Author Topic: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - Canceled  (Read 12836 times)

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Offline Piperaceae

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[IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - Canceled
« on: Sat, 14 September 2024, 14:12:10 »
GMK MTNU Selectresque
STATUS: Canceled (December 8, 2024)

After some consideration, I've decided not to move forward with the MTNU Selectresque group buy. The economics of MTNU are difficult to make work, and it's been a learning experience.

To make the set viable, we were looking at having to strip out all 40's and 6u coverage, alternate 65/75 column keys, most of the Selectric novelties, and possibly switch to a stock blue that didn't match the Selectric well. An international kit was doubtful. In addition, Space Cadet just came out in a similar blue, which would have made the set an even harder sell.

I didn't feel enthusiastic about the project given all that, and moving forward didn't seem like the right thing to do.

Selectresque will return, however. I'll be launching a new interest check in SA profile once my work on A History of Violets is complete.

I really hope I'm not being some petulant creative diva here. I just think that if I'm not excited by a design, it will show, and buyers won't be excited by it either. I'd rather focus on projects that I feel more confident will make people happy.

Original IC below:

Introduction and Inspiration
This is GMK MTNU Selectresque. It's an IBM Selectric-esque design, inspired by the famous blue-key IBM Selectric colorway from the 1960's. The Selectric series of typewriters was extremely popular; at one point, 75% of the typewriters used in the business market were Selectrics. They were also innovative, in that they used interchangeable rotating font balls instead of individual bars for each key, and thus weren't prone to jamming when two keys were struck simultaneously.

The Selectric's keyboard was also used in computer terminals of the era, such as the IBM 2740. Its caps were interchangeable with those on IBM's later beamspring keyboards.

Legend says the blue caps were discontinued because the cheerful color was just too distracting for office workers. But now they're back, in pog MTNU form!

The IBM Selectric I, in its blue colorway. (Photo credit)

Manufacturer and Vendors
Manufactured by GMK, in doubleshot PBT
Prototypist has offered to work with me on this! More info coming soon.

TBD, but I'm hoping for $120-150 for the base; ideally on the lower end of that range, in line with other MTNU base kits.

Quantity will largely determine the price. For reference, MTNU Susu's small base kit sold for $125, the much larger MTNU Dolch monokit was $135, and the "limited stock" MTNU R&D 1973 monokit was $180-189.

There are a handful of new novelty legends, but they're just text, and I want the molds to be available to anyone to use going forward. The generic diamond OS mods may be pretty useful.

Group Buy aiming for Spring 2025

GMK XW1 white legends. The blue base is rendered as RAL Meissen blue, but there's some leeway since there were minor variations in shades of blue on the Selectric. GMK's ABS N5 is a pretty good stock match, if they can approximate that in PBT.

Renders, Part I

Base Kit

This is a 60-80% kit with terminal ISO, Tsangan, and HHKB support; plus some weirdo keys like 2u Shift and 1.5u OS mods that often get shunted off to an extras kit. I didn't want to have a separate extras kit that would make purchasing more confusing.

It's as accurate as I could make it to the Selectric series of typewriters while fitting today's boards. Featured are unique mod and alpha legends mostly drawn from the Selectric III, but also from the I, II, 96-character, and Composer typewriters.

The monotone color scheme is clean, fairly neutral, and pairs well with almost anything.

40% and Spacebars Kit

Basic 40's support, an Alice B, and an assortment of small spacebars. Larger bars are already in the base.

Number Pad Kit

For folks who need a number pad, here you go! 1800 R1 keys are included here.

Examples of some Selectric legends in their original context.

Renders, Part II: Selectric Boogaloo

Questions and Answers
1. Why MTNU? Wasn't this originally supposed to be an SA set?
I had originally designed this for SA profile, because I thought the height and glossiness was a good approximation of the original Selectric aesthetic (Selectsthetic?). But a couple factors changed my mind.

First, I know Signature Plastics' prices aren't popular, and I already have two sets at varying stages of production or development through them that I'm still waiting to hear about. I don't want to launch a third before those pan out.

