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Offline OneNightFriend

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #350 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 06:53:59 »
When I was 10 or so we lived in a house near a lake with closely packed neighbors. The house next to ours had a crawl space that for whatever reason I went down under (likely just being a dumb kid). I remember one time discovering a whole family of kittens under there. Lots of stray animals around the area so not really uncommon.

Our house was at the top of a hill and down the hill was our garage and then our pier that sat on the lake. One day I was on the pier hanging out and then a couple of dogs showed up right near our garage and were playing kind of rough. Looked like they were playing "tug of war" with each other. Didn't think much of it.

Then I heard the mews.

Wailing mews.

I ran to where the dogs were in a panic and they both ran away leaving behind what they had been using as their "toy". There it was: one of the tiny kittens from under the house next door.

From what I remember the  cat wasn't bloody or gross or anything extreme. It was just a little... crumpled. It had stopped mewwing.

I didn't know what to do so I got my sister and then we both were just kind of there. I tried mouth to mouth on this kitten not knowing what else I could do but it was just too late.

Maybe this falls more under vile or ****ed up than grimey but I just remember being so horrified over it and since for whatever reason this thread unearthed this memory from my brain figured I'd share.

Offline FLFisherman

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #351 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 07:25:01 »
My dog had some upset stomach issues while we were away from home. Liquid diarrhea. Which unfortunately he couldn't hold and he exploded all over his cage. It has happened before, and it's not his fault. Very gross, but manageable.

Problem is the poor boy had been sitting in it for at least a few hours. When I got home he was very excited to see me. Every time he'd wag his tail it would fling feces everywhere. The wall and couch by his cage became a canvas. The dog was more than just an excrement-soaked mess; he had become Jackson "Poo"llock.

Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #352 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 08:12:37 »
My grimiest experience has been reading this thread...

Offline derznation

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #353 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 08:38:50 »
My grimiest experience is probably this kid that sat next to me in seventh grade. He must have already weighed 230 lbs at this point (inb4 amerifat lul), but he ALWAYS smelled like ass. 24/7. I thought "holy ****, I don't think this can get any worse" until 1/2 through the year we started having gym class before sitting together and OMG was I wrong, it got much much worse. Needless to say I went to the nurse's many times that year feeling nauseous. Never got to go home sick though   :-X

Offline aya3154

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #354 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 08:49:16 »
We got so drunk that my friend puked on the floor as he couldn't hold till the washroom , he let it rip all over and just then his younger brother came running from the corridor and slipped on his puke and landed on it too , was a grimey mess to clean both of them up

Offline The_Boom_Boy

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #355 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 08:51:27 »
I am in Phuket right now some of it's pretty but there's a lot, a lot of grime. There's a constant stench in the air. Lady boy's or what looks to be lady boys harass you as you walk down the street. Drunk tourists spill their guts on the streets next to all of the restaurants are all mixed together with the exhaust fumes from the tuk-tuks. The beaches are full of fat retires from all around the world turning into very appealing golden brown colours. Rampant smoking , constant noise pollution, poor infrastructure planning. When they a wire breaks or instead of finding the old wire and fixing it they run a new wire which leads to a rats nest of active wires and broken power wires that go down ever street. If you want a family friendly vacation do not come here.

Offline vinzlr

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #356 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 09:00:36 »
Keep it Grimey:

So my mom and I have a little blackhead/pimple thing on the same spot on our back, it comes once every  few months on our right shoulder near the neck and does its nasty **** for a few days and then recedes back into darkness for a while.

However, my mom's is much worse than mine, while mine is a little blackspot her's is a ****ing black hole. When it comes it just looks like someone took a tiny drill to her shoulder and filled it with the nastiest shade of black they could find. Normally it would swell up a tiny bit and then disappear when it had devoured its fair share of nasty stares and dry-heaves from me, but that was just normally.

One ****ing day my mom called me and asked me to come to Costco with her so I could pick up dog-food and load it into her car/our garage. So I oblige and while walking through Costco glancing at my phone I notice something odd about my mother's silhouette. There's a ****ing golf ball sized abomination on her neck. I didn't want to see it, I really didn't but some force beyond my control grabbed my face and forced me to look. There I saw it, at the top of this loathsome lump of flesh was that goddamn tiny blackhead. The area around it was purple and red stuffed to the brim with the bodies most grotesque fluids.

