Author Topic: Ume Shu - Just a split keyboard with metal case  (Read 5300 times)

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Offline hahihuhei

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Ume Shu - Just a split keyboard with metal case
« on: Wed, 26 July 2017, 04:05:14 »
So it started with a vortex core. I do not own one, but I really like the case design of the vortex core: minimal, blocky, sharp corners, low profile, not visible from top.

Now I own a let's split with acrylic top and bottom. They are fine, I am loving the ortho life more everyday. Someday the DIYer in my soul strikes me: since you like the vortex core case, why not you make your split a case like that?

So I started designing a case like that.
Soon I realise that the original pcb will not fit in this kind of design,
why not try to design a pcb that fits in the case?
So I started learning KiCad, reading the schematic of the let's split, identifying the pin assignment.
Then again I realize the with a pro micro on board,
it will increase the case thickness or an extra milling will need to be done.
So I have to use SMT component. I studied the schematic of the pro micro, and I took reference from GH60 schematic and other guides.
I ended up with this:

Left and Right (case side):

Left and Right (plate side):

I put the diodes on the plate side because it's a bit difficult to route them when they are at the same side with other components.

By the way the words printed on the PCB is Japanese word '梅Ume 酒Shu', meaning is plum liqueur. Simply because my wife loves it very much :)

Now the pcb is not reversible like the Let's Split V2, which means the ports connecting two boards are fixed, which is at the inner side of the board, and it only takes cherry/clone as the cherry+alps compatible foot will take up too much space for circuit route tracking.
The connection between 2 PCB will be microusb, because it has by far the smallest footprint in my limited knowledge, I am actually seeking suggestion of a better and smaller connection.

So the final version of the initial design will be something like this:

The opening at the bottom is prepared for the resest switch, and the 2 openings at the side are for the Micro USB.

Assemble with DSA keycaps:
The switches and the keycaps are not entirely accurate, I just made them for the sake of getting a rough idea how the final product will look like.

1) 'Vortex core style' case.
2) It should share the existing let's split V2 firmware.
3) Everything connects via MicroUSB, though I am not sure about the availability of microusb-microusb cable.
4) Case can be used for either left or right since it is almost symmetrical, the plate will be design to tolerate the minor asymmetricity of the case.
5) The plate, not the PCB, is tighten to the case with M2 screws.
6) There are dedicated connection point for WS2812B LED strip aka RGB backlitable (but this required a new case).

Looking for advice:
1) The pcb design. It will be really great if someone experienced can evaluate/check my pcb, I have almost zero experience designing a PCB.
2) Prototyping of case and the PCB. I lived in Singapore, I do not know who to approach for the prototype fabrication, if anyone from here can show me the direction towards fabricating the prototype, or anyone here can quote me for the prototyping, it will be really helpful.

Feeling difficult in:
1) Of course soldering the SMT component, especially the Atmega32. I have no good soldering iron too.
2) Again making the prototype real, not sure who can help me in this. Budget is a concern too.

1) To design a semi-sandwich case for RGB underglow. (but this means one more part)
2) To add tilt or tenting to the case.

Please feel free to judge the design, really.

If you are confident enough and want to take the design and make a testing prototype, or even production, please do it, I am totally okay with it, the design might not come true if it's just me alone.

Offline hahihuhei

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Re: Ume Shu - Just a split keyboard with metal case
« Reply #1 on: Wed, 26 July 2017, 04:16:20 »
Dimensions of case:
* Case.pdf (53.14 kB - downloaded 98 times.)

3D file of case:
.igs : * Case.igs (617.56 kB - downloaded 79 times.)
.stl  : * Case.stl (83.38 kB - downloaded 79 times.)
.stp : * Case.stp (110.03 kB - downloaded 69 times.)

KiCad file of PCB:
Left Board   : * (219.85 kB - downloaded 74 times.)
Right Board : * (171.92 kB - downloaded 72 times.)
« Last Edit: Wed, 26 July 2017, 19:31:18 by hahihuhei »

Offline Scarhoof

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Re: Ume Shu - Just a split keyboard with metal case
« Reply #2 on: Wed, 26 July 2017, 22:29:45 »
Looking good so far! As a fan of the Let's Split but also a heavy typist, I struggle using the acrylic case because it bounces around on my desk a lot. I love the idea of a solid aluminum case and would definitely be interested if one were for sale.

That being said, I worry about the too many unique designs fracturing the market. Since this case and PCB would be married to one another, I would recommend seeing about just first making a case for the existing Let's Split design and seeing if it met your design aesthetic first. Right now this would become a niche version of an already niche design which means it will be harder to support/find parts for/tweak as time goes on. It would be a shame for all the hard work to be made for a handful of keyboards and never done again for lack of wider appeal.

Secondly, I would be a big fan of using USB-C as the connector. I feel now is a good time to start pushing for new designs to adopt the long-term standard of USB-C.

Other than that, looks good, can't wait to see how it all turns out!

Offline hahihuhei

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Re: Ume Shu - Just a split keyboard with metal case
« Reply #3 on: Thu, 27 July 2017, 00:43:59 »
Hmm, I totally didn't think over the marketing thing, you have made a very good point. I will include designs around the current PCB in this post then.

Before this design,
I actually made some other designs around the current pcb,
but to maintain the case thickness to my liking(yes, I do realize it's totally me making restriction in my own design)
I have to make 2 opening for the promicro and the trrs jack.
so these were some of the design I did before:

'Borderless' whole Alu case:


3mm border with acrylic base for RGB underglow:


I will try to increase the thickness of this Alu case by 1 mm to not exposing the pro micro and trrs jack, it should look better.
I can try to make the case symmetrical to reduce the inventory. It might not look as good though. Or it might actually look better if I picture it correctly?

Will keep this updated.

Offline xyverz

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Re: Ume Shu - Just a split keyboard with metal case
« Reply #4 on: Thu, 27 July 2017, 12:57:04 »
Looking good so far! As a fan of the Let's Split but also a heavy typist, I struggle using the acrylic case because it bounces around on my desk a lot.

It bounces around on your desk? How so? I put a bumpon at each corner of my case, and it doesn't move at all.

I like the idea of this case. I'd also love to see it fit the older Let's Split PCBs, but that's just a "nice to have" and not a requirement.

Offline hahihuhei

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Re: Ume Shu - Just a split keyboard with metal case
« Reply #5 on: Fri, 28 July 2017, 04:33:40 »
I like the idea of this case. I'd also love to see it fit the older Let's Split PCBs, but that's just a "nice to have" and not a requirement.

The symmetrical backward compatible case idea:

- Prevent wobbling by supporting the plate's top corners
- Top center mounting point original pcb mounting escapement hole does not support symmetrical design
- Escapement for everything, in symmetrical form
- Border reduce to 2 mm and only chamfer the outside sharp corners.

Offline hahihuhei

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Re: Ume Shu - Just a split keyboard with metal case
« Reply #6 on: Thu, 19 October 2017, 22:05:15 »

1. I now realize that I may have enough ports for each of the keys, considering ditching all of the diodes, and I maybe able to make a single PCB for both left hand and right hand. (It also means that it might need some work on modifying the firmware thing)

2. Redesigned the case, this time the grid spacing will be 19mm instead of 19.05mm, I did this mainly for ease of machining cost, the accuracy of .05mm is more expensive than the .1mm.

Offline ju6ju8Oo

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Re: Ume Shu - Just a split keyboard with metal case
« Reply #7 on: Fri, 05 January 2018, 05:14:30 »
any updates on ume shu?
Will it be open source?