last Edit: Wed, 26 August 2009, 10:07:25 by ch_123 »

Offline clickclack

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« Reply #101 on: Wed, 26 August 2009, 14:34:07 »
Quote from: xyzzy;111981
#34 is a Model F XT, you'll need a signal converter to use it with a modern PC.
Bummer cuz that one is truly wonderful to type on! The board is probably dead for all I know though.

#35 is AT, so you just need a very cheap AT->PS/2 adapter...once you've found a working cable :)

And bummer again because that one isn't really all that much fun to type on.

Thanks for all that info though! That's great to know what they are and what they would need should I choose to resurect...heehee
862+ keyboards and counting!   R.I.P.ster          Vendor link ->Clack Factory

Offline clickclack

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« Reply #102 on: Wed, 26 August 2009, 14:41:12 »
Quote from: xyzzy;111987
I'm pretty sure that's not an Alps switch. It could be made by KPT, ages ago lowpoly posted a review of a board with switches that looked similar to that one:
Show Image

Sure looks similar, minus the indications on the switch and the color, the color seems close though (even taking into consideration luminance, WB, and the color channel clipping older sensors tend to exhibit)

It is a wonderful switch though!
862+ keyboards and counting!   R.I.P.ster          Vendor link ->Clack Factory

Offline clickclack

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« Reply #103 on: Wed, 26 August 2009, 14:57:45 »
Quote from: ch_123;112002
That's a rather big gap between them, although the ripometer method isnt completely accurate with BS's - they tend to give different results everytime you try them.
It seemed pretty accurate to me though. Within reason of course. The differences seemed to be between keys on the same board. An example would be the "A" key verses the "K" key. They are different but consistently. When I just to the other board similar differences between keys were noted but were consistent as well.

The AT (the one with lock lights), as has been pointed out, is compatible with modern PCs. You could probably make a cable for it using the cable from another keyboard like an AT101W. I'm not entirely sure what the pin-out for the controller is though.

I would really like to put a cable on some of these, but since the colors of wires are different and I dont the know how to figure out what is what on the board (with the exception of the ground) its kinda a moot point :(

Quote from: huha;112004
You really need to get a working cable for the F.
By the way, when referencing, use post number instead of page. The page a certain post is on depends on the number of posts per page, which can be changed quite easily in the preferences.
oh, thanks for that! Sorry :S I will do that in the future :)

862+ keyboards and counting!   R.I.P.ster          Vendor link ->Clack Factory

Offline clickclack

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« Reply #104 on: Wed, 26 August 2009, 15:02:27 »
Quote from: ch_123;112008
His XT one is missing it too.

As I said though, should be easy enough to make one from the cable of just about any other keyboard, as long as you can figure out the pinout on the Berg connector on the keyboard's controller board.

I have tried that, I even bought some cords but the colors dont match up and many keyboards have way more wires than others. I kid you not :S

Quote from: huha;112017
Usually, the wires are colour coded to facilitate such tasks.
Even if they aren't, you can't really do wrong. GND should be fairly self-explanatory, as is VCC. Then you'll just need to figure out where each of the two data lines goes, but if you mess up, the keyboard will just not work, so you can swap the data lines and try again.
Many are color coded but they still dont seem to match up. Either they are different colors, more wires or slightly different colors coming from different places. I would realy like to experiment but I really am spooked about the idea of damaging anything. Also my computer is dying at the moment and messing with it seems a bit counter productive, and potentially very upsetting :(

862+ keyboards and counting!   R.I.P.ster          Vendor link ->Clack Factory

Offline ch_123

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« Reply #105 on: Wed, 26 August 2009, 15:35:26 »
Quote from: clickclack;112100
And bummer again because that one isn't really all that much fun to type on.

Sell it in the marketplace, there's a pretty good demand for those AT boards, although if there's a huge typing difference, there is a possibility that there is something wrong with it, or it's horribly worn out. When you say it's not fun to type on, is there any difference to the XT model's feel other than just resistance? If it's a case that the springs are worn out, you could do a spring swap. Much easier than wiring up an XT conversion adaptor.

I have tried that, I even bought some cords but the colors dont match up and many keyboards have way more wires than others. I kid you not :S

Check out the schematic for the AT keyboard on this page. From their description -

Red - Clock
Brown - Data
Black - Ground
White - 5V
Green - Unused

The pins for the data connector are the ones at the bottom of that picture. From what I can see in my picture of my somewhat messy wiring up top (starting from the bottom-most, and going up) -

  • [5]
  • >>>[2] [3] [4]
  • >>>

Where -
1. White
2. Brown
3. Black
4. Red
5. Green
x. The pin that isn't there (for keying of the connector)
#. Unused pins

Here's the corresponding pinout for the plug -

« Last Edit: Wed, 26 August 2009, 16:11:33 by ch_123 »

Offline timw4mail

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« Reply #106 on: Wed, 26 August 2009, 15:41:07 »
Quote from: ch_123;112131
Sell it in the marketplace, there's a pretty good demand for those AT boards, although if there's a huge typing difference, there is a possibility that there is something wrong with it, or it's horribly worn out. When you say it's not fun to type on, is there any difference to the XT model's feel other than just resistance?

