Good start to the site, Binge. Here's what I came up with:
-Logo looks a bit pixelated. Perhaps utilize a .SVG logo to eliminate the degradation.
-A few inconsistencies in your anchor tag treatment. Some links are underlined where some aren't. Additionally, you should likely utilize your secondary color as the link color. As the site is a bit monochromatic, it's hard to discern the links from different shades of black/grey.
-I'd probably lose the payment method images in the global footer and only apply them to e-commerce specific pages and/or payment page. I'm under the impression that this is to be treated as a Informative/Creative Site first whereas the E-Commerce acts as secondary functionality.
-Responsive and works well in mobile. At larger resolutions, it would be nice to see some sort of grid structure though.
With the comments taken into account, once more content is added I'm sure it will flush out the sparseness. Looks great nonetheless
-At the moment I am unable to use SVG graphics on the site. I'm currently trying to remedy that.
-Understood about the link highlights, but I am unable to change that at the moment. Currently researching.
-This is not meant to be a place to highlight my art, but it could become that with some work. Currently researching.
-Any examples you could provide of a grid structure?
A grid structure let's you make use of extra width at higher resolutions, instead of having everything in one vertical coloumn. See (resize your desktop browser to see how the grids change).
@_@ -So much to learn...
Yeah, it can appear to be a daunting task but it really isn't that difficult once you get the ball rolling. As you will likely follow one or two different grid structures throughout the site, you can duplicate the structure on specific pages.
E.g. Homepage and contact page will use structure 1 whereas every other page gets structure 2. From what I gather, the Catalog/Collections page will likely utilize a different grid structure than that of the rest of the site as it's a product display page.
Additionally, you
could implement the newsletter signup as a component rather than a dedicated page. From my experience, newsletter signup pages tend to look rather sparse as the content is lacking. If you were to implement it as a component/element on the page, it would negate the extra "click" to submit the page refresh and form submit.