For the SLK profile, I have been prototyping the latest versions of the keycaps with a resin 3D printer. Previously, I was prototyping much older versions through a print service. So far, I've only printed 1U caps myself, but I'll start messing with printing some of the larger sizes now that I have figured the printing out. As kema mentioned, the general shape is going to stay mostly similar, but I'm still experimenting with slight tweaks, and trying them out with these 3D prints to find what feels best to me.
Picture of the keycaps on a RAMA M6-A
The first fully successful print, as they came out from the printer with the support structure for printing still attached.
The first fully successfully printed keycaps on the RAMA M6-A (left) next to all of the failed attempts before (right), including issues with the surface finish, issues with excess material, and issues with the stems falling off the build plate.
A comparison with DSA on the top left and top middle keys for height comparison.I like how the profile feels a lot right now a lot, but I am thinking of increasing the curvature on the dish - I think it feels a bit flatter than I'd like. My proposed changes will increase the height of the keycap very slightly, but will bring the dish curvature pretty much in line with DSA's dish curvature. I'll be making these changes and testing them over next weekend.
This diagram (it's a bit different from the last one that kema showed) shows what the profile will look like after the proposed changes:In terms of testing with a full keyset on a keyboard, I have not done that with the latest iteration. I have tested it before with a much older version of the SLK design, ordered through a print service. However, since I'm transitioning to doing the prototype printing on my own, I haven't gotten around to doing this yet on the latest version. However, I plan to do this, and daily drive a keyboard with a full SLK set to make sure I like it once the tweaks all feel good on the individual keys.