I definitely find my Model F much more enjoyable to type on than my Model M. Can't say for the XT models though.
Buckling Springs IBM Model F AT, New Model F 77, Unicomp New Model M
Clicky iOne Scorpius M10, OCN-branded Ducky DK-9008-C, Blackmore Nocturna, Redragon Kumara K552-1, Qtronix Scorpius Keypad, Chicony KB-5181(Monterey)
Tactile Apple AEKII (Cream damped ALPS), Filco FKBN91M/JB (Japanese Tenkeyless), Cherry G84-5200, Cherry G84-4100LPAUS, Datalux Spacesaver(Cherry ML), Redragon Devarajas K556 RGB, Newmen GM711, Poker II (Cherry MX Clear), Logitech G910 Orion Spark, Logitech K840
Linear Lenovo Y (Gateron Red), Aluminum kiosk keyboard (Cherry MX Black)

Offline ch_123

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« Reply #107 on: Wed, 26 August 2009, 15:53:41 »
The XTs are meant to be pretty much the same, but of a sturdier standard of construction, the actual keyswitch is identical across all models of Model F and Model C.

Offline timw4mail

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« Reply #108 on: Wed, 26 August 2009, 16:06:17 »
Quote from: ch_123;112140
The XTs are meant to be pretty much the same, but of a sturdier standard of construction, the actual keyswitch is identical across all models of Model F and Model C.

A sturdier, yet more helter-skelter  construction, apparently.
Buckling Springs IBM Model F AT, New Model F 77, Unicomp New Model M
Clicky iOne Scorpius M10, OCN-branded Ducky DK-9008-C, Blackmore Nocturna, Redragon Kumara K552-1, Qtronix Scorpius Keypad, Chicony KB-5181(Monterey)
Tactile Apple AEKII (Cream damped ALPS), Filco FKBN91M/JB (Japanese Tenkeyless), Cherry G84-5200, Cherry G84-4100LPAUS, Datalux Spacesaver(Cherry ML), Redragon Devarajas K556 RGB, Newmen GM711, Poker II (Cherry MX Clear), Logitech G910 Orion Spark, Logitech K840
Linear Lenovo Y (Gateron Red), Aluminum kiosk keyboard (Cherry MX Black)

Offline ch_123

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« Reply #109 on: Wed, 26 August 2009, 16:09:47 »
And with one of the most ridiculous layouts ever put on a mass-produced keyboard...

Offline clickclack

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« Reply #110 on: Wed, 26 August 2009, 22:33:22 »
Quote from: ch_123;112131
Sell it in the marketplace, there's a pretty good demand for those AT boards, although if there's a huge typing difference, there is a possibility that there is something wrong with it, or it's horribly worn out. When you say it's not fun to type on, is there any difference to the XT model's feel other than just resistance? If it's a case that the springs are worn out, you could do a spring swap. Much easier than wiring up an XT conversion adaptor.

I still need it for my project, but I have thought about selling/giving certain things to people (it's something I will have to consider further).

When I opened both of them up, they were a bit different and the key housings were constructed differently as well. Maybe I will post some pics later. The XT (the one with the crap layout) has just the most beautiful typing sensation, slightly softer and very clicky. The AT one was in great shape too but the key presses were much stiffer, even more stiff than all four of my model M's. A spring swap wouldn't be a bad Idea, I could do a few to see if it is indeed the spring or not (if I even get them to work...heehee).

A big thanks to ya for giving me all that info :thumb:(pics and diagrams) and as soon as my head stops hurting from looking at it, maybe I could do something with it.
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Offline clickclack

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« Reply #111 on: Wed, 26 August 2009, 22:50:08 »
Quote from: timw4mail;112135
I definitely find my Model F much more enjoyable to type on than my Model M. Can't say for the XT models though.

It is rather nice (fine I admit it...heehe =P) but it was about 5-10g stiffer than my M and 10-20g stiffer than the other model F (XT). And I think the XT version doesnt use as many stabalizers for the slightly bigger keys and those feel great as well (if I am wrong dont kill me I am going off of my weak memory)

Quote from: ch_123;112140
The XTs are meant to be pretty much the same, but of a sturdier standard of construction, the actual keyswitch is identical across all models of Model F and Model C.

The case is nicer I think on the XT and feels a tiny bit more robust, but considerably more simple in construction.(I like it) The AT case is more refined.

