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40s kit could use a 6.25 bar
This is very nice. Personally I'd turn down the brightness on the kit renders a tad, and I echo Fraaaan's comment on including R1 pg dn, end, and = in the numpad kit. I may buy this if the manu and price are right. GLWIC!
Add r1 PgDn and End to numpad kit for 1800 support. R1 1u equals key would also be cool to see there. Also your renders hurt my eyes.
THERESE I love this, and the pleading alphas needs to happen The colors you chose are really beautiful and fitting of the theme!
I am obsessed with this. <33333333
i love it
I LOVE THIS. Really happy to finally see Baybayin as sub legends on keys and definitely getting in on this when it goes to GB!!!
I'm so happy to see this! Y'all better say yes to those pleading emote alphas, I've been waiting for a keycap set with bottom energy 🥺
Any chance of an alt alpha kit with mono legends? Baybayin or latin would both work for me, I'm just not much of a fan of sub legends.It's an absolutely gorgeous set though and might tempt me to break my "no sub legends" rule.
OMG. This is so pretty!
The color combination is fab!!
not a huge fan of the mod's but i feel like this keycap set will be really nice on a lot of PC cases... tenshi's anyone?
this color scheme is so pretty! would love to see some iso international/fr compatible kits :^)
Those colours look amazing! i’m in.
I like the use of novelties in the mods. It should be more popular.I feel that the dark purple background are not doing the kitting renders any favor.Otherwise, great looking set!
The colors are so pretty!! GLWIC!
OMG Mermaids... I know someone who would literally commit atrocities to get their hands on this set. I'll forward a link to them. GLWIC
I really like the color GLWIC
lovely colors GLWIC