Second, but more importantly, I think MTNU is a great fit for this! MTNU was designed in part as an homage to IBM's scooped 70's beamspring caps, the same as the Selectrics used. It's a curvy profile with a retro typeface strongly inspired by the legends you'd find on Selectric I and II typewriters. At the same time, it's shorter and potentially comfier than SA to type on, as well as being made from durable doubleshot PBT, rather than ABS. GMK's production times are also faster than SP's.

There have only been a handful of MTNU sets so far, and while GMK is definitely capable of producing bright-colored PBT keys (see their sample color packs), so far many have been shades of brown and grey. A bright sky blue set would be entirely new in MTNU, whereas it'd just be another among many blue SA sets.

2. Why all the funky legends?
Part of drawing inspiration from the Selectric is embracing its weirdness - it was a typewriter first and foremost, not a computer keyboard, even if it was sometimes integrated into terminals. Typewriters before the mid-80's had a variety of non-standardized layouts across brands and locales. Untying the legends from the keys they sit on makes the set more region-neutral, accurate to the original Selectrics, and frankly just looks cool.

At one point I did plan to include "normie" versions of the alpha keys, but it felt redundant and costly.

3. No non-scooped F, J, and 5 keys?
If it's a huge dealbreaker for a lot of people, I can add them. There are no barred or nubbed homing keys in MTNU, just scooped. Given most folks want homing keys of some variety, I went with scooped, and left unscooped out to cut costs where I can. I'd rather include different keys that help cover more boards than variants of keys that are already there. There's precedent for leaving them out - they're not in MNTU Beige, or MTNU Rascals.

4. At one point recently, this was going to be 40's and 60's-oriented with small board coverage in the base. Why the change?
I did the math, and there are just way more TKL users than 40s users. To make this set more viable, I put TKL in the base and moved 40's support to a child kit. Having both in the base together seemed like it'd be too expensive, and affordability for the majority was part of the decision to go with MTNU over SA.

There have been a LOT of changes to this set as it's evolved, and I've tried to make the process as transparent as I could by posting major changes in the "Custom Keycap Ideas Thread" here on GeekHack, both as a sort of pre-IC, and so there's a breadcrumb trail in case anyone pops up claiming I stole their design. This began life as a black and grey SA set with icon mods, before turning blue, losing the icons, and becoming much more accurate to real Selectrics. I've toyed with literally dozens of kitting variations in recent weeks, and this is the one that felt like it would sell the best at the lowest cost.

6. I thought of this idea back in 1988, and swear I was going to get around to posting my own IC three hours from now. I demand you put this set on hold!

6. But x is slightly different than on an actual Selectric!
This is an amalgam of three generations of Selectrics spanning 25 years, and multiple minor variants across those. It's Selectric-ESQUE, not a real Selectric. You should really just relax.

Next Steps
I'll be meeting with Prototypist soon to discuss the color, any potential kitting changes (international support?), and getting other regional vendors onboard. Once we have enough details nailed down, we can reach out to GMK for quotes, and organize a group buy.

If you'd like to help support this set, please add this banner to your signatures!

Code: [Select]
[url=][img width=480 height=120][/img][/url]

9/14/24: IC Created
9/15/24: Working with Prototypist to prep for a group buy
9/16/24: Set very preliminary GB date. Working on kitting refinement now. Next up: getting quote from GMK.
« Last Edit: Sun, 08 December 2024, 14:49:24 by Piperaceae »

Offline Piperaceae

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IC form link fixed!
« Last Edit: Sat, 14 September 2024, 14:14:58 by Piperaceae »

Offline ObsessiveCaps

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I've really been enjoying my MTNU set and so glad to see more sets running IC for MTNU. You got my money when this runs!

Always looking for new Blue caps and been wanting to try the  MTNU profile.


