Wow -
There's a whole bunch of different opinions and comments, and I did not expect this to happen. Let me clear things up a bit. If you still think this is bad and hate the idea of me donating funds to a cause I want to support, then feel free to keep that opinion and not support the set, but please refrain from commenting on this thread any more. I believe the point has been made by others.
First, I did not "base" this set on the BLM movement. I'm sorry if I didn't make that clear; I thought people might have guessed that BLM was not a basis for inspiration to this Japanese-themed set, but I was wrong. I never had the intention of offending anyone because of the apparent theme of the set. I approached MiTo shortly after the incident of the first IC on the proprietary molds, and he offered to help me get the set back on track with his new community molds (and ideas, renders, etc). We agreed on the idea of having all the designer profits donated to the BLM cause (a few months ago, when the movement exploded in America because of George Floyd, etc. but I don't want to get political right now), and back then I thought it was a great idea. Make a nice-looking set, and help out the community around me at a time when they needed it most.
Back then, the group buy was only scheduled to last a month. Then (a few days ago) came Drop with their (new) great system of ongoing preorders. I realized then that I had a lot more options of not only donating to just one relevant cause that I love and support and stop after the GB ended; I could donate to many other causes that I love and support if I ever wanted to. I don't plan on just running a charity for one month and then keeping every cent of profit for myself after that. That seems like a really cheap move.
Hopefully this clears some things up. Let's keep this thread a place for discussing keycaps, not a place to flame me on a charity choice.