Author Topic: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest  (Read 27735 times)

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Offline Jagriff

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #50 on: Wed, 10 July 2013, 00:42:40 »
inb4 a bunch of white people claim there's no such thing
Oh the irony.

Not really ironic since it's usually white people who claim we live in a post-racism society.  9 times out of 10 when I hear someone saying racism no longer is an issue, they're white.  A lot of that comes from ignorance and never experiencing, or rarely experiencing, racism first hand or not understanding how certain actions are racist. 

Well of course. It's never ironic to make generalizations about white people while complaining about generalizations made about minorities. As long as they're true in your experiences, then it's okay.

Offline sth

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #51 on: Wed, 10 July 2013, 16:12:43 »
inb4 a bunch of white people claim there's no such thing
Oh the irony.

Not really ironic since it's usually white people who claim we live in a post-racism society.  9 times out of 10 when I hear someone saying racism no longer is an issue, they're white.  A lot of that comes from ignorance and never experiencing, or rarely experiencing, racism first hand or not understanding how certain actions are racist. 

Well of course. It's never ironic to make generalizations about white people while complaining about generalizations made about minorities. As long as they're true in your experiences, then it's okay.

if you would like any information about the stance nub and i are taking this is a really awesome resource: start at the sidebar.
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Offline iri

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #52 on: Wed, 10 July 2013, 16:21:38 »
That's cuz women take suggestions and men take orders
have you come to this conclusion during your years in military?
(...)Whereas back then I wrote about the tyranny of the majority, today I'd combine that with the tyranny of the minorities. These days, you have to be careful of both. They both want to control you. The first group, by making you do the same thing over and over again. The second group is indicated by the letters I get from the Vassar girls who want me to put more women's lib in The Martian Chronicles, or from blacks who want more black people in Dandelion Wine.
I say to both bunches, Whether you're a majority or minority, bug off! To hell with anybody who wants to tell me what to write. Their society breaks down into subsections of minorities who then, in effect, burn books by banning them. All this political correctness that's rampant on campuses is b.s.

-Ray Bradbury

Offline yester64

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #53 on: Wed, 10 July 2013, 21:10:06 »
Never watch reality shows since they mostly suck. Heck why would i want to watch some dopes talking crap. But perhaps its a reflection of society.
Like a mirror or a mask that gets put aside.

I am white, living in Los Angeles but not born here. My experiences is that white doesn't get you the big job. At least i haven't found one. But that may be because i am not from here and had to learn a lot. Not even sure if anyone want this kind of treatment really since it does not value your skills.
Personally i think of myself as a open minded person. I never really cared from where people are, what face they have or color.
But i know that stereotypes are living well.
My approach is that i only can learn more and enrich my life if i engage with people of any kind of race. We are live not long and i have no time to waste my time on some supreme feeling over others. It saddens me that people on both side of the fence still harness that evil root.
Shouldn't we learned from history? Well, we never learn from history.
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Offline Lanx

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #54 on: Fri, 12 July 2013, 05:55:45 »

it just doesn't end with this girl, she's also said to others that she's not racist, and she's afraid the show will portray her as one.

Offline Endzone

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #55 on: Sat, 13 July 2013, 00:25:42 »
inb4 a bunch of white people claim there's no such thing
Oh the irony.

Not really ironic since it's usually white people who claim we live in a post-racism society.  9 times out of 10 when I hear someone saying racism no longer is an issue, they're white.  A lot of that comes from ignorance and never experiencing, or rarely experiencing, racism first hand or not understanding how certain actions are racist.

Oh man, poor little nubbinator is another "victim" of white racism?  Haha.

Offline Endzone

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #56 on: Sat, 13 July 2013, 00:28:04 »

And Mr. Quick, how do you know you didn't get the job because of affirmative action?  HR NEVER tells anybody if they were hired or denied because of affirmative action.  There is a lot of pressure for companies to fill up their government mandated affirmative action rolls.  That is racism by the left--not the white majority.  The political left wants there to be racism, and they don't want racism to end.  Put yourself in my shoes for a minute.  Can you imagine how tired I am of minorities calling white people racist?  Man I'm 56, and I've heard this nonsense all my life.  So for the past 45 years I've heard how racist white people are, but the fact is that we really aren't.  It's just that race baiters want to keep the racism industry alive and well because it is so lucrative for them. 

I'm trying to be relatively polite to you, but you are making it difficult.  First of all, I'm starting to think your reading comprehension skills are lacking, which may explain your employment difficulties.  I find it insulting that you think I've gotten jobs because I am a minority.  First of all, if you read what I stated earlier, I have never even needed to list my race on an employment application, and being that my father has a little bit of English blood, I have a "white guy last name that doesn't really fit what I look like" according to some people.  I also just sold my business for a **** ton of money, did somebody buy it because I'm a minority?  As a business owner myself, well... in between businesses at the moment, I don't hire people because of race, nor do I participate in affirmative action.  Don't attribute race as a factor to your failure and other's success, it makes you look petty.

Also, if you read what I have explained about racism, I have stated multiple times that it isn't just white people that are racist, and that minorities are just as racist if not even more.

