Author Topic: [TMK] FC660C Alt Controller  (Read 79664 times)

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Offline hasu

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[TMK] FC660C Alt Controller
« on: Fri, 24 March 2017, 02:20:13 »
TMK Alt Controller for FC660C
Premade controlller is Still available here :D(2023-02-18)

To get programmability by replacing controller of Leopold FC660C with my own version.

How to open case
You have to void warranty from manufacturer to do this mod, of course.
Step 1: Void your warranty with getting rid of sticker and unscrew.

Step 2:  Crack it open using tool like phone openner with care.

Step3: Done!

Reverse engineering work on the keyboard had happened by some people in this thread for these few years.

Pics of FC660C:
FCC docs:

Controller board

Dimensions: 98.3mm x 35.0mm

* CPU: Fujitsu/Cypress F2MC-16LX MB90F337 -
* 20-contacts connector: Hirose DF14A-20P-1.25H -
* 10-contacts connector: JST SM10B-SRSS-TB -

Switch board

* 20-contacts connector: Hirose DF14A-20P-1.25H -
* LV07A -
* LV138A -
* LV4051A -
* AD5258:

Connector Pinouts


    |Switch  |Controller |
    |  board |     board |Description                           |Schematic 
    | 1      |20         | FG                                   |FG
    | 2      |19         | GND                                  |GND
    | 3      |18         | GND                                  |GND
    | 4      |17         | 3.3V                                 |V33
    | 5      |16         | 5V                                   |Vcc
    | 6      |15         |*Z6-TP1684-4-HYS(o)                   |FBSTB     
    | 7      |14         |*Z6-TP1684-2-KEY(i)                   |OUT
    | 8      |13         |*Z2-AD5258-5-SCL(I2C)                 |SCL
    | 9      |12         |*Z2-AD5258-4-SDA(I2C)                 |SDA
    |10      |11         |*Z4-LV4051A-6-~EN(Col 0-7)            |INH_1     
    |11      |10         |*Z5-LV4051A-6-~EN(Col 8-F)            |INH_2     
    |12      | 9         |+Z7-LV07A-5 (LV4051A-9-C)             |SEL_C     
    |13      | 8         |+Z7-LV07A-1 (LV4051A-10-B)            |SEL_B     
    |14      | 7         |+Z7-LV07A-3 (LV4051A-11-A)            |SEL_A     
    |15      | 6         |+Z3-LVC138A-3-C                       |COL4
    |16      | 5         |+Z3-LVC138A-2-B                       |COL3
    |17      | 4         |+Z3-LVC138A-1-A                       |COL2
    |18      | 3         |+Z3-LVC138A-4-~G2A  Z6-TP1684-5-~EN   |COL1
    |19      | 2         |+Z7-LV07A-11-~InsertLED               |LED1
    |20      | 1         |+Z7-LV07A-13-~CapsLED                 |LED2

* 5V intferface
+ 3.3V interface

You can communicate with AD5258 via I2C through 8 and 9 pins, though this is not needed for normal use of the keyboard.
You can tune actuation point by changing resistance of the digipot. But this may be in danger of making your keyboard unusable accidentally, firmware won't offer this feature at this point.

You can see test codes here, this works well for me somehow but try at your own risk.

Fork fc660c_i2c branch and run 'make -f Makefile.i2c' in fc660c directory to build firmware.

// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// Writing improper value to EEPROM may mess your keyboard and
// it will require some hassles to recover it.
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3.3V powered chips
LV07A(Z1, Z7) and LVC138A(Z3) work with 3.3V Vcc and receive 3.3V level inputs originally. But in fact they can work only with 5V supply by connecting 5V with 4pin instead of 3.3V.
I beleive giving 5V power with the chips doesn't harm those chips physically because it is within "Absolute Maximum Ratings". Moreover, 5V Vcc on LV07A meets "Recommended Operating Conditions"  completely and nothing wrong there. But note that 5V powered LVC138A is out of its "Recommended Operating Conditions" and it may affect reliability of operation slightly.

On the other hand, inputs of both chips are 5V tolerant, it is completely safe to interface using 5V I/O microcontroller even when the chips are powered with 3.3V. You don't have to use 3.3V I/O.

You can choose whether you use 3.3V voltage regulator or not depending your preference or precaution.

