Author Topic: [IC] GMK Solarized (Penumbra?!)  (Read 784409 times)

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Offline pr0ximity

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Re: [IC] GMK Solarized (Penumbra?!)
« Reply #250 on: Thu, 28 July 2016, 18:45:13 »
Whatever, Fogell.
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Offline Gajible

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Re: [IC] GMK Solarized (Penumbra?!)
« Reply #251 on: Thu, 28 July 2016, 20:05:49 »
Darn, controlled market @ 500 sets incoming!

Offline Aricil

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Re: [IC] GMK Solarized (Penumbra?!)
« Reply #252 on: Sat, 30 July 2016, 13:01:21 »
i think the misplaced entitlement rests with those who still believe that you can "own" a colorway. I will support any community-driven group buy that takes comments and input from interested members and incorporates them in the finished product. I appreciate everything bunny, et al have done for the community, but all i see here is thread crapping on an IC that is trying to offer the people what they want.
You again?
It's not really an 'old boys club' mentality when someone very new to the community waltzes in like they've got the biggest dong in town and starts an IC to overtake one of the most sought after colorways to date. This IC is only about misplaced entitlement and instant gratification.

As Meiosis pointed out before with the clash of cultures, most of the animosity in this thread are due to the OP, while being unknown in the GH community, essentially being an internet celebrity in the Reddit mech community, where this IC was also posted (and met with much more positivity, probably due to he being a more prominent figure over there compared to BunnyLake).
Well that and just straight up taking credit for he renders at first.
Show Image

Show Image

To his credit, he did update the post on Reddit;
Show Image

I would prefer it if we could all calm down a bit and give him a chance to come back and apologize. (Instead of how he responded on the first few pages of this thread)

Am I the only who doesn't understand why it matters? I mean, it's a picture, right? He just changed the colors to show what it would be. I mean, it's not like he's selling framed pictures of the render. I fail to see how this hurts anyone. I mean, if anything, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
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Offline Aricil

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Re: [IC] GMK Solarized (Penumbra?!)
« Reply #253 on: Sat, 30 July 2016, 13:03:32 »
Sign me up!

To me, that seems more along the lines of basic capitalism. Isn't competition good for us, the consumer?
Professional amateur.

Offline JaccoW

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Re: [IC] GMK Solarized (Penumbra?!)
« Reply #254 on: Sat, 30 July 2016, 19:21:32 »
i think the misplaced entitlement rests with those who still believe that you can "own" a colorway. I will support any community-driven group buy that takes comments and input from interested members and incorporates them in the finished product. I appreciate everything bunny, et al have done for the community, but all i see here is thread crapping on an IC that is trying to offer the people what they want.
You again?
It's not really an 'old boys club' mentality when someone very new to the community waltzes in like they've got the biggest dong in town and starts an IC to overtake one of the most sought after colorways to date. This IC is only about misplaced entitlement and instant gratification.

As Meiosis pointed out before with the clash of cultures, most of the animosity in this thread are due to the OP, while being unknown in the GH community, essentially being an internet celebrity in the Reddit mech community, where this IC was also posted (and met with much more positivity, probably due to he being a more prominent figure over there compared to BunnyLake).
Well that and just straight up taking credit for he renders at first.
Show Image

Show Image

To his credit, he did update the post on Reddit;
Show Image

I would prefer it if we could all calm down a bit and give him a chance to come back and apologize. (Instead of how he responded on the first few pages of this thread)

Am I the only who doesn't understand why it matters? I mean, it's a picture, right? He just changed the colors to show what it would be. I mean, it's not like he's selling framed pictures of the render. I fail to see how this hurts anyone. I mean, if anything, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
For the same reason why Getty images is being sued for $1 billion.
Even if something can be used for free, the original author can put down rules on its use. Such as referring to the original and asking permission to use it.

A picture or a render is someone's product of lots of work he or she has put into it. Would you enjoy spending hours on whatever it is you do for work only for someone else to paint it a different color and then call it his own?
Because that is what this is.

