who am I kidding...one does not leave keyboards...just acquires less of them
Sale Fine Print: -All prices are in US dollars with PP fee's already included in the price
-Some items will be CONUS only, which will be noted by the price. Others will have the CONUS & NON-CONUS price listed
-Shipping is already included in the price of each item
-I can combine shipping on items, so feel free to ask me to wait on shipping in case you buy additional things
-I am quite busy these days, so don't complain if it takes a week or longer to ship something out
-If I don't like you or you seem shaddy I'm not going to sell to you. no soup for you
1.) NEW SP WINKEYLESS RGB DoubleShot set. $34 $30 $26 shipped CONUS or $38 $34 $30 shipped elsewhere
-2x1.5x black-on-red Control
-2x1.5x black-on-blue Alt
-1x2.25x black-on-green left shift
-1x2.75x black-on-green right shift
-1x1.75x black-on-green right shift
-1x1x black-on-red Esc
-2x1x black-on-yellow diamond (bottom row, i.e. ctrl row profile)
-2x1x black-on-orange diamond (bottom row, i.e. ctrl row profile)
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2.) NEW SP Billards 16 key DS set. $30 $26 shipped CONUS or $34 $30 shipped elsewhere
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3.) NEW SP Hazard 12 key DyeSub set. $30 $26 $22 shipped CONUS or $34 $30 $26 shipped elsewhere
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4.) NEW SP Hazard 12 key DyeSub set. $30$26 $22 shipped CONUS or $34$30 $26 shipped elsewhere
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9.) NEW SP DDR arrow key DS set. $10 $8 $6 shipped CONUS or $12 $10 $8 shipped elsewhere
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12.) Used G80-11801LPAUS/12 with Brown Switches and thin lasered PBT keycaps. $50 $45 $40 shipped CONUS ONLY
-ps2 connector
-100 Brown
-1 Clear
-5 2x size PCB mount stabs
-1 7x size PCB mount stab
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24.) NEW SP TMNT Turtle Power DS keycap set. $120 shipped CONUS or $130 shipped elsewhere
-Brand new never typed on. I put them on a keyboard and couldn't look at GB packer colors
-Includes the base set, modifier set, numpad kit, 11 key/tsangan kit, 4 turtle keys & GH key all shown in the picture
-shameless plug to say this is $30 cheaper than current price on techkeys
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25.) NEW Imsto US+International black&blue Dyesub keycap set. $100 shipped CONUS or $110 shipped elsewhere
-Brand new never typed on or even mounted on a keyboard
-Includes 105 keys for standard US ANSI keyboard. the stepped CapsLock is why 105 instead of 104 keys
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28.) never used Krytox GPL200 lube. $40 shipped CONUS ONLY
-it cost $38.5 plus shipping in the original GB: http://deskthority.net/marketplace-f11/krytox-gpl-200-t4737.html
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29.) Large box of SP Crap Bag keys. $20 shipped CONUS ONLY
-Almost all beige/white/tan/gray colored caps from the 1st SP Crap Bag sale 2 years ago
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30.) FILCO MJ1 TKL. $100 shipped CONUS ONLY
-Cherry MX Brown switches
-FILCO black case
-Can include original used FILCO black lasered caps if you want them
-Has sat in a box for the last 1.5 years and Works perfectly
-Includes ONLY the FILCO keyboard and accessories listed above. Nothing else shown in the picture
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31.) WYSE DS + WYSE Moogle. $100 shipped CONUS or $110 shipped elsewhere
-WYSE Double Shot keycap set
-WYSE Moogle kit
-keycaps only as shown in this picture
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