How to scan switches
This code emulates what original controller does on scanning.


Logic analyzer pics of matrix scan
From these waveforms You will get idea about how to scan switches on the keyboard.

Close up:


Switch matrix

    |    |0   |1   |2   |3   |4   |5   |6   |7   |8   |9   |A   |B   |C   |D   |E   |F   |
    |   0|Q   |W   |E   |Tab |R   |U   |T   |Y   |O   |P   |[   |I   |]   |    |\   |Del |
    |   1|1   |2   |3   |Esc |4   |7   |5   |6   |9   |0   |-   |8   |=   |    |BSpc|Ins |
    |   2|    |LWin|LAlt|LCtl|    |    |    |Spc |RAlt|    |RCtl|    |Fn  |Down|Left|Rght|
    |   3|    |Z   |X   |LSft|C   |N   |V   |B   |,   |.   |/   |M   |RSft|Up  |    |    |
    |   4|A   |S   |D   |Caps|F   |J   |G   |H   |L   |;   |'   |K   |    |    |Entr|    |
    |   5|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
    |   6|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
    |   7|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |
Row5-7 have no key, you can omit scaning on those lines. Topre original controller scans those rows for some reason.

Row designation
LV138A(Z3) selects a row line and gives strobe by enabling with ~G2A(18).


    |Row |A/17|B/16|C/15|
    |0   |0   |0   |0   |
    |1   |1   |0   |0   |
    |2   |0   |1   |0   |
    |3   |1   |1   |0   |
    |4   |0   |0   |1   |
    |5   |1   |0   |1   |
    |6   |0   |1   |1   |
    |7   |1   |1   |1   |

Column designation
LV4051A(Z4, Z5) select one of 16 column lines to sense capacitance of switches.


    |Col |A/14|B/13|C/12|Z4-EN/10|Z5-EN/11|
    |0   |0   |0   |0   |0       |1       |
    |1   |1   |0   |0   |0       |1       |
    |2   |0   |1   |0   |0       |1       |
    |3   |1   |1   |0   |0       |1       |
    |4   |0   |0   |1   |0       |1       |
    |5   |1   |0   |1   |0       |1       |
    |6   |0   |1   |1   |0       |1       |
    |7   |1   |1   |1   |0       |1       |
    |8   |0   |0   |0   |1       |0       |
    |9   |1   |0   |0   |1       |0       |
    |A   |0   |1   |0   |1       |0       |
    |B   |1   |1   |0   |1       |0       |
    |C   |0   |0   |1   |1       |0       |
    |D   |1   |0   |1   |1       |0       |
    |E   |0   |1   |1   |1       |0       |
    |F   |1   |1   |1   |1       |0       |

Make Alt controller
Now that you can get all of information to make your own controller for FC660C from here and there, post in this thread to share your findings and ideas.

To get connected to switch board you will need cable with Hirose DF14 series connector.
I made harness like this for prototyping on bread board but it was tedious and diffifult to crimp its contacts with wires.

Instead, I could use original cables with DF14 receptacle and solder wires on there, it would be far easier.

Or you can find cable on ebay. Search with "DF14 20P".

Basically you need just 15 5V I/O pins from your favorite microcontroller to connect them with DF14 connector. Easy.
I used very plain dev board with ATMega32U4 for bread board protyping. And this is photo and example of pin configuration for the microcontroller.

Prototype on bread board in action.


    |Switch  |                                          |           
    |  board |Description                               |ATmega32u4
    | 1      | FG                                       |GND       
    | 2      | GND                                      |GND       
    | 3      | GND                                      |GND       
    | 4      | 3.3V                                     |3.3V/5V   
    | 5      | 5V                                       |5V         
    | 6      |*Z6-TP1684-4-HYS(o)                       |PC7       
    | 7      |*Z6-TP1684-2-KEY(i)                       |PC6       
    | 8      |*Z2-AD5258-5-SCL(I2C)                     |PD0(TWI)   
    | 9      |*Z2-AD5258-4-SDA(I2C)                     |PD1(TWI)   
    |10      |*Z4-LV4051A-6-~EN(Col 0-7)                |PB4       
    |11      |*Z5-LV4051A-6-~EN(Col 8-F)                |PB3       
    |12      |+Z7-LV07A-5 (LV4051A-9-C)                 |PB2
    |13      |+Z7-LV07A-1 (LV4051A-10-B)                |PB1
    |14      |+Z7-LV07A-3 (LV4051A-11-A)                |PB0
    |15      |+Z3-LVC138A-3-C                           |PD6
    |16      |+Z3-LVC138A-2-B                           |PD5
    |17      |+Z3-LVC138A-1-A                           |PD4
    |18      |+Z3-LVC138A-4-~G2A  Z6-TP1684-5-~EN       |PD7
    |19      |+Z7-LV07A-11-~InsertLED                   |PB5
    |20      |+Z7-LV07A-13-~CapsLED                     |PB6

