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Offline Binge

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« on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 16:50:34 »
It's up.  Please discuss the site here. :)
60% keyboards, 100% of the time.

"What the hell Jimmy?!  It was ruined before you even put it up there with your decrepit fingers."

Offline septamber

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« Reply #1 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 16:54:25 »
Needs some sweet pics! Layout looks decent.  :thumb:

Offline afrokobe

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« Reply #2 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 16:55:50 »
It looks awesome! I hope to be able to participate in a binge raffle soon.

Offline KetchyKech

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« Reply #3 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 16:56:18 »
Registered and tested raffle system!  :thumb:

great new little site ~  ;)
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Offline Meitachi

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« Reply #4 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 16:57:57 »
Love the clean and straightforward-ness to it!  I played around with the color options. Any chance you can add grey into the mix? Also, how feasible would it be to add like a sample color swatch if the field is populated with [insert color name here]? Just so it's easier to picture the color combos.

Offline romevi

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« Reply #5 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 16:58:52 »
Will this support the catalog bee has been working on, and will it host the daily dog blog by widgiepidge?

Offline rjmana

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« Reply #6 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 16:59:55 »
is there a way to limit entries if raffle style? or are you just going to void additional entries done by one person?

edit: yeah, it allowed a second ticket. so is it honor system for your raffles moving forward?
edit2: Binge confirmed that even if you do multiple entries, it overwrites your older one with the new selection
« Last Edit: Thu, 05 January 2017, 18:03:17 by rjmana »

Offline iamtootallforthis

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« Reply #7 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 17:00:26 »
Site looks great man! Checked on mobile and it works great!

Offline hkf

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« Reply #8 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 17:03:26 »
Seems to be missing a change password link on the account page but other than that looks nice and worked as expected!

Offline duriantofu

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« Reply #9 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 17:04:42 »
Looks good.  :thumb: Simple, clean and easy to navigate. I entered in the raffle too but I was wondering if they will be a way to limit how many caps you can win.

Offline Binge

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« Reply #10 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 17:08:27 »
Love the clean and straightforward-ness to it!  I played around with the color options. Any chance you can add grey into the mix? Also, how feasible would it be to add like a sample color swatch if the field is populated with [insert color name here]? Just so it's easier to picture the color combos.

The colors are meant to be guidelines.  If you chose black we could go gray but it'll be closer to black, going white could be anything to about a middle value gray.

Looks good.  :thumb: Simple, clean and easy to navigate. I entered in the raffle too but I was wondering if they will be a way to limit how many caps you can win.

Yeah people can win at most one key.
60% keyboards, 100% of the time.

"What the hell Jimmy?!  It was ruined before you even put it up there with your decrepit fingers."

Offline ygor

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« Reply #11 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 17:15:23 »
Looks pretty good. It'll get even better once you settle into the thing.
I generally hate all keycaps. Keycaps are for poofs. Real men touchtype on stems. Non-functional artisans are awesome, I use them for the ESC key ... escape is for cowards anyways, real men go frontal assault.

Offline redbanshee

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« Reply #12 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 17:16:21 »
Not that it matters but the conformation email for your event item is a little confusing, it reads like this:

"Thank you for your purchase!

Hi redbanshee, we're getting your order ready to be shipped. We will notify you when it has been sent."

that may confuse some newer people in the community

Offline suicidal_orange

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« Reply #13 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 17:25:29 »
Aside from making my monitor squeal (it doesn't like white :))) I like it - here's hoping you didn't stretch it too far!

One thing I noticed is there's no option for whatever this print is called?

The colors are meant to be guidelines.  If you chose black we could go gray but it'll be closer to black, going white could be anything to about a middle value gray.

Would either have a chance of creating a decidedly middling shade of grey as seen in Hyperfuse mods?  It's definitely not white but nowhere near black either!  I'd love an Ork to complete my collection and this is the closest I've seen to you offering custom requests without ensuring the colourway never happens.  At least I hope it won't get blacklisted :-X
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Offline Binge

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« Reply #14 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 17:25:29 »
Not that it matters but the conformation email for your event item is a little confusing, it reads like this:

"Thank you for your purchase!

