I'm considering pulling out the alphas and going a full 40% and separate full ortho kit. Keeping the 60% more or less as-is, maybe dropping the F row in there. Numpad would also become its own kit. I like the flexibility that that provides. But if you were hoping to cover multiple boards you're going to end up paying more potentially. Something to consider there, hit me with any feedback on that. I'll put together a KLE on what I'm thinking and share it after any feedback comes in.
As far as I understood from the DCS Wyse GB attempt, SP just prices sets per-key (at a given MOQ), with no discounts or adjustments for combining them into bigger kits (at least for DCS). So I'm not sure splitting it this way makes sense. That's why SP sets run in all these weird small combinations, instead of in bigger "bundles" like GMK.
You could do something like: alphas, 60% mods, TKL nav + F row, numpad, 40% mods, and ISO-UK. Then (using example numbers only for illustration) price alphas, 60%, and TKL at 150 MOQ, price the numpad at 75 MOQ, price the 40s kit at 25 MOQ, and price the ISO-UK kit at 25 MOQ. Everyone gets to buy only what they need, without inflating the prices of the main kits.
Then again, I've never gotten a DSS quote so maybe SP has a totally different pricing structure.