This is circuit schematic of TMK Alt controller, for reference. * fc660c_controller.pdf (40.38 kB - downloaded 757 times.)

TMK firmware supports FC660C Alt controller of ATMega32U4 now.

TMK Keymap Editor is available

Plain keymap:

Emulation keymap: This emulates FC660C stock behaviour on Esc/~`, Fn+Esc and Fn+q.

How to control LEDs
You can't change LED behaviour with Keymap Editor.

In 'Plain' keymap firmware Capslock LED indicates its key status and Insert one is not controlled at all.
In 'Emulation' keymap firmware Capslock LED indicates its key status and  Insert one is lit when Layer1 is enabled.

Capslock and Insert LED are connected to PB6 and PB5 respectively. You can control them as you want by writing small code. Refer to these files.

- Actuation point adjustment See this post.
« Last Edit: Fri, 17 February 2023, 20:06:39 by hasu »

Offline hking0036

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #1 on: Fri, 24 March 2017, 18:26:58 »
Cool stuff. Looking forward to more info as it comes.
Realforce RF87UB 45g Uniform | Leopold FC660C w/ TMK | IBM Model M - 3/24/1997 | IBM Model F 122 - 11/25/1985 ANSI'd w/ TMK | IBM Model F XT in a box

Offline nsmechkb

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #2 on: Fri, 24 March 2017, 20:22:57 »

Lack of controller and aesthetics are the two main arguments against 660C vs HHKB imo.  Can't really help the layout--they chose it, and it's functional.  But you're solving the controller issue for us!  Thank you!

Offline testplsignore

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #3 on: Sat, 25 March 2017, 11:19:38 »
Been following this from the start, awesome work hasu!  :thumb:

Count me in for one of the first ones that you sell, would love to see a bluetooth version w/ a built in switcher  :p
Realforce 10AE 45g Type-S & 55g    HHKB BT & Type-S    Realforce RGB Hype-S    FC980C    FC660C    Filco BT TKL

Offline hasu

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #4 on: Sat, 25 March 2017, 19:47:15 »
Finished updating in first post and all infos needed for this mod should be there. :phew:

Been following this from the start, awesome work hasu!  :thumb:

Count me in for one of the first ones that you sell, would love to see a bluetooth version w/ a built in switcher  :p

I'm working on TMK USB Alt Controller for FC660C now. I'll post here for its update.

Bluetooth version may come months later but I'm not sure.

Offline Korseir

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #5 on: Sat, 25 March 2017, 21:11:17 »
Awww yiiiiis

Offline testplsignore

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #6 on: Sun, 26 March 2017, 02:59:49 »
Count me in for USB (and later) BT!  :thumb:

A few people I've heard have had issues with the stock female mini USB coming off their stock board, will your controller use a more secure version of the connector?
Realforce 10AE 45g Type-S & 55g    HHKB BT & Type-S    Realforce RGB Hype-S    FC980C    FC660C    Filco BT TKL

Offline JMD

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #7 on: Sun, 26 March 2017, 03:11:38 »
Hi Hasu,

I have purchased a like new in box, fc980c.

The other day, plugging in the keyboard completely died and is unresponsive. No damages anywhere to be seen, just randomly quit working.

I am wondering if my controller for it failed. Do you know if this controller would work on my 980c?

- mechkeys - ca -

Offline Rykno

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #8 on: Sun, 26 March 2017, 03:15:40 »
Would this work for FC660m?

Offline cutterline

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #9 on: Mon, 27 March 2017, 08:17:46 »
Would this work for FC660m?
No, C is a different beast.

