I received mine today!
They are very cool, and super smooth!
I've just been sitting here comparing them by touch with Tealios and FEI switches.
As you can imagine, all three of these switches are fantastic linears and very smooth.
The Linjar feels almost as smooth as the Tealios to me, with the FEI just a hair behind. The Linjar, like the FEI, has a bit of a spring sound on the down stroke, but it's less so. The Tealios has no such sound at all as far as I can hear. The upstroke sound on the Linjar and FEI are also very similar. But this is all just playing around with them next to my ear.
If I were to try them all out on the same board, I'm really not sure if I'd be able to tell them apart. But considering I have a Tokyo60 sitting in front of me with hot swap sockets, I may have to try just that.