I was wondering how you got around the "affirmative action" form when applying for just about any job--especially government defense contractors.  That's why I had doubts about your story initially. 

Offline Endzone

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #57 on: Sat, 13 July 2013, 00:30:46 »
The media thrives on creating racism. Just go back and look at the coverage on the first days of the Treyvon Martin shooting (you know, back when little-to-no facts were known). MSNBC even edited the call to police to make it sound like Zimmerman was racist, lol. No surprise here. There are far more race baiters than actually racist people.

You're right.  I would also include the political left for advocates of racism.  Their power base in Washington, DC depends on it.  They must have racism. 

Offline nubbinator

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #58 on: Sat, 13 July 2013, 00:32:06 »
Oh man, poor little nubbinator is another "victim" of white racism?  Haha.

I'm as white as they come.  Leave me outside for five minutes, flip and repeat and I come out a brilliant shade of red.  It's nice to to see that you think you have to be a minority to see racism is still an issue in contemporary society.  It's sad that you really just refuse to see that it's still a serious issue people face, it just takes more devious forms.  It's not surprising given my experiences in Texas, where you're apparently living given your love for Bluebell ice cream, but that doesn't make it any less sad.
« Last Edit: Sat, 13 July 2013, 00:39:21 by nubbinator »

Offline Endzone

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #59 on: Sat, 13 July 2013, 00:34:01 »
Waiting for sth to show up to this party.
this party sucks

White people want racism to go away

kkk, neonazis, stormfront, the really really conservative right.

yeah, they want racism to go away.

actually, nope, i am wrong. they don't want racism to stay.

they want everybody that isnt a white christian to die/go away.

i mean arguably, in practice, a huge majority of white people don't want racism to go away... they just don't want to admit how much they benefit from it.

also you guys come ON, why are you even falling for this weak ass trolling? dont argue with racists. yelling is ok.

Only if you're a white liberal and want to keep blacks on your white liberal plantation in Washington, DC.  White liberals must keep their voters dependent on the federal government.   One day maybe the black community might actually figure out that they're being used by their white liberal massers in Washington, DC. 

Offline demik

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #60 on: Sat, 13 July 2013, 00:35:51 »
those damn liberals. making the white man racist.

well i guess we should look on the bright side. you're sitting here blaming liberals for everything so that means children are safe from having their picture taken without their consent!
« Last Edit: Sat, 13 July 2013, 00:37:28 by demik »
No, he’s not around. How that sound to ya? Jot it down.

Offline Endzone

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #61 on: Sat, 13 July 2013, 00:39:06 »
Oh man, poor little nubbinator is another "victim" of white racism?  Haha.

I'm as white as they come.  Leave me outside for five minutes, flip and repeat and I come out a brilliant shade of red.  It's nice to to see that you think you have to be a minority to see racism is still an issue in contemporary society.  It's sad that you really just refuse to see that racism is still an issue in contemporary society though.  It's not surprising given my experiences in Texas though, where you're apparently living given your love for Bluebell ice cream.

Oh man, now that you mention it, I ought to get in the freezer and make another Blue Bell strawberry milkshake.  That one last night was so good.  I got it on sale at Kroger's for $3.99/half gallon.  I'm going for milk chocolate next time.

Oh racism is still an issue, it's just that it's all invented.  The liberal left insist on having it.  They don't ever want it to go away. 

See if you find any humor in this newspaper cartoon in saw when I was riding in the back of the bus in Seattle in 1998.  Even though it's 15 years old now, it still applies today. 

Offline Endzone

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #62 on: Sat, 13 July 2013, 00:42:59 »
That's cuz women take suggestions and men take orders
have you come to this conclusion during your years in military?

I wasn't in the military, but I worked on U.S. merchant tanker ships for 10 years.  I've had a lot of work experience.  With women you have to dance round their emotions at work.  If you're not careful, they go to HR and rat you out.  Most of the time men won't do that--unless they're wiennie men at work, and there are sure some of those too.  They are usually the ones who want the thermostat turned up to 80F along with all the women. 

Offline nubbinator

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #63 on: Sat, 13 July 2013, 00:47:16 »
You can be liberal and still be a racist though.  Liberals don't thrive on racism, it's just an issue that there is a substantial body of liberals that think it still exists and want to address it.  Unfortunately, most of them only want to believe in and address racism in the form of racial slurs and other blatant forms of racism.

I went to grad school in Seattle, Washington where the populace is pretty darn liberal. They're also pretty darn racist still.  They're liberal, but they're what I call yuppie white people liberal.  They're all for legalizing pot, legalizing gay marriage, and eliminating anything that is racist on the surface, but they're anti-poor and all in favor of institutional racism.  The truth is that there are institutional inequalities that persist that are racist and/or classist. Things like school funding, quality of teachers, and availability of after school programs create institutional inequalities that target minorities and the poor.  Policies like New York City's Stop and Frisk policy disproportionately target young black males, creating a system wherein if you're a young black male, you're automatically assumed to be a criminal.  Just because the n-word usage is on the decline in whites, at least in public, and just because you see increasing rates of interracial dating and marriage does not mean that race is still not an issue in America, especially when it comes to institutionally perpetuated inequalities.