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Ready for colorful MTNU

Offline twitchytheinsideman

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its not gray, beige, black or brown?  :eek:

Offline Piperaceae

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its not gray, beige, black or brown?  :eek:

No, sadly. Global beige shortage, had to reluctantly try something else.


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its not gray, beige, black or brown?  :eek:

Unclear if Big MTNU will allow this

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IC form completed  :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

Offline Piperaceae

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - An IBM Selectric-inspired blue doubleshot PBT set
« Reply #10 on: Sun, 15 September 2024, 06:29:26 »
Thank you to all of you who have commented and filled out the form so far! I'm not really sure how many form responses I need before I speak to a vendor; until now I've always worked with Signature Plastics, who act as manufacturer and vendor for their in-stock sets, so this is kind of new to me. I'll just keep collecting until I hit a big round number?

I really hope I can make colorful MTNU happen. PBT has developed this myth around it that it has to be dull and muted like chalk, but that's not the case at all. And while I've loved Susu, Dolch, and the like, there's clearly a market for color in this profile. Again, thanks to everyone for the encouragement.

Offline LASERman Projects

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - An IBM Selectric-inspired blue doubleshot PBT set
« Reply #11 on: Sun, 15 September 2024, 10:59:27 »
Happy to finally see more vibrant colour for MTNU but personally would prefer two tone theme i.e. deep blue mods and more mod icons.

Offline Piperaceae

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - An IBM Selectric-inspired blue doubleshot PBT set
« Reply #12 on: Sun, 15 September 2024, 11:22:18 »
I don't know how much I can say just yet, because I don't want to get ahead of myself or step on anyone's toes. But I have spoken this afternoon with a well-known vendor interested in making this happen, and I understand there's going to be an on-stream announcement about that soon. So please keep the feedback coming, this is all helpful in determining how this pans out. Thanks!

Offline mcmcmc

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - An IBM Selectric-inspired blue doubleshot PBT set
« Reply #13 on: Sun, 15 September 2024, 11:36:17 »
this is p cool, i’m in

Offline Piperaceae

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - An IBM Selectric-inspired blue doubleshot PBT set
« Reply #14 on: Sun, 15 September 2024, 12:15:09 »
Happy to finally see more vibrant colour for MTNU but personally would prefer two tone theme i.e. deep blue mods and more mod icons.

I went with monotone since the Selectrics were; at one point early on this was a mix of black and grey, and then blue and black, both with icon mods. But I kept thinking it might be too similar to SA Modern Selectric. That was before I decided to really hone in on making this more of a Selectric replica instead of being loosely inspired by it.

What I'd love to see is all-black and all-grey versions of this, to cover the full range of original Selectric colors. Then people could mix and match them any way they wanted. All black, with a blue alert number row! Or grey alphas with blue mods! But I highly doubt that will happen, because it'd potentially split the sales across three different SKUs.

Offline jd

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - An IBM Selectric-inspired blue doubleshot PBT set
« Reply #15 on: Sun, 15 September 2024, 20:09:40 »
I will be following this with interest. Great looking set.

Offline NoFace

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - Finalizing Kitting to Prep for 2025 GB
« Reply #16 on: Tue, 17 September 2024, 06:10:51 »
This looks nice.
Make the kitting and price similar to mtnu modo and you are good to go.

Offline ObsessiveCaps

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - An IBM Selectric-inspired blue doubleshot PBT set
« Reply #17 on: Tue, 17 September 2024, 14:23:02 »
Happy to finally see more vibrant colour for MTNU but personally would prefer two tone theme i.e. deep blue mods and more mod icons.

I went with monotone since the Selectrics were; at one point early on this was a mix of black and grey, and then blue and black, both with icon mods. But I kept thinking it might be too similar to SA Modern Selectric. That was before I decided to really hone in on making this more of a Selectric replica instead of being loosely inspired by it.

What I'd love to see is all-black and all-grey versions of this, to cover the full range of original Selectric colors. Then people could mix and match them any way they wanted. All black, with a blue alert number row! Or grey alphas with blue mods! But I highly doubt that will happen, because it'd potentially split the sales across three different SKUs.

