Author Topic: [IC] GMK >Terminal_ NOW LIVE  (Read 73698 times)

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Offline TheKeyCompany

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[IC] GMK >Terminal_ NOW LIVE
« on: Tue, 15 November 2016, 15:27:23 »
Link to GB forum

Were live. And we have a surprise.

UPDATE: Many EU buyers have mentioned that ordering through our authorized reseller on TaoBao may save them on shipping. It will not. If you are in the EU and have placed an order with TaoBao your order will likely be cancelled. We are working dillegently to find a more affordable shipping option for EU buyers. Please stay tuned. If you are in the EU and placed an order with TKC, and we do find a reduced shipping option, you will be refunded the difference. Thank you for your patience.

UPDATE 2: Paypal checkout option added to site.

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Hey everyone. This holiday rush ain’t no joke. We hope everyone is enjoying it.

Countdown to >Terminal_ has arrived. We’ve discussed the plan in depth with GMK, ran on the hamster wheels, constructed additional pylons, and are proud to announce that TKC’s first keycap set will be launching 1/7/17.

In case some need to get up to speed, >Terminal_ was conceived in-house to be a classy, simple colorway, influenced by the *Green Screen* monochrome monitors from our past, with accenting familiar to many, especially those keyboard warriors who code. Even if you don’t code, the novelties were designed to complement the universal tech-inspired theme.

Sample Layout Renders

Kit Mockups

The 167 piece **>Terminal_ Base Kit** supports the following layouts with 100% proper profiles:

* Winkeyless
* 1800
* 65%/75%/96-key
* FC660
* Minivan
* JD40/45
* Planck/Preonic
* Minorca

The beauty of supporting this many layouts without a thousand caps was, as Bob Ross would say, a happy accident. Listening to the countless valuable feedback from the community to support *this* layout or *that* layout lead us to discover that there’s a lot of keycap sharing possible between the numerous custom layouts that people prefer. We believe that by choosing wisely and doing our best not to balloon the keycap count too much, we reached a happy place. The Base Kit also features a total of 9 custom legends: 1u prompts for alternate Escape, 1.25u OS-agnostic prompts, 1.25u and 1u hashbangs, VIM arrows, and Minivan arrows. All legends will be sweet GMK doubleshot - no pad printing to be found here.

In addition to the Base Kit, we’re pleased to offer a solution for the many (MANY) requests for an Ergodox kit, the **N9 Ergodox Modifiers**. As a special treat, with the blessing of Joseph (jchan94 of Keyclack) and Sheraton (waikane of Originative), the N9 ‘Dox kit will also include accent keycaps for their respective popular GMK sets in addition to Terminal. As many of you know, GMK sets tend to have a little harder time hitting MOQ when kitted out too much, and banding together we feel the community can make this happen, whether you’re interested in Terminal or excited that you’d finally be able to deck out your Ergodox with the legendary GMK Sky Dolch or soon to be legendary GMK Hydro.

Speaking of MOQs, we want to let the international peeps know that we spent a lot of sleepless nights figuring out how to make a Terminal international kit attractive and viable enough to tip. We don’t need to mince words - international kits are always tough to tip MOQ. With gracious gifts of his time and wisdom, LeandreN advised us on referencing an “Essentials” kit designed by Wodan from Geekhack, so we did. This aided in keeping the **International Essentials Kit** relatively affordable, with a minimum amount of keys that gives most people what they want to see without being too cost-prohibitive going full conventional “International”. It’s still going to be tough to hit MOQ, but we hope this takes things a step closer to realizing the dream. With UK-ISO featured in the kit, we really hope that that large userbase steps up for the team.

There’s a spacebar kit added because, well, you have to have a cool spacebar kit.

**Shortest FAQ ever**

**Who the hell am I trusting my money with?**
Business Verification
We are a licensed, registered, and insured company based out of Detroit, Michigan, USA. TKC is a joint business venture between
Jason “mikehoncho” Knapp
Brian “unclebrudy” Gutierrez

**OK. So what’s the plan?**
>Group buy 1/7/17, 30 days. Hopefully this gives people enough time to recover from holiday spending. Upon close of the GB on 2/7/17, payment will be submitted to GMK immediately. Lead time quoted is 12 weeks. Upon delivery, orders will be immediately sorted, boxed, and shipped from TKC’s warehouse in Michigan. All keycap kits large and small will be shipped from GMK and to you in GMK trays. Yes, even if you only order the N9 Ergodox Modifier Kit. If you are in Asia, we are working diligently with a reputable vendor who has successfully handled previous GBs. Stay tuned.