Hi redbanshee, we're getting your order ready to be shipped. We will notify you when it has been sent."

that may confuse some newer people in the community

updated to,

"we're processing your order.  If there is any additional action required on your part for event participation or order fulfillment we'll sure to be in touch.

Thank you for your patronage!"
60% keyboards, 100% of the time.

"What the hell Jimmy?!  It was ruined before you even put it up there with your decrepit fingers."

Offline Robotical

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« Reply #15 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 17:40:02 »
For account creation, you only have the password entry and no 'confirm password' entry. Might be wise to add that.

[edit] Password confirmation received upon account verification.

Also tested the raffle ticket creation.

Nice looking site so far.
« Last Edit: Thu, 05 January 2017, 17:47:16 by Robotical »

Offline rjmana

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« Reply #16 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 17:41:19 »
For account creation, you only have the password entry and no confirm password. Might be wise to add that.

Also tested the raffle ticket creation.

Nice looking site so far.

iirc, it prompted for a password confirmation after i clicked the link in the account activation email

Offline Robotical

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« Reply #17 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 17:45:08 »
For account creation, you only have the password entry and no confirm password. Might be wise to add that.

Also tested the raffle ticket creation.

Nice looking site so far.

iirc, it prompted for a password confirmation after i clicked the link in the account activation email

I literally just got to that. Kind of a weird way to do it, but it works I suppose.

Offline yinzer

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« Reply #18 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 18:10:48 »
The cookie cutter does just fine! Checkout for both the raffle and the print was super, super easy. Not sure if you were actually looking for print orders, but I put one in just in case  ;)

and here's more, hopefully constructive, feedback ... nothing site breaking, just some observations. I really like the site as is.  :thumb:
  • For whatever reason, when the site pulled my shipping/billing information from PayPal, it entered my birth year into the 'Company' field and I haven't been able to successfully edit it out. clear the field. I've been able to replace the year with other text and save, but it needs to have something there. Maybe it's just me, but maybe a few others could check? Might be an issue of wasted space/making an extra step if this is where you will pull shipping info from.
  • On the top nav bar, the link 'Catalog' leads to a page headed as 'Products' and the URL reads 'collections.' Not sure if the different language is intentional, but I figured I'd mention it just in case you had different ideas for what those things would be once the site is more fleshed out.
  • I'd be curious to see more in the blog. If there's a 'featured image' option, that might make posts easier to enter from the blog instead of having the click the headline (which I always felt was a little clunky for any site that uses that to get to posts, but that's just my opinion.) If you're planning on sharing direct links to blog posts here instead of to the blog itself, it won't matter much.
edit: cleaned up formatting

« Last Edit: Thu, 05 January 2017, 19:17:58 by yinzer »

Offline Fictiouz

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« Reply #19 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 18:15:02 »
Looks great and can't wait to see what is to come :)
Halifax, NS Meetup | "I know you'll come back to me, I'm like a good kind of herpes, I'm impossible to get rid of." - 27
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Offline ReverbSlush

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« Reply #20 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 18:30:04 »
Looks good.. I browsed around, filled out the raffle, added an address, and subscribed to the newsletter.  No issues for a bland person like me!

Offline Overchecken8

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« Reply #21 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 18:37:55 »
is there a way to limit entries if raffle style? or are you just going to void additional entries done by one person?

edit: yeah, it allowed a second ticket. so is it honor system for your raffles moving forward?
edit2: Binge confirmed that even if you do multiple entries, it overwrites your older one with the new selection
That's good to hear. The site actually looks great and functions very smooth at first look. I'm a sucker for a clean, quick website.

I do have a question about the raffle and the color choices. Does the order of the colors matter? I know what two colors I want, but I'm not sure where those colors would be applied with respects to the otterphile. For instance, is color 1 the face and color 2 the body? Or does it not matter?

Anyways I'm a HUGE fan of having raffles like this! Congrats on the site man!

Offline nathanrosspowell

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« Reply #22 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 18:45:57 »
When I read 'HWS Binge' I imagine our boi binee as some kinda of mighty battleship!

Raffle entered, thanks team   :thumb:

Offline polentA

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« Reply #23 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 19:07:30 »
This is really exciting! I was waiting for this site to launch as I know it (or a version of it) has been under construction for awhile. I don't have any complaints or criticism at the moment, and can't wait for more content to get added (doggos)!

