Author Topic: FancyDox: an ErgoDox build. (build log, pic heavy)  (Read 1562 times)

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Offline konkers

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FancyDox: an ErgoDox build. (build log, pic heavy)
« on: Tue, 18 April 2017, 12:35:45 »

concept rendering

Hello all, first post here.


Mechanical keyboards are all the rage with my new group at work.  I've been silently coveting their not so silent switches.  Unfortunately, my wrists demand an ergonomic keyboard and the options for mechanical ergonomic keyboards are pretty limited.  I was close to giving up when I stumbled across the ErgoDox design.  Building a keyboard sounded too fun not to have a go.  I've been amassing parts for a while and finally got some time to start the build last week when I took the day off work for my birthday.


  • Original ErgoDox design.
  • Cherry MX blue switches.
  • PCBs from
  • Two part case made from machined aluminum and cherry wood.
  • Top bezel will be attached using magnets allowing for easy access to Teensy programming switch without a hole in the the bezel.
  • Keycaps: undecided.

Prototype 1

On my day off I was able to get all the CAD, CAM, and machining done for the bottom right case piece.  I started with the DXF files for the acrylic case as a template.  Everything went really well.  No broken bits.  No gouged parts.  Hurray for CAM simulation and G-Wizzard (feed and speed calculator.)

After machining I test fit the PCB and switches.  There were a dozen or so changes that needed to be made to the design but, all in all, I was quite psyched by the progress.

Prototype 2

Progress has slowed significantly.  I generally only have an hour or two to spend on the keyboard on weekdays and we were out of town this weekend.

I spent a day incorporating the design changes from proto1, a day machining the top side, and a day machining the bottom side and doing some surface finish work.  I’m not particularly happy with the surface finish but it’s OK enough to move on.  I’m starting to lust after a sand blaster.

I started assembling the PCB and all was going well.  Didoes installed, resistors installed, teensy installed… oh sh**!  I soldered the teensy in backwards.  Without a hot air rework station, I tried every trick in my book including a hacksaw but ended up overheating the PCB and delaminating some of the traces.  I probably could have repaired everything with wires but, in the interest of a clean build, I decided to order another set of PCBs and another teensy.

While waiting for the parts to come in, I worked on the bezel and left side.  I should be ready to start machining the left bottom tonight.

One thing that has become apparent now that I have the bezel modeled is that the small triangular feature near the thumb is going to be difficult/impossible to machine without breaking it off.  Looking around at other ErgoDox builds that use wooden bezels, they leave off that piece.  I think I’ll do that same.

Up Next
  • (proto2) Machine left bottom.
  • (proto2) Machine bezels.
  • (proto2) Assemble boards and install switches
  • Decide on firmware.  QMK? TMK?
  • Decide on layout.

Offline breusch91

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Re: FancyDox: an ErgoDox build. (build log, pic heavy)
« Reply #1 on: Tue, 18 April 2017, 13:21:03 »
This looks beautiful! I've been looking for an end game ergodox case similar to this where it uses high quality materials but is molded without the screws showing on top (similar to this and a regular ergodox case). Would love to see something like that but with full anodized aluminum. If you ever decide to sell something like that let me know!

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