I tried not to say anything out of common courtesy, and I did, for a while. But when the time came to pick which dog food she wanted, it all happened too fast. She bent down, grabbed a 50lb bag of dog food and grudgingly flipped it over. Power surged through her right arm. Her muscles tensed up, starting from her hand and pulsing up to her forearms, upper arm, and finally her shoulder. The putrid pocket of pus couldn't contain itself. Those weak shoulder muscles straddling it and flexing so rough got it excited and it decided it was time. As ill-favor had it, I was watching when her shoulder exploded into fleshy-fireworks. I watched as a concoction of the devils own nightmares flew out and spewed onto her shoulder. Time had stopped, my heart was beating so fast that everything around me was moving so slow. My body felt cold, the sweat dripping down my brow could have chilled the deepest creatures of the Antarctic. What could I do? Should I help? There was no way I'd be able to help her before my heart gave out. Luckily, I didn't have to decide, while my brain suffered over the choices my body reacted. I started to dry-heave and my legs began to move.

I ran, I ran so far away. Through the bustling lanes of Costco I lurched and leaped around families until I could feel it again. The Sun warmed my skin and my nose welcomed a breath of fresh un-molested air.

As for my mother, she went to the restroom and cleaned herself up. Afterwards the pharmacy gave her a band-aid so that the rest of the customers wouldn't be bird-boxed by the sight of her unholy agglomeration of abominable fluids.

This really did happen and I dry-heaved while writing this.

Offline ctrl

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #357 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 09:12:25 »
Grimey memories


When I was about 10, our dog, that my parents got just before I was born, had grown old and was limp and half-blind at that point.

One day when only I and my mom was at home we suddenly noticed something on the floor. It was small, white and... wriggling. It was a larvae of some kind. We got a little freaked out and wondered where it had gotten from. So we started looking around. And we found more of them. We got increasingly freaked out. There seemed to be more of them in the hallway.

In the middle of the hallway lay our dog. Seemingly very tired and panting. We went to check up on him.

As we ran our hands through his fur, we saw it. A few days ago he had gotten a wound in his side. For some reason it hadn't healed right and out of it crawled small, white larvae en masse.

We cried in fear and digust and sadness.

Sadly, that day we had to take him to the vet to put him out.


This story actually has an epilogue of sorts.

I think it was the same year, but later in summer. It was hot and we were staying at our place in the countryside for a couple of weeks.

We were cleaning the house when we suddenly noticed something on the floor. It was small, white and... wriggling.

Needless to say, we freaked out again.

Apparently, something had happened in the small space in between one of our large panoramic windows and the wall. There was now a writhing, squirming mass of larvae.


Let's just say that ever since I've had a phobia for insects and such that move in a certain way.

Offline shadowrealmwarez

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #358 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 09:15:48 »
Working various IT jobs I've been customer facing as well as behind the scenes. One of my most disgusting experiences was working for a managed service provider who serviced both businesses and regular people (peoples homes and home businesses),  customer brought in several computers and a laptop that they wanted fixed up so they can sell them.

The client was a smoker, smoked inside with the computers, I'm not sure if anyone has ever seen nicotine build up on computer components or ever smelled a year or more worth of build up, it is completely awful. The amount of junk that came out of the desktops when using the industrial fan blower we have was disgusting, the smell was awful and the components needed to be removed and cleaned before being put back into service.

2 out of the 3 laptops were fine, barely any dust, booted fine. The third laptop, no boot, after removing the cover there were some odd coloration, but standard procedure is to remove the harddrive and do diagnostics to see if we can see if data can be recovered and migrated, upon removing the harddrive, baby cock roaches began pouring out of the laptop and us quickly jumping back from our work bench and looking for the closest trash bag to throw all the laptop and harddrive in and seal it as fast as possible.

We did end up needing the building sprayed over a weekend due to the possibility of cock roaches and all, the customer did NOT want the cock roach laptop back but happily paid for our time in attempting to fix all of the items they dropped off.

Offline Prebeta

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #359 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 09:20:10 »
I've eaten food off the floor after 5 seconds.