Offline Overchecken8

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« Reply #24 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 19:10:30 »
I'd love to see the catalog here somewhere on the site. Either just a link to that specific catalog, or actually having the pics on the site. I know I'm constantly going back to it to see which colors for the caps I like the most.

Offline rjmana

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« Reply #25 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 19:12:57 »
I do have a question about the raffle and the color choices. Does the order of the colors matter? I know what two colors I want, but I'm not sure where those colors would be applied with respects to the otterphile. For instance, is color 1 the face and color 2 the body? Or does it not matter?


oh right.. i opted for purple as color 1 and cyan as color 2... but i meant purple as the prominent color (like the face) and cyan as the accent or base

Offline hayt

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« Reply #26 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 19:14:38 »
Looks great!

Offline Zanduby

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« Reply #27 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 19:22:44 »
Aside from making my monitor squeal (it doesn't like white :))) I like it - here's hoping you didn't stretch it too far!

One thing I noticed is there's no option for whatever this print is called?
Show Image

The colors are meant to be guidelines.  If you chose black we could go gray but it'll be closer to black, going white could be anything to about a middle value gray.

Would either have a chance of creating a decidedly middling shade of grey as seen in Hyperfuse mods?  It's definitely not white but nowhere near black either!  I'd love an Ork to complete my collection and this is the closest I've seen to you offering custom requests without ensuring the colourway never happens.  At least I hope it won't get blacklisted :-X

Yes there is, it's called 'Sandy Beaches'.

Offline ghostjuggernaut

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« Reply #28 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 19:33:10 »
Site looks great Binge.  Looking forward to seeing future updates and the like.   :thumb:

Offline esplin2966

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« Reply #29 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 19:35:46 »
The website is looks clean and instructions are pretty clear. Would love to see more pictures of your caps on there :)

Offline Moistgun

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« Reply #30 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 19:45:03 »
I like the look and experience. You have one new subscriber :thumbs:

love you

Offline m1raz

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« Reply #31 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 20:07:37 »
The site looks great and clean, just joined the test raffle and looks like nothing goes wrong.

Might be great if the 2 boxes in block print can be aligned.

Look forward to see more your creations and pics put in the site.  :thumb:

Offline clappingcactus

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« Reply #32 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 20:37:35 »
Respectfully, I'd like to point out a bunch of things I think could use improvement:

1. The instagram link at the bottom of the page looks a lot like a broken image picture. Add a splash of colour or add the name of your instagram account so at first glance it's clear what it is.

2. The orange line that separates header/titles from content should also used between the body and the footer.

3. You don't need the accepted payment methods on all pages of the website.

4. Make it more artsy schmancy. Instead of just a header that reads 'HWS Updates' or 'Binge Updates' etc. have some nice photography of the work!

5. Consistent colours go a long way! Your buttons are filled in with a cyan that's not see anywhere else on the site. Know where it should be? It should be the highlight/hover colour on every element of the website.

Let me know if you need any help on the Shopify side of things. While I don't work there, I'm personal friends with so many support staff and company admins. They're local to where I live.


Offline MythicalWagyu

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« Reply #33 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 20:39:57 »
I like it, very clean and easy to use - perhaps an option for a night mode / dark theme would be good too? Making an account and getting a raffle ticket was a snap! Can't wait to see more from Hunger Work Studio  :thumb:
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too busy being on aol chatrooms/yahoo chatrooms acting like a lesbian with other guys pretending to be lesbians.

