Author Topic: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review  (Read 58480 times)

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Offline CPTBadAss

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MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« on: Thu, 13 June 2013, 22:40:35 »
Before I send out my Mr. Interface Switch Try Bag on my Keycap/Switch Test Tour, I decided to do a little test. I have a bunch of stock MX Black, 62g, and 65 springs on hand. The MX Blacks are from jdcarpe for my Epsilon, the 62g I bought from Calavera’s group buy, and the 65g came with my KMAC. I also have every Cherry switch but an MX Green. So I decided to swap all the springs into all the MX switches.


I have the following stock MX switches:
  • Blue
  • Brown
  • Clear
  • Red
  • White

And I have the following springs as I said before:

The red dots delineate which springs were available in Calavera’s Group Buy
  • Stock MX Black
  • 62g KBDMod Spring
  • 65g Spring (likely from Sherryton since the Olivetti Replica is only found in his shop and I received that set as well from the Auction)

My test lacked the following: Lubrication and Blue/Red/Brown spring swaps. The switches are for the Tour and I didn’t want to mess any of the switches up too badly by lubing them. I also don't have any lube. Plus I lost the spring in the Clear switch when I opened it up. I was on my hands and knees for forty-five minutes in a huge panic until I found that stupid tiny thing. The Tour would not have been the same without the Clear switch. That scared me off of taking the spring out of the Red/Brown/Blue and putting it into the rest of the switches.

How I conducted the test
 In between each swap, I recorded my thoughts in an Excel chart…because we go hard with keyboard science. And each switch had a Olivetti replica cap put on it. Yes, the switches were loose and not mounted into anything. Oh and I thought that the Green and Blue stems were the same. And that the Red and Black stems were the same except for the spring weight. Therefore, my testing wasn’t applied to the Red switch. If this isn’t the case, I’ll retry this experiment after the Tour.

Mini-guide to the interior of an MX switch
For anyone who doesn’t know what the insides of a switch looks like, and because I can be forgetful, I’ve included this little picture guide:

Each switch has four tabs that need to be pried open. Here’s one side with two tabs.

Here’s the other side with the other two tabs. Just use the switch tool to pry the tabs out. I think the tool will also fit into the top which has holes and you can squeeze the top until it opens. Those pictures can be seen below. However, my described method worked fine for me.

Explosion view of an MX Black switch (From left to right): top, stem, spring, and bottom. You can see the little holes in the top where The_Beast’s tool is supposed to fit into if they’re bent.

What I’m calling the back of the stem. It faces the leaf spring in the switch bottom.

What I’m calling the front of the stem.

The top and bottom; the Cherry logo faces the leaf spring when the switch is reassembled. The spring is the upside-down U that’s on the left side of the switch bottom.

Thoughts on the swap
The master table organizing  my keyboard science.
Spring Stem Description
65g  Black A
62g  Black B
Black  Blue C
65g  Blue D
62g  Blue E
Black  Brown F
65g  Brown G
62g  Brown H
Black  Clear I
65g  Clear J
62g  Clear K
Black  White L
65g  White M
62g  White N

A) 65g (spring) Blacks (stem) – I loved these. They felt perfect for a linear switch. The Reds are way too light. Stock Blacks feel great and remind me of a linear version of MX Whites; just smooth and almost cushiony. 65g are the slightly lighter but offer the same smoothness and cushiony bottom out.  I’m so taken with these that they will be going on my Epsilon.

B) 62g Blacks – I thought these were OK. They were just slightly heavier than MX Reds and didn’t have the same cushiony feeling that 65g Blacks had. I don’t like Reds or light switches. Blues are middle weight switches in terms of actuation in my opinion. Anything close to Reds isn’t a good feeling for me.