The springs are the same size it seems and the same diameter (although I did not use my calipers or micrometer) the bigger difference that I have noticed is that each key housing on the XT is seperate as opposed to the single plastic plate key housing of the AT. And the hammer (plastic foot?) fits the springs slighly different. The AT the spring can be lightly pulled of easily with your fingers without damage. The XT spring needs to be torn off within an inch of your life! (or just use and exacto blade and pop em off without damage)
maybe that is enough to contribute to the difference outside spring tension (higher/lower rating or just worn)

if your girlfriend says toss me that keyboard, dont throw her the model F!!!
I am such an A$$h0l3  I so wasn't thinking FTL
« Last Edit: Thu, 27 August 2009, 12:41:49 by clickclack »
862+ keyboards and counting!   R.I.P.ster          Vendor link ->Clack Factory

Offline ch_123

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« Reply #112 on: Thu, 27 August 2009, 05:16:45 »
That is very odd. Both AT and XT should have seperate housings and easily removable spring/hammers. See both -




And there's definitely something up with the springs on your AT model, you're the only person around here who has one that is noticably different to an XT model AND is stiffer than the Model M.

Offline clickclack

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« Reply #113 on: Fri, 28 August 2009, 02:01:53 »
Quote from: ch_123;112246
That is very odd. Both AT and XT should have seperate housings and easily removable spring/hammers. See both -
And there's definitely something up with the springs on your AT model, you're the only person around here who has one that is noticably different to an XT model AND is stiffer than the Model M.

Odd indeed, I will have to check again later to see if those were really the differences and if there are anymore (or at all). Thanks for the links, that should help with comparisons when I crack em back open :)

Space Invaders!!!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

heeeheee, I love this :)
862+ keyboards and counting!   R.I.P.ster          Vendor link ->Clack Factory

Offline erricrice

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« Reply #114 on: Fri, 28 August 2009, 21:16:02 »
Quote from: clickclack;112473
Odd indeed, I will have to check again later to see if those were really the differences and if there are anymore (or at all). Thanks for the links, that should help with comparisons when I crack em back open :)

Space Invaders!!!! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!
Show Image

heeeheee, I love this :)

Lollll that's awesome!

I love this thread BTW!  So interesting, you have such a great opportunity to be able to tear apart all these various and sundry keyboards!
I\'m selling all my Shizz! Please buy it!

White ALPS: Northgate Omnikey 101-NCS(Real-Complicated)****Filco Zero FKBN87Z/EB(Fukka Simplifieds)****Siig MiniTouch(XM Simplifieds)
Black ALPS: Black Dell AT-101W(Real-Complicated)****ABS M1(Modded Black ALPS, Linear)
Buckling Spring: Model M 1391401(1988 & 1993)
Cherry Blues: DAS III Pro
Cherry Blacks: Cherry G80-11900
Cherry Browns: 3X Cherry G80-8113LRCUS-2
Cherry MY: G81-7000HPBUS-2****G81-3000LANUS-0****Modded to 20g
Rubber Dome: HHKB Lite 2 (White & Black)

Logitech G5[/FONT]
Erricrice\'s Song of the Day: Gorillaz - El Maņana
Yup, Blatantly stealing this from you Kishy, hope you don\'t mind, it\'s a great idea.

Offline clickclack

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« Reply #115 on: Sat, 29 August 2009, 01:58:04 »
Quote from: erricrice;112806
Lollll that's awesome!

I love this thread BTW!  So interesting, you have such a great opportunity to be able to tear apart all these various and sundry keyboards!

Thanks :)
I must admit, it can get really fun... In that "X-mas present that was never wrapped and is dirty" sort of way =P
I really like the subtle to great differences in each board, and I really like typing on them (even if they dont work)

So just for the fun of it, here is a pic of me holding a black garden/trash bag filled with keys!
Care to guess how many?????????????
"Maybe" the person with the closest guess will win something, or maybe they will just feel cool and be admired by their fellow geekhacks!
only one way to find out....
Let the guessing begin!

862+ keyboards and counting!   R.I.P.ster          Vendor link ->Clack Factory

Offline rdjack21

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Project "Board Chow"
« Reply #116 on: Sat, 29 August 2009, 11:33:41 »
The way that bag is sagging it has to be really loaded. So for my first guess 5k-6k
Topre Capacitive: Realforce 87U, Realforce 86U, HHKB Pro 2, Topre MD01B0, Topre HE0100, Sun Short Type, OEM NEO CS (x2), NISSHO Electronics KB106DE
Buckling Spring: IBM Model M Space Saver (1291472), Unicomp Customizer x 2
Cherry Brown: Filco FKBN87M/EB, Compaq MX11800
Black Alps: ABS M1
Not so great boards Rare Spring over dome OKI, Sun rack keyboard