Offline Elth

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« Reply #34 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 21:07:22 »
Love the minimalist design of the site Binge! Glad to see your own storefront up and running after hearing about it as a project some time ago.
TGR Jane V2 | TGR 910 | TGR Jane CE

Offline Pdub

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« Reply #35 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 21:39:01 »
Love that it was super easy to navigate.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Offline RELLIK

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« Reply #36 on: Thu, 05 January 2017, 23:50:46 »
I didnt see "I need an adult" till third time and wonder if will confuse people with lesser englishstics. Contact/Support IMO is pretty serious, feel like  just having "as soon as possible" after ticket would be better as well. Also fund myself clicking on .... to no avail (but tittles work). Course thats just me  :confused:
Hoping to see more art added later on, but either way seems to be proper/functional  :thumb:
Sure this will be a great relief from the "list" :p

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Offline Sifo

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« Reply #37 on: Fri, 06 January 2017, 00:48:54 »
Everything went smooth enough. Grats on the launch buddy, even if it wasn't what you had in mind :P
I love Elzy

Offline bbmathlvr

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« Reply #38 on: Fri, 06 January 2017, 01:21:53 »
Signing up was really easy! Looking forward to seeing what comes out of this and voodoo. :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Probably TeX'ing right now.

Offline QuickDelat

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« Reply #39 on: Fri, 06 January 2017, 04:09:07 »
tested the entry form, went real smooth, it took my address without a hitch.

3. You don't need the accepted payment methods on all pages of the website.

You are correct, but it's not intrusive and it doesn't bother me. I might even go as far as that I prefer it to show on all pages. It adds consistency to the footer and it's useful information.

Offline xondat

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« Reply #40 on: Fri, 06 January 2017, 05:26:57 »
Respectfully, I'd like to point out a bunch of things I think could use improvement:

1. The instagram link at the bottom of the page looks a lot like a broken image picture. Add a splash of colour or add the name of your instagram account so at first glance it's clear what it is.

2. The orange line that separates header/titles from content should also used between the body and the footer.

3. You don't need the accepted payment methods on all pages of the website.

4. Make it more artsy schmancy. Instead of just a header that reads 'HWS Updates' or 'Binge Updates' etc. have some nice photography of the work!

5. Consistent colours go a long way! Your buttons are filled in with a cyan that's not see anywhere else on the site. Know where it should be? It should be the highlight/hover colour on every element of the website.

Let me know if you need any help on the Shopify side of things. While I don't work there, I'm personal friends with so many support staff and company admins. They're local to where I live.

  • I think that would make it worse - most people recognize that that's the Instagram.
  • The footer could be lower down with more buffer space, perhaps this is why you've been prompted to say that.
  • I agree, but no harm done if the footer was lower.
  • Images in the header mixed with text links? No thanks. This would make it far worse.
  • Agreed, a consistent pallet would be great.

I would perhaps take out the text from the main logo in the header, just to clean things up a bit. The footer feels a bit unbalanced, perhaps because of the two heights of elements; the mailing list subscription could be placed better.

Otherwise a nice, well-rounded website. I'll make sure to enter later.

Offline nugglets

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« Reply #41 on: Fri, 06 January 2017, 05:38:31 »
Web design is not my forte, but I found the site pleasant and simple to navigate. That's all that matters to me =)

The one thing I did notice, from Du'FAQ

Please order additional entries in the even you want to change your responses and only if you really want to make the change.

Looking forward to the raffle!

Offline clappingcactus

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« Reply #42 on: Fri, 06 January 2017, 07:22:11 »
  • I think that would make it worse - most people recognize that that's the Instagram.
  • The footer could be lower down with more buffer space, perhaps this is why you've been prompted to say that.
  • I agree, but no harm done if the footer was lower.
  • Images in the header mixed with text links? No thanks. This would make it far worse.
  • Agreed, a consistent pallet would be great.

Ooops should have explained myself better.

1) Yes, of course. Very few people who visit the HWS website would not know what the instagram logo is. But also, at first glance, that's not what it looks like, especially because it's on its own. If HWS had a collective Twitter account, maybe add a link to the homepage with it (just like individual artists have on their pages), because then it is clear all the time!

2) I agree the footer is too high, but there are already too many buffer space changes from page to page making it inconsistent and difficult to quickly visually orient yourself on a new page. The actual correct suggestion would be to have variable buffer space to always render the footer at the bottom of the browser window. But considering that that's a coding intensive suggestion, 'add a line, like the one you already use everywhere else' seems fine to me. I could be wrong fwiw.

3) Agreed.

4) Images on the pages not on the home-page. Every respective artist displays their work, and since the homenav elements have now changed to display the artist's name, they may as well take it out, add a personal logo, and some photography.

