Author Topic: Tactile Zine  (Read 759866 times)

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1000 on: Sun, 08 July 2018, 23:22:06 »
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I don't know if I have the bottom right one, with 6.39. Which is it?

That was a supplemental one that CPT did last year maybe? its all photos from his trip to Japan.

Offline romevi

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1001 on: Sun, 08 July 2018, 23:42:24 »
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I don't know if I have the bottom right one, with 6.39. Which is it?

That was a supplemental one that CPT did last year maybe? its all photos from his trip to Japan.

Yup, that's the one from his Tokyo visit. The zine is about arcades!

Offline FreeCopy

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1002 on: Mon, 09 July 2018, 00:26:13 »
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I don't know if I have the bottom right one, with 6.39. Which is it?

That was a supplemental one that CPT did last year maybe? its all photos from his trip to Japan.

Yup, that's the one from his Tokyo visit. The zine is about arcades!

Thanks for the responses! I may have missed that one somehow which is sad.
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Offline romevi

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1003 on: Mon, 09 July 2018, 00:27:23 »
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I don't know if I have the bottom right one, with 6.39. Which is it?

That was a supplemental one that CPT did last year maybe? its all photos from his trip to Japan.

Yup, that's the one from his Tokyo visit. The zine is about arcades!

Thanks for the responses! I may have missed that one somehow which is sad.

I'd send one your way but it's my only Tactile Zine.

Hopefully you get a Free Copy!

Offline LightningXI

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1004 on: Mon, 09 July 2018, 00:52:16 »
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I don't know if I have the bottom right one, with 6.39. Which is it?

Continue? Was the latest mini zine.

Offline audax989

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1005 on: Mon, 09 July 2018, 05:04:39 »
Thank you Kelly Boop and Capt Badass!

Offline CPTBadAss

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1006 on: Wed, 11 July 2018, 06:53:16 »
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I don't know if I have the bottom right one, with 6.39. Which is it?

That was a supplemental one that CPT did last year maybe? its all photos from his trip to Japan.

Yup, that's the one from his Tokyo visit. The zine is about arcades!

Thanks for the responses! I may have missed that one somehow which is sad.

Continue? is the first photozine in the new direction I'm moving Tactile towards. I'd like to focus more on photography based on travel/street photography/adventuring/whatever I'm shooting lol. It was a small diary on my time in Akihabara hunting for games and playing in arcades. I did a small run earlier this year and posted it on my site/Instagram. I'd be happy to do another run if there's interest. Unfortunately I can't do free zines anymore so it was $15.

Thank you Kelly Boop and Capt Badass!

You're welcome :). Thanks for your interest.

Offline HoffmanMyster

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1007 on: Thu, 12 July 2018, 20:26:34 »
Yes yes YES!  Great to see you back posting, even briefly.  :)  Can't wait for the next project!

Offline CPTBadAss

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1008 on: Fri, 13 July 2018, 19:02:28 »
If you've only been following in this thread and are still interested in a Small Bundle (just zines like the good old days), please check out the sales thread:

Offline CPTBadAss

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1009 on: Mon, 06 August 2018, 17:20:11 »
So with the end of my collaboration with booper, I'm stepping away from the hobby and geekhack again. If you enjoyed the work we put out, please consider following me on @tactilezine on Instagram or on I have a lot of plans for zines and other things.

I'm taking a darkroom class, a risograph class, and a DIY book-binding class soon. So expect some cool stuff coming from those classes soon. Also I've been planning a new zine based around my ****ty and unintentional birdwatching shots I've gathered in the last couple years.

Offline romevi

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1010 on: Mon, 06 August 2018, 17:22:59 »
So with the end of my collaboration with booper, I'm stepping away from the hobby and geekhack again. If you enjoyed the work we put out, please consider following me on @tactilezine on Instagram or on I have a lot of plans for zines and other things.

I'm taking a darkroom class, a risograph class, and a DIY book-binding class soon. So expect some cool stuff coming from those classes soon. Also I've been planning a new zine based around my ****ty and unintentional birdwatching shots I've gathered in the last couple years.

 :( :-[ :-X :-\ :'( >:D :confused: :mad: :eek: :blank:

Offline firezlife

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1011 on: Mon, 06 August 2018, 20:53:28 »
So with the end of my collaboration with booper, I'm stepping away from the hobby and geekhack again. If you enjoyed the work we put out, please consider following me on @tactilezine on Instagram or on I have a lot of plans for zines and other things.