I wasn't in the military, but I worked on U.S. merchant tanker ships for 10 years.  I've had a lot of work experience.  With women you have to dance round their emotions at work.  If you're not careful, they go to HR and rat you out.  Most of the time men won't do that--unless they're wiennie men at work, and there are sure some of those too.  They are usually the ones who want the thermostat turned up to 80F along with all the women.

Yeah, never had any issues like that in the workforce with the women I've worked with.  In fact, many of the women I worked with were more direct than the men.  It sounds like it's just in the way that you treat women.  Maybe you're talking down to them, staring at them inappropriately, making inappropriate jokes, or being sexist.
« Last Edit: Sat, 13 July 2013, 00:50:00 by nubbinator »

Offline Endzone

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #64 on: Sat, 13 July 2013, 00:56:25 »
You can be liberal and still be a racist though.  Liberals don't thrive on racism, it's just an issue that there is a substantial body of liberals that think it still exists and want to address it.  Unfortunately, most of them only want to believe in and address racism in the form of racial slurs and other blatant forms of racism.

I went to grad school in Seattle, Washington where the populace is pretty darn liberal. They're also pretty darn racist still.  They're liberal, but they're what I call yuppie white people liberal.  They're all for legalizing pot, legalizing gay marriage, and eliminating anything that is racist on the surface, but they're anti-poor and all in favor of institutional racism.  The truth is that there are institutional inequalities that persist that are racist and/or classist. Things like school funding, quality of teachers, and availability of after school programs create institutional inequalities that target minorities and the poor.  Policies like New York City's Stop and Frisk policy disproportionately target young black males, creating a system wherein if you're a young black male, you're automatically assumed to be a criminal.  Just because the n-word usage is on the decline in whites, at least in public, and just because you see increasing rates of interracial dating and marriage does not mean that race is still not an issue in America, especially when it comes to institutionally perpetuated inequalities.

You know of all places I've been, I thought Seattle was the least racist of any place--at least as racism is defined in the traditional sense.  Black guys there didn't have much of a chip on their shoulder and just kind of fit in like one of the guys.  The Asians also stuck together, but I don't think they were condescending at all towards whites.  I worked with many Asians.  But I worked on the Eastside--Belleuve.  As far as crime, black crime is being committed at a rate 8.3 times higher than white crime as a percentage of respective populations.  There are 370 whites in jail/100,000 whites, but there are 3096 blacks in jail/100,000 blacks.  Mathematically speaking, if a black guy walks into your store he should be watched 8.3 times more closely.  But you would call that racism.  I disagree.  Any why the hysteria about the N-word?  Black guys call each other that many times/day.  Will racism end when every last guy in America doesn't use the N-word?  I'm telling you it will never happen.  At a minimum it will be used 100,000 time/day until the end of the world.  That's why these TV nuts who say we need to edcuate people about using the N-world want perpetual racism.  Because the use the N-word will never end. 

Offline Endzone

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #65 on: Sat, 13 July 2013, 01:02:03 »
those damn liberals. making the white man racist.

well i guess we should look on the bright side. you're sitting here blaming liberals for everything so that means children are safe from having their picture taken without their consent!

Man, you are really hung up on that.  I wonder why?  What is in your past that makes you react that way?  Maybe I should go through all my pictures files and post all the kids just for you? 

Offline Endzone

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #66 on: Sat, 13 July 2013, 01:07:01 »
Cute little Mexican girl looking for shells at Saltwater State Park in Kent, WA

Mod edit: picture removed
« Last Edit: Sat, 13 July 2013, 02:50:08 by hashbaz »

Offline Endzone

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #67 on: Sat, 13 July 2013, 01:15:28 »
Mod edit: picture removed
« Last Edit: Sat, 13 July 2013, 02:50:16 by hashbaz »

Offline Glod

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #68 on: Sat, 13 July 2013, 02:39:26 »



you're more than a fringe breitbart style troll, you're probably a pedophile too, why the **** do you continue to post pictures of random little girls on a KEYBOARD Forum, it is extremely ****ed up because they are too young to realize sick ****s like you are posting pictures of them on a PUBLIC web site that is regularly indexed by Google. they are victims. the only excuse for anyone doing that on geek hack would be if it were their OWN kids though I'm uncomfortable when people do that too not because they are bad people but because sick people are out there and some are unfortunately members of geekhack

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #69 on: Sat, 13 July 2013, 03:04:08 »
Okay guys.  We are allowed to disagree vehemently on this forum and to hold unpopular opinions.  Go ahead and continue arguing if you want, but keep it within reason.

Hmmmmm, I take it we're allow to discuss this topic?  On a lot of college football boards I've been on, this topic is not allowed--especially if you say anything negative about a black man or woman. 

I wasn't in the military, but I worked on U.S. merchant tanker ships for 10 years.  I've had a lot of work experience.  With women you have to dance round their emotions at work.  If you're not careful, they go to HR and rat you out.  Most of the time men won't do that--unless they're wiennie men at work, and there are sure some of those too.  They are usually the ones who want the thermostat turned up to 80F along with all the women

Only if you're a white liberal and want to keep blacks on your white liberal plantation in Washington, DC.  White liberals must keep their voters dependent on the federal government.   One day maybe the black community might actually figure out that they're being used by their white liberal massers in Washington, DC. 