5) Yeah, I already worried about having inconsistent advice in my post (keep the orange! more blue!) but then I thought that really it's two colours, it's not too much.

EDIT: For what it's worth, I tend to favour 'first glance' website design, i.e. the design is so natural that the human eye/brain know exactly where they are on a page they've never seen before (and this is the same advice I'd use in my own work/with my own clients). I think Xondat comes from more of a whole-appeal approach. I don't think the two are that different on a minimalist website!

One last change: bigger font, add serifs. But that's my very own personal bias. I think people overwhelmingly use Serifs in print, so people associate it with formality. And so webstores should use it to subtly seem more professional.

« Last Edit: Fri, 06 January 2017, 07:28:59 by clappingcactus »

Offline Arallu

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« Reply #43 on: Fri, 06 January 2017, 08:18:50 »
Placed an order, realized I messed up the zip code and then updated my accounts address zip code. Hopefully helps you test out changing addresses lol.

Offline Binge

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« Reply #44 on: Fri, 06 January 2017, 08:22:51 »
Placed an order, realized I messed up the zip code and then updated my accounts address zip code. Hopefully helps you test out changing addresses lol.

Right, that will help your future orders because it will change the billing address.  The shipping address is what can be updated in your profile.  If this were a true sale I would have to cancel your order and ask you to re-initiate.
60% keyboards, 100% of the time.

"What the hell Jimmy?!  It was ruined before you even put it up there with your decrepit fingers."

Offline derpman4k

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« Reply #45 on: Fri, 06 January 2017, 08:41:04 »
No issues testing the raffle

I like how more artisan sites are popping up over random google doc forums, excited to see what comes next!
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Offline Vlie

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« Reply #46 on: Fri, 06 January 2017, 08:44:50 »

Offline aaron6301

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« Reply #47 on: Fri, 06 January 2017, 10:01:06 »
Good start to the site, Binge. Here's what I came up with:

-Logo looks a bit pixelated. Perhaps utilize a .SVG logo to eliminate the degradation.
-A few inconsistencies in your anchor tag treatment. Some links are underlined where some aren't. Additionally, you should likely utilize your secondary color as the link color. As the site is a bit monochromatic, it's hard to discern the links from different shades of black/grey.
-I'd probably lose the payment method images in the global footer and only apply them to e-commerce specific pages and/or payment page. I'm under the impression that this is to be treated as a Informative/Creative Site first whereas the E-Commerce acts as secondary functionality.
-Responsive and works well in mobile. At larger resolutions, it would be nice to see some sort of grid structure though.

With the comments taken into account, once more content is added I'm sure it will flush out the sparseness. Looks great nonetheless  :thumb:

Offline Jeu

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« Reply #48 on: Fri, 06 January 2017, 10:40:57 »
Super easy mobile site to navigate. Was very smooth! Looking forward to it filling out. Hope the raffle system works well for you too Binge and Widgie!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Offline Binge

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« Reply #49 on: Fri, 06 January 2017, 10:41:32 »
Good start to the site, Binge. Here's what I came up with:

-Logo looks a bit pixelated. Perhaps utilize a .SVG logo to eliminate the degradation.
-A few inconsistencies in your anchor tag treatment. Some links are underlined where some aren't. Additionally, you should likely utilize your secondary color as the link color. As the site is a bit monochromatic, it's hard to discern the links from different shades of black/grey.
-I'd probably lose the payment method images in the global footer and only apply them to e-commerce specific pages and/or payment page. I'm under the impression that this is to be treated as a Informative/Creative Site first whereas the E-Commerce acts as secondary functionality.
-Responsive and works well in mobile. At larger resolutions, it would be nice to see some sort of grid structure though.

With the comments taken into account, once more content is added I'm sure it will flush out the sparseness. Looks great nonetheless  :thumb:

-At the moment I am unable to use SVG graphics on the site.  I'm currently trying to remedy that.
-Understood about the link highlights, but I am unable to change that at the moment.  Currently researching.
-This is not meant to be a place to highlight my art, but it could become that with some work.  Currently researching.
-Any examples you could provide of a grid structure?
60% keyboards, 100% of the time.

"What the hell Jimmy?!  It was ruined before you even put it up there with your decrepit fingers."