Imitation would have been if he himself would have designed and developed a model in software and then render it in a color he wanted. This is (bordering on) stealing someone's hard work.
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Offline neverused

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Re: [IC] GMK Solarized (Penumbra?!)
« Reply #255 on: Sat, 30 July 2016, 22:28:42 »
I don't want to read this thread just to find out, how do I get a penumbra set without paying out the ass? I like the gmk set better, but wouldn't mind SA if I have no choice.

Also the whole solarized colorway has been in use elsewhere, applying it to keycaps and acting like no one else can use it would be pretty ignorant.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

Offline MkLovin

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Re: [IC] GMK Solarized (Penumbra?!)
« Reply #256 on: Sat, 30 July 2016, 22:34:54 »
i think the misplaced entitlement rests with those who still believe that you can "own" a colorway. I will support any community-driven group buy that takes comments and input from interested members and incorporates them in the finished product. I appreciate everything bunny, et al have done for the community, but all i see here is thread crapping on an IC that is trying to offer the people what they want.
You again?
It's not really an 'old boys club' mentality when someone very new to the community waltzes in like they've got the biggest dong in town and starts an IC to overtake one of the most sought after colorways to date. This IC is only about misplaced entitlement and instant gratification.

As Meiosis pointed out before with the clash of cultures, most of the animosity in this thread are due to the OP, while being unknown in the GH community, essentially being an internet celebrity in the Reddit mech community, where this IC was also posted (and met with much more positivity, probably due to he being a more prominent figure over there compared to BunnyLake).
Well that and just straight up taking credit for he renders at first.
Show Image

Show Image

To his credit, he did update the post on Reddit;
Show Image

I would prefer it if we could all calm down a bit and give him a chance to come back and apologize. (Instead of how he responded on the first few pages of this thread)

Am I the only who doesn't understand why it matters? I mean, it's a picture, right? He just changed the colors to show what it would be. I mean, it's not like he's selling framed pictures of the render. I fail to see how this hurts anyone. I mean, if anything, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
For the same reason why Getty images is being sued for $1 billion.
Even if something can be used for free, the original author can put down rules on its use. Such as referring to the original and asking permission to use it.

A picture or a render is someone's product of lots of work he or she has put into it. Would you enjoy spending hours on whatever it is you do for work only for someone else to paint it a different color and then call it his own?
Because that is what this is.

Imitation would have been if he himself would have designed and developed a model in software and then render it in a color he wanted. This is (bordering on) stealing someone's hard work.

Aside from the fact that no such rules were posted ANYWHERE by the original owner and not even a watermark was posted on the pictures...  It is considered a deviant work in case you are interested.  If I photoshop a picture of a dolphin behind Obama it isn't the original photographer's work anymore, it is a completely different work with a different meaning and completely different image.  If I apply your logic to the scenario I just mentioned, you would be claiming that a man who photoshops a dolphin behind Obama is indeed stealing.  If that is what you are going to contend, I think you should really take a look at your argument again.  I changed the colors of the render to an unrecognizable state (only the original creator was able to recognize) which really proves how different my work was.  It took hours in photoshop to get right.  So even if he put hours into the render, and I respect the fact that he did.  I still had to put a ton of hard work of my OWN into making this render Penumbra.  Also, the render he created is just a generic image of cherry profile keycaps and it really isn't anything special at all.  I don't think that anyone actually owns the right to post an image of cherry profile keycaps.  I could have taken a picture of my own board and photoshopped the colors if I really wanted to and in hindsight it would have been a better idea.  Regardless, it isn't stealing someone's work.  Stealing someone's work would be putting my name to GMK Carbon.  I put my name to GMK Penumbra which is 100% different and nothing alike.  The only thing that is the same in either is the fact that it is a picture of Cherry Profile caps but of completely different colors.  That is the single similarity between the two.  Otherwise it is 100% different.  I don't really know what you are hoping to gain by trying to claim I am stealing in the first place.  I am not, and that was not my intention in the first place.  Should I have given him credit for creating the render, since I mean he did make it.  But in all honesty, it is a deviant work and I really haven't done anything wrong.  It is not illegal to photoshop a picture and it is not stealing unless I changed just a pixel and tried to call it mine... I changed the ENTIRE picture.  Also the entire argument that I am intentionally stealing and harming his business is completely incorrect.  I had no intentions of doing so, I have no intentions of doing so.  I am not selling this.  I am not making any money off of his render.  I will not make any money off of his render.  I changed the ENTIRE render to make it 100% different and unrecognizable.  I am not selling his work, I am not even selling my own work.  I am showing people a picture that has been photoshopped.  If you are going to complain about me taking a picture photoshopping it until it is unrecognizable and then trying to blame me for stealing it, then never visit r/photoshopbattles.  Anyways, that's my side of the story.  Believe what you want, that's up to you.  All I can do is say my side of the story.
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Offline MkLovin