Offline Polish_Engineer

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #360 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 09:27:27 »
I once walked into a public restroom stall (that wasn't locked) and saw an older gentleman having a very hard time with his number 2... His pants on his knees and toilet paper literally everywhere... On the sink, on the walls, on him... Everywhere. He looked at me like I had done something wrong.

Offline smurkcity12

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #361 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 09:31:16 »
So my brother and I were moving out of an apartment we had been living in for a few years. We frequently had our other brother and friends over to game, party, w/e. Well we're cleaning out this bookcase in order to take it to the moving truck when my brother pulls out a tupperware container that some sort of food that no one knew was in there for god knows how long. The lid looked like it was about to explode, and it had become a littler maggot and mold terrarium with a nice black/grey/white landscape....seems like a good candidate for the next jellykey series now that I think about it.

Offline jgodinez302

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #362 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 09:42:07 »
Well considering we have 3 kids now with the youngest being 1.... There has been tons of grimey moments on a weekly basis so pretty much any given day 😂 feces, urine, vomit, going on in various orders throughout many given situations.

Offline rainb1ood

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #363 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 09:45:32 »
Opening to clean our aerator tank, we saw a bunch of frogs living in it, on the water we have been using inside our house for years. We didnt know how it got there.  ^-^

Offline Waateva

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #364 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 09:47:44 »
Growing up, my younger brother has this really weird habit of eating his...bodily products?  He would pick his nose and eat it, pick scabs and eat them, and stick his fingers in his ears and suck on them with the earwax (he said it was kinda sour?!).  Well, he wasn't shy about this around other either, so I remember multiple times that he convinced his friends to pick their scabs and when they wouldn't eat them he'd eat them, and just once I remember him picking out one of the Q-Tips I had used and thrown in the trash and eating it. 

He doesn't do any of this anymore to my knowledge, but it was pretty ****ing grimey, but he now drives a lifted diesel truck with stacks for coal rolling, wears Ed Hardy shirts, and is a firm MAGA believer, so I'm not really sure which is grimier to be honest.
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Offline txclack

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #365 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 09:51:07 »
I have two cats, one is very old and the other is young - got the young cat because I was expecting the old cat to die...NOPE! She's now 16 years old and the youngest is 4 years old.

Anyway, the oldest cat, an orange cat that has one eye that has turned dark over time (if you've ever seen my pictures) is starting to become senile.  She'll meow/scream at walls, she'll be love-dovey with the young cat  for a minute then turn into its worst enemy, she'll freak out if she's left alone for too long and loses track of where she is in the house.

One of the biggest problems the older cat is now running into is dingleberries... well sorta.  Occasionally, she'll have issues using the bathroom so she'll leave one hanging, as in she won't chop off the log, and she'll run around the house until gravity takes effect and it breaks off on its own.

So, now that you have some context...

I'm a late night snacker... well I used to be.  I love to eat just before going to bed (bad habit, I know).  One of my favorite snacks is beef jerky; especially, bacon jerky.  Try it, if you haven't yet (or maybe don't after this story).  Because I'm a late snacker, I usually fall asleep, wake up 15 minutes later, take another bite, doze off, and repeat until I finally fall asleep until the morning.  My cats love it because they usually get to steal food from me while I'm passed out.  Any cat owner probably knows cats love getting on to beds, so I'm used to them jumping on the bed at night.  It never wakes me up.  They'll usually fall asleep on my face, or try to get into the covers on a cold night.  I'm very comfortable by now with having two constantly moving beings around me at night.

Anyway, as you can probably tell where I'm going with this story...

One night, in my late night daze, I grabbed a piece of bacon jerky, that wasn't bacon jerky, and took a bite into it.  Immediately, I knew something was wrong, jumped up, turned on the light, and starred down one of my old cat's dingleberries.  Beef jerky/bacon jerky smells pretty strong to begin with so I must not have noticed the smell, I was half-awake, etc.  I drank half a bottle of mouth wash, nearly threw up, threw away all my bacon jerky, and I have never eaten in my bed since.

Offline romevi

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #366 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 09:51:34 »
I worked at a law firm and one of our clients was so mad at us that she took a dump in our hallway.

Offline clasicks

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #367 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 09:59:30 »
I worked at a law firm and one of our clients was so mad at us that she took a dump in our hallway.



Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #368 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 10:16:09 »
Okay. So i actually remembered my grimiest moment.

I was at a random Chick-Fil-A in Georgia. While waiting for my food, I got that feeling that I had to use the restroom. Luckily I only had to piss. While I'm doing my business I notice that it smells rather pungent in the restroom. I finish my deed, and out of pure curiosity I peeked into the one stall to see if maybe they hadn't flushed or something. Boy what I saw was not pretty.

Someone must have had the worst diarrhea of their lives. To make matters worse, none of it was in the toilet. There was plenty if it on the toilet, on the floor, and some even on the wall. A good 3-foot diameter "puddle" had just destroyed the integrity of this bathroom. I'll spare you all the details of the consistency, texture, etc., of the matter itself. To top it all off, there was a pair of boxer-briefs in the middle of the mess! I sometimes imagine how the person was able to make their escape without notice.

Anyway, being the reasonable guy I am, I went to the register and let an employee know what I had "discovered"...and let them know it was not good, and to be ready for bad things. I saw an employee go in with a roll of paper towels and a mop. A minute later the employee leaves the restroom, obviously traumatized. Then I see the employee, and another staff member go in and peek in the restroom, then swiftly leave. Then one of the management staff had to get involved. He went in with some garbage bags, and the mop bucket, and I assume he cleaned up the job.

Yeah...i had that repressed for a while, then reading these memories brought it back...keep it grimey folks!

Offline Kilgarah

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #369 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 10:28:19 »
I got a box of blackberries from the grocery store once. Came back home and washed them, though apparently not thoroughly enough. I took a bite of one and it was very oddly crunchy. Upon spitting it back out, I found that a small beetle had somehow managed to crawl into the blackberry and die. I guess I should be thankful that it was dead and not still kicking, but I've definitely given every single blackberry a careful once-over before eating it from then on.

Offline scoopbb

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #370 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 10:30:43 »
nothing super grimey beyond eating street food for literally pennies in 3rd world countries. (you know how that ends)

i remember as a 6 or 7 year old i was walking to school and there was a box on the ground turned upside down with no lid. i flipped up the box and there was a run over and decapitated animal, couldnt tell you which but it traumatized me for a little lol. it def looked grimey af rotting on the sidewalk under that box.

also remember a hobo getting on the bus, taking a **** and then getting off...but that happens so often on the metro now that its almost part of real life and not even that grimey.

most recently the worst has been a dude who worked on the IT team. This dude wouldn't wash his hands after pissing, ****ting or anything. He would use my little toaster oven at work, ****ing nasty, complained to HR, nothing. He would work on people's computers, set their **** up, all with his poopy hands. Dude entered a chili contest at work, all i could think about was his poopy ass chili. Finally got him off our floor and had to sanitize the whole damn kitchen.

Offline anhthao88

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #371 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 10:37:14 »
One day when we were busy preparing for trial, my boss (female, 60s, unflattering curve) decided to wear a white, c-thru night gown  :-[ and a full-blown fascinator hat (think british royal hat :cool:) to the office. Needless to say, by the end of the day all of us in the office each had encountered something devious that cannot be unseen for the rest of our life. I think some, especially the young ones, even suffered PTSD from the incident /jk
« Last Edit: Fri, 25 January 2019, 16:34:00 by anhthao88 »

Offline Jaxxstatic

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #372 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 10:38:49 »
I work hospital security, so there are more than I care to remember. One of the worst ones was when a homeless guy was pissed that his hot nurse took a 3 minute break to use the bathroom, so he scooted himself to the edge of the bed and threatened to projectile poop out the room into the hallway. I saw him from another ER bed and threw a towel at his bottom while he had his legs up spread eagle. The towel stopped the flow, but then we had to restrain and clean this guy with liquidy crap all over him.