**Sounds good. What’s this going to cost me?**
>If the exchange rate between the Euro and USD remains decently stable, the following are the projected prices: Base $159, N9 Ergodox Modifiers $45, International Essentials $30, Spacebars $10. We are basing pricing off the max MOQ tier for convenience and cost savings. **Even if the max MOQ tier is not tipped**, we will keep the cost as quoted. For the unprecedented support of many layouts and the total custom legends offered, we hope the pricing feels fair to everyone.

Big thanks to LeandreN, evangs, thesiscamper, alex_at_panc, waikane, jchan94, and the entire MK community for more than you all know.

**TL;DR** >Terminal_ incoming. Have a great holiday.

It's not TKC's intention to inundate the sub with IC's so close to one another, but our most recent update raised some eyebrows regarding lacking Ergodox compatibility for the upcoming group buy. Well, *we* raised our eyebrows and came up with this:


We'll figure out a catchier name.
A nice bonus if >Terminal_ is not for you, with **N9** being such a neutral and popular base color, the 'Dox crew can also look forward to color compatibility with:

  • waikane's gorgeous Charred Orange and Sky Dolch
  • jchan94's insanely handsome Hydro
  • Karura's world famous Skidata+
  • All current flavors and variations of GMK Dolch

It's our hope that there's enough Ergodox users with these various amazing community member's keysets, whether already in their collection or on the radar, this add-on kit will tip MOQ. We kept it blank and simple for affordability and compatibility. We are awaiting GMK's quote before further updates.

What do you good folks think? Sound off here:



Hello everyone. Thanks for dropping by again!

>Terminal_ is just about ready to go! We've forwarded final mockups and are waiting for quotes from GMK this week, and from there it's full steam ahead. We want to first take this opportunity and say thank you to everyone for the great feedback, small and large. It really helped mold >Terminal_ v0.1a (ha!) into what we feel is an even greater set. We hope you understand that while we were not able to accommodate everyone's requests, we feel we found the happy medium that would please most of you. The profile compatibility we were able to achieve for many popular layouts from just a few additional caps were amazing, and we have no one to thank but you all, the community. These are just a few layouts possible with full-profile coverage, as FC660 (yay!) and Plancks are not pictured but absolutely covered.

Yes, the font will be GMK's house font. =) Changes from the initial interest check:
  • Big thanks to /u/evangs . He helped so much not just to aid in covering the Minivan, but in every way possible to ensure we weren't missing anything. He graciously allowed us to piggyback on his keycaps/legends from 80s Kid, and the additional Minivan keys help cover other layouts as well!
  • Another big thanks to LeandreN. His feedback was invaluable, and he's offered to do more than we could imagine. LeandreN will be linking >Terminal_'s International Kit on Mekanisk. He has also kindly offered to proxy Europe! This week we shall brainstorm and calculate whether it would be beneficial to possibly have him proxy other locales, to ensure we pass on the best shipping costs to everyone.
  • Huge thanks to thesiscamper . We gave him the final mockups very late last week and he pulled off some magic in an insanely short amount of time. Having >Terminal_ beautifully rendered reinforced our vision that this thing looks pretty damn good. He was also very nice about me (unclebrudy ) pestering him at all hours of the day with questions.
  • Thanks a million to alex_at_panc . He pointed out that simply adding an R4 2.25u would provide full Minorca compatibility, but it ended up not being that simple. In a good way. That one "simple" additional key helped cover the FC660, Minivan, and more.
  • >Terminal_ has now drawn inspiration from the amazing Skidata+ keyset in the form of icon mods. We had an overwhelming majority believing that icon mods, where possible, would look great. You folks were right.
  • Sorry to those who may miss it, but we had many many requests to replace the Windows icons. Considering that using the hashbang (on theme and cool-looking!) makes the set more OS-agnostic, we thought that would be a welcome change.
  • 1800, TX1800, 65% (TADA, RS68, etc.), 75% (Octagon, B.Mini, etc.), Planck, and Preonic compatible caps added.
  • A big one - base was changed to N9, which opens up a lot of opportunities to customize with other amazing sets that are the same base color. Figure, it's not as if our monitors from wayback when displayed true black, right? We feel it maintains the same feel as CR while allowing more options to play with. Yippee.