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Re: [IC] GMK Solarized (Penumbra?!)
« Reply #257 on: Sat, 30 July 2016, 22:38:56 »
I don't want to read this thread just to find out, how do I get a penumbra set without paying out the ass? I like the gmk set better, but wouldn't mind SA if I have no choice.

Also the whole solarized colorway has been in use elsewhere, applying it to keycaps and acting like no one else can use it would be pretty ignorant.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

Well Bunny is creating the set.  He is controlling the market as well by limiting the quantity so I am assuming it will be a higher price due to the fact that it has a huge demand and people will pay out the ass for something like Penumbra.
Mick Lovin is my favorite singer in the Rolling Stones

Offline techmattr

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Re: [IC] GMK Solarized (Penumbra?!)
« Reply #258 on: Sun, 31 July 2016, 02:46:05 »
i think the misplaced entitlement rests with those who still believe that you can "own" a colorway. I will support any community-driven group buy that takes comments and input from interested members and incorporates them in the finished product. I appreciate everything bunny, et al have done for the community, but all i see here is thread crapping on an IC that is trying to offer the people what they want.
You again?
It's not really an 'old boys club' mentality when someone very new to the community waltzes in like they've got the biggest dong in town and starts an IC to overtake one of the most sought after colorways to date. This IC is only about misplaced entitlement and instant gratification.

As Meiosis pointed out before with the clash of cultures, most of the animosity in this thread are due to the OP, while being unknown in the GH community, essentially being an internet celebrity in the Reddit mech community, where this IC was also posted (and met with much more positivity, probably due to he being a more prominent figure over there compared to BunnyLake).
Well that and just straight up taking credit for he renders at first.
Show Image

Show Image

To his credit, he did update the post on Reddit;
Show Image

I would prefer it if we could all calm down a bit and give him a chance to come back and apologize. (Instead of how he responded on the first few pages of this thread)

Am I the only who doesn't understand why it matters? I mean, it's a picture, right? He just changed the colors to show what it would be. I mean, it's not like he's selling framed pictures of the render. I fail to see how this hurts anyone. I mean, if anything, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
For the same reason why Getty images is being sued for $1 billion.
Even if something can be used for free, the original author can put down rules on its use. Such as referring to the original and asking permission to use it.

A picture or a render is someone's product of lots of work he or she has put into it. Would you enjoy spending hours on whatever it is you do for work only for someone else to paint it a different color and then call it his own?
Because that is what this is.

Imitation would have been if he himself would have designed and developed a model in software and then render it in a color he wanted. This is (bordering on) stealing someone's hard work.