C) Black spring with Blue stem (Also called a ghetto Green) – I loved these. Switch feels like a SUPER clicky Blue switch. They’re nice and heavy; almost authoritatively Clicky. I am so smitten with these that I’m going to put them on my KMAC. And when I was in Pittsburgh, I tried Missalaire’s QFR with Greens and the switches felt the same to me. So I have faith that the ghetto Greens will be just as good as the MX Greens. And I can actually find them…unlike the actual Green switches.

Update: I found actual Green switches for my KMAC. So it doesn't have Ghetto Greens. Still a great switch though.

D) 65g Blues – I loved these. I originally tried these on SmallFry’s Phantom in Chicago. I really enjoyed them there. And now that I got to play with them again, I feel like they’re the upgraded version of MX Blues. They feel almost the same as stock MX Blues. But they’re somehow clickier with a nice bottom cushiony bottom out.

E) 62g Blues – I thought these were meh. They were the downgraded version of 65g; the poor man’s version. They would stick like ergo-clears and were kind of clicky. They didn’t even feel as good as stock Blues. But they were interesting.

F) Black spring with Browns – I did not like these. They felt like a bad version of stock MX Blacks. It was almost a linear feeling but a little catch at the bottom.  Occasionally I’d feel a bump but the bump really felt like a bad version of a cushion.

G) 65g Browns – I thought these were OK. Kinda felt like a poor man’s version of an MX Clear. I almost felt the bump and it was pretty meh. Not horrible though, a step up in my book from stock MX Browns.

H) 62g  Browns – I did not like these. It was mushy but springy; a very odd combination.  The bump was very weak but the rebound was nice.

I) Black spring with Clear Stem (Also called Panda clears) – I liked these. This was probably my favorite iteration of the Clear swaps. It wasn’t sticky at all. It was the right combination of springy and bumpy. Unlike the weak bump in Browns that felt almost mushy, the Clear bump was unmistakable. It’s lighter than the stock Clears obviously and I’m a huge fan of the weight/actuation force on MX Blacks.

J) 65g Clear – I thought these were OK. The bottom out was very harsh, almost jarringly so. The rebound was delightful and the tactile bump is very apparent. This switch was sticky though.

K) 62g Clear – I liked these. This was my second favorite Clear spring swap. It was light but for some reason, they felt nice. It was springy and probably had the most apparently bump out of all the MX tactile switches I’ve ever tried. Not that sticky either.

L) Black spring with Whites – I loved these. Maybe we should just call this the Panda switch since it’s black and white? Hehe. Anyways, the bottom out wasn’t as resistive as the Whites feel. It was almost like the switch had a little more give on the bottom. Whites feel almost like they build resistance as you press down. It’s not TOO light and there is still the soft muffled click that I love from Whites.

M) 65g White – I didn’t like these. The bottom out on the switch feels odd, almost as if the actuation wants to continue to travel after the physical stop. It was a weird sensation that I didn’t care for. However, the switch still had the soft, muffled click.

N) 62g White – I thought these were OK. They felt exactly like a stock MX Blue. There was no soft, muffled click. Just the same exact feeling as an MX Blue.

Final thoughts
If you want my impressions on stock MX switches, please check out the Mr. Interface switch try bag and my Post Chicago/Nashville meetup reviews.

I loved the following switches:
  • Ghetto Greens (Black spring with Blue stem)
  • 65g Black
  • 65g Blue
  • Panda Clears (Black spring with Clear stem)
  • Black spring with White stem aka the Panda switch! I’m starting the trend!

I liked the following switches:
  • 62g Clears

I didn’t care for anything else. I would like to revisit this test later with the stock Blue, 45g, 50g, 58g, and 67g springs. Also I’d love to get my hands on gold springs so I can be legit ballin like Sifo.

Also props to this site which helped me make the table!

For those who read the whole article? Here’s a reward, a picture of my adorable puppy:
« Last Edit: Fri, 25 October 2013, 07:49:44 by CPTBadAss »

Offline SpAmRaY

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #1 on: Thu, 13 June 2013, 22:43:03 »
Awesome writeup as always!

