Very excited about this!
Can you confirm that the kitting for the JIS kit is as pictured in the render? Those JIS numeric and punctuation keys without the hiragana sublegends ended up getting cut from GMK WoB JIS, so I believe they will require new moulds. I am very keen for those moulds to exist, though, so I very much hope that is the plan here! I’ll be in for a couple if so.
Unfortunately I have some sad news, it's come to my attention that the JIS kit includes keys that will no longer have existing moulds available and as such, the quote and pricing is inaccurate or even impossible, we're currently trying to get an urgent requote of a cut down version of the kit without those keys, and also exploring the possibility of getting the moulds made.
This does mean the set will be further delayed, at this stage I'm hoping for it to only be 1 week but the worst case scenario sees us launching in 2 weeks from now.
Sorry to everyone that was excited to buy this today, I hope you can keep it in your pants for another week or two.