6th Run opens today!
Price is revised due to recent exchange rate.
Alps64 PCB 6th Run Please email to hasu@tmk-kbd.com to place order, let me know number of PCB and your paypal account if different from your email. Paypal Invoice will be sent to your email. You'll be able to make a payment with credit card on Palpal even if you don't have Paypal account.
It will be shipped in a week or two after payment.
Alps64 PCB:You can get a PCB or two.
Price: $40USD
Shipping: $10USD(add $2.5 per extra PCB) for world-wide shipping
AEK plates:Only 10 plates are available.
This plate is made with PCB/FR-4, not metal. It is not as firm as steel plate but it works. Its color is black. These are made by cheap PCB house in China, every plate has scratches, burrs or slight cosmetic imperfections. I think PCB plate works in the end but this idea is sitll experimental and not established nor reviewed in the community yet. Get a metal plate somehow if you want to avoid unexpected defect.
You can add this plate to your order for $10 optionally. So PCB and plate cost $60USD(40+10+10) in total. At this time you cannot order only this plate without Alps64 PCB, sorry.
See links below for pics and info.