Offline dante

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #2 on: Thu, 13 June 2013, 22:48:10 »

Offline CPTBadAss

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #3 on: Thu, 13 June 2013, 22:50:01 »
Does anyone know if I can attach an Excel file to my OP? I'd like to be able to provide my raw data as well. Otherwise, I'll just take a screenshot....but it's not the same.

Edit: I'll just leave this here

« Last Edit: Thu, 13 June 2013, 22:57:18 by CPTBadAss »

Offline Acetrak

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #4 on: Thu, 13 June 2013, 22:59:03 »
Nice review, interesting you like stock blues over 62 blue, but like 65 blue even more. I believe stock blue springs are 60g.

Too bad this write up did not help me decide if I want 65 blue or 65 vintage black on my gh60 =P

Offline The_Beast

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #5 on: Thu, 13 June 2013, 23:04:42 »
BTW, you can bend the tools relatively easy since there is a largish hole in the center of them. Just put the center of the hole on the edge of a table (may hurt the table) and push down
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Offline CPTBadAss

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #6 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 06:10:35 »
BTW, you can bend the tools relatively easy since there is a largish hole in the center of them. Just put the center of the hole on the edge of a table (may hurt the table) and push down

Yeah I know. I was planning on getting access to a friend's workshop and a vice since I didn't want to hurt my stuff. I'll have to bend it on the sidewalk or something.

Nice review, interesting you like stock blues over 62 blue, but like 65 blue even more. I believe stock blue springs are 60g.

Too bad this write up did not help me decide if I want 65 blue or 65 vintage black on my gh60 =P

Easy, 65g Blue! :P. Clicky switches <3

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #7 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 06:21:30 »
great review man, i have ghetto greens in my JDPoker and i love them, it makes me a little sad typing on anything else now

Offline CPTBadAss

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #8 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 07:15:41 »
Thanks for all the kind words so far :D.

Bunny, it sounds like you need to mod all your boards to Ghetto Greens!

Offline Jocelyn

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #9 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 08:05:06 »
Great comparison review, but I'm gonna have to send you some lube when I do the next GB ;)

Offline CPTBadAss

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #10 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 08:16:50 »
Haha, I know you've been encouraging me to get some for a while. I'm curious to know how they feel on the Blacks I'll have installed on my Epsilon. And after trying missalaire's Ducky with stock Clears, I want a stock Clear or Panda clear board really bad. :D

Offline lightsout714

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #11 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 10:41:53 »
This is a great thread thanks. I think black's were the first switch I tried and didn't like them too much. But I've been liking heavier switches lately and think I'd like them now. Also really want to try panda clears and MX white.

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #12 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 12:24:54 »
Oh Captain, my Captain! Great review, as always, ya bastard.   :))

I've always wondered about what these different springs would be like thank you for doing such a detailed overview. It's funny that you mentioned Panda Whites, because I was just thinking about those.

Great job and I'm green with envy.

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #13 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 12:38:41 »
Thanks mashby! Don't you have some white switches? You should mod them and try them.

Offline Techno Trousers

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #14 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 16:00:38 »
This was a fantastic write-up, thanks! Just to confirm: the black springs are 80g? Are they the same as these 80g springs at Originative:

Since I'd have to open up mounted Cherries to do a full board spring swap, I'm going to build myself one of these tools. I really like this because it opens the switch from the top, and the pressure should be a lot easier to control. Thank goodness we live in a time of auto translation!

Boy, if somebody was really smart, they'd start manufacturing and selling a Cherry switch opener tool based on this, ASAP! Maybe WASD should do it, to go along with their keycap puller? This seems like the perfect time for such a thing, with the rise of the mechanical keyboard hackers.

Offline CPTBadAss

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #15 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 16:04:46 »
I think 80g are heavier than Blacks. Korean springs have their force displayed as the force it takes to bottom out. Cherry springs are measured as the force it takes to actuate. And if you read this section, you'd see I refer to The_Beast's switch top opener. He's sold one round so far and then sold a bunch in what I'm calling a Round 2 in a recent classifieds sale. Info can be found here.