Aside from the fact that no such rules were posted ANYWHERE by the original owner and not even a watermark was posted on the pictures...  It is considered a deviant work in case you are interested.  If I photoshop a picture of a dolphin behind Obama it isn't the original photographer's work anymore, it is a completely different work with a different meaning and completely different image.  If I apply your logic to the scenario I just mentioned, you would be claiming that a man who photoshops a dolphin behind Obama is indeed stealing.  If that is what you are going to contend, I think you should really take a look at your argument again.  I changed the colors of the render to an unrecognizable state (only the original creator was able to recognize) which really proves how different my work was.  It took hours in photoshop to get right.  So even if he put hours into the render, and I respect the fact that he did.  I still had to put a ton of hard work of my OWN into making this render Penumbra.  Also, the render he created is just a generic image of cherry profile keycaps and it really isn't anything special at all.  I don't think that anyone actually owns the right to post an image of cherry profile keycaps.  I could have taken a picture of my own board and photoshopped the colors if I really wanted to and in hindsight it would have been a better idea.  Regardless, it isn't stealing someone's work.  Stealing someone's work would be putting my name to GMK Carbon.  I put my name to GMK Penumbra which is 100% different and nothing alike.  The only thing that is the same in either is the fact that it is a picture of Cherry Profile caps but of completely different colors.  That is the single similarity between the two.  Otherwise it is 100% different.  I don't really know what you are hoping to gain by trying to claim I am stealing in the first place.  I am not, and that was not my intention in the first place.  Should I have given him credit for creating the render, since I mean he did make it.  But in all honesty, it is a deviant work and I really haven't done anything wrong.  It is not illegal to photoshop a picture and it is not stealing unless I changed just a pixel and tried to call it mine... I changed the ENTIRE picture.  Also the entire argument that I am intentionally stealing and harming his business is completely incorrect.  I had no intentions of doing so, I have no intentions of doing so.  I am not selling this.  I am not making any money off of his render.  I will not make any money off of his render.  I changed the ENTIRE render to make it 100% different and unrecognizable.  I am not selling his work, I am not even selling my own work.  I am showing people a picture that has been photoshopped.  If you are going to complain about me taking a picture photoshopping it until it is unrecognizable and then trying to blame me for stealing it, then never visit r/photoshopbattles.  Anyways, that's my side of the story.  Believe what you want, that's up to you.  All I can do is say my side of the story.

Seriously? Honestly dude I've lost all respect for you at this point. Haven't you ever wondered why there are only a couple people that make renders... it's because it's not easy to do. Changing the colors of a picture? Yeah any 5 year old can do that. You didn't change anything in that picture that actually requires any skill. You straight up stole someones work and blatantly tried to take credit and now you're blaming the original artist for not making a post every 30 minutes to remind the entire community to not steal his work... come the F on dude. I know you're young but seriously you haven't shown an ounce of maturity or honesty through any of this.

Offline MkLovin

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Re: [IC] GMK Solarized (Penumbra?!)
« Reply #259 on: Sun, 31 July 2016, 03:58:30 »
i think the misplaced entitlement rests with those who still believe that you can "own" a colorway. I will support any community-driven group buy that takes comments and input from interested members and incorporates them in the finished product. I appreciate everything bunny, et al have done for the community, but all i see here is thread crapping on an IC that is trying to offer the people what they want.
You again?
It's not really an 'old boys club' mentality when someone very new to the community waltzes in like they've got the biggest dong in town and starts an IC to overtake one of the most sought after colorways to date. This IC is only about misplaced entitlement and instant gratification.

As Meiosis pointed out before with the clash of cultures, most of the animosity in this thread are due to the OP, while being unknown in the GH community, essentially being an internet celebrity in the Reddit mech community, where this IC was also posted (and met with much more positivity, probably due to he being a more prominent figure over there compared to BunnyLake).
Well that and just straight up taking credit for he renders at first.
Show Image

Show Image

To his credit, he did update the post on Reddit;
Show Image

I would prefer it if we could all calm down a bit and give him a chance to come back and apologize. (Instead of how he responded on the first few pages of this thread)

Am I the only who doesn't understand why it matters? I mean, it's a picture, right? He just changed the colors to show what it would be. I mean, it's not like he's selling framed pictures of the render. I fail to see how this hurts anyone. I mean, if anything, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
For the same reason why Getty images is being sued for $1 billion.
Even if something can be used for free, the original author can put down rules on its use. Such as referring to the original and asking permission to use it.

A picture or a render is someone's product of lots of work he or she has put into it. Would you enjoy spending hours on whatever it is you do for work only for someone else to paint it a different color and then call it his own?
Because that is what this is.