We know, it's a large-ish base set. We hope coming together and supporting each other's layout choices as one will help meet MOQ. We'll say it now - sorry Ergodox folk. We'll do our absolute best to line something up in the future if and when >Terminal_ is re-released. To make sure that we find a price point that is fair and satisfactory, we may have to modify custom legends instead of sacrificing layout compatibility. VIM and Minivan arrows are being explored with GMK to see if front-printing versus shooting will make a marked costs savings. We will have final results in the GB announcement. Group Buy PSA
Thanks so much everyone. We hope we didn't disappoint too many people and look forward to everyone's thoughts!
One more time, >Terminal_ product page on TKC



« Last Edit: Tue, 10 January 2017, 12:52:42 by TheKeyCompany »

Offline boo

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[IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #1 on: Tue, 15 November 2016, 16:46:47 »
Love the color way. Question, will there be a R2 - sign for numpad? I see an R3 + sign and a single 0 so maybe :)

Edit- is that a small - next to delete? Hard to tell

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« Last Edit: Tue, 15 November 2016, 16:51:17 by boo »

Offline TheKeyCompany

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #2 on: Tue, 15 November 2016, 17:01:22 »
Ah. A TX 1800 owner?  ;D

This is the roughest of the rough mockups we have right now. Renders will be presented if there's a positive response to the set (like yours! thanks!) that will be much clearer and more to scale, with GMK's actual font.

To answer your question, yes. Thanks!

Offline SpareWalrus

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #3 on: Tue, 15 November 2016, 17:17:43 »
Love this. Any chance you can add MiniVan support? If so, I'm all in.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk

Offline TheKeyCompany

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #4 on: Tue, 15 November 2016, 17:21:34 »
Look towards the bottom, right side.  ;)

Offline SpareWalrus

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #5 on: Tue, 15 November 2016, 18:23:54 »
Look towards the bottom, right side.  ;)
Oh my, I see it now. So hyped! As a programmer who has spent many a days in a terminal window, I love this set. Thanks for including support for it!

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Offline My_Thoughts

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #6 on: Wed, 16 November 2016, 03:27:12 »
Looking forward to this :)

Offline TalkingTree

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #7 on: Wed, 16 November 2016, 03:39:54 »
Please consider adding ISO-international essentials and eventually R5 caps.
My opensource projects: GH80-3000, TOAD, XMMX. Classified: stuff

Offline dadoduk

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #8 on: Wed, 16 November 2016, 04:06:01 »
Nice!! Go ahead!!

Offline MikeTheTiger

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #9 on: Wed, 16 November 2016, 04:09:13 »
Similar Concept to SA Green Screen:

Is the N9 color purple? On KLE it comes out as gray. Also I would vote to offer it all as one set instead of breaking it into  child kits.

Offline zhihuichan

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #10 on: Wed, 16 November 2016, 05:15:47 »
SHIFT for FC660M is icon?

Offline sun_day

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #11 on: Wed, 16 November 2016, 08:45:55 »
System Administrator..........I like it....

Offline duynguyenle

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #12 on: Wed, 16 November 2016, 10:01:07 »
Similar Concept to SA Green Screen:

Is the N9 color purple? On KLE it comes out as gray. Also I would vote to offer it all as one set instead of breaking it into  child kits.

N9 is not purple. It's dark grey (it's the base colour of Skidata and modifiers colour of Dolch)
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Offline dubious

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #13 on: Wed, 16 November 2016, 14:01:52 »
SysAdmin here.... very interested! I like this a little better than the Green Screen set (which is still awesome)
I would like to see the set in a dolch style color scheme with slightly lighter alphas, and the option or inclusion of GMK symbol modifiers. Buuut that might be asking for a little much and neither of those would keep me from buying this set. Great work.