Trackballs - Trackman Wheel (3), Trackman marble (2)
Keyboards I still want to get - Happy Hacking Keyboard Pro 2 the White version, Realforce 23U number pad in black and maybe white, μTRON ergo board with Topre switches.
Previously owned - [size=0]SiiG MiniTouch (White Alps), Scorpius M10 (Blue Cherry), IBM Model M13[/size]

Offline rdjack21

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« Reply #117 on: Sat, 29 August 2009, 12:27:44 »
Oh man he wasted all those perfectly good keys.
Topre Capacitive: Realforce 87U, Realforce 86U, HHKB Pro 2, Topre MD01B0, Topre HE0100, Sun Short Type, OEM NEO CS (x2), NISSHO Electronics KB106DE
Buckling Spring: IBM Model M Space Saver (1291472), Unicomp Customizer x 2
Cherry Brown: Filco FKBN87M/EB, Compaq MX11800
Black Alps: ABS M1
Not so great boards Rare Spring over dome OKI, Sun rack keyboard

Trackballs - Trackman Wheel (3), Trackman marble (2)
Keyboards I still want to get - Happy Hacking Keyboard Pro 2 the White version, Realforce 23U number pad in black and maybe white, μTRON ergo board with Topre switches.
Previously owned - [size=0]SiiG MiniTouch (White Alps), Scorpius M10 (Blue Cherry), IBM Model M13[/size]

Offline clickclack

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« Reply #118 on: Sat, 29 August 2009, 21:49:38 »
Quote from: rdjack21;112919
The way that bag is sagging it has to be really loaded. So for my first guess 5k-6k

Haahaaaahaa =P
you need to pick a number, that's a 1,000 number span! XD

I am 6' 1" btw, just so people can get a better sense of scale ;)
« Last Edit: Sun, 30 August 2009, 03:04:19 by clickclack »
862+ keyboards and counting!   R.I.P.ster          Vendor link ->Clack Factory

Offline clickclack

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« Reply #119 on: Sat, 29 August 2009, 21:51:30 »
So far we have-

ripster - 25,250
862+ keyboards and counting!   R.I.P.ster          Vendor link ->Clack Factory

Offline MsKeyboard

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« Reply #120 on: Sat, 29 August 2009, 23:41:37 »
My pick: 1001 Bob!

Tell us what we've Won!

Offline MsKeyboard

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« Reply #121 on: Sun, 30 August 2009, 00:03:08 »
Something about that bulge just don't look right.

Offline clickclack

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« Reply #122 on: Sun, 30 August 2009, 03:15:44 »
Quote from: MsKeyboard;113055
My pick: 1001 Bob!
Tell us what we've Won!

Haahaa, nice photo, i can hear the music now...[

Quote from: ripster;113057
Uh oh.   MsKeyboard knows more than I do what a garbage bag full of keys contains.  I think I voted way.... too high.

heehee, we shall see...

so far we have-
ripster- 25,250
MsKeyboard- 1,001
862+ keyboards and counting!   R.I.P.ster          Vendor link ->Clack Factory

Offline quadibloc

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Project "Board Chow"
« Reply #123 on: Sun, 30 August 2009, 05:33:51 »
As it happens, I have a small pile of keys on my desk, from preparations to clean a keyboard I recently bought.  This has helped me make an estimate; I'm going to say 19,650 keys.

Offline InSanCen

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« Reply #124 on: Sun, 30 August 2009, 05:43:39 »
My vote... 9500 itty bitty caps in that bag.
Currently Using :- IBM M13 1996, Black :
Currently Own :- 1391406 1989 & 1990 : AT Model F 1985 : Boscom 122 (Black) : G80-3000 : G80-1800 (x2) : Wang 724 : G81-8000LPBGB (Card Reader, MY) : Unitek : AT102W : TVS Gold :
Project's :- 122 key 1389620 Wireless ESP32 :
'Pooter :- Xeon E5-2680v4 : Machinist MR9A : 2x16GB DDR4 : Radeon RX6600 : NVME & Spinning rust :

Offline rdjack21

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« Reply #125 on: Sun, 30 August 2009, 10:41:34 »
I prefer these kinds of bulges myself:

But lets see I will say 4048 keys in that bag.
Topre Capacitive: Realforce 87U, Realforce 86U, HHKB Pro 2, Topre MD01B0, Topre HE0100, Sun Short Type, OEM NEO CS (x2), NISSHO Electronics KB106DE
Buckling Spring: IBM Model M Space Saver (1291472), Unicomp Customizer x 2
Cherry Brown: Filco FKBN87M/EB, Compaq MX11800
Black Alps: ABS M1
Not so great boards Rare Spring over dome OKI, Sun rack keyboard

Trackballs - Trackman Wheel (3), Trackman marble (2)
Keyboards I still want to get - Happy Hacking Keyboard Pro 2 the White version, Realforce 23U number pad in black and maybe white, μTRON ergo board with Topre switches.
Previously owned - [size=0]SiiG MiniTouch (White Alps), Scorpius M10 (Blue Cherry), IBM Model M13[/size]

Offline quadibloc

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« Reply #126 on: Sun, 30 August 2009, 12:30:40 »
Quote from: ripster;113127
And why is this dude named after a dead programming language?