You are allowed to discuss.  You are not allowed to troll, or to post racist or sexist comments.  You're skirting the line on all three counts.

Do not post any more pictures of random little kids.  That is totally inappropriate in this context.

Offline Endzone

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #70 on: Sat, 13 July 2013, 14:46:10 »
Okay guys.  We are allowed to disagree vehemently on this forum and to hold unpopular opinions.  Go ahead and continue arguing if you want, but keep it within reason.

Hmmmmm, I take it we're allow to discuss this topic?  On a lot of college football boards I've been on, this topic is not allowed--especially if you say anything negative about a black man or woman. 

I wasn't in the military, but I worked on U.S. merchant tanker ships for 10 years.  I've had a lot of work experience.  With women you have to dance round their emotions at work.  If you're not careful, they go to HR and rat you out.  Most of the time men won't do that--unless they're wiennie men at work, and there are sure some of those too.  They are usually the ones who want the thermostat turned up to 80F along with all the women

Only if you're a white liberal and want to keep blacks on your white liberal plantation in Washington, DC.  White liberals must keep their voters dependent on the federal government.   One day maybe the black community might actually figure out that they're being used by their white liberal massers in Washington, DC. 

You are allowed to discuss.  You are not allowed to troll, or to post racist or sexist comments.  You're skirting the line on all three counts.

Do not post any more pictures of random little kids.  That is totally inappropriate in this context.

It's easy to make snap judgments about somebody and especially when you don't like their political points of view.

Here's the context that I took the pictures in.  They are just part of random pictures of all kinds of people I've taken over the years.  But for some reason our friend Demik is really hung up on pictures of young kids.  I've seen this on sports forums too.  There are always one or two individuals that go ballastic about this, but then they have some kind of issue in their life that they aren't telling us about.  I still haven't quite figured it out.

As far as racist or sexist comments, I'm trying to aruge that it is all invented.  It's very easy for someone who is politically left to say that some comments or some circumstance was racist or sexist.  The most innocent of comments can be twisted to mean racism or sexism.  I've had guys at work tell me that they don't like working with women.  I don't either, but it's not because I don't like women.  I really like women, and I'm so glad God made them.  Is it a sexist comment to say I don't like working with women for various reasons?  A sexist comment about women would be to say I don't like working with women because all women are just ****s who only want to rip off men for what they can get out of them and then go on to somebody else.  Now that's a sexist comment.   I don't like how the political left uses false charges of racism to maintain the status quo of affirmative action.  There is a hysteria about the use of the word "nigger".   I believe I made a valid point that the leftist TV commentators are always saying we need more education about the use of this word.  Well, black guys use the world 25 times/day.  They call each other that.  The use of this word isn't going to end, so then that means racism will never end?  That is ridiculous.  Let me give you an example of real racism.  "I don't like stupid grease monkey niggers because any good nigger is a dead nigger!!!"  Now, that's racism my friend.  Do you see the diffeence?

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« Last Edit: Sat, 13 July 2013, 20:06:05 by dorkvader »

Offline foxer

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #71 on: Sat, 13 July 2013, 15:00:26 »
White people want racism to go away? lol.
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.

Offline Endzone

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #72 on: Sat, 13 July 2013, 15:07:56 »
White people want racism to go away? lol.

Ut oh, is that a picture of a child there in your avatar?  You've posted it 350 times??

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #73 on: Sat, 13 July 2013, 15:10:35 »
White people want racism to go away? lol.

Ut oh, is that a picture of a child there in your avatar?  You've posted it 350 times??

You enjoy bringing completely irrelevant things up, don't you? I apologise for being a proud father as opposed to the majority of half-assed ones in todays society.

But if you think white people want racism to go away then you're completely stupid. And this is coming from a white male.
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #74 on: Sat, 13 July 2013, 17:34:16 »
I haven't made any snap judgments about you, Endzone.  Feel free to keep making your arguments about racism and politics in general, but be careful to avoid racist and sexist language and stereotypes.  I'm not talking about discussing the word nigger.  I'm talking about using a word like "masser" casually, and propagating disparaging stereotypes about women.

I understood from the start the nature of those pictures and why you posted them.  They are still inappropriate in this context.

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #75 on: Sat, 13 July 2013, 17:39:15 »

I don't like working with women because all women are just ****s who only want to rip off men for what they can get out of them and then go on to somebody else. Now that's a sexist comment.   

"I don't like stupid grease monkey niggers because any good nigger is a dead nigger!!!"  Now, that's racism my friend.  Do you see the diffeence?

Wow.  wtf?  Is this guy for real?  I predict a ban, if not today, sometime soon.

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Offline Malphas

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #76 on: Sat, 13 July 2013, 23:02:25 »
I think people's offended reactions to crude racism (jokes, verbal stuff, etc.) is hilarious, frankly.

