Hi all,
Welcome to the NEW interest check for SA 8010. With a new house and renovations that have taken up his free time, FRANCO has passed this project on to me to run, so let's go!

I've reworked the kits to be more GB-friendly, trying to stay faithful to FRANCO's original vision for the set while taking into account recent trends with SA kitting/sales, lessons learned from running SA SAIL, and some requests from the old IC thread. Since I didn't have easy access to the form responses, I've created this new IC to gather everything in one place.
Interest Check FormWithout further ado...
GB Date: March 1-31, 2021Vendors & Pricing
KitsAlphasI decided to break up the original base kit into alphas and modifier kits for more flexibility with overall kit breakdowns. F and J are homing keys by default.
TKLModifiers for TKL and 60% support. Extra white keys give the option for an all-white HHKB bottom row, like the original 8010 keyboard.
SpecialtiesExtension kit for 65% and 660 layouts, as well as Mac bottom row swaps and the elusive 2u Shift.
NumpadI think this one needs no explanation. Like F and J in Alphas, 5 is homing by default.
ISOEnough keys for physical ISO support, with option for either an alpha or a modifier for the extra 1u key next to Left/Upper Shift.
Ortho & 40sThis kit has ortho support in combination with the Alphas and 40s support in combination with the Alphas and TKL. Includes a bottom row 0 key for 4x12 ortho boards.
Split SpacebarsSmall spacebars and Alice support.
PROGKeys for lefthand macro columns.
RendersIron180 by Smith+Rune
Bauer by Dixie Mech
Saturn-60 by Birgus Latro
Atlas by nasp
AcknowledgementsFRANCO for bringing this project to me
Abec13 for the awesome renders
konstantin for the kit advice
BannerIf you'd like to show your support for this project, you can use the banner below:
[url=https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=109286.0][img height=120]https://i.imgur.com/ZZZbuqJ.png[/img][/url]