It doesn't look like those traces are so damaged that you couldn't figure out some way to patch them back together. You just need a solid electrical connection between the switch pins and the trace. If you look up PCB / trace repair in a web search you can find plenty of sources. You can even just add a little patch wire if you really need.
If you already desoldered everything, in the worst case you could always try to obtain a replacement PCB that fits the same switch layout, which various people have done in the past, e.g. a web search turns up Or you could even hand wire everything on the back; the switches can be held in place sufficiently by the switch plate. Then you can use an alternate keyboard controller, supporting N-key rollover, etc.
Bent switch leads are annoying to desolder, and take a bit more practice and a few times more work than straight leads. Sometimes you have to suck out most of the solder, then get the lead hot enough to unstick / unbend, then finish sucking more solder out in a separate step. A set of dental picks and some small pliers can be helpful. If you do a web search for something like "desolder bent leads" there are probably good sources about this too.