... I threw this together based on Komar007's setup for the GH60. It moves the controller and everything needed onto this board but breaks out all the connections into a 2x16 through-hole pin array ...
Awesome work! Exactly (almost) what I had in mind!
... then I determined that SMD soldering is not for me, so I abandoned this in favor of something else. Of course, if this was manufactured in bulk, it could make stuff more accessible.
Yup, SMD soldering is not an easy task. My initial idea was something like the DIP Aikon version although, now, I'm more inclined to work with a SMD version (the uC, IMHO, is the only real hard component to solder). Size really matters ...
It fits between rows of keys much better than a Teensy does.
Yes, this is one of my major concerns, followed by size, modularity and simplicity.
I'll post some drawings later with some design ideas.
(Attachment Link)
Anyway, I can post the files if someone wants to take it further.
Oh yes! I want that!
If you want to do this you must understand that if it is good, someone WILL steal your work and make money off of it and you will not get any credit at all.
Sorry, it's not always like this? That's what open source is - no guarantee at all, at least we will have something that we want exactly how we want. Cammon, we are talking about just one keyboard controller - it's not rocket science.
That is what happened with the Aikon.
Didn't know about that. Whom is using it?
If you are prepared for that then please continue.
I'm planning to continue - but it will depend of the IC. I wouldn't like to play alone!
The defacto hardware standard is the Teensy, Teensy ++, or other Atmel based USB boards. Personally, i don't think there is a need to re-engineer the hardware.
I do agree - I'm not thinking in re-engineer the hardware. My idea is to re-design the board - move the components to make it easier to solder into the matrix, easier to expand and easier to build at home.
Teensy is just a development platform, a prototype tool, it's not an final "product", it wasn't built to be used inside a keyboard, it was built to fit into a breadboard.
I thought the Aikon had a fantastic UI. if you could create a UI like that (but offer layers, macros, and extended key sets) for the Teensys then you would be golden. Look to Soarer and Hasu for technical guidance.
I liked the Aikon gui very much too, indeed it's way cool!
I did reproduce the AIKON at one point. I did give them credit though. Regardless, I tried running AIKON code on the Teensy, but faltered to realize that the AIKON runs at 8MHz when the Teensy is at 12 or 16 (don't recall)
Do you have the Aikon code?
gimme gimme gimme!!!