Offline rachel

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #373 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 10:48:44 »
I used to stay with a roommate. We shared a bathroom. We agreed to take turn to wash the toilet bowl and the rest of the bathroom once a week but we grew lazy and we kinda not following the schedule. Things started to get grimy and I couldn’t stand so I took initiatives to brush the toilet bowl more often than her. I washed a lot of shxt stains of hers too because she doesn’t care to tidy up after she bombed  the toilet. I suggested to wash toilet more often and get back into schedule to avoid myself from seeing things I don’t want to see. Lots of tolerance needed when you are staying with a roommate :rolleyes:

Offline Wongstongs

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #374 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 10:49:51 »
I was seven years old playing on the beach at Okanagan Lake. If you don't know, Ogopogo is said to live in this lake (a monster similar to the one in Loch Ness). So I was throwing rocks into the water to get its attention. In Canada there a lot of Canadian Geese (shocking) and they poop everywhere. I was mindlessly picking up and throwing rocks until...poop. Picked up goose poop, panicked, wiped my hand on the ground as fast as I more poop. After cleaning it off in the lake I refused to move for fear of more poop.

Offline mdlt97

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #375 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 10:52:33 »
I was once on the TTC (Toronto's public transit) and someone on the subway started to piss on the ground and because of how the subway moved all of the piss started to go from the front of the subway car to the back and everyone in its path was freaking out, was super funny and gross to watch.
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Offline Robotical

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #376 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 10:53:09 »
Was talking with someone at my desk and they absentmindedly started running their fingers around the lip of my water bottle.

Offline kiwi99

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #377 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 10:53:16 »
Was staying with a friend on a trip one and he woke up and was getting hyped to eat this lemon yogurt he had brought with him for breakfast.. Opens it up, immediately it spills on the carpeted floor in this little run down cabin we were staying in in. The 5 seconds rule is cool and all but with yogurt?? on THIS floor?? After a look of true despair he started scooping it off the ground into his bowl. :-X

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #378 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 10:58:15 »
Watched one of my fraternity brother's carry out his bed from the house one morning.

He had managed to piss, **** and puke in one fell swoop. It wasn't pretty

Offline fishinaspacesuit

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #379 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 11:01:26 »
When I was in Purdue University in the USA and lived in the dorms, we had a laundry room where students did their laundry. There was one time when I really needed to get my laundry done for the next day but all of the washing machines were full. So I tried to open up several washing machine lids hoping to find one empty..

It turned out that several machines got pranked on and all of the wet clothes were HOT PINK in color... and most of them belonged to guys... RIP GRIMEY AS FVCC!!!

Offline AuthenticDanger

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #380 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 11:29:44 »
You ever clean the filter on your washing machine? Probably not, but if you neglect it for too long, it gets, well, pretty grimey. I used to live in an apartment that had washer/dryer provided in the unit. After years of use, the washing machine had developed the smell of rotten eggs which was very concerning. After some some internet searching, I located the hatch on the front of the unit where the filter is so that I could wash the filter (as that's what the internet said the cause of the smell was) and when I opened the little door... black water/sludge poured out all over the floor and stank up the whole apartment for a week. It was horrifying.

So let that be a reminder to clean your washing machine's filters OFTEN so that you don't end up washing your clothing in moldy water.
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Offline Puss

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #381 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 11:58:04 »
I was at a pub crawl and saw a couple making out. The girl started puking all over the guy but they didn’t stop... I still GAF thinking about the smell and then not caring.

Offline anatworkaccount

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #382 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 11:59:31 »
So I used to work at an unnamed steakhouse as a busser. One of the duties of a busser was rubbing uncooked baked potatoes liberally with butter and salt and putting them in a rack. One day as I was putting the potatoes in the rack I knocked two trays on the floor. Potatoes ****ing everywhere. Potatoes under sinks, potatoes in the walk in, potatoes by the garbage, potatoes by the dish pit. I ask the back of the house manager what to do with the potatoes now that theyve been all over the greasy food scrap covered floor. His response was to wash them off a little with some cold water and just rub them in butter and salt again. They did get cooked in the oven so that hopefully killed the bacteria but it's still pretty grimy that people got fed those potatoes.

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Offline Astrasa

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #383 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 12:04:18 »
Went for a weekend in Vegas with my friends. Thought I had held my liquor well that night but when we made it back to the hotel I started vomiting when I sat down on the bed. Before that though my friend had fed me a charcoal pill that was supposed to stop me from having a hangover. Needless to say having it come back up was not a pretty sight. Ended up puking up black on myself and the bed and spent a long time over the toilet. After all that I apparently took to a shower but made my bf give me the shampoo and conditioner in my hand because it was too far from the water. I have no recollection of the night lol.
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Offline YUNG PTR

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #384 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 12:10:36 »
Once I pooped in the woods. I went for a run on a trail near my house but had a sudden urge to poop so I went in the woods and didn't wipe until I walked home.