Edit: Many other companies sell pullers besides WASD. I have a MKC, Filco, Leopold, Ducky, TechKeys, and WASD pullers.

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #16 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 16:18:38 »
I've also read on here that 80g springs are black springs.

Offline CPTBadAss

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #17 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 16:20:24 »
Can you post a link to where you read that?

Offline Techno Trousers

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #18 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 16:33:02 »
And if you read this section, you'd see I refer to The_Beast's switch top opener. He's sold one round so far and then sold a bunch in what I'm calling a Round 2 in a recent classifieds sale. Info can be found here.

Edit: Many other companies sell pullers besides WASD. I have a MKC, Filco, Leopold, Ducky, TechKeys, and WASD pullers.
Thanks for the reply. Sorry, but I think maybe I'm not 'splainin myself too good today. The switch opener link I posted uses reworked binder clips to open the switch by inserting into holes in the top and pushing outward on the clips, rather than prying them open from the bottom like with The_Beast's tool you showed. The pictures in the thread I posted are worth 10,000 words for sure. I feel like such a tool would *probably* be more easily controlled during switch disassembly, at least in my case with mounted switches.

Definitely didn't mean to diss on anyone else's keycap puller, but you help make my point that cap pullers are a dime a dozen, while the switch openers are mostly DIY jobs right now. Seems like someone would want to jump into that market.

Thanks again for the writeup. I don't have a ton o' cash to do all these experiments myself, so impressions like yours are invaluable.

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #19 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 16:36:05 »
No need to be sorry ^__^. I just wanted to give you some of my thoughts is all, thanks for reading my stuff. I actually have the binder clips thing posted in the Simple Questions Simple Answers OP. I forgot who linked me the same thing on KBD.

And you should keep an eye out for the Universal Switch Tester tour if you're in the USA. That's a great way to try a bunch of switches for cheap. Also going to meets is a great way to meet GHers and test a bunch of boards.

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #20 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 16:49:00 »
I've also read on here that 80g springs are black springs.

Can you post a link to where you read that?


Any of those springs on Originative are fine.  The are Korean springs and rated by Bottoming Out force.  So 62g springs are slightly heavier than springs in MX Reds / Browns / Blues (which have bottom-out force of ~60cN / grams).  55g springs are lighter than Reds / Browns / Blues.  If you want something closer to MX Black force, pick a 65g spring.

So would the 80g springs on Originative be closest to what's in the clears? Also, I assume there's no straightforward conversion between bottoming out force and actuation force since the actuation point is determined by the stems if I understand correctly?

Those 80g springs are approximately the same as stock black springs. Stock clear springs are about 100g. If you want either of those weights probably easy to get them from someone elses switch modding pulls for cheap around here.

And the Beast Switch tools are used as follows....from the top you squeeze and it opens like magic!


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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #21 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 17:08:25 »
Well if lysol said it...most likely very accurate info. And thanks for the action shot of the tool ray4jc.

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #22 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 17:17:55 »
Yes that was what I was referring to concerning the springs.

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #23 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 20:11:29 »
Well if lysol said it...most likely very accurate info. And thanks for the action shot of the tool ray4jc.

Inspired by your fine thread here, while waiting in my workstation to reboot I used the tools for the first time. I switched a few switch springs around too see how they felt!

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #24 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 20:11:36 »
Are these even #vintage or #gold?
I love Elzy

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #25 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 20:16:39 »
Inspired by your fine thread here, while waiting in my workstation to reboot I used the tools for the first time. I switched a few switch springs around too see how they felt!

What are your thoughts and what did you make?

Are these even #vintage or #gold?

No, not vintage or gold....I'll walk away now.

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #26 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 21:07:54 »
Inspired by your fine thread here, while waiting in my workstation to reboot I used the tools for the first time. I switched a few switch springs around too see how they felt!

What are your thoughts and what did you make?

