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Off Topic / Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Last post by iri on Sun, 02 June 2024, 16:38:47 »
Most of what you hear about "the rich" is total B.S and misdirection
How do you know that?
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] GMK CYL The White Devil
« Last post by garrdub on Sun, 02 June 2024, 16:29:14 »
A few things:

1) This is so busy. It hurts my eyes to look at.

2) You will need to tone down all of the keys to something more doable if you want GMK to do this. This looks like a pad print nightmare. Maybe just start with the colorway and go from there?

3) The name oh my GOD.
Off Topic / Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Last post by noisyturtle on Sun, 02 June 2024, 16:09:28 »
You don't need a TV when you have a home theater.

Most of what you hear about "the rich" is total B.S and misdirection, they don't want you to know how they really live.

It's mostly liquor + you-know-what.

Pinball Machines?
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] KAM ASTHA - GB LIVE
« Last post by Dazon on Sun, 02 June 2024, 15:33:28 »
GB IS LIVE!!! GB thread here:

ty for the support on the ic <3
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] UMBRA : 60% by IV Works
« Last post by Rob27shred on Sun, 02 June 2024, 15:25:32 »
It might look nice with a Domikey set on it, since the space bar is similar in shape to the front bezel  :cool:

That might actually work out! Although I do have to admit I am not a fan of the Domikey spacebar shape.
KeyCon 2025 / Re: Keycon 2025
« Last post by Binge on Sun, 02 June 2024, 14:32:53 »
Wish I could make it to an event in Germany.  There's no way to prepare for that in a year unless things change significantly for what I do.  Thanks so much for SLC and for choosing such an interesting venue for 2025.  Best of luck.
KeyCon 2025 / Re: Keycon 2025
« Last post by Rob27shred on Sun, 02 June 2024, 14:17:26 »
Honestly I get where you guys that have been around even longer than I have are coming from, but personally I think we're making a mountain out of a molehill here. Keycon has been US exclusive since it began AFAIK (I got into the hobby late 2015) so I feel it's just fine to let the EU have one. I mean everything us US based people are worried about with it being in Germany is what EU based people have had to contend with if they wanted attend in all the previous years.

I might have agreed with you prior to the response above, but specifically marginalizing a subset of the hobby doesn't instill confidence. At best, it implies they aren't important or numbered enough to matter and can "go do their own thing", which is quite tone deaf when those particular folks are often the deepest into the hobby, spending as much on a single accessory as an entire custom KB. SO yeah, that molehill is starting to look awfully steep...

Who am I marginalizing? I was just pointing out that (at the time of my post) most of the opinions against this change were coming from very OG community members & I really don't see where you got me implying for them to "do their own thing" when I plainly stated that I'd love to be part of the planning & execution of US based, GH/community driven meetup in lieu of Keycon next year. As far as the spending thing goes, first off it doesn't matter to me how much someone spends, if they are into custom keyboards they are part of the community. 2nd off if you could see the scars my bank account has gotten from the hobby over the years you would easily count me in as one of the subset of people you are saying I am marginalizing.

Anyways this is not something I want to debate about. If it came off as I was saying the OG members opinion doesn't matter & they can go do their own thing, I apologize for that since that is definitely not what I was shooting for. I really just wanted to point out that while Keycon undoubtedly started as a GH based community driven event, I feel it has grown beyond that to become the defacto biggest & best meetup for the whole community. With that I think it would be better handled by someone who has lines of communication & relationships with most if not all the bigger companies that supply our wares & the vendors who sell them. I also feel that if it is going that way it shouldn't be constrained to being a strictly US based event. Finally if that is the future of Keycon that opens up the possibility of making a new yearly meetup that is more in line with Keycons of the past. Really I'm just trying to present the possibility of turning this change in Keycon into a positive thing for everyone, instead of being resistant to the change.
Group Buys and Preorders / Re: [GB] KKB Skidata Neo | GB Live Now!
« Last post by Rob27shred on Sun, 02 June 2024, 13:38:47 »
Whew, almost forgot today is the last day for this! I was originally gonna order the base kit too, but I'm a little tight on cash right now & have GMK Skiidata. So I ended up ordering the alert, extension, R5, & relegendables kits! I know shape wise KKB keys fit perfectly with GMK keys (they're not the exact same shapes, but so close you'd never notice), now fingers crossed the color matching is on point!
KeyCon 2025 / Re: Keycon 2025
« Last post by Puddsy on Sun, 02 June 2024, 13:16:25 »
happy to go to germany but i draw the line at florida, just have it in atlanta if you want it to be in the south

flying internationally with keyboards is a nightmare but there are worse things. it frankly wouldn't be much more expensive for me to get to germany from the east coast than it would be for me to get to like, san francisco
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] UMBRA : 60% by IV Works
« Last post by pixelpusher on Sun, 02 June 2024, 12:44:15 »
It might look nice with a Domikey set on it, since the space bar is similar in shape to the front bezel  :cool:
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