I need to take some better photos, but I finally decided to do Orange Alps, though I may swap them for something else in the future. I go so used to a 60% and having a Win key that it's taking a little bit getting used to a tenkeyless and layout again. I got so used to using the Win key that I'll probably have to remap one of the Alts to Win. The bottom row downward sloped modifiers are also interesting feeling and take some getting used to.
For the stabilizers, I actually didn't use any from an Alps board, but used one from an Omron board instead.

If you look at the leg on the stabilizers and if you've played with Alps stabilizers before, you can probably tell why I went with them. They'll be damn near impossible to remove without breaking them or desoldering all the switches and taking apart the whole board.

If you look at this picture, you can see that I didn't install the space bar stabilizer thing (it's a small black tube that the post on the spacebar fits into). When I took the picture, it was off with some clear acrylic paint on it. For some reason, they don't fit right on the Kingsaver and I've found you need to put something on the legs in order to keep it in place.

I was playing around with the Apple logo that came off the donor board here. I'm still deciding if I'll keep the Print Screen and Pause caps the way they are or if I'll use a F-row cap for them instead since they're a different profile. The Alphas are from the same Omron board that I got the stabilizers from and the modifiers are all from a Wang and I got thanks to Akimbr0.

And without the Apple logo from the donor board:

And you can't tell in the picture, but the Caps Lock uses a 2x3x4mm Pink Water Clear LED.