I just put a black spring in a blue switch, I really liked it!

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #27 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 21:08:13 »
Tapatalk and slow internet :-[
« Last Edit: Fri, 14 June 2013, 21:36:15 by ray4jc »

Offline CPTBadAss

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #28 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 21:09:45 »
Inspired by your fine thread here, while waiting in my workstation to reboot I used the tools for the first time. I switched a few switch springs around too see how they felt!

What are your thoughts and what did you make?

I just put a black spring in a blue switch, I really liked it!

That's a Ghetto green and you double posted :D

Offline Larken

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #29 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 22:32:12 »
Nice piece Capt. You should try blue stems, clear springs since you seem to have those on hand. It a very interesting combination.

Would love to hear your take on jailhouse blues too.
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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #30 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 22:33:34 »
Nice piece Capt. You should try blue stems, clear springs since you seem to have those on hand. It a very interesting combination.

Would love to hear your take on jailhouse blues too.

I'm deadly afraid of losing that Clear spring again. Maybe if I'm feeling brave on Sunday. And I will be getting Jailhouse Blues in 2 weeks and of course I'll be writing a review. Stay tuned :D

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #31 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 22:38:23 »
Nice piece Capt. You should try blue stems, clear springs since you seem to have those on hand. It a very interesting combination.

Would love to hear your take on jailhouse blues too.

I'm deadly afraid of losing that Clear spring again. Maybe if I'm feeling brave on Sunday. And I will be getting Jailhouse Blues in 2 weeks and of course I'll be writing a review. Stay tuned :D

You need a few more clear springs? :p

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #32 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 22:42:04 »
Yeah I actually do, along with some lube. Wanna hook me up Sisbot? :P

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #33 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 22:45:21 »
I don't really have enough lube to spare, but I'll make sure you get some when I do the next GB in August. I'll send you a few springs out on Monday :)

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #34 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 22:50:51 »
Yeah I actually do, along with some lube. Wanna hook me up Sisbot? :P

Did you see the lube being sold in the classifieds?

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #35 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 22:51:48 »
Sweet. And I think I did but I haven't decided if I want to buy so much just to try it.

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #36 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 22:59:24 »
Great stuff Cpt! You've thoroughly confused me about switches/springs I want to try. (But, in a good way!)

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #37 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 23:21:27 »
Just read through some of the previous discussions on the clear spring and wanted to weigh in on it. First of all, clears aren't 100g, not technically.

If you look at the difference between the other mx springs, korean springs and the springs from clears, you'd see quite a few differences:

Spring height: Clears are made shorter than most springs. This results in a lower activation force (at first).

Number of active coils: This is where the kicker is - the clear springs I have shows about 6-7 active coils, while the default mx springs or even the heavy korean springs show between 11-14 active coils. This results in the drastic increase in actuation force nearing bottom out for clear springs. The closest korean spring (in theory) from the OP in regards to clear springs would actually be the 67g spring on the far right.

As far as I can see, the clear spring is a rather unique animal compared to the other springs. Here's an old picture I took a while ago for some other post (sorry bout the quality):

For those who have both clear springs and other springs on hand, this would be quite apparent to them, but it is also the reason why it is so hard to measure actuation force for clears. Actuation force (from the deskthority wiki) actually states 65cN for activation, and 100cN nearing bottom out.

Apologies to Cpt for detracting from the review, but it seemed like an appropriate place to post this.
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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #38 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 23:22:10 »
Sweet. And I think I did but I haven't decided if I want to buy so much just to try it.

It's worth it to me.  I actually prefer the feel of Krytox to Superlube. I didn't think it would be much different, but the Krytox mix does feel a little faster and smoother than Superlube.

The closest korean spring (in theory) from the OP in regards to clear springs would actually be the 67g spring on the far right.

You would think so, but the Clear springs are heavier than the 67g springs.  I was one of the lucky few to get my hands on 67g Korean springs and I can say definitively that the Korean springs feel lighter than the Clear springs at and just past the point of actuation.  Bottom out force is harder to tell. 

