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Off Topic / Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Last post by Leslieann on Sun, 02 June 2024, 08:07:25 »
Rich people generally don't have nice TVs.  The obvious explanation is, they've got such a great life, there's no need for TV.
You don't need a TV when you have a home theater.

Most of what you hear about "the rich" is total B.S and misdirection, they don't want you to know how they really live.
KeyCon 2025 / Re: Keycon 2025
« Last post by DJSwayde on Sun, 02 June 2024, 07:56:02 »
Been reading through all the replies and just have a couple things to note.

Location voting - this is something that could possibly come back in the future. For now, we really need familiarity or boots on the ground with wherever the location ends up being. With talking to GMK at Keycon 2024 - it was too good of an opportunity to pass up. I expressed it in the above, but it just makes sense from a lot of different perspectives. Is international travel difficult, and sometimes more expensive? Absolutely, and I am not trying to dismiss that. Its one of the main reasons we are talking about it now.

Limited factory tour - This is absolutely a good point and is why we will have tickets up for sale well in advance. That way people can plan and decide if they wanted to attend based on that.

There definitely seems to be a subset of artisan enthusiasts here that would like to see something happen in the US instead of Germany. I think there is a great opportunity for this group to plan a smaller event (ArtisanCon TM) for 2025. I definitely loved to see everyone in SLC, and get that its more challenging to make it to Germany. My suggestion is to go for it! Plan an event with your friends here and make it happen.

How do you genuinely think it's just "artisan enthusiasts" that are affected by this, because they're the most vocal? Coming from someone who is not an artisan enthusiast and speaking about this with many other "non-artisan enthusiasts", the general consensus is that we are rather peeved that there was no desire for input from the community whatsoever. Just because some of us are not vendors doesn't make us less important. Y'all can name your Germany meetup "NovelKeysCon" or something and we can find another entity to plan Keycon elsewhere (wherever the community wants it).
Off Topic / Paypal Dispute. Advice?
« Last post by Naweo on Sun, 02 June 2024, 07:27:34 »
I would like to create a dispute on paypal to get my money back.

I sent it as "good and services" related to renting an airbnb for them and one of my friends to stay at, but the person I sent it to never sent the receipt for how much it had cost, and I lost contact with them before my friend could join that airbnb. There was no sales receipt or something of that matter, on paper the money was "simply sent for no reason." This is the case I would like to present.

I am hoping in such cases, smaller cases, that paypal would be able to reimburse at least half amount but preferably full.

I was hoping someone would know a lot about paypal, and the ability to dispute it. If successful, i will pay 50$ for a successful reimbursement of at least 50% of my money. But ONLY in a successful case.
Keyboard Keycaps / keycaps suggestions?
« Last post by roilaa on Sun, 02 June 2024, 06:22:10 »
This set is nice, but unfortunately it's a GMK GB so I doubt you'll even need it by the time you get it. Maybe try to find a PBT set that has pink from KBDFans or Cannonkeys.
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] KeyKobo Yōkai
« Last post by twitchytheinsideman on Sun, 02 June 2024, 04:27:41 »
 Why use these legends instead of the style that newer GMK sets use:
KeyCon 2025 / Re: Keycon 2025
« Last post by SeedyOne on Sun, 02 June 2024, 02:40:26 »
Honestly I get where you guys that have been around even longer than I have are coming from, but personally I think we're making a mountain out of a molehill here. Keycon has been US exclusive since it began AFAIK (I got into the hobby late 2015) so I feel it's just fine to let the EU have one. I mean everything us US based people are worried about with it being in Germany is what EU based people have had to contend with if they wanted attend in all the previous years.

I might have agreed with you prior to the response above, but specifically marginalizing a subset of the hobby doesn't instill confidence. At best, it implies they aren't important or numbered enough to matter and can "go do their own thing", which is quite tone deaf when those particular folks are often the deepest into the hobby, spending as much on a single accessory as an entire custom KB. SO yeah, that molehill is starting to look awfully steep...
KeyCon 2025 / Re: Keycon 2025
« Last post by 3tonjack on Sat, 01 June 2024, 23:49:19 »
Been reading through all the replies and just have a couple things to note.

There definitely seems to be a subset of artisan enthusiasts here that would like to see something happen in the US instead of Germany. I think there is a great opportunity for this group to plan a smaller event (ArtisanCon TM) for 2025. I definitely loved to see everyone in SLC, and get that its more challenging to make it to Germany. My suggestion is to go for it! Plan an event with your friends here and make it happen.

Nice of you to be so ready to separate out the community. 
New Members / Re: First time on geekhack
« Last post by Rhienfo on Sat, 01 June 2024, 23:34:12 »
thanks haha
I prefer heavy switches I think, I have used Mx browns before and recently changed to reds, now I know I prefer linear switches, however (and I guess this is because of the no tactile bump) I find myself constantly mistyping words by accidently knocking a key next to the one I'm trying to use, so thought maybe getting heavier switches may help with that issue, I've ordered several other switches as well so hoping to find a switch that I find comfortable and a good balance between heavy and not being too sluggish as you mentioned. (I have also ordered some switch films so I can mess around to try and find switch and mod it how I like if not right away but at a later date and as I become more comfortable with moding and knowing my way round a switch
The switches I have ordered are:
  • Gateron Milky Yellow Pro (and non pro versions - can someone tell me the difference as I seem to be an idiot and ordered both by accident)
  • Alpaca Linear
  • Husky Switches
All of which are a bit heavier than the reds that I have at the moment, but are not as heavy as the Ink V2's.

It will probably help but I feel like you can get used it pretty quickly, If your struggling at 60g (which is cherry reds) you can go up to 70g, but would recommend trying a bunch of different options. Even if your gonna stick to the ink spring weight still recommend swaping them out because of how inconsistent they are.

Also the difference between the gat pros and the regular gat yellows is that the gat pros are lubricated, which the non pros aren't.
KeyCon 2025 / Re: Keycon 2025
« Last post by 3tonjack on Sat, 01 June 2024, 23:33:31 »
My two cents as a community member who cares above all about the community. 

A meet, much less an annual convention for a niche hobby should have four guiding principles, in my opinion. 

Community building
Showcasing great examples/collections of keyboards, artisans and related items
Good entertainment options
Promotion of the hobby

I'd like to hear how the decision to move Keycon 25 to Europe benefits the members of Geekhack and the other members of the various communities that Geekhack has seeded. 

Keycon is in my perception an event that happened thanks to key community members coming forward and taking some input from the larger community. All the love to JM, Hoff and everyone who organized them in the past.  This year the reasoning for SLC was given and everyone rolled with that and was excited to see Keycon back.  The event was great this year but this isn't about how this year went, it's how incredibly poorly this has been communicated and how tone deaf it feels to me as a member of the community.   Announcing on the NK stream a unilateral decision to move an event that had always been held in the US to Germany.  Oh and maybe not a cool place with stuff to do like Frankfurt but the middle of nowhere out by GMK?  Sounds great for NK and the GMK relationship. 

Oh and talking about Tampa 2026, man if there isn't any real dialogue with the community you can do it wherever you like.  The community will serve it's own needs. 

Interest Checks / Re: [IC] GoMaster Salmon: Reborn R2 Keycaps
« Last post by aicyborg on Sat, 01 June 2024, 22:37:34 »
Please add UK support either to the base kit or to the NorDe kit. It is currently in neither (there's not 2" and 3£ keys by themselves in either kit, as well as the other UK kits).

I'm interested in this but it doesn't currently support my region. :c
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