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #385 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 12:22:43 »
Probably the grimiest **** I've ever seen is handling a client's desktop computer. Full of debris and somehow the CD tray was full of roaches. Also there were what appeared to be, uh, "white" marks on the top/side of the case. We rejected it :P

Offline Chimera

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #386 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 12:32:02 »
One time while driving into work I noticed I had a Coke bottle sitting in the passenger seat. Took a drink because why not and it turned out to be dip spit. I ended up throwing up all over myself and calling in sick that day.

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Offline diiiP

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #387 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 12:37:04 »
After drinking (too much) with couple friends we went to crash at my 2nd floor apartment.
Shortly after arriving one guy hat to puke, and decided that he wont make it to the toilet and opted for the window.
He "let it all out", but sadly did not notice that this window had a flyscreen attached to it...
All the "chunks" stayed inside, and everything more liquid made it somewhat out -> slowly dripping down the exterior of the building.

Offline crystalflame

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #388 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 12:55:21 »
I left some udon noodle soup out for way too long. when I finally decide to trash it I put it in a box with a bunch of other things and of course the plastic top wasn't tight enough to hold the liquid. So it started dripping as I walked from my kitchen to the front door, I struggled with the door and it dripped on every one of my shoes by the door and all along my carpet. I spent an hour cleaning everything with clorox wipes while gagging several times at the fumes.

Offline REDerPANDA

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #389 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 13:14:35 »
Thanks for the giveaway, these new Grimaces look amazing...

One of my grimiest memories was when I was 19-20 and worked at a gas station. That poor bathroom was never treated very well by the public. One winter in SE Michigan was exceptionally cold for long stretches of time and my conscious/humanity told me to let a homeless guy come warm up. Unfortunately, my compassion felt a little betrayed by a rather vicious ass explosion near (not in) the toilet followed by him making racist remarks to customers....   so had to send him on his way (but gave a him a big hot coffee to go).

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Offline dallman5

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #390 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 13:19:49 »
This happened during summer weight training during my high school football days, but there was this one guy  on the team in the grade above me who was doing shoulder press one day.  He was pretty tall, I'd say about 6'4" or so.  He was pressing quite a bit of weight and toward the end of his set he must have gotten too weak to support it.  Now being a tall guy and holding a lot of weight over your head when your tired is typically a recipe for disaster, and the usual advice is just to try and drop it on front of you so you don't mess yourself up.  He did not heed this advice and instead the weight went behind his head and he began to topple over.  On the way down his finger got stuck between the back edge of the squat rack (the part that prevents the bar from rolling off) and the weight.  This resulted in his ring finger getting more or less cleaved off and hanging by a tiny thread of flesh. As when any appendage is savagely torn off, there was blood everywhere and lots of screaming. Luckily they were able to save his finger when it was all said and done. Not grimey necessarily, but this is definitely one of the more gruesome memories I could conjure up. 

Thanks for the giveaway, excited for a shot at a Grimace v2!
LF: OG Cherry APL (lasered), Artisans