He just has the same initials by coincidence; Alan Pineda Lindo is a founding member of the Black Eyed Peas, and his benefit supports the Pearl S. Buck foundation and the Angeles University Foundation and other charities active in Asia.

And, of course, "A Programming Language" is not dead (although I must admit it comes close).

Offline Hak Foo

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« Reply #127 on: Sun, 30 August 2009, 13:14:33 »
Overton130, Box Pale Blues.

Offline clickclack

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« Reply #128 on: Sun, 30 August 2009, 13:51:54 »
Bulges? Bulges...? We don't need no stinkin BULGES! =P

Quote from: quadibloc;113085
As it happens, I have a small pile of keys on my desk, from preparations to clean a keyboard I recently bought.  This has helped me make an estimate; I'm going to say 19,650 keys.

oh, so someone thinks they have some insider info...heehee :) (maybe that helps...or myabe not)

so far we have-
ripster- 25,250
MsKeyboard- 1,001
InSanCen- 9,500
rdjack21- 4,048
Hak Foo- 2,744

lets keep em coming! :)
862+ keyboards and counting!   R.I.P.ster          Vendor link ->Clack Factory

Offline lowpoly

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« Reply #129 on: Sun, 30 August 2009, 14:36:42 »

Miniguru thread at GH // The Apple M0110 Today

Offline xyzzy

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« Reply #130 on: Sun, 30 August 2009, 16:18:21 »

IBM Model F62 (Ellipse's) • PFU HHKB Pro Type S Hybrid • PFU HHKB Pro • Leopold FC660C • IBM Model M SSK 1391472 • IBM Model M SSK UNI04C6 • IBM Model M 1391405 (x4) • Cherry MX 1800 Compact (blue Cherry) • Cherry MX 11900 Touchboard (brown Cherry) • Dell AT102W (black Alps) • Apple Extended Keyboard II (cream Alps) • Acer 6312-TA (black Acer) • Unikey KWD-601 (white Cherry)

Offline clickclack

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« Reply #131 on: Mon, 31 August 2009, 02:35:31 »
Quote from: webwit;113189
Hoax. Dirty laundry.

haahaa, maybe but how many articles of clothing? =P

and we have so far-

ripster- 25,250
MsKeyboard- 1,001
InSanCen- 9,500 itty bitty caps
rdjack21- 4,048
Hak Foo- 2,744
lowpoly- 10,400
webwit- dirty laundry =P
xyzzy- ? did you mean perhaps 34,567 ? heehee not that I didn't like 3456,7!
862+ keyboards and counting!   R.I.P.ster          Vendor link ->Clack Factory

Offline xyzzy

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« Reply #132 on: Mon, 31 August 2009, 04:32:24 »
Quote from: clickclack;113273

xyzzy- ? did you mean perhaps 34,567 ? heehee not that I didn't like 3456,7!

I meant 3456,7 (*). I'm pretty sure there's a broken key.

(*) maybe it's 3456.7 in the US? In Europe we use the , as decimal separator.
« Last Edit: Mon, 31 August 2009, 04:34:37 by xyzzy »

IBM Model F62 (Ellipse's) • PFU HHKB Pro Type S Hybrid • PFU HHKB Pro • Leopold FC660C • IBM Model M SSK 1391472 • IBM Model M SSK UNI04C6 • IBM Model M 1391405 (x4) • Cherry MX 1800 Compact (blue Cherry) • Cherry MX 11900 Touchboard (brown Cherry) • Dell AT102W (black Alps) • Apple Extended Keyboard II (cream Alps) • Acer 6312-TA (black Acer) • Unikey KWD-601 (white Cherry)

Offline timw4mail

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« Reply #133 on: Mon, 31 August 2009, 07:01:27 »
Quote from: xyzzy;113283
I meant 3456,7 (*). I'm pretty sure there's a broken key.

(*) maybe it's 3456.7 in the US? In Europe we use the , as decimal separator.

A period is the true decimal separator ;)
Buckling Springs IBM Model F AT, New Model F 77, Unicomp New Model M
Clicky iOne Scorpius M10, OCN-branded Ducky DK-9008-C, Blackmore Nocturna, Redragon Kumara K552-1, Qtronix Scorpius Keypad, Chicony KB-5181(Monterey)
Tactile Apple AEKII (Cream damped ALPS), Filco FKBN91M/JB (Japanese Tenkeyless), Cherry G84-5200, Cherry G84-4100LPAUS, Datalux Spacesaver(Cherry ML), Redragon Devarajas K556 RGB, Newmen GM711, Poker II (Cherry MX Clear), Logitech G910 Orion Spark, Logitech K840
Linear Lenovo Y (Gateron Red), Aluminum kiosk keyboard (Cherry MX Black)

Offline itlnstln

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« Reply #134 on: Mon, 31 August 2009, 08:41:16 »
Quote from: MsKeyboard;113060
Something about that bulge just don't look right.