Since you're considering other color kittings, would you consider Selectric in white-on-red? It's so, so hard to find any decent white-on-red spherical sets and there is a desperate need. I have considered running it in KAT in the future, but I'd gladly participate in an MTNU white-on-red selectric set as well.

Offline Piperaceae

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - Finalizing Kitting to Prep for 2025 GB
« Reply #18 on: Tue, 17 September 2024, 14:57:20 »
I'm not actually considering any other colors for this design, unfortunately. It's fun to think about, but the blue monotone is pretty locked in for this project. No vendor would let me run it in multiple competing colorways that would split sales among them.

I would love to run a white-on-red set someday though, in some profile. Seeing some recent pics of someone's red SA Jack Selectric set really made me think about that. And yesterday in the SP Discord, I was suggesting SP stock Standard Red or Standard Blue in addition to Standard Black and White.


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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - An IBM Selectric-inspired blue doubleshot PBT set
« Reply #19 on: Tue, 17 September 2024, 17:03:18 »
Happy to finally see more vibrant colour for MTNU but personally would prefer two tone theme i.e. deep blue mods and more mod icons.

I went with monotone since the Selectrics were; at one point early on this was a mix of black and grey, and then blue and black, both with icon mods. But I kept thinking it might be too similar to SA Modern Selectric. That was before I decided to really hone in on making this more of a Selectric replica instead of being loosely inspired by it.

What I'd love to see is all-black and all-grey versions of this, to cover the full range of original Selectric colors. Then people could mix and match them any way they wanted. All black, with a blue alert number row! Or grey alphas with blue mods! But I highly doubt that will happen, because it'd potentially split the sales across three different SKUs.

Since you're considering other color kittings, would you consider Selectric in white-on-red? It's so, so hard to find any decent white-on-red spherical sets and there is a desperate need. I have considered running it in KAT in the future, but I'd gladly participate in an MTNU white-on-red selectric set as well.

Seems like the best way to get that made is to get this set to do well and then try for a new colorway and maybe some new icon mods down the road. I’d love jack selectric mtnu.

Offline Piperaceae

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - Finalizing Kitting to Prep for 2025 GB
« Reply #20 on: Tue, 17 September 2024, 17:05:15 »
I don't know if the designer for that is still active, or would be open to it? But I'd love to see that too.

Offline ObsessiveCaps

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - Finalizing Kitting to Prep for 2025 GB
« Reply #21 on: Wed, 18 September 2024, 02:22:11 »
I'm not actually considering any other colors for this design, unfortunately. It's fun to think about, but the blue monotone is pretty locked in for this project. No vendor would let me run it in multiple competing colorways that would split sales among them.

I would love to run a white-on-red set someday though, in some profile. Seeing some recent pics of someone's red SA Jack Selectric set really made me think about that. And yesterday in the SP Discord, I was suggesting SP stock Standard Red or Standard Blue in addition to Standard Black and White.

If you're referring to the beige board with SA Jack Selectric Red in the SP Discord, that was me. ;) I realized afterward that you're also the one running this set. Appreciate you and grateful for the blue for now!

Offline Piperaceae

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - Finalizing Kitting to Prep for 2025 GB
« Reply #22 on: Wed, 18 September 2024, 05:17:54 »
Yes, that was it! That's just an absolutely gorgeous set!

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - Finalizing Kitting to Prep for 2025 GB
« Reply #23 on: Tue, 24 September 2024, 11:45:48 »
#1. OMG MTNU in a vibrant COLOR?!?!? It's about time!
#2. A second 2.25u Shift in the 40% kit would be appreciated for compatibility with the UHK, but I understand if you don't want to change the kitting.

Offline Piperaceae

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - Finalizing Kitting to Prep for 2025 GB
« Reply #24 on: Tue, 24 September 2024, 12:23:38 »
Kitting is still up in the air right now. Although it's really dependent upon what vendors are willing to run, in terms of the size of the base kit, and if there will even be any child kits. Left in my hands, we'd cover everything under the sun.🤣 The kitting is something we're talking about now, so we can get quotes from GMK.