Current collection:
Norbatouch (Galaxy Blue) | Mira SE (Lunar Grey, WKL) | HHKB Pro 1 (KB300BN) | Noxary X60 (Grey, HHKB) | KBDFans 5 Degree (Silver) | AEK64 (Grey) | Norbaforce (Tactical Black, WKL)) | Realforce 86U (White) | TGR 910 RE (Polycarbonate) | LZ-SQ (Black) | LZ-CLS (Grey, WKL) | Duck Orion v1 (Silver, WK)) | Nissho KB106DE | HHKB Pro 1 (KB300B) | LZ CLS-S (Blue, Poker) | Realforce 87U 10th Anniversary) | Realforce 104UK | TGR Alice (Grey on Pink) | Singa (Blue, WKL)  | Quantrik QXP (Blue Grey, WKL) | LZ-GH v2 (Black, WK) | KMAC Happy (Red, Poker)) | IBM Model M SSK (APL) | TGR 910 SE (Pink on Blue) | GSKT-00 (Silver, Poker) | OTD Koala (Silver, WKL) | Realforce R2 PFU Edition (Ivory) | IBM 3279 Beamspring (APL) | TGR Tris (Blue) | LZ-GH v2 (Blue, WKL)) | TGR Jane v2 (Blue-grey, WKL) | LZ-MP (Shine Grey, WKL)  | TGR x Singa Unikorn (Purple) | Justsystems x Realforce 108UG) | IBM Model F Unsaver (APL) | TGR Jane V2 CE (Multicolor, WKL) | Realforce 87U (Blank Black) | Lin Montage (Light Blue, WKL) | GSKT-00 AEK R2 (Grey, HHKB) | Leopold FC660C (Blank Black) | Duck Viper v3 (Grey on Black) | Rama Works M6-C RWxRW | LZ-GH v1 (Black, WKL) | Gok 7v (Grey) | biso x beaming Kei (SS, HHKB) | zacheadams x bisoromi little z | Matrix Noah (Silver/Grey, WKL) | Lin Whale (Pink, WKL) | TGR Alice (Polycarbonate) | Rama Kara (Noct) | Lin Whale75 (Burgundy, F13) | Realforce 89 (Ivory) | Hand Engineering Haus (Bluegrey) | Haytco CAKE60_R1 (Pantone 4167C) | LZ-XE (Grey, WKL) | Noxary X60 V2 (Grey, WK) | Daji Ochocuatro (Grey, WKL) | HHKB Hybird Type-S 25th Anniversary (Snow) | LZ-REs (Grey, WKL) | Matrix 8xv 3.0 (Blue-Black/Deep Grey, WKL) | Realforce 23UB | Biso RS60 (Black, WK) | TGR x MXF Koala (Grey/Black, WKL)

Italics = Incoming, Black = Gone

Offline dubious

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #391 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 13:48:00 »
I used to work at a PC repair shop located in a strip mall. For several days, we noticed a ****ty smell coming from somewhere in the shop but couldn't quite locate the origin. We looked all over the shop and found a 6 inch hole in the wall that looked like it was for accessing a pipe. It was about 1.5' off the ground and was sealed up with clear packing tape. It was hard to tell if this was exactly where the smell was coming from, since we only got the occasional whiff, but we told our boss and he said he'd look into it but not to worry. Our suspicions were confirmed several weeks later when the tape damn burst open and a torrent of dirty brown sewer water poured onto the sales floor like a raging rapid of rectal grease, much to the disgust of our unsuspecting customers. Everyone immediately evacuated so as not to be swept away in the poo tsunami. It turned out a pipe had burst somewhere in the walls and sewage water had been filling up between our shop and the one next door. We were closed for weeks, and several walls had to be replaced.

Offline Corgi Butts

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #392 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 14:10:23 »
10 years ago I was a bumbling dad with a newborn son.  Due to the non-standard sleeping habits of wee babbies, my wife and I were taking shifts feeding the little guy so we could try and get some semblance of sleep. So one morning at 3am, he wakes up crying wife shoves me out of bed, and I stumble in and fix him up a bottle.  Sit in the rocking chair, pop him on the Boppy (it's like a neck pillow that goes around your midsection to support the baby while feeding) and he goes to town on the bottle. 

Finish up a few minutes later, go to flip him up to burp, at which point a gushing fountain of hot breast milk vomit spews forth like Old Faithful erupting. It flies straight up, hung in the air in much the same way that bricks don't, and came splashing back down on both of us.  I cry out in shock, he starts crying cause he's covered in his breakfast, and my wife comes running in thinking I fell asleep and dropped the baby.

She picks him up and instructs me to strip his onsie off so she can lay him on the changing table and finish cleaning him up.  He is soaked to the skin so I pull of his onesie and his diaper.  It was at this point, both of us still coated in sweet smelling milk vomit, that he lets loose and pees all over me and the rocking chair, as if to say "How dare you let this happen to me!"  My wife laughs, my son cries, and I went next door to peel my soaked clothes off in the shower.