This doesn't look right.  Poor Fergie...

Offline clickclack

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« Reply #135 on: Tue, 01 September 2009, 02:07:08 »
Quote from: xyzzy;113283
I meant 3456,7 (*). I'm pretty sure there's a broken key.
Funny thing... At that point I had not broken one yet, however my gf ended up helping me that night and YUP! And I would say that ".7" is a good estimation of what was left of it. And it was the only one broken!

(*) maybe it's 3456.7 in the US? In Europe we use the , as decimal separator.

no worries, I wasn't expecting anyone to pick (and rightly so) a partial key =P

So I will edit the list-
ripster- 25,250
MsKeyboard- 1,001
InSanCen- 9,500 itty bitty caps
rdjack21- 4,048
Hak Foo- 2,744
lowpoly- 10,400
webwit- dirty laundry =P
xyzzy-  3,456.7 well the .7 is right at least =P

keep em coming people :)
here is the reference pic again,
how many keys are in that bag?-
« Last Edit: Wed, 02 September 2009, 13:54:20 by clickclack »
862+ keyboards and counting!   R.I.P.ster          Vendor link ->Clack Factory

Offline erricrice

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Project "Board Chow"
« Reply #136 on: Wed, 02 September 2009, 08:31:29 »
I'm gonna have to go a little low and say 2,100.
I\'m selling all my Shizz! Please buy it!

White ALPS: Northgate Omnikey 101-NCS(Real-Complicated)****Filco Zero FKBN87Z/EB(Fukka Simplifieds)****Siig MiniTouch(XM Simplifieds)
Black ALPS: Black Dell AT-101W(Real-Complicated)****ABS M1(Modded Black ALPS, Linear)
Buckling Spring: Model M 1391401(1988 & 1993)
Cherry Blues: DAS III Pro
Cherry Blacks: Cherry G80-11900
Cherry Browns: 3X Cherry G80-8113LRCUS-2
Cherry MY: G81-7000HPBUS-2****G81-3000LANUS-0****Modded to 20g
Rubber Dome: HHKB Lite 2 (White & Black)

Logitech G5[/FONT]
Erricrice\'s Song of the Day: Gorillaz - El Maņana
Yup, Blatantly stealing this from you Kishy, hope you don\'t mind, it\'s a great idea.

Offline huha

  • Posts: 388
Project "Board Chow"
« Reply #137 on: Wed, 02 September 2009, 08:58:11 »
I love nice numbers, so I'd say 8192.

When will you give us the solution, by the way?

Unicomp Endurapro 105 (blank keycaps, BS) // Cherry G80-3000LSCDE-2 (blues, modded to green MX) // Cherry G80-3000LAMDE-0 (blacks, 2x) // Cherry G80-11900LTMDE-0 (blacks, 2x) // Compaq G80-11801 (browns) // Epson Q203A (Fujitsu Peerless) // IBM Model M2 (BS) // Boscom AS400 Terminal Emulator (OEM\'d Unicomp, BS, 2x) // Dell AT102DW (black Alps) // Mechanical Touch (chinese BS) Acer 6312-KW (Acer mechanics on membrane) // Cherry G84-4100 (ML) // Cherry G80-1000HAD (NKRO, blacks)

Offline rdjack21

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« Reply #138 on: Wed, 02 September 2009, 09:24:26 »
Quote from: huha;113918
I love nice numbers, so I'd say 8192.

When will you give us the solution, by the way?


Why would he want to do that. He is having too much fun stringing us all along.
Topre Capacitive: Realforce 87U, Realforce 86U, HHKB Pro 2, Topre MD01B0, Topre HE0100, Sun Short Type, OEM NEO CS (x2), NISSHO Electronics KB106DE
Buckling Spring: IBM Model M Space Saver (1291472), Unicomp Customizer x 2
Cherry Brown: Filco FKBN87M/EB, Compaq MX11800
Black Alps: ABS M1
Not so great boards Rare Spring over dome OKI, Sun rack keyboard

Trackballs - Trackman Wheel (3), Trackman marble (2)
Keyboards I still want to get - Happy Hacking Keyboard Pro 2 the White version, Realforce 23U number pad in black and maybe white, μTRON ergo board with Topre switches.
Previously owned - [size=0]SiiG MiniTouch (White Alps), Scorpius M10 (Blue Cherry), IBM Model M13[/size]

