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Keyboard Keycaps / Re: Comfort of ABS vs. PBT?
« Last post by Piperaceae on Wed, 18 September 2024, 10:36:03 »
I'm autistic, and because of the sensory issues that go along with that, I feel like I'm extra aware of the difference between how PBT and ABS feel. It varies - I can deal with the texture of GMK's MTNU caps that are PBT, while Drop's PBT MT3 caps, and 21KB's Cherry caps just feel too... dry? chalky? to type on for very long. ABS just feels softer and glossier and more pleasing, generally. I don't think either plastic is inherently better or worse than the other.
Off Topic / Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Last post by tp4tissue on Wed, 18 September 2024, 10:12:49 »
Tp4 has quit Oreos,  but then Costco had the Biscoff (also vegan) cookies (gram crackers texture).

And the Tp4 just ate a whole pack for breakfast.  If anything it's sweeter and just as if-not-more addicting.

Off Topic / Re: What did you do today?
« Last post by fohat.digs on Wed, 18 September 2024, 09:57:10 »
never mind

Off Topic / Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Last post by tp4tissue on Wed, 18 September 2024, 09:53:54 »
Noise, move to Europe, its not your life, that country is a joke...

Everyone move in with phinix when the apocalypse comes.
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] DCS Cafe | A classy colorway now in DCS
« Last post by twitchytheinsideman on Wed, 18 September 2024, 09:51:43 »
finally a dcs set with icon mods.
Interest Checks / Re: [IC]DSA Lucid (Looking for Manufacturer)
« Last post by Exembe on Wed, 18 September 2024, 09:41:43 »
Would you consider changing the profile to KAM or PBS?

Yes im up for anything honestly at this point
Off Topic / Re: What are you watching? The thread about what you're watching.
« Last post by tp4tissue on Wed, 18 September 2024, 09:27:34 »

Tp4 would not design a Starship bridge that shoots fires from the walls.

Fohat would require that spaceships have seat belts.

The future is too reliant on inertial dampeners. A deadly mistake.
Off Topic / Re: What's Bothering You? (The thread about what is bothering you.)
« Last post by phinix on Wed, 18 September 2024, 09:27:10 »
Guv'ment cancelled my unemployment, and says I need to pay them back thousands

Meanwhile I am literally relying on that money just to make it through each week and be able to afford food while I search for a job. Not even enough to cover my full rent as well.

Life never ceases to fail me when I need help most. Is this it? Will this be the final time I'm unable to make things right, just to barely get by?

Find out in about 3 weeks, when I'm either homeless and stop posting here for a while, or my life once again gets a magic temporary bandaid at the very last moment.

Ya know what I am most sick of in my life? Thinking things cannot possibly become worse, that all I need to do is work hard and make things right, and then somehow things do in fact get much worse. My life really is a big ****ing joke. I hope someone's laughing.

Noise, move to Europe, its not your life, that country is a joke...
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