Hi Hasu,

I have purchased a like new in box, fc980c.

The other day, plugging in the keyboard completely died and is unresponsive. No damages anywhere to be seen, just randomly quit working.

I am wondering if my controller for it failed. Do you know if this controller would work on my 980c?

No and why don't you go RMA that?

Offline ramnes

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #10 on: Mon, 27 March 2017, 08:42:51 »
Looking forward for the PCB GB. Thanks Hasu for all your work, that's incredible.
23h18 - photekq: hhkb with silenced realforce sliders and lubricated well is
23h18 - photekq: the best switch i've used

Offline Glissant

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #11 on: Mon, 27 March 2017, 14:15:04 »
Definitely super interested in a kit or pre-built!

Offline hasu

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #12 on: Mon, 27 March 2017, 18:05:44 »
Hi Hasu,

I have purchased a like new in box, fc980c.

The other day, plugging in the keyboard completely died and is unresponsive. No damages anywhere to be seen, just randomly quit working.

I am wondering if my controller for it failed. Do you know if this controller would work on my 980c?

This controller doesn't work with FC980C.
It doesn't fit physically at least. FC980C has different controller but seems to be very similar to FC660C. I think you can use many of information and design in this thread to make repacement controller for FC980C.

This is pic of FC980C controller.

Thanks for the photo, testplsignore.

Offline hasu

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #13 on: Mon, 27 March 2017, 18:12:43 »
Would this work for FC660m?

No. It is probably completely different.

Offline hasu

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #14 on: Mon, 27 March 2017, 18:44:18 »
Count me in for USB (and later) BT!  :thumb:

A few people I've heard have had issues with the stock female mini USB coming off their stock board, will your controller use a more secure version of the connector?

I'll use trusty Hirose USB mini receptacle, specifically UX60SC-MB-5S8 which is used on current version of Topre original controller(marked ZJ0121 on its PCB).
Its shell has through hole feet which people generally prefer to SMT. I also use this on my Alt controller for HHKB and no problem have been reported from users so far.

From FCC documents initial versions of FC660C seems to use UX60SC-MB-5ST which has SMT feet not through hole. I speculate this cause the issues but not sure.
Not that SMT is problem it may be difficult to get good bond strength in comparison with TH. They will need exactly controlled soldering  process and good quality PCB.

Offline Latin00032

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #15 on: Mon, 27 March 2017, 18:57:47 »
Sign me up for this!
Need a new controller. :)

Offline robotmaxtron

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #16 on: Wed, 29 March 2017, 21:31:06 »
this is great Hasu, I can't wait to pick one up.

Offline _rubik

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #17 on: Mon, 03 April 2017, 12:27:00 »
This almost makes me regret buying my clueboard... I can't wait for updates on this project.
ai03 Meridian ¤ Mech 27 ¤ E8.5 ¤ Brutal60 ¤ SSK White Label ¤ HHKB Pro JP ¤ vAEK68 Alps Blues ¤ RF87u

Offline hasu

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #18 on: Wed, 05 April 2017, 00:13:11 »
I got first revision of PCB the other day and have tested it for these two or three days. I have no big problem on it and am typing on it.

First PCB
In the revision screw holes and USB connector is a bit off but no problem in use and it will align completely by filing the hole a little.  No electrical issue is found.

USB connector(a bit off)


Button on bottom.

Keymap Editor
And added oline keymap editor for FC660C controller. Default keymap is a bit complex to emulate original behaviour like Shift+Esc=~ and Fn+Q.
« Last Edit: Sun, 18 February 2018, 00:59:25 by hasu »

Offline BAS1C

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #19 on: Wed, 05 April 2017, 00:14:45 »
I got first revision of PCB the other day and have tested it for these two or three days. I have no big problem on it and am typing on it.

First PCB
In the revision screw holes and USB connector is a bit off but no problem in use and it will align completely by filing the hole a little.  No electrical issue is found.

USB connector(a bit off)
Show Image

Show Image

Button on bottom.
Show Image

Keymap Editor
And added oline keymap editor for FC660C controller. Default keymap is a bit complex to emulate original behaviour like Shift+Esc=~ and Fn+Q.
Show Image

Awesome news, it looks great! What is the ETA on finalized PCBs for purchase?