Offline oatmicro

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #14 on: Wed, 16 November 2016, 14:13:24 »
Yes!! 100% in

Offline iamtootallforthis

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #15 on: Wed, 16 November 2016, 14:22:32 »
Definitely like this set but my only issue is if this will reach MOQ with all the GMK sets being run now and those that are coming up soon.

Offline dilbertprogrammer

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #16 on: Wed, 16 November 2016, 16:41:33 »
Looks fantastic! 

Offline duynguyenle

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #17 on: Wed, 16 November 2016, 17:22:41 »
Having a second 2.25u Shift to accommodate FC660M users is great, however you guys are missing one 1.75u Shift to properly support 1800/65/75% arrangements. Also, may I suggest going with either entirely Icon-only mods or Text+Icon mods, it seems strange to have all modifiers with text+icons but then having the second 2.25u Shift being Icon-only. (my preference is for Textless icons, but I digress).

Other than that, layout support is looking good!
| QFR            | Leeku 1800    | Raptor K1      | Dolch Pac

Offline Dr_Alphabet

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #18 on: Wed, 16 November 2016, 18:38:39 »
Oh damn. This is sex. I wish gmk weren't the only keys getting love at the moment but if this has a release date set after all the sets I'm currently eyeballing, I'd for sure be in.

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Offline Hypocaffeinic

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #19 on: Wed, 16 November 2016, 20:02:21 »
Love it! Would really like to see the normal arrow keys in green as well. Off to vote in your poll.  :thumb:

Offline luckyryan333

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #20 on: Thu, 17 November 2016, 03:29:58 »
An interesting color scheme.
Looks like kinda greenish Skidata.
Feel pretty good.
Keep watching on this.  :thumb:
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Offline geniekid

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #21 on: Thu, 17 November 2016, 09:16:21 »
The website shows Win keys but the OP doesn't.  I would like to put in my vote for 1-2 Win keys for those of us who use Windows (but still pseudo-terminal via Cygwin!!!).

...but if I'm being honest, I'm in regardless. :)
« Last Edit: Thu, 17 November 2016, 09:17:58 by geniekid »

Offline boo

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #22 on: Thu, 17 November 2016, 17:11:49 »
Ah. A TX 1800 owner?  ;D

This is the roughest of the rough mockups we have right now. Renders will be presented if there's a positive response to the set (like yours! thanks!) that will be much clearer and more to scale, with GMK's actual font.

To answer your question, yes. Thanks!

Yup I love it.

Plus I have a tx-cp too

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Offline FoC_Tow

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[IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #23 on: Fri, 18 November 2016, 01:39:34 »
Looks awesome!

Any reason the alpha arrows are HJKL instead of IJKL tho?

IJKL is what I use daily and seems a lot more practicle to me.

Offline e_l_tang

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #24 on: Fri, 18 November 2016, 03:14:34 »
Does anyone else think that this set looks a little similar to Midnight?

Offline duynguyenle

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #25 on: Fri, 18 November 2016, 03:23:41 »
Does anyone else think that this set looks a little similar to Midnight?

No. Midnight is a completely different shade of green. Also Midnight base was black, this is dark grey. Absolutely nothing alike, physical or thematic.
| QFR            | Leeku 1800    | Raptor K1      | Dolch Pac

Offline jchan94

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #26 on: Fri, 18 November 2016, 04:53:57 »
Does anyone else think that this set looks a little similar to Midnight?

No. Midnight is a completely different shade of green. Also Midnight base was black, this is dark grey. Absolutely nothing alike, physical or thematic.

Agreed. Totally different feel
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Offline justinyhuang

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #27 on: Fri, 18 November 2016, 09:57:14 »

Offline unoab

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #28 on: Fri, 18 November 2016, 11:05:01 »
Looks awesome!

Any reason the alpha arrows are HJKL instead of IJKL tho?

IJKL is what I use daily and seems a lot more practicle to me.

VI(M), the set is called terminal afterall...

Offline Coang

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #29 on: Fri, 18 November 2016, 19:52:40 »
i love this! may it possible to become ‘vim’ theme sa keycaps set next time?