I'm taking a darkroom class, a risograph class, and a DIY book-binding class soon. So expect some cool stuff coming from those classes soon. Also I've been planning a new zine based around my ****ty and unintentional birdwatching shots I've gathered in the last couple years.

 :( :-[ :-X :-\ :'( >:D :confused: :mad: :eek: :blank:

Thanks for the amazing work and can't wait till your return!

Offline LightningXI

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1012 on: Tue, 07 August 2018, 11:49:23 »
So with the end of my collaboration with booper, I'm stepping away from the hobby and geekhack again. If you enjoyed the work we put out, please consider following me on @tactilezine on Instagram or on I have a lot of plans for zines and other things.

I'm taking a darkroom class, a risograph class, and a DIY book-binding class soon. So expect some cool stuff coming from those classes soon. Also I've been planning a new zine based around my ****ty and unintentional birdwatching shots I've gathered in the last couple years.
Thanks for your work! Will be tuned for more on Instagram.

Sent from my mobile using Tapatalk

Offline CPTBadAss

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1013 on: Fri, 25 November 2022, 13:40:26 »

Having trouble reading the picture above? Click here.
Press Release: Tactile Zine 2.0 Coming Soon

From the desk of the editor:

I know this is quite a necro but to me this has been a work in progress in my mind for a while. When I found myself with a lot of free time but not a lot of funds. I started thinking about this project again...wishing for time where I'd be able to work on it again. And that time is coming soon!

So what am I doing for Tactile 2.0? Remember when I said I was done with keyboards? That was a lie. I'm interested again. But I also want to cover other interests. More to come on that. More zines incoming for sure though. And stickers. Maybe other tangible goods too. I'm also done with overcommitting to things or ideas in public. As usual, expect as much DIY as possible from me. And I'll always provide simple and transparent updates.

If you're interested, please watch this space. For those who aren't aware of Tactile 1.0, please see the first post in the link below. And if you remember 1.0, let me know. I'd love to catch up. I have a lot to learn about keyboards again.

P.S: I do think there is such a thing as endgame keyboards and I'm fully prepared to step away from the hobby again with my small but beloved collection.


Offline funderburker

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1014 on: Sat, 26 November 2022, 05:37:24 »
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OOOOOOOOOOOH DAAAAAAAAAAMN! Nice nice nice! I gifted my collection of Tactile 1.0 zines to sleepy but hell, I am signing up for Tactile 2.0. YESYESYES, Captain, let's f-ing gooo!
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Offline kurplop

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1015 on: Sat, 26 November 2022, 08:35:46 »
Good to hear you’re still around.

Offline pr0ximity

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1016 on: Sat, 26 November 2022, 15:08:33 »
Hyyyyyyyyyyped, really enjoyed each of the zines you put out and always welcome more!
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Offline HoffmanMyster

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1017 on: Mon, 28 November 2022, 11:59:37 »
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Having trouble reading the picture above? Click here.
Press Release: Tactile Zine 2.0 Coming Soon

From the desk of the editor:

I know this is quite a necro but to me this has been a work in progress in my mind for a while. When I found myself with a lot of free time but not a lot of funds. I started thinking about this project again...wishing for time where I'd be able to work on it again. And that time is coming soon!

So what am I doing for Tactile 2.0? Remember when I said I was done with keyboards? That was a lie. I'm interested again. But I also want to cover other interests. More to come on that. More zines incoming for sure though. And stickers. Maybe other tangible goods too. I'm also done with overcommitting to things or ideas in public. As usual, expect as much DIY as possible from me. And I'll always provide simple and transparent updates.

If you're interested, please watch this space. For those who aren't aware of Tactile 1.0, please see the first post in the link below. And if you remember 1.0, let me know. I'd love to catch up. I have a lot to learn about keyboards again.

P.S: I do think there is such a thing as endgame keyboards and I'm fully prepared to step away from the hobby again with my small but beloved collection.


Yessssssssssss, bring it on!