Offline timw4mail

  • Posts: 1329
Project "Board Chow"
« Reply #139 on: Wed, 02 September 2009, 09:55:21 »
I'm going to say that you're stringing us along, as there aren't any keycaps.
Buckling Springs IBM Model F AT, New Model F 77, Unicomp New Model M
Clicky iOne Scorpius M10, OCN-branded Ducky DK-9008-C, Blackmore Nocturna, Redragon Kumara K552-1, Qtronix Scorpius Keypad, Chicony KB-5181(Monterey)
Tactile Apple AEKII (Cream damped ALPS), Filco FKBN91M/JB (Japanese Tenkeyless), Cherry G84-5200, Cherry G84-4100LPAUS, Datalux Spacesaver(Cherry ML), Redragon Devarajas K556 RGB, Newmen GM711, Poker II (Cherry MX Clear), Logitech G910 Orion Spark, Logitech K840
Linear Lenovo Y (Gateron Red), Aluminum kiosk keyboard (Cherry MX Black)

Offline erricrice

  • Posts: 326
Project "Board Chow"
« Reply #140 on: Wed, 02 September 2009, 12:04:00 »
Quote from: timw4mail;113937
I'm going to say that you're stringing us along, as there aren't any keycaps.

I think webwit's is the most probable

Quote from: webwit;113189
Hoax. Dirty laundry.
I\'m selling all my Shizz! Please buy it!

White ALPS: Northgate Omnikey 101-NCS(Real-Complicated)****Filco Zero FKBN87Z/EB(Fukka Simplifieds)****Siig MiniTouch(XM Simplifieds)
Black ALPS: Black Dell AT-101W(Real-Complicated)****ABS M1(Modded Black ALPS, Linear)
Buckling Spring: Model M 1391401(1988 & 1993)
Cherry Blues: DAS III Pro
Cherry Blacks: Cherry G80-11900
Cherry Browns: 3X Cherry G80-8113LRCUS-2
Cherry MY: G81-7000HPBUS-2****G81-3000LANUS-0****Modded to 20g
Rubber Dome: HHKB Lite 2 (White & Black)

Logitech G5[/FONT]
Erricrice\'s Song of the Day: Gorillaz - El Maņana
Yup, Blatantly stealing this from you Kishy, hope you don\'t mind, it\'s a great idea.

Offline clickclack

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« Reply #141 on: Wed, 02 September 2009, 14:10:41 »
Hi guys! Sorry if my posts get a bit more spread out, I am trying to get another computer set up atm. This one is toast!

Quote from: erricrice;113915
I'm gonna have to go a little low and say 2,100.

wait a minute...if you are going a bit low, then MsKeyboard is screwed! haahaa.

Quote from: huha;113918
I love nice numbers, so I'd say 8192.
yeah, thats a cute number, I have no idea as to why it would be "nice" though.  :)

When will you give us the solution, by the way?-huha

CRAP! I thought I posted that! OOPS!
OCTOBER 1st is the deadline, and yes there is a prize officially now :)

Quote from: rdjack21;113927
Why would he want to do that. He is having too much fun stringing us all along.

He does make a good point =P

Quote from: erricrice;113974
I think webwit's is the most probable

if thats the case though, then the prize would be a dirty sock! hahaaa

so this is what we have so far-

ripster- 25,250
MsKeyboard- 1,001
InSanCen- 9,500 itty bitty caps
rdjack21- 4,048
Hak Foo- 2,744
lowpoly- 10,400
webwit- dirty laundry =P
xyzzy- 3,456.7 well the .7 is right at least =P
erricrice- 2,100
huha- 8,192  "nice" (we shall see)

keep em coming people, there is a funny cute prize to be had :)
862+ keyboards and counting!   R.I.P.ster          Vendor link ->Clack Factory

Offline clickclack

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« Reply #142 on: Wed, 02 September 2009, 14:19:59 »
I got some really interesting boards recently. I will post pics when my computer is either acting up less or I have a new one.

One was a AEII with a different type of ALPS?
So far I have seen 3 different types of ALPS switches in my AEII's but I have heard of yet one more.
white, off white, cream(i dont think I have any of those), and a different white ALPS type stem.

I also just got a keyboard that looks almost identical to an AEII, but is a tad thicker and has insanely clicky and tactile white ALPS. It is damn nice to type on too!