Offline robotmaxtron

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #20 on: Wed, 05 April 2017, 00:38:18 »
Excellent work Hasu, really looking forward to an eventual larger run of the pcbs.

Offline stoic-lemon

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #21 on: Wed, 05 April 2017, 00:49:27 »
I made a wish a few days ago that this would happen. Now i can finally buy one these keyboards. Thanks Hasu.

Offline suparnemo

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #22 on: Wed, 05 April 2017, 15:01:18 »
Hi Hasu,

For Shift + Esc = ~

Can't you do on layer 2 code edit for esc key:
Action_mods_key Rshift Grave?

Offline commandlinedesign

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #23 on: Wed, 05 April 2017, 17:09:52 »
Hail Hasu!

This is incredible. I don't even own an fc660c, but I might get one now.

Offline lolbitter

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #24 on: Wed, 05 April 2017, 19:25:30 »
Holy crap so cool. Great job hasu! Looking forward to trying it whenever it's available.

Offline hasu

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #25 on: Wed, 05 April 2017, 19:27:47 »
Hi Hasu,

For Shift + Esc = ~

Can't you do on layer 2 code edit for esc key:
Action_mods_key Rshift Grave?

How do you change to layer 2 then?

I think ACTION_LAYER_MODS(2, SHIFT) on layer 0 is required to emulate Shift+Esc behaviour.

Offline TJ446

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #26 on: Wed, 05 April 2017, 19:46:03 »
Hi Hasu. Thanks for all of your awesome work. If you do sell a finalized controller, I'd be interested in buying 2...

Offline hasu

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #27 on: Wed, 05 April 2017, 19:52:40 »
Awesome news, it looks great! What is the ETA on finalized PCBs for purchase?

GB thread will open soon.
It closes at end of April and shipping starts at mid of May in current schedule.

I'll be able to do a few more iteration of pcb designs before closing GB.

Offline Jumie

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #28 on: Wed, 05 April 2017, 20:08:37 »
How much will it cost? Count me in..

Offline hasu

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #29 on: Wed, 05 April 2017, 20:51:39 »
How much will it cost? Count me in..

40USD shipped. GB thread was just approved. Please post any question and suggestion regarding GB in the thread.

Offline mszy52

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #30 on: Wed, 05 April 2017, 21:12:19 »
Congrats on finally getting the controller to the public! Is there any estimation now of when the bluetooth controller will be finished?

Offline hiram

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #31 on: Wed, 05 April 2017, 23:54:46 »
Will there be a way to control the led under the Insert key?

Offline hasu

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #32 on: Thu, 06 April 2017, 03:59:56 »
Will there be a way to control the led under the Insert key?

Yes, you can control the LED by writing small code.

In current firmware the Insert LED is lit when layer 1 is activated to emulate Fn+Q behaviour.

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #33 on: Thu, 06 April 2017, 06:51:15 »
Congrats on finally getting the controller to the public! Is there any estimation now of when the bluetooth controller will be finished?

I have no clear plan on Bluetooth controller, I'm not working on it currently at least.

I found some dificulties on Bluetooth controller. One of them is that FC660C controller PCB is much smaller than HHKB and this requires new design and components. It will take longer than what I expected and I'm not sure when I can have enough time to do so.

Offline thelaughingman

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #34 on: Tue, 11 April 2017, 21:05:31 »
Congrats on finally getting the controller to the public! Is there any estimation now of when the bluetooth controller will be finished?

I have no clear plan on Bluetooth controller, I'm not working on it currently at least.

I found some dificulties on Bluetooth controller. One of them is that FC660C controller PCB is much smaller than HHKB and this requires new design and components. It will take longer than what I expected and I'm not sure when I can have enough time to do so.

waiting is the name of the game  :-*

Offline testplsignore

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #35 on: Wed, 12 April 2017, 09:16:19 »
I've got a USB one ordered, but would definitely jump on a BT one at a later date
Realforce 10AE 45g Type-S & 55g    HHKB BT & Type-S    Realforce RGB Hype-S    FC980C    FC660C    Filco BT TKL

Offline robotmaxtron

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #36 on: Thu, 13 April 2017, 15:35:05 »
I thought I read somewhere Hasu where you said it might be possible to change the actuation point of the switches. Is that something that's still being investigated? That would be an insanely cool feature if it's possible.

