Things I liked,
1) Meeting friends with whom I can really relate.
2) i3oilermaker's business card.
3) Sculpting a zergling.
4) Punching Rarar in front of his mom.
5) Meeting the Walter family.
6) Hearing myself talk.
7) CPT acting his hardest to feign interest in my meager existence.
Things I want to see improve,
1) Introductions - we all know what needs to be done here.
2) Longer free roam times.
3) Bathrooms on the same floor.
4) More options for video/audio feeds or the expectation for someone to dedicate themselves to A/V coverage.
5) Free Poker 2s because nobody can enjoy their feel without them.
6) More 60% buckling springs.
7) Zenuty.
Aaaand... that's it