Offline ramnes

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #393 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 14:47:35 »
One day I saw a documentary about a girl drinking her piss to wash her teeth. I still wonder how bad her mouth smells.
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23h18 - photekq: the best switch i've used

Offline djfunh8r

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #394 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 15:51:17 »
One time on the train to class a woman asked me if I was a "drifter."

Offline arsenic

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #395 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 16:08:04 »
I've got a lot of options for this one; I lived in the tenderloin my freshman year of college, I could write a literal novel on grimey **** from that year. But the grimiest might be when mostly cut off the top half of my index finger using a super unsafe table saw a few years ago and spent six hours in the waiting room to be seen by a hand surgeon next to a dude  who was puking blood into a plastic shopping bag that was leaking onto the floor. The top of my finger didn't make it, but I've got a pretty dope shrimp finger now and a ton of gross photos of the whole process.

Offline CrystalCreature

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #396 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 16:22:33 »
When I was a young boy, my parents had just left for a trip to Grenada to go diving, and left me and my brother in the care of my two grandparents. Right before they left, they told me and my bro “No stitches until we come back” Well, I evidently didn’t listen well enough to that.
I was watching a movie with my grandpa and went into the kitchen to grab a snack, and then ran back into the family room. The thing is, I was wearing socks, and slipped and fell and bumped my head on the counter. I got back up, shook it off, then walked back into the room, right before I felt the blood dripping down my neck, then the excruciating pain. I had hit my ear on the direct corner of the counter, splitting it in half down to the cartilage.
I actually got it fixed up by my neighbor, who happened to be on duty at the hospital that night. Well, in the end I actually followed my parents words, because I didn’t get my ear stitched up, rather glued together, which turned into a grimey af purple red and black glob in my ear by the end of the week.

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Offline YC1920

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #397 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 16:31:26 »
About two decades ago, when i was around 10. I was visiting a friend one summer in the South of France. Now this is in the country in France, not far from where i grew up. This was back when kids would go on adventure for hours, equipped with nothing but a bicycle and our sense of daring. We would ride our bike to go to a canal so we could go fishing. We would have to ride past this house where the guy was somewhat of a legend to kids. He had three mean dogs that would chase you while you would ride by and the owner would encourage his dogs to attack anyone in reach. The first time i went with my friend he said you see that house? Peddle as fast as you can past it, dogs will try to bite you. I'm pretty sure i never peddle that fast in my life. One dog almost caught my pant leg, but managed to get away since they just stopped running at their imaginary defense line.
Next part is the not so fun part... We get to the canal and start setting up the two fishing rods. At some point we notice a bundle in the water that seems to be made of cloth, It is barely floating, so we think someone had hidden a treasure in the canal. (Yeah i know... very naive. We were young and dumb). We keep going around looking for a stick long enough to reach the bundle. We were both sure we were on the verge of great treasure. I knew something was weird when we poked the bundle towards us and it felt squishy. I remember pulling out the bundle gently with great excitement. It turned out to be a huge cloth wrapped around something that had a knot at the top. I will never forget this. When i started carefully unwrapping the knot the first thing that i saw was an eye! I remember this primal fear of seeing a glazed over tiny black eye, surrounded by wet black fur. I **** you not i was terrified. Turns out ****head with the dogs was know to drown litters of puppies and kittens instead of finding them homes. We took some time to recover mentally. We put the puppies in a hole we dug in the ground by the canal. And then... We broke as many of the mans windows as we could throwing rocks we found. Never went fishing in that spot again.  No ****ing treasure found, just a worthless human being. Im still triggered by that loser of a man...
Gl all
« Last Edit: Fri, 25 January 2019, 16:40:35 by YC1920 »
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Offline ReadmeDotTxt

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #398 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 17:08:37 »
I spent over thirty hours in the same car as meiosis on a road trip to see keyboards. Don't make me relive that

Offline P1kas

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Re: GAF - Keep it Grimey Giveaway Contest
« Reply #399 on: Fri, 25 January 2019, 17:48:26 »
Left my cats at home with family while taking a two week trip. They're typically not allowed in my room while I'm not there.

Came back, and the door to my room was open... They'd turned my room into their litterbox for the two weeks. About a dozen pee stains on my bed, and a few piles of feces along the corners of the room.

It was pretty grimey. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
There is no such thing as "too much orange."