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #37 on: Fri, 14 April 2017, 20:42:58 »
I thought I read somewhere Hasu where you said it might be possible to change the actuation point of the switches. Is that something that's still being investigated? That would be an insanely cool feature if it's possible.

You can see test codes here, this works well for me somehow but try at your own risk.

Fork fc660c_i2c branch and run 'make -f Makefile.i2c' in fc660c directory to build firmware.

// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
// Writing improper value to EEPROM may mess your keyboard and
// it will require some hassles to recover it.
// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't still feel calm offering this function to users and default firmware won't support this for a while at least.
« Last Edit: Fri, 14 April 2017, 21:06:15 by hasu »

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #38 on: Thu, 20 April 2017, 00:18:37 »
I'm wondering how much work would need to be done to get this working on other Leopolds. Like the 980c for example. Maybe only Hasu can answer this question, but is this controller hardware or software specific?
ai03 Meridian ¤ Mech 27 ¤ E8.5 ¤ Brutal60 ¤ SSK White Label ¤ HHKB Pro JP ¤ vAEK68 Alps Blues ¤ RF87u

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #39 on: Thu, 20 April 2017, 14:15:56 »
i don't have the keyboard and cant find enough pics of internals. it is difficult to say about 980c without closer inspection. I guess it is very similar, not so much hassle is required.

Offline stoic-lemon

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #40 on: Thu, 20 April 2017, 22:20:44 »
I got my controller early this week, and the keyboard yesterday. Installation went smoothly and I'm typing on the board now. Thanks Hasu!

Offline testplsignore

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #41 on: Fri, 21 April 2017, 07:03:55 »
Hasu, I'll be opening my FC980C later this week to convert it to MX, let me know if you'd like any specific internal views!
Realforce 10AE 45g Type-S & 55g    HHKB BT & Type-S    Realforce RGB Hype-S    FC980C    FC660C    Filco BT TKL

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #42 on: Fri, 21 April 2017, 18:08:59 »
i don't have the keyboard and cant find enough pics of internals. it is difficult to say about 980c without closer inspection. I guess it is very similar, not so much hassle is required.

Hasu, I'll be opening my FC980C later this week to convert it to MX, let me know if you'd like any specific internal views!

I would really like to look into this. At this point in my keeb career, programmability is absolutely required. If you think it's possible, I may end up splurging.

ai03 Meridian ¤ Mech 27 ¤ E8.5 ¤ Brutal60 ¤ SSK White Label ¤ HHKB Pro JP ¤ vAEK68 Alps Blues ¤ RF87u

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #43 on: Fri, 21 April 2017, 19:41:18 »
Hasu, I'll be opening my FC980C later this week to convert it to MX, let me know if you'd like any specific internal views!

I'd like to see both sides of pcbs. Thanks.

Offline stoic-lemon

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #44 on: Sat, 22 April 2017, 09:34:00 »
If it looks like it would be possible, I would be willing to lend you a board to take a look at. I'll need to buy one first though, but I love that layout.

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #45 on: Sat, 22 April 2017, 23:48:15 »
Thanks.  But I don't want to break virginity of your board with repeated tweaks and tinkering :D

They recently just started selling FC980C in Japan, it is not bad in terms of availability now, apart from its price.

Offline Bucake

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #46 on: Sun, 23 April 2017, 18:42:24 »
damn, now i have a reason..
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Offline stoic-lemon

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #47 on: Mon, 24 April 2017, 22:45:12 »
Thanks.  But I don't want to break virginity of your board with repeated tweaks and tinkering :D

They recently just started selling FC980C in Japan, it is not bad in terms of availability now, apart from its price.

Yes, if you see them on sale for less than ~¥29,000, please let me know :)

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #48 on: Fri, 28 April 2017, 22:08:21 »
Think it's finally time to get a 660C :)

Been holding off due to the lack of programmability.

Keyboards: HHKB Pro 1 & OTD 356CL Dark Greyhat Edition, baybee!

Offline Karpy

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Re: FC660C Alt Controller
« Reply #49 on: Sat, 03 June 2017, 01:00:39 »
Would anyone car to share their hex file with me? I'm sure there is some good programmabilityto be done, but so far only made minor ones.