Imitation would have been if he himself would have designed and developed a model in software and then render it in a color he wanted. This is (bordering on) stealing someone's hard work.

Aside from the fact that no such rules were posted ANYWHERE by the original owner and not even a watermark was posted on the pictures...  It is considered a deviant work in case you are interested.  If I photoshop a picture of a dolphin behind Obama it isn't the original photographer's work anymore, it is a completely different work with a different meaning and completely different image.  If I apply your logic to the scenario I just mentioned, you would be claiming that a man who photoshops a dolphin behind Obama is indeed stealing.  If that is what you are going to contend, I think you should really take a look at your argument again.  I changed the colors of the render to an unrecognizable state (only the original creator was able to recognize) which really proves how different my work was.  It took hours in photoshop to get right.  So even if he put hours into the render, and I respect the fact that he did.  I still had to put a ton of hard work of my OWN into making this render Penumbra.  Also, the render he created is just a generic image of cherry profile keycaps and it really isn't anything special at all.  I don't think that anyone actually owns the right to post an image of cherry profile keycaps.  I could have taken a picture of my own board and photoshopped the colors if I really wanted to and in hindsight it would have been a better idea.  Regardless, it isn't stealing someone's work.  Stealing someone's work would be putting my name to GMK Carbon.  I put my name to GMK Penumbra which is 100% different and nothing alike.  The only thing that is the same in either is the fact that it is a picture of Cherry Profile caps but of completely different colors.  That is the single similarity between the two.  Otherwise it is 100% different.  I don't really know what you are hoping to gain by trying to claim I am stealing in the first place.  I am not, and that was not my intention in the first place.  Should I have given him credit for creating the render, since I mean he did make it.  But in all honesty, it is a deviant work and I really haven't done anything wrong.  It is not illegal to photoshop a picture and it is not stealing unless I changed just a pixel and tried to call it mine... I changed the ENTIRE picture.  Also the entire argument that I am intentionally stealing and harming his business is completely incorrect.  I had no intentions of doing so, I have no intentions of doing so.  I am not selling this.  I am not making any money off of his render.  I will not make any money off of his render.  I changed the ENTIRE render to make it 100% different and unrecognizable.  I am not selling his work, I am not even selling my own work.  I am showing people a picture that has been photoshopped.  If you are going to complain about me taking a picture photoshopping it until it is unrecognizable and then trying to blame me for stealing it, then never visit r/photoshopbattles.  Anyways, that's my side of the story.  Believe what you want, that's up to you.  All I can do is say my side of the story.

Seriously? Honestly dude I've lost all respect for you at this point. Haven't you ever wondered why there are only a couple people that make renders... it's because it's not easy to do. Changing the colors of a picture? Yeah any 5 year old can do that. You didn't change anything in that picture that actually requires any skill. You straight up stole someones work and blatantly tried to take credit and now you're blaming the original artist for not making a post every 30 minutes to remind the entire community to not steal his work... come the F on dude. I know you're young but seriously you haven't shown an ounce of maturity or honesty through any of this.

Wait a second, I haven't showed any maturity or honesty?  What the ****?  I admitted 100% what I did and that is an honest and mature thing to do.  I could have not mentioned it and never responded but I choose to edit the post, PM the artist and make it abundantly clear what the situation was. I don't blame him at all for not making a post every 30 minutes but I got **** for ignoring his warnings and I wanted to make it clear, there were none.  Also you are making it sound like he poured hundreds of hours into this render and I am just ripping it from him and re-branding it as mine.  I did change the colors of a picture but that changes literally the entire picture, the meaning of the picture and what the picture is supposed to do.  It changes EVERY aspect of the picture and its purpose.  It goes from being a render for a GMK Carbon set to a render of a GMK Penumbra set.  There is not a single person who will look at the picture of GMK Penumbra and say "Wow what a great picture of GMK Carbon."  For the simple fact that it is no longer GMK Carbon and it is something new entirely.  I don't think that those are similar at all and if you handed someone a render of GMK Carbon when they wanted Penumbra they would be really disappointed.  My point is, photoshopping does take time and effort.  It may take a little bit less than creating a render but it still takes time to do.  It still takes effort to do.  If you are saying that putting time, effort and dedication into a picture are not enough to qualify it as a deviant work then what does make something deviant?