Offline funderburker

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1018 on: Tue, 29 November 2022, 02:32:31 »
Lovely to see old men hyping up another old man like this. We GH vets. Love ya fellas! :cool:
Keyboard design by Skepur

My boards: TMO50 FE:06 | LAGOM Groda-T | TMOv2 R1 prototype | Onyx FRL TKL prototype | Stege TKL prototype | Ellipse prototype | Cyberstar

Offline azhdar

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1019 on: Tue, 29 November 2022, 02:51:08 »
Hi Again captain !
Azerty Propagandiste

Offline Slywanin

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1020 on: Fri, 30 December 2022, 12:12:26 »

Offline CPTBadAss

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1021 on: Wed, 15 March 2023, 22:41:05 »
Just checking in to say my November post wasn't a joke. I'm slowly working on getting everything ready. The day job is keeping me busy and I'm still trying to wrap my head around the current state of the hobby. Hard to talk about keebs if I don't have a grasp on em yet haha.

I have finally got my site up and running so please check it out for now. It's not much but I promise more is coming.

Also it's nice to hear from ya'll.

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OOOOOOOOOOOH DAAAAAAAAAAMN! Nice nice nice! I gifted my collection of Tactile 1.0 zines to sleepy but hell, I am signing up for Tactile 2.0. YESYESYES, Captain, let's f-ing gooo!

Unfortunately I can't just giveaway the zines this time. I no longer have the same situation as Tactile 1.0 and cannot get prints/stickers for cheap. I promise I will price the zines affordably though. More to come on that. I'm continually surprised to hear people kept the old zines. Happy people did though.

Good to hear you’re still around.

I left the hobby for a long time but getting back into it. Glad you're still here!!

Yessssssssssss, bring it on!

Hehe, you're getting recruited to help on this whether you like it or not  :p

Hi Again captain !

Hello! Hope you are doing well  ;D

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1022 on: Sat, 18 March 2023, 12:31:02 »
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the current state of the hobby.

Switches as far as the eye can see!

Good to have you back :)
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Offline Booper

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1023 on: Mon, 22 May 2023, 16:01:26 »
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Press Release: Tactile Zine 2.0 Coming Soon

From the desk of the editor:

I know this is quite a necro but to me this has been a work in progress in my mind for a while. When I found myself with a lot of free time but not a lot of funds. I started thinking about this project again...wishing for time where I'd be able to work on it again. And that time is coming soon!

So what am I doing for Tactile 2.0? Remember when I said I was done with keyboards? That was a lie. I'm interested again. But I also want to cover other interests. More to come on that. More zines incoming for sure though. And stickers. Maybe other tangible goods too. I'm also done with overcommitting to things or ideas in public. As usual, expect as much DIY as possible from me. And I'll always provide simple and transparent updates.

If you're interested, please watch this space. For those who aren't aware of Tactile 1.0, please see the first post in the link below. And if you remember 1.0, let me know. I'd love to catch up. I have a lot to learn about keyboards again.

P.S: I do think there is such a thing as endgame keyboards and I'm fully prepared to step away from the hobby again with my small but beloved collection.


omg yesss! I've come to the conclusion that one can never truly quit keyboards  :)) There are so many new boards and switches and everything out now! I'm counting on you to learn so you can translate everything into a digestible format for me  :)) :)) if you need me!

Offline CPTBadAss

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Re: Tactile Zine
« Reply #1024 on: Mon, 22 May 2023, 17:20:25 »
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Having trouble reading the picture above? Click here.
Press Release: Tactile Zine 2.0 Coming Soon

From the desk of the editor:

I know this is quite a necro but to me this has been a work in progress in my mind for a while. When I found myself with a lot of free time but not a lot of funds. I started thinking about this project again...wishing for time where I'd be able to work on it again. And that time is coming soon!

So what am I doing for Tactile 2.0? Remember when I said I was done with keyboards? That was a lie. I'm interested again. But I also want to cover other interests. More to come on that. More zines incoming for sure though. And stickers. Maybe other tangible goods too. I'm also done with overcommitting to things or ideas in public. As usual, expect as much DIY as possible from me. And I'll always provide simple and transparent updates.

If you're interested, please watch this space. For those who aren't aware of Tactile 1.0, please see the first post in the link below. And if you remember 1.0, let me know. I'd love to catch up. I have a lot to learn about keyboards again.

P.S: I do think there is such a thing as endgame keyboards and I'm fully prepared to step away from the hobby again with my small but beloved collection.


omg yesss! I've come to the conclusion that one can never truly quit keyboards  :)) There are so many new boards and switches and everything out now! I'm counting on you to learn so you can translate everything into a digestible format for me  :)) :))

Ok but this time, I'm going to not collect 40+ keyboards lol. I am planning on reviewing switches though. Been buying samples hehe