Hi Everyone! Fredington and I would like to introduce you to SA 8010! (eighty-ten)
The colorway and legends were inspired by the
Decision Data 8010 Keypunch keyboard. Similar to the IBM 029 Keypunch, the 8010 was a machine used to punch holes into data cards, which was a very old way of recording data.
The keyboard’s unique colorway was designed to distinguish the numpad (dark grey) and modifiers (blue), from the alphas (white) on what is essentially a 60% keyboard
HaaTa's original picAnother interesting feature are the dual legends where the uppercase featured the numerical and special characters, whereas the lowercase featured the alphabetical characters. You would toggle the uppercase with the
Upper Shift key, and the lowercase with the
Lower Shift key
A few other quirks about this keyboard:- SKIP was akin to Tab
- DUP, when held down, would duplicate whatever was in the current position of the previous card
- REL I believe stands for Release, which would release the current card from the machine
- The 4 PROG keys gave you some ability to program the keypunch kind of like Macros
If you are interested, please fill out this form here!
Colors:Blue Keycaps: Pantone 2392C
Grey Keycaps: SP GEW
White Keycaps: SP WFK
Base KitDue to its unique colorway, the base kit features both Alphas and Modifiers, which isn't typical for SA sets. The Modifiers stay faithful as possible to the actual Decision Data keyboard, featuring new legends in place of standard modifiers (e.g. Right Adjust as the Enter key)
ExtensionsOn top of the standard modifier extensions, we wanted to provide two additional 1u blank white keys for a bit more flexibility when configuring the modifiers around the spacebar
NEW: Triumph AlphasWanted to provide the option of a more traditional setup, with the legends featuring the same color as the blue modifiers (renders to come!). Also included are additional blue ALT modifiers to help finish the traditional layout
For those who filled out the IC form above, please revise your submission if you are interested
NumpadThe Numpad kit supports full-sized keyboard layouts
ISOProvides support for Physical ISO
OrtholinearHonestly, why wouldn’t we make an ortho kit? It looks amazing. Some changes to call out are the abbreviation of various legends to fit in a 1u key, as well as a standalone PROG key without a number. Included a "0/" in R3 for 40% Ortho users
PROGDerived from the PROG keys and expanded to 10 for Macros
NEW: Modern Integrated NumpadWanted to offer a bit more functionality to those that would actually use the grey numpad keycaps. This would move keys 1, 2, and 3 to the bottom, and keys 7, 8, and 9 to the top.
For those who filled out the IC form above, please revise your submission if you are interested
Split SpacebarsProvides support for split spacebar boards, including the Alice layout
Render Gallery by Abec13 (Renders to be revised with Pantone 2392C; Currently Pantone 2391C)
M60-A by Rama Works
Iron 180 by Smith + Rune

Bauer by Dixie Mech

Atlas by nasp

Special ThanksFredington for basically doing everything lol (fonts, kit creation, suggestions and advice on kits, and running a GB)
Abec13 for the super realistic renders (Honestly, best I’ve seen) and putting up with my absolute lack of knowledge on fonts, rendering, colors, etc…
HaaTa at Deskthority allowing the use of the images of his actual NOS Decision Data 8010 keyboard (jealous)
To-do’s:Finalize colors- Revise renders with new Pantone color (in progress)
- Additional renders, including new Triumph Alphas (in progress)
- Gather feedback (in progress)
- Finalize kits (in progress)
- Vendors (in progress)
- Pricing
- GB date
- Keyboard Cable?
Changelog7/28/20- Changed Blue color from Pantone 2391C to Pantone 2392C
- Finalized White keycaps as WFK, and Grey keycaps as GEW
- Added Triumph Alphas
- Added Modern Integrated Numpad kit
- Changed MULT PNCH to MULT PCH (from IBM 026 keypunch), and standardized usage of this key as a replacement for ESC in both Base and Ortho kits
- Replaced MULT PNCH key in the `~ position with additional Alpha key (legend from IBM 026 keypunch) as well as option for the MC text mod
- Changed MC to ALT PROG (legend from IBM 026 keypunch)
- Changed FEED to REG, reflected in both the Base Kit and the ISO kit
- Replaced { key in the Base Kit to 0-8-2 (legend from IBM 026 keypunch)
- Moved the { key from R1 in the Base Kit to R4 in the ISO kit
- Added a 0 / key in R3 of the ortho kit for compatibility with 40% Ortho layouts
- Moved PROG 4 Key from Extensions into Base Kit
- Added "0 /" R3 keys in Modern Integrated Numpad kit
If you'd like to support this project, please use the banner below:[url=https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=106901.0][img width=475 height=120]https://i.imgur.com/5XAzzYO.png[/img][/url]