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geekhack Media / Re: Post Your Bro Caps!
« Last post by LightningXI on Thu, 13 February 2025, 16:23:31 »
Some recent-ish pics

Other Geeky Stuff / any games console recommendation?
« Last post by eden2 on Thu, 13 February 2025, 16:23:28 »
Hi guys! So you can tell I’m a fan of games console. I’m seeking for some new interesting games console. What have you played recently?
Off Topic / Re: Don't mess around. This is serious.
« Last post by tp4tissue on Thu, 13 February 2025, 15:44:49 »
Well, that could be anything, but Cats a are huge issue now, because they like to chase birds and eat dead ones.

They're also running around outside where birds rain down potentially infected bird poo.

Keep them indoors and making a shoes policy / disinfecting spray etc, might be a good idea.
Off Topic / Re: Don't mess around. This is serious.
« Last post by Rob27shred on Thu, 13 February 2025, 15:10:04 »
Well go figure, we just adopted a cat a few months ago & everyone in the house did get sick in the past couple weeks... Still love my violent little furball though!
Open to everyone due to large quantity of extras.

Group Buys and Preorders / Re: [GB] GMK Kitsune : GB Over!
« Last post by dvorcol on Thu, 13 February 2025, 14:58:56 »
Open to all due to large quantity of extras.

Off Topic / Re: Don't mess around. This is serious.
« Last post by tp4tissue on Thu, 13 February 2025, 14:49:50 »
Drug addict antivaxxer confirmed as health secretary.

Right as H5N1 bout to blow up.

Here's the play, antivax is just political, for the votes, the real ploy here is no more free vaccines, pay or die.
Keyboards / Re: Alps Switches Sound Tests on 3 keyboards.
« Last post by c.a.t. on Thu, 13 February 2025, 14:46:46 »
Alps SKCM Amber Sound Tests:
Off Topic / Re: Gaming PC Parts discussion thread.
« Last post by tp4tissue on Thu, 13 February 2025, 13:34:20 »
MSI Afterburner beta 5 overlays finally supports 9000 series AMD.

CPU Power (watts) doesn't report correctly, but everything else seems to work.
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] GMK CYL Flare | Vendors Announced
« Last post by Kiririn on Thu, 13 February 2025, 13:11:29 »
Just because I was asked to make a render of inverse accent keys for the enter and esc, here are the results.

So far I've gotten extremely mixed reactions from others regarding this but I am leaning towards not adding it to the base kit. I won't be considering adding a 3rd color just for an accent key as I do not want to add any extra cost to the set.
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