If you want honest here we go bud:
Should I have credited the artist, yes. I should have. But am I STEALING 100% and ripping his hard work off and calling it my own?  No. 

That is the distinction I am trying to make.  Yes I was wrong to some degree, but I did put time and effort in to change the work and make it completely different which does change a lot about the whole "stealing" debate.  It also changes the fact that I am not just taking his work as is and calling it mine. 

If you want to put this into different terms here is what I am saying with my argument and my defense:

You are saying that I copied a paragraph from a textbook and put it into my essay.

I am saying that I used an idea from the textbook, put them into my own words and put them into the essay to further a different point of my own and strengthen my argument.  So the work is being used in a completely different way, in a new form, and is unrecognizable from the original.

Should I have still credited the author?  Yes.  But am I copying 100% and stealing directly from someone else, no.  What I did was a simple mistake of not crediting an author. 

As for your comment on my honesty and maturity I feel as if that is quite rude and baseless.

I made a mistake.  That much is true.  Everyone makes mistakes and I am not saying that it is okay to make mistakes but I tried to deal with my mistake in the best way possible:

I admitted my mistake and was honest about it.  I attempted to fix my mistake by editing my post and contacting the artist.  I did what I should have done and I feel as if there is not much more I could have done.  I forgot to credit the artist.  It isn't the best thing in the world but it also won't ruin his reputation, steal any business from him or harm him in any way. Yet despite doing all I can to better my mistake and right my wrongs, I am still getting nasty comments about how I am stealing.  I do not know what more you could possibly want from me in this situation.  What else is a respectful and mature person to do?  And in what other ways have I attempted to deceive the public?

You are judging my entire character based off of a single mistake which happens to be in a grey area.  I feel as if that is unfair to me, as I have done everything in my power to fix my mistake.  I also honored my word with Bunny after receiving proof that the set is being run.  I have been open and honest about the entire process including my mistake.  I have received nothing but attacks on my character for my mistake and yes, it does bother me after a while.  I am not a dishonest person.  I try to be transparent and be a active and helpful member of the community.  I help out constantly on the subreddit, I recently did a stream so people could learn how to build keyboards, I built keyboard for free for a while but I had to start charging recently which is unfortunate, however, I do not feel as if I am a dishonest person.  You are judging me 100% off of the one mistake I have ever made.  A mistake which happens to be in a huge grey area.  A mistake that didn't bring real harm to anyone but myself. 
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Offline Capmerica

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Re: [IC] GMK Solarized (Penumbra?!)
« Reply #260 on: Sun, 31 July 2016, 06:01:26 »
Dude, just leave the topic owner alone. It is true that he used the picture without the permission of the creator. However, he isn't making any money from it, and he has already apologized. Again, he just want people to have an idea what the set may look like.   

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Offline effectiveduck

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Re: [IC] GMK Solarized (Penumbra?!)
« Reply #261 on: Sun, 31 July 2016, 06:53:17 »
Dude, just leave the topic owner alone. It is true that he used the picture without the permission of the creator. However, he isn't making any money from it, and he has already apologized. Again, he just want people to have an idea what the set may look like.   

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yea your right! Uploading movies/music/tv shows/games/programs online is legal as long as your not making any money
« Last Edit: Sun, 31 July 2016, 07:14:00 by effectiveduck »

Offline feralfoo

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Re: [IC] GMK Solarized (Penumbra?!)
« Reply #262 on: Sun, 31 July 2016, 07:02:55 »
Please include pro modifiers and different space bar lengths, see the GMK Carbon thread ( for an excellent base kit.

Don't mind the haters, just make this happen :thumb:
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Offline sncbraxsc2

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Re: [IC] GMK Solarized (Penumbra?!)
« Reply #263 on: Sun, 31 July 2016, 07:09:56 »
Please include pro modifiers and different space bar lengths, see the GMK Carbon thread ( for an excellent base kit.

