Hi, how can I change the blue tooth name of the HHKB BT control board?
The name 'TmkBT-XXXX' is stored actually in Bluetooth module RN42 and you can change 'TmkBT' part while '-XXXX' part is not configurable and it is last 4digits of bluetooth address.
You can change the name by editing this line then build and upload firmware.
https://github.com/tmk/tmk_keyboard/blob/master/keyboard/hhkb/rn42/rn42_task.c#L160And you have to initialize RN42 module with LShift+RShift+ScrollLock(Fn+O). The intialization is nedeed just once after firmware is updated.
Quote from MANUAL of Bluetooth Controller in the first post.
RN42 initialize
You can initialize module when you are in trouble. But you should tarke care to prevent module from being cofigured incompletely or wrongly. Take the following steps.
0. Turn BT swich off and unplug USB cable.
1. open hid_listen. You can do without it but I recommend.
2. Plug USB cable and wait for keyboard to startup.
3. Press key combo LShift+RShift+ScrollLock(Fn+O).
4. Turn BT switch on. You will see output below on hid_listen.
5. Do not touch keyobard until the command completes or for twenty seconds.
Now module is configured with default setting and in pairing mode. You may need extra power cycle for pairing, try BT switch off and on.