As for the pointless debate going on in this thread, I'd also like to chime in with my own pointless input. I think the kind of racism this thread originally refers to - e.g. people being obnoxious - is actually fairly harmless in comparison to undercurrent of institutional racism that exists in society and actually hinders everyone non-white to varying degrees. For some reason though the media and society (or "the left" if you're a brainless right-winger) concentrates almost exclusively on the former (like creating an uproar every time someone publicly uses the word "niggardly") whilst failing to realise the latter really exists. However I don't care all that much due to being WASP, so it's mostly just a casual observation.

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #77 on: Sun, 14 July 2013, 09:34:09 »
I am a proud father of 2 children.  I don't post their pics on the internet and if I saw a stranger deliberately point a camera at my children as the main subject any successful shots would be eliminated one way or the other.  That other people are so casual about the idea is fairly disturbing to me.
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Offline bear95

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #78 on: Sun, 14 July 2013, 20:27:58 »
We should make court cases blind and see how it changes outcomes.

Offline sth

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #79 on: Sun, 14 July 2013, 20:57:02 »
We should make court cases blind and see how it changes outcomes.

doesn't matter... police are still gonna arrest more PoCs than whites.

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #80 on: Mon, 15 July 2013, 03:22:28 »
big brother's racism has gotten so bad that there is now a disclaimer when the show starts (cbs doesnt' condone yada, yada)

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #81 on: Mon, 15 July 2013, 07:24:18 »
Show Image

On topic, that video was appalling, but typical of Big Brother.  It seems like there are a few decent people on their, but they pick people who they know will cause the most drama.

I was a little surprised that the person who put the video together put retarded and racial slurs and derogatory racial comments and homophobia on the same level. It's also worth noting that the racial and homophobic terms were used with obvious bigotry behind them while retarded was a generational thing and used mostly when they were referencing something stupid they did.  Retarded is something that needs to be addressed, but it does not have the hatred and vitriol behind it that the others do.

Someone said earlier that racism comes out when people think no one is watching.
It's a reality show -- as oxymoronic a statement as ever there was. I am old. I remember when the first 'reality' show ever came out. It was on MTV (defining the American cultural nadir since 1980) and I remember how every incident on the show was so obviously orchestrated. There was a SNL skit that lampooned the show (this was when SNL was funny) and they had each 'resident' of the show introduce themselves on after another. It went something like this:

White Guy: "I'm Chad, I'm from Texas, and I hate black people!"
Black Woman: "I'm Tawanda-Nishelle, and I'm from Chicago, and I hate Mexicans!"
Mexican Man: "I'm Juan, and I emigrated to NYC from Mexico, and I hate Asians!"
Asian Woman: "I'm Hiromi, I'm from Japan, and I hate Eskimos!"
Rob Schneider, in traditional Eskimo garb: "Inik, Atook hutumbo arribo chakta LESBIANS!"
White Woman: "Hi, I'm Tracy."

All this stuff, it's fake. Really, really, REALLY FAKE. Even the racism is fake.
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Offline Krogenar

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #82 on: Mon, 15 July 2013, 07:47:05 »
We should make court cases blind and see how it changes outcomes.

doesn't matter... police are still gonna arrest more PoCs than whites.

It's sad, but young black males are almost eight times more likely to commit a violent crime. So yeah, who should we be stopping and frisking? Asian grandmothers? There's a deep cultural problem there, that something to the tune of 7 young black men can be murdered in Chicago (and dozens injured) in a single weekend, but since they were murdered or injured by other young black men, no one cares.

This is a problem folks, but because facing it would mean the black community acknowledging its own self-created problems, no one is marching, no one is protesting. Trayvon Martin had photos in his cellphone of drugs, guns, a pile of jewelry and he boasted about the fights he was in. And yet there's not a single voice in the black community declaring the thuggishness has got to end. Here are some statistics on young black men in America:
-  54% of African Americans graduate from high school, compared to more than three quarters of white
and Asian students.

-  Nationally, African American male students in grades K-12 were nearly 2½ times as likely to be suspended from school in 2000 as white students.

-  In 2007, nearly 6.2 million young people were high school dropouts. Every student who does not complete high school costs our society an estimated $260,000 in lost earnings, taxes, and productivity.

-  On average, African American twelfth-grade students read at the same level as white
eighth-grade students.

-  The twelfth-grade reading scores of African American males were significantly lower than
those for men and women across every other racial and ethnic group.

-  Only 14% of African American eighth graders score at or above the proficient level. These results reveal that millions of young people cannot understand or evaluate text, provide relevant details, or support inferences about the written documents they read.

-  The majority of the 2.3 million people incarcerated in U.S. prisons and jails are people of
color, people with mental health issues and drug addiction, people with low levels of
educational attainment, and people with a history of unemployment or underemployment.

We can decide that all this is result of institutionalized racism, or that there's a serious problem in that community, something that they have got to fix. I think it's the fact that young black men are much, much more likely to not have a father in their lives. Ironically, society's desire to help the black family has made this possible with so many 'safety nets' that a black man doesn't have to suffer from the social stigma of knowing he left a woman and child in economic distress. Not all poverty is economic.

We've got to stop calling everything racist and face some unsettling facts.
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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #83 on: Mon, 15 July 2013, 07:53:30 »
Wow.  Just wow.

Great thread to add support for a GH Ignore list.

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #84 on: Mon, 15 July 2013, 08:47:13 »
I have tried to stay away from this thread, because it is such a quagmire.