So this all just means that the number in my sig grew again :)
« Last Edit: Thu, 03 September 2009, 05:06:22 by clickclack »
862+ keyboards and counting!   R.I.P.ster          Vendor link ->Clack Factory

Offline rdjack21

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Project "Board Chow"
« Reply #143 on: Wed, 02 September 2009, 15:13:34 »
Man you get to have all the fun.... Why not send us a few and we will help taking them apart. I promise I will send them back...
Topre Capacitive: Realforce 87U, Realforce 86U, HHKB Pro 2, Topre MD01B0, Topre HE0100, Sun Short Type, OEM NEO CS (x2), NISSHO Electronics KB106DE
Buckling Spring: IBM Model M Space Saver (1291472), Unicomp Customizer x 2
Cherry Brown: Filco FKBN87M/EB, Compaq MX11800
Black Alps: ABS M1
Not so great boards Rare Spring over dome OKI, Sun rack keyboard

Trackballs - Trackman Wheel (3), Trackman marble (2)
Keyboards I still want to get - Happy Hacking Keyboard Pro 2 the White version, Realforce 23U number pad in black and maybe white, μTRON ergo board with Topre switches.
Previously owned - [size=0]SiiG MiniTouch (White Alps), Scorpius M10 (Blue Cherry), IBM Model M13[/size]

Offline lowpoly

  • Posts: 1749
Project "Board Chow"
« Reply #144 on: Wed, 02 September 2009, 15:34:20 »
Quote from: clickclack;114047
So this all just means that the number in my sig grew again :)

Do you need a certain number of 'boards?

Miniguru thread at GH // The Apple M0110 Today

Offline erricrice

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« Reply #145 on: Wed, 02 September 2009, 18:10:20 »
Quote from: webwit;114087
He should get to 1000.

Like my favorite football player ever (even though I grew up seeing Cruyff play).

O Rei do Teclado!

He has to get

OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I\'m selling all my Shizz! Please buy it!

White ALPS: Northgate Omnikey 101-NCS(Real-Complicated)****Filco Zero FKBN87Z/EB(Fukka Simplifieds)****Siig MiniTouch(XM Simplifieds)
Black ALPS: Black Dell AT-101W(Real-Complicated)****ABS M1(Modded Black ALPS, Linear)
Buckling Spring: Model M 1391401(1988 & 1993)
Cherry Blues: DAS III Pro
Cherry Blacks: Cherry G80-11900
Cherry Browns: 3X Cherry G80-8113LRCUS-2
Cherry MY: G81-7000HPBUS-2****G81-3000LANUS-0****Modded to 20g
Rubber Dome: HHKB Lite 2 (White & Black)

Logitech G5[/FONT]
Erricrice\'s Song of the Day: Gorillaz - El Maņana
Yup, Blatantly stealing this from you Kishy, hope you don\'t mind, it\'s a great idea.

Offline skriefal

  • Posts: 235
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Project "Board Chow"
« Reply #146 on: Wed, 02 September 2009, 19:42:12 »
I'll guess 8585.

Offline clickclack

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« Reply #147 on: Thu, 03 September 2009, 05:25:41 »
Quote from: rdjack21;114071
Man you get to have all the fun.... Why not send us a few and we will help taking them apart. I promise I will send them back...


Quote from: lowpoly;114084
Do you need a certain number of 'boards?

yes and no. (and I am not being a jerk) I need to be close to a certain number for one project, and for the other projects the numbers have yet to be determined

Quote from: webwit;114087
He should get to 1000.

eeek! Where would I put them??????? =S Seriously though, I am having quite the hard time finding places to put the ones I have now! =S

Quote from: erricrice;114156
He has to get
OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

uhhhh...geez imagine having almost a million keys! I would rather not =P

Quote from: skriefal;114205
I'll guess 8585.

you got it, although it looks like you are trying to steal away some of
InSanCen and huha's thunder! haahaa :) That's mighty bold I say, MIGHTY BOLD! =P

So this is where we are at thus far-

ripster- 25,250
MsKeyboard- 1,001
InSanCen- 9,500 itty bitty caps
rdjack21- 4,048
Hak Foo- 2,744
lowpoly- 10,400
webwit- dirty laundry =P
xyzzy- 3,456.7 well the .7 is right at least =P
erricrice- 2,100
huha- 8,192 "nice" (we shall see)
skriefal- 8,585 and a low blow to huha and InSanCen! haahaa

So the competition heats up a bit.... hmmm?
Keep em coming people :)
« Last Edit: Thu, 03 September 2009, 06:33:05 by clickclack »
862+ keyboards and counting!   R.I.P.ster          Vendor link ->Clack Factory

Offline kyamei

  • Posts: 140
Project "Board Chow"
« Reply #148 on: Thu, 03 September 2009, 05:42:55 »
I'll throw in a guess.  6250
Topre:  Realforce 101, Realforce 87U, HHKB Pro 2
Cherry Brown:  Compaq MX11800
Cherry Blue:  Filco FKBN87MC/EB
Cherry Black:  K-202 numerical keypad
Alps Black:  AT101W, ABS M1
Alps White:  Focus FK-2001
Buckling Springs:  Model M 1391401, Lexmark Model M 82G2383, Model M2
Buckling Sleeves:  Unicomp Model M4
Futaba:  Sejin EAT-1010

Offline TheSoulhunter

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« Reply #149 on: Thu, 03 September 2009, 06:36:06 »