Offline Data

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #30 on: Fri, 18 November 2016, 21:58:16 »
Does anyone else think that this set looks a little similar to Midnight?

You mean it's a shade of green on a very dark base color?

Yeah, totally like Midnight.

Otherwise no. Midnight was also DCS and this is clearly GMK. The differences are enough to distinguish them.

Full disclosure: I own Midnight.  ;)

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #31 on: Sun, 20 November 2016, 05:52:22 »
Looking forward to this :)

Thanks! We are, too!

Offline TheKeyCompany

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #32 on: Sun, 20 November 2016, 05:53:13 »
Please consider adding ISO-international essentials and eventually R5 caps.

Update coming 11/21. You will be pleased.  ;D
« Last Edit: Sun, 20 November 2016, 05:55:27 by TheKeyCompany »

Offline TheKeyCompany

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #33 on: Sun, 20 November 2016, 05:54:56 »
Similar Concept to SA Green Screen:

Is the N9 color purple? On KLE it comes out as gray. Also I would vote to offer it all as one set instead of breaking it into  child kits.

N9 is the darkest grey, just a tad lighter than CE (black). It looks black unless it's next to CE, and the nice bonus is it can mix/match with other popular sets with N9 as the base.

Thanks for your comment!

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #34 on: Sun, 20 November 2016, 05:57:33 »
SHIFT for FC660M is icon?

Based on community feedback, we've made minor changes that we think you'll be pleased with. Thanks for the words!

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #35 on: Sun, 20 November 2016, 05:58:17 »
System Administrator..........I like it....

Thanks! Not a SysAdmin here, but maybe one day. Still like it.  :thumb:

Offline TheKeyCompany

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #36 on: Sun, 20 November 2016, 05:59:22 »
SysAdmin here.... very interested! I like this a little better than the Green Screen set (which is still awesome)
I would like to see the set in a dolch style color scheme with slightly lighter alphas, and the option or inclusion of GMK symbol modifiers. Buuut that might be asking for a little much and neither of those would keep me from buying this set. Great work.

Symbol modifiers you say?  ;)

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #37 on: Sun, 20 November 2016, 06:01:13 »
Definitely like this set but my only issue is if this will reach MOQ with all the GMK sets being run now and those that are coming up soon.

Thanks! We'll keep our fingers crossed that people will come through.  :cool:

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #38 on: Sun, 20 November 2016, 06:06:23 »
And we just noticed that we can multi-quote. Apologies all.

An interesting color scheme.
Looks like kinda greenish Skidata.
Feel pretty good.
Keep watching on this.  :thumb:


Love it! Would really like to see the normal arrow keys in green as well. Off to vote in your poll.  :thumb:

We'll do our best if it doesn't sacrifice $ and layout compatibility!

Oh damn. This is sex. I wish gmk weren't the only keys getting love at the moment but if this has a release date set after all the sets I'm currently eyeballing, I'd for sure be in.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using Tapatalk


Having a second 2.25u Shift to accommodate FC660M users is great, however you guys are missing one 1.75u Shift to properly support 1800/65/75% arrangements. Also, may I suggest going with either entirely Icon-only mods or Text+Icon mods, it seems strange to have all modifiers with text+icons but then having the second 2.25u Shift being Icon-only. (my preference is for Textless icons, but I digress).

Other than that, layout support is looking good!

Revised mods incoming tomorrow! Regarding the 1.75u, we thought we had that covered. Mind elaborating?

The website shows Win keys but the OP doesn't.  I would like to put in my vote for 1-2 Win keys for those of us who use Windows (but still pseudo-terminal via Cygwin!!!).

...but if I'm being honest, I'm in regardless. :)

We're thinking long and hard about this. Thanks so much.

Offline duynguyenle

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #39 on: Sun, 20 November 2016, 06:47:15 »

Having a second 2.25u Shift to accommodate FC660M users is great, however you guys are missing one 1.75u Shift to properly support 1800/65/75% arrangements. Also, may I suggest going with either entirely Icon-only mods or Text+Icon mods, it seems strange to have all modifiers with text+icons but then having the second 2.25u Shift being Icon-only. (my preference is for Textless icons, but I digress).

Other than that, layout support is looking good!