Allow me to describe my own background, and take it as you will. We cannot entirely escape our formative years.

There are many people today (including both of my brothers and both of my sisters) who would scorn me as a "bleeding heart liberal" .....

No one is whiter than I - most of my male ancestors at the time were pure Anglo soldiers in the Revolutionary Army (I am George Washington's 8th cousin, 6 times removed) and many of them (not all - there were some Quakers from Penn's original group) were slave-owners and Indian-killers. During the Civil War the Federal sympathizers probably outnumbered the Confederate sympathizers, but not by much.

Since, the overwhelming majority of my ancestors were deeply Christian, hard right conservative politically, and I grew up in the South in the 1950s and 1960s. None of my family would have dreamed of voting for a Democratic candidate for political office, with the exception of a beloved aunt and uncle whose political views were looked at as some sort of aberration.

School integration happened in my city between the 7th and 8th grades for me, and I was there. That is an interesting story of its own. But "my" culture of friends and family were deeply prejudiced implicitly, if not quite so much explicitly. That was the world that I was born into, and grew up in. A middle-class white kid in a Southern city simply did not mingle with the black kids, at that time.

When I matured into adult intelligence, I found that I could not help but reject many of those attitudes. (This was shortly after the racial turmoil of the mid-1960s and the peak of the "hippie movement" while the Vietnam War was still raging.) Although I was a devoutly pious and puritanical child, I "lost my religion" along with many of the other social and political leanings of my ancestors when I became an adult. None of my (younger) siblings (whose world was surprisingly different from mine) followed this trajectory - they were all "normal" kids who became more "conservative" as they aged.

So, today, I see that there are excellent humans of all stripes, as there are idiots and @ssholes as well. Are the percentages greater or lesser from group to group? Perhaps. My concept of the Christian ideal and the American dream is one of tolerance and freedom. But, I must admit that I tend to scrutinize non-whites more closely, whether I know it or not. This is not something that I try to do or like about myself, but it is too deeply ingrained to avoid.

And, last, to negate some of the idealistic egalitarian attitudes above, I sometimes have to agree with my ex-cousin-in-law, a well-respected political scientist, who remarked: "One of the biggest problems with stereotypes is that every group seems to be doing its damndest to live up to them."

So, even after everything else is said and done, the inertia of prejudices and stereotypes is likely to remain as long as there is evidence to keep them in place. So, does that mean that I should stop acting like a middle-aged middle-class American white man? What is that? How do I do that? I try to be as fair and open-minded as I can, and that is all I can do. I am far from perfect, but I strive to not be evil.
"It's 110, but it doesn't feel it to me, right. If anybody goes down. Everybody was so worried yesterday about you and they never mentioned me. I'm up here sweating like a dog. They don’t think about me. This is hard work.
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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #85 on: Mon, 15 July 2013, 09:22:19 »
(...)Whereas back then I wrote about the tyranny of the majority, today I'd combine that with the tyranny of the minorities. These days, you have to be careful of both. They both want to control you. The first group, by making you do the same thing over and over again. The second group is indicated by the letters I get from the Vassar girls who want me to put more women's lib in The Martian Chronicles, or from blacks who want more black people in Dandelion Wine.
I say to both bunches, Whether you're a majority or minority, bug off! To hell with anybody who wants to tell me what to write. Their society breaks down into subsections of minorities who then, in effect, burn books by banning them. All this political correctness that's rampant on campuses is b.s.

-Ray Bradbury

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #86 on: Mon, 15 July 2013, 09:38:45 »
Show Image

You got me there. It is summer here and I have developed a moderately decent sun tan.

"It's 110, but it doesn't feel it to me, right. If anybody goes down. Everybody was so worried yesterday about you and they never mentioned me. I'm up here sweating like a dog. They don’t think about me. This is hard work.
Do you feel the breeze? I don't want anybody going on me. We need every voter. I don't care about you. I just want your vote. I don't care."
- Donald Trump - Las Vegas 2024-06-09

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #87 on: Mon, 15 July 2013, 09:45:08 »
Quote from: endzone
There is a hysteria about the use of the word "n------".   I believe I made a valid point that the leftist TV commentators are always saying we need more education about the use of this word.  Well, black guys use the world 25 times/day.  They call each other that.  The use of this word isn't going to end, so then that means racism will never end?  That is ridiculous.  Let me give you an example of real racism.  "I don't like stupid grease monkey n------s because any good n----- is a dead n-----!!!"  Now, that's racism my friend.  Do you see the diffeence?

I've never been a fan of the word, but I'm even less of a fan of publicly banning the use of some words. I figure if you use the word a lot, that's evidence of your crudeness, and the prevailing attitudes about people who use that word will suffice to make that sort of person an outcast. But, you would still be free to use the word, so long as you're willing to pay the price.

But yes, there's a kind of hysteria surrounding it's use. For example:

As for black people's use of the word, the common explanation I hear is that it is their way of 'taking the word back' and exercising (exorcising?) the word, and making it 'theirs' in some way. I'm not sure I buy it, and I still cringe to hear it spoken aloud, by anyone of any color.
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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #88 on: Mon, 15 July 2013, 09:50:41 »
I am a proud father of 2 children.  I don't post their pics on the internet and if I saw a stranger deliberately point a camera at my children as the main subject any successful shots would be eliminated one way or the other.  That other people are so casual about the idea is fairly disturbing to me.