Offline nateth

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - Finalizing Kitting to Prep for 2025 GB
« Reply #25 on: Tue, 24 September 2024, 18:50:20 »
I mean…. I could always just buy two base kits. 🤣🤣🤣

In all seriousness I hope this comes to fruition.

Offline Ceyx

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - Finalizing Kitting to Prep for 2025 GB
« Reply #26 on: Fri, 27 September 2024, 03:09:11 »
Stepped mods for that target price, please.

Offline mul7i

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - Finalizing Kitting to Prep for 2025 GB
« Reply #27 on: Fri, 27 September 2024, 03:16:43 »

6. I thought of this idea back in 1988, and swear I was going to get around to posting my own IC three hours from now. I demand you put this set on hold!


Offline mul7i

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - Finalizing Kitting to Prep for 2025 GB
« Reply #28 on: Fri, 27 September 2024, 03:22:12 »
big fan of piperaceae, dcs smrt and this set too
would be a good companion to mtnu space cadet as funky vintage board inspired kits
stepped mods like ceyx mentioned would be very cool too but understandable if its not doable  :thumb:

Offline Gimbal

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - Finalizing Kitting to Prep for 2025 GB
« Reply #29 on: Fri, 27 September 2024, 05:28:26 »
Nice, how about an international kit as well? I do need my Å Ä Ö keycaps.

Offline Piperaceae

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - Finalizing Kitting to Prep for 2025 GB
« Reply #30 on: Fri, 27 September 2024, 09:55:51 »
Nice, how about an international kit as well? I do need my Å Ä Ö keycaps.

I've suggested it! I didn't include it here because I believe GMK has a standardized international set for CYL and MTNU, so it would just be that in this colorway. Depends if vendors want to run it or not. But I'm hoping they will.

Offline Gimbal

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - Finalizing Kitting to Prep for 2025 GB
« Reply #31 on: Mon, 30 September 2024, 06:33:39 »
Yes I have the MTNU Susu set with the international option so it does exist, it only needs to be included.

Offline tactilesbad

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - Finalizing Kitting to Prep for 2025 GB
« Reply #32 on: Tue, 01 October 2024, 11:00:47 »
I'll consider MTNU when/if they offer dyesub, I absolutely can't stand the standard font they decided to use on this profile

Offline LASERman Projects

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - Finalizing Kitting to Prep for 2025 GB
« Reply #33 on: Fri, 11 October 2024, 09:23:31 »
I'll consider MTNU when/if they offer dyesub, I absolutely can't stand the standard font they decided to use on this profile
To be precise the font is not "standard" and quite different to any other on the market.
However I did had that dislike feel initially but for the centred legends this slender design is an improvement comparing to others (i.e. those obnoxious alphas found on SA) and they grown on me to the point it is now my preferred clean font to read.
Only thing I miss are full icon legends instead of text ones but I got it - design takes "standards" from retro legends.

Offline jd

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - Finalizing Kitting to Prep for 2025 GB
« Reply #34 on: Sun, 17 November 2024, 13:50:59 »
Very interested in joining the group buy when it launches.

Offline Piperaceae

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - Finalizing Kitting to Prep for 2025 GB
« Reply #35 on: Sun, 17 November 2024, 14:31:25 »
Thanks! We're targeting spring right now. Finalizing the kitting so we can get quotes, and then approach other regional vendors. It's slow going, but that's because it's still a ways out yet.

Offline Piperaceae

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Re: [IC] GMK MTNU Selectresque - Canceled
« Reply #36 on: Sun, 08 December 2024, 14:52:32 »
Hi all, I've made the difficult decision to cancel MTNU Selectresque. I wasn't enthusiastic about the design anymore, given the changes needed to make it viable in MTNU. I've updated the top post with a statement, and I eventually plan to revisit the idea in SA profile instead.