Revised mods incoming tomorrow! Regarding the 1.75u, we thought we had that covered. Mind elaborating?

Sorry I goofed, I saw the additional 1.75u Shift now, it was because in your render, the smaller shifts had text only and not the icon, so that threw me off.

Regardless, I would suggest keeping all the mods consistent, and if you guys decide to go with all icon-only mods with no text, that would be grand!!!  :thumb:

Keep up the good work!
| QFR            | Leeku 1800    | Raptor K1      | Dolch Pac

Offline TheKeyCompany

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #40 on: Sun, 20 November 2016, 07:46:36 »

Having a second 2.25u Shift to accommodate FC660M users is great, however you guys are missing one 1.75u Shift to properly support 1800/65/75% arrangements. Also, may I suggest going with either entirely Icon-only mods or Text+Icon mods, it seems strange to have all modifiers with text+icons but then having the second 2.25u Shift being Icon-only. (my preference is for Textless icons, but I digress).

Other than that, layout support is looking good!

Revised mods incoming tomorrow! Regarding the 1.75u, we thought we had that covered. Mind elaborating?

Sorry I goofed, I saw the additional 1.75u Shift now, it was because in your render, the smaller shifts had text only and not the icon, so that threw me off.

Regardless, I would suggest keeping all the mods consistent, and if you guys decide to go with all icon-only mods with no text, that would be grand!!!  :thumb:

Keep up the good work!

Come tomorrow, we'd love to hear your feedback on the consistency changes. We think you'll like what you see.

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #41 on: Sun, 20 November 2016, 12:44:06 »
I was going to keep my TK78 all black with green LEDs, but this might be better!

Offline poolside

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #42 on: Sun, 20 November 2016, 16:25:52 »
Interesting set!

The render looks like it has two R3 1.75u non-stepped CapsLock keycaps. You might have already fixed it in the new pending one, though.

The base set has a blank R4 1.5u cap. It is really meant to be 1.5u instead of 1.25u?

Offline Special K

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #43 on: Sun, 20 November 2016, 21:02:44 »
I'm interested, although I'd prefer CR (black) instead of N9.  Also what about adding a green shift and spacebar?  Other GMK drops have offered space bars, shifts, arrows, etc. in more than one color, where one of the colors is the legend of the other keys.
Filco FKBN104MC/EB
Filco FKBN104M/EB2
IBM Model M 1391401 - 11/13/87

Quote from: ripster
LOL - we're on post #163 of this mega-thread and you've gone from"keyboard n00b" to "keyboard sn0b".  We've done our job.

Offline robotmaxtron

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #44 on: Sun, 20 November 2016, 21:37:35 »
Love the set, really hoping for Ergodox support but Minivan and Planck support.

Offline mathiasn

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #45 on: Mon, 21 November 2016, 02:32:43 »
Noice - interested.

Non-stepped Caps-Lock is duplicate, icon-only R-shift is missing (or L-shift, there's only one).

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #46 on: Mon, 21 November 2016, 06:38:04 »
Looks good, any thoughts on a modifiers colorway to later tack on to this?

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Re: [IC] >Terminal_ GMK
« Reply #47 on: Mon, 21 November 2016, 06:50:10 »
Noice - interested.

Non-stepped Caps-Lock is duplicate, icon-only R-shift is missing (or L-shift, there's only one).

Thanks for pointing that out! M1kehonch0 attached the wrong image! FIXED!

Looks good, any thoughts on a modifiers colorway to later tack on to this?

YES! We are. Waiting on quote from GMK. We have to make sure the kit isnt going to cost $400 before we add more kits. We think it can happen....

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Re: [IC] GMK >Terminal_ Update: You Spoke, We Listened. Thanks.
« Reply #48 on: Mon, 21 November 2016, 06:59:55 »
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Well, that seals it.  Good game.  See you all in the GB thread.

Offline TheKeyCompany

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Re: [IC] GMK >Terminal_ Update: You Spoke, We Listened. Thanks.
« Reply #49 on: Mon, 21 November 2016, 07:08:45 »
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Well, that seals it.  Good game.  See you all in the GB thread.

Thank you for the support! Hopefully it will be coming very soon!