That could be another potential Treyvon Martin/Zimbo scenario?  I'm not sure which one you would be. 

When I posted the pic of the Mexican girl looking for shells, you didn't know the story behind this picture.  I don't believe I have the right to just go stick my camera in some little kids face and take their picture.  I met this girl's parents and chatted it up with them for a while.  Yes, they were from Mexico.  I also played with the little girl helping her look for shells, hitting rocks with sticks, and started a collection of shells.  At one point she grabbed my sunglasses that were next to log I was sitting on and wanted to try them on.  Her parents quickly told her to leave them there.  I didn't ask her parents for permission to take her picture, but there was no objection after I did. 

But I do understand your point of view even though I've never been married, and I don't have any kids.  I would be apprehensive if somebody just stuck a camera in the face of my two cute little kids if I had any.  This is the society we live in.  Those pictures can be on the internet in 5 minutes, but when you think about it, really what is the harm?  This is the general state of paranoia we live in.  If you don't know the camera guy, you really can't be certain what his motive is.  Cops don't like to have their picture taken either. 

Back to subject of racism, I think the George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin thing is a perfect example of manfactured racism.  This case was never about racism, but everyone on the political left tried to make it about racism.  And the reason for that is because there is a huge dividend for the political left to keep racism alive and well.  This guarantees continued white guilt and a huge transfer of money and privledges to the black community through affirmative action.  The political left can't win elections without the lock on the black vote.  Therefore, they must have racism at any cost.  Racism is manufactured by the left.  Although I could tell you about a very real case of racism I witnessed when applying for a job in Hammond, LA around 1975 or so.  But those are isolated cases.  The left keeps trying to make isolated cases appear to be a general state of racism against blacks in America. 

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #89 on: Mon, 15 July 2013, 10:09:58 »
Racism is manufactured by the left.

This is absolutely untrue.

Racism is something that has been ingrained in every race for thousands of years, and it operates in both directions, if not always equally.

It is only natural and automatic that anyone sees those like himself to be preferable to those unlike himself.

Did the Founding Fathers write the 3/5 provision into the Constitution due to pressure from the left or pressure from the right?
"It's 110, but it doesn't feel it to me, right. If anybody goes down. Everybody was so worried yesterday about you and they never mentioned me. I'm up here sweating like a dog. They don’t think about me. This is hard work.
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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #90 on: Mon, 15 July 2013, 10:18:50 »
It is only natural and automatic that anyone sees those like himself to be preferable to those unlike himself.

So, that is racism?  If the Japanese prefer Japanese in their country is that racism?  If Norwegians prefer Norwegians in their country is that racism?  If Russians prefer natural born Russians in their country is that Racism?  Show me one nation other than the U.S. that is deliberately trying to destroy it's heritage and its culture.  Only the U.S. is stupid enough to do that, and other nations rightly think that we are fools. 

You probably don't remember the days of forced busing of white kids to black schools and black kids to white schools.  It was an unmitigated disaster.  Nothing good came out of it. 

Later, I've been invited to lunch and that rarely happens. 

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #91 on: Mon, 15 July 2013, 11:03:40 »
Racism is manufactured by the left.

This is absolutely untrue.

Racism is something that has been ingrained in every race for thousands of years, and it operates in both directions, if not always equally.

It is only natural and automatic that anyone sees those like himself to be preferable to those unlike himself.

Did the Founding Fathers write the 3/5 provision into the Constitution due to pressure from the left or pressure from the right?

I would say that the American Left manufactures fake racial outrage (or real racial outrage) about as often as they can. In the Trayvon Martin case for example, a leftist news outlet completely edited the context directly out of the 911 audio.

The audio they edited and played was this:

Quote from: NBC
"NBC's "Today" show ran the edited audio of George Zimmerman's phone call to a police dispatcher in which Zimmerman says: "'This guy looks like he's up to no good … he looks black." "

From the same article:
A transcript of the complete 911 call shows that Zimmerman said, "This guy looks like he's up to no good. Or he's on drugs or something. It's raining and he's just walking around, looking about."

The 911 officer responded saying, "OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?"

"He looks black," Zimmerman said.

Editing the audio so that it looks and sounds much more racially incendiary is outright wrong, and NBC knows it. If I were Zimmerman, I would be suing their pants off. How else to pay for security guards for the next 30 years? The sad fact is that the media loves the "white racist(s) attacking defenseless black(s)" narrative so much that they'll essentially create it out of whole cloth. Remember the Duke Lacrosse mess a few years back? How many people are old enough to remember, as I do, the Tawana Brawley incident? The prime instigator of the Tawana Brawley mess is still around, and more prominent than ever -- New York's very own Rev. Al Sharpton. He's cleaned up tremendously, has his own talk show, but I remember him as he really was, a street hustling racial arsonist in a track suit; essentially a makeup-less clown whose only contribution was racial animus. And yet, he's still considered a 'leader' in the black community. How this is possible is beyond me.