Don't mind the haters, just make this happen :thumb:

You guys are getting comical at this point

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Re: [IC] GMK Solarized (Penumbra?!)
« Reply #264 on: Sun, 31 July 2016, 07:56:21 »
R5 modifiers,hhkb and 1800 layout supports pls

Offline xondat

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Re: [IC] GMK Solarized (Penumbra?!)
« Reply #265 on: Sun, 31 July 2016, 07:59:39 »
R5 modifiers,hhkb and 1800 layout supports pls
You guys are getting comical at this point

Offline HannahPeach

  • Posts: 200
Re: [IC] GMK Solarized (Penumbra?!)
« Reply #266 on: Sun, 31 July 2016, 08:17:19 »
Dude, just leave the topic owner alone. It is true that he used the picture without the permission of the creator. However, he isn't making any money from it, and he has already apologized. Again, he just want people to have an idea what the set may look like.   

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yea your right! Uploading movies/music/tv shows/games/programs online is legal as long as your not making any money

I think he's trying to get at what is called "fair use", no?

Offline effectiveduck

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Re: [IC] GMK Solarized (Penumbra?!)
« Reply #267 on: Sun, 31 July 2016, 08:20:56 »
Dude, just leave the topic owner alone. It is true that he used the picture without the permission of the creator. However, he isn't making any money from it, and he has already apologized. Again, he just want people to have an idea what the set may look like.   

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yea your right! Uploading movies/music/tv shows/games/programs online is legal as long as your not making any money

I think he's trying to get at what is called "fair use", no?

Nope, OPs use is straight plagiarism.

Offline Spopepro

  • Posts: 229
Re: [IC] GMK Solarized (Penumbra?!)
« Reply #268 on: Sun, 31 July 2016, 12:40:57 »
Dude, just leave the topic owner alone. It is true that he used the picture without the permission of the creator. However, he isn't making any money from it, and he has already apologized. Again, he just want people to have an idea what the set may look like.   

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yea your right! Uploading movies/music/tv shows/games/programs online is legal as long as your not making any money

I think he's trying to get at what is called "fair use", no?

Nope, OPs use is straight plagiarism.

Which only applies to words and ideas. It's odd, if not incorrect, to apply that word here.

I would strongly suggest this be locked at this point since OP says IC is over, and the denizens of GH, and visitors from abroad, are doing little to distinguish themselves with further discourse.

Offline techmattr

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Re: [IC] GMK Solarized (Penumbra?!)
« Reply #269 on: Sun, 31 July 2016, 14:53:45 »
Dude, just leave the topic owner alone. It is true that he used the picture without the permission of the creator. However, he isn't making any money from it, and he has already apologized. Again, he just want people to have an idea what the set may look like.   

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yea your right! Uploading movies/music/tv shows/games/programs online is legal as long as your not making any money

I think he's trying to get at what is called "fair use", no?

Fair use doesn't apply when a) you don't give credit and b) when the secondary use is identical to the original use. Fair use only exists as "to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work" without original consent. You can't edit it and use it. That's not fair use it's copyright infringement. MkLovin has 0 concept of intellectual property nor does he care. In his fake apology he shifts as much blame away from him as he possibly can even on to the original artist. What a joke. That line of thinking is so unbelievably selfish and immature. It disgusts me.

You are judging my entire character based off of a single mistake which happens to be in a grey area.

a) It wasn't a mistake since you blatantly took credit for something you didn't do multiple times.
b) It's not even remotely close to being a grey area. It is without a doubt 100% copyright infringement.
« Last Edit: Sun, 31 July 2016, 14:56:43 by techmattr »

Offline muon

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Re: [IC] GMK Solarized (Penumbra?!)
« Reply #270 on: Sun, 31 July 2016, 15:28:32 »
Think this has all just been a big misunderstanding...

MkLovin, you should probably just back off now, there's really no need for you to keep pushing this matter, no good will come of it.

And again thanks Bunny for continuing to run GBs despite the few in our community that make it less pleasant to do so <3