If someone has a testing rig, I would gladly loan them a lubed and oiled set of MX Reds with the stock spring, Korean 62g, Korean 65g, Korean 67g, and a Clear spring.
« Last Edit: Fri, 14 June 2013, 23:28:09 by nubbinator »

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #39 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 23:37:32 »

The closest korean spring (in theory) from the OP in regards to clear springs would actually be the 67g spring on the far right.

You would think so, but the Clear springs are heavier than the 67g springs.  I was one of the lucky few to get my hands on 67g Korean springs and I can say definitively that the Korean springs feel lighter than the Clear springs at and just past the point of actuation.  Bottom out force is harder to tell. 

Actually I do not doubt that - it's pretty obvious from the spring design that the korean 67gs would be lighter than clear springs (esp if 67g is the bottom out force). But in terms of actuation and bottom out characteristics (light to actuation, heavy at the bottom), it is the closest.

80g korean springs might be closer in terms of bottom out force, but it feels nothing like how a clear spring would.
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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #40 on: Fri, 14 June 2013, 23:39:55 »
I am in the process of getting a test rig made for myself. I might be sending it on a tour or just have it to play with. Just putting it out there.

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #41 on: Sat, 15 June 2013, 00:08:16 »
I am in the process of getting a test rig made for myself. I might be sending it on a tour or just have it to play with. Just putting it out there.

Details? ;)

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #42 on: Sat, 15 June 2013, 00:13:34 »
I am in the process of getting a test rig made for myself. I might be sending it on a tour or just have it to play with. Just putting it out there.

Details? ;)

None right now. More details to come. :P

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #43 on: Sat, 15 June 2013, 00:57:04 »
None right now. More details to come. :P

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I'm assuming a Tipro switch try.

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #44 on: Sat, 15 June 2013, 00:58:00 »
Nope, it's something custom ^__^

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #45 on: Sun, 16 June 2013, 13:00:33 »
Hmm, I wonder why the 65g Korean spring with MX Clears felt sticky but 62g spring did not...  When you did show that the 65g spring had faster rebound and was stiffer with other switches too.  A bit confused by that.  In my own testing, I only tried 55g, 62g, and stock Clear spring, and the results were consistent with being increasingly more sticky as springs got lighter.

I ordered 62g springs for my Ergo Clear mod (from Originative), but then changed my mind to 65g springs, thinking they'd reduce the stickiness even more while still being pretty light.  But now after this review, I am having doubts again.
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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #46 on: Sun, 16 June 2013, 13:02:08 »
I honestly don't know and wondered that as well. But that's how it worked out and I trust my fingers :D. I'm not sure why the Clear switch was the odd one out either.

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #47 on: Sun, 16 June 2013, 14:38:03 »
Hmm, I wonder why the 65g Korean spring with MX Clears felt sticky but 62g spring did not...  When you did show that the 65g spring had faster rebound and was stiffer with other switches too.  A bit confused by that.  In my own testing, I only tried 55g, 62g, and stock Clear spring, and the results were consistent with being increasingly more sticky as springs got lighter.

I ordered 62g springs for my Ergo Clear mod (from Originative), but then changed my mind to 65g springs, thinking they'd reduce the stickiness even more while still being pretty light.  But now after this review, I am having doubts again.

It's odd because my experience is the exact opposite.  The 62g springs are the stickier/more sluggish ones in my Clears and the 65g springs are the nicer ones. 

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #48 on: Sun, 16 June 2013, 14:41:38 »
Nubbinator, do you have 55g springs? Can you test those out and let us know what you think?

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Re: MX Black, 65g, 62g Spring Swap Review
« Reply #49 on: Sun, 16 June 2013, 14:47:41 »
Nubbinator, do you have 55g springs? Can you test those out and let us know what you think?

No, I have some Red springs though and I did not like them at all.  They were also far more likely to hang on the return, even lubed.