Yes, fohat, you're right that racism is real and remains, but I don't think you can use the government to regulate men's hearts, but you can use it to end institutionalized racism. It's terrible that some people will hold racist thoughts, but I can not (and would not try) to regulate their thoughts, just their actions. And I think America has come a long way as a country. But so long as crying race is profitable to some people, it will never truly end.
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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #92 on: Mon, 15 July 2013, 11:14:33 »
not ..... to regulate their thoughts, just their actions.

This is the crux of the issue.

I am honest enough to admit, not particularly proudly, that somewhere, deep inside, I would prefer to live in a United States populated primarily of descendants of white Anglo Europeans. But I am realistic enough to understand that is not possible, and will be even less so in the future.

Add to that the fact that one half of one millennium ago (a mere blink in the history of the world) there were none of "my people" here at all, and the white European claim to America becomes even more tenuous. 

My personal attitudes and preferences exist within my own skull, but outside in the real world, there must be a social framework that supports justice.
"It's 110, but it doesn't feel it to me, right. If anybody goes down. Everybody was so worried yesterday about you and they never mentioned me. I'm up here sweating like a dog. They don’t think about me. This is hard work.
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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #93 on: Mon, 15 July 2013, 11:34:37 »
I am honest enough to admit, not particularly proudly, that somewhere, deep inside, I would prefer to live in a United States populated primarily of descendants of white Anglo Europeans. But I am realistic enough to understand that is not possible, and will be even less so in the future.

I think the human brain is a conclusion organ -- designed by thousands of years of evolution to make decisions, to make judgements. They won't always be right, or moral or ethical or politically correct, but it's there. I don't think this is so much about race, as it is about culture. I would greatly prefer to have my child in the company of black people who share my values, than white people who do not. What you believe (the content of your character) is more important than your skin color.

Also, it is so stupid to see people seizing upon some completely irrelevant fact(s) about an incident and repeating them endlessly -- Trayvon Martin was carrying Skittles and iced tea when he attacked Zimmerman. This means, what, exactly? Also, the picture they gave to the media of Martin does not represent what he really looked like at the time of the attack. They show a photo of him as a fresh-faced 12-year-old. Recent photos make him look less like a defenseless tween and more like 50 Cent! Again, the media are so hungry for this narrative.
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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #94 on: Mon, 15 July 2013, 11:43:23 »
I am a proud father of 2 children.  I don't post their pics on the internet and if I saw a stranger deliberately point a camera at my children as the main subject any successful shots would be eliminated one way or the other.  That other people are so casual about the idea is fairly disturbing to me.

That could be another potential Treyvon Martin/Zimbo scenario?  I'm not sure which one you would be. 

See, you automatically jump to violence.  I'm not big enough to make any physical threat stick.  What's wrong with good old fashioned lawsuit harassment or monetary incentives?

edit:  Oh yeah... but I am smart enough that if I'm on the receiving end I can prevail.
« Last Edit: Mon, 15 July 2013, 11:51:11 by alaricljs »
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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #95 on: Mon, 15 July 2013, 20:18:57 »
Would also point out that on big brother all the racism is done by white ppl, any type off racism is spewed by white ppl. Even the white gay boy takes part in the racism, probably to fit in, you'd think he'd understand "hate" a bit more, but as long as it's not direct towards him, he's fine with it, he's also fine with ppl calling him queer boy and kermit the *** to his face.

but you don't see the two black ppl or the asian talking about the white ppl, they don't refer to them as dumb oblivious rednecks from the south, but rather that the individual person is damaged.

so far the ppl that stay away from it.
the skinny big haired white delivery boy
the skinny southern boy
the pretty brunnet girl
the redhead who has a target on her back
and the two blacks and one asian

the ones doing it all are
the two blonds (that are fired)
the fat redneck
the gay boy
the brunette who is in the relationship with the half indian
and the brunette with the oversized rack

the media are focusing on the two blonds, mainly cuz they got fired, and the prettier blond is the one that is instigating most of it, mostly because she's clueless to what she's doing.
they add in the brunette who is in with the half indian cuz it seems like it's just a trio of mean girls

the fat redneck seems to have tapered off
the gay boy seems to have tapered off
the brunette with the big rack seems to have tapered off and is being featured as the one who is actively warning and going against the racism being said.

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #96 on: Mon, 15 July 2013, 20:26:47 »
Oh, I was off-topic.

This thread was about a TV show?

Who could actually watch sh!t like that?
"It's 110, but it doesn't feel it to me, right. If anybody goes down. Everybody was so worried yesterday about you and they never mentioned me. I'm up here sweating like a dog. They don’t think about me. This is hard work.
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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #97 on: Mon, 15 July 2013, 20:29:28 »
Oh, I was off-topic.

This thread was about a TV show?

Who could actually watch sh!t like that?

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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #98 on: Mon, 15 July 2013, 21:06:18 »
@ fohat - LOL
@ sth
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Re: Big Brother 15 American Racism At it's Finest
« Reply #99 on: Mon, 15 July 2013, 21:13:02 »
@ fohat - LOL
@ sth

cool a racist troll is trolling me hey guys look im being trolled at
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