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don't change a thing honey bun
Off Topic / Re: What industries do people work in?
« Last post by Pyre on Fri, 31 May 2024, 19:58:43 »
 BA in the IT space for a bank... so fairly boring but at least the pay is good
Group Buys and Preorders / Re: [GB] Bowl X Gondo Compact Ergo
« Last post by HubertThemad on Fri, 31 May 2024, 19:54:58 »
Yup, this is something I definitely will not miss out on. Gonna have to decide between which color I'll get since they all look amazing. GLWGB and looking forward to fulfillment!
Other Geeky Stuff / Re: Games you are most looking forward to
« Last post by Pyre on Fri, 31 May 2024, 19:54:17 »
Wayward Realms, by the original dev team who made The Elder Scrolls: Arena and Daggerfall

That looks pretty neat - I've always been sad about what happened to the Elder Scrolls series once Skyrim hit, focus on style over substance in my opinion removed something that made it stand out, so if anyone could replicate that Daggerfall experience with a little less jankiness - it'd be great :D
Off Topic / Re: What did you do today?
« Last post by TomahawkLabs on Fri, 31 May 2024, 19:49:23 »
Met a woman on the plane the other day. She's flown from japan to the US for "work" to chk out some massage parlors. Like, it doesn't make much sense, Tp4 could only assume she's a human trafficker and supplies you-know to baddd places in the US.

Should Tp4 report her to the authorities?

She is only looking to better herself. It’s the people who brought her there that are the baddies.
geekhack Media / Re: Post your clacks!
« Last post by HoffmanMyster on Fri, 31 May 2024, 18:33:11 »
still best thread on internetz

u kno it bby :-*
Off Topic / Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Last post by TomahawkLabs on Fri, 31 May 2024, 18:29:02 »
I still have two concerns...

He was still treated with kid gloves the entire time and will he see jail.
If it was you or me, we'd have already been in jail, even Cohen who handled the money and took a deal over it did time for this and yet I won't be surprised if Trump just gets house arrest or something despite overwhelming evidence, a very quick guilty verdict on all counts and being a massive flight and security risk. There is no reason for him to not be locked up and yet I won't be surprised if they don't. I also won't be surprised if there's riots either way.

Regardless of sentence, expect an absolute insane amount of money to be thrown at the next New York Governor race in order to get a Republican elected so they can pardon him. It's a state charge, not federal, Biden can't pardon for it and people need to stop acting like he can.

Even you or I wouldn't get prison time for a first offense. He is a technical first time offender of non-violent crime, no guns, no drugs and is 70+ years old. Also he was convicted of fraud, but in this specific case there is nobody who was "scammed" or "defrauded" out of money. So the technical damage is "$0.00". HOWEVER, his flippant disregard for the safety of the jury, the judge's daughter, and the prosecution team will be weighted in the judge's sentencing.
It was 34 charges and no remorse.
It's not like "oops, sorry, my bad" it was "I did it, multiple times and I'll certainly do it again and you can't stop me!"

Also it may not have been monetary, but he was found guilty of election interference which should carry a harsh sentence. Were it Biden, Obama, Hunter or Hillary who did this he would be screaming for the death penalty. Oh wait, he already did that.

Oh I hope he is held accountable and for the punishment to fit the crime. I’m but a silly keyboard enthusiast who pays enough attention to US politics to know what’s going on, but not a lawyer who could confidently assess the case and other historical cases to attempt to venture the sentencing.
Off Topic / Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Last post by tp4tissue on Fri, 31 May 2024, 18:19:38 »
Hoping this stuff sticks.
Off Topic / Re: What did you do today?
« Last post by tp4tissue on Fri, 31 May 2024, 18:18:15 »
Met a woman on the plane the other day. She's flown from japan to the US for "work" to chk out some massage parlors. Like, it doesn't make much sense, Tp4 could only assume she's a human trafficker and supplies you-know to baddd places in the US.

Should Tp4 report her to the authorities?
Off Topic / Re: What did you do today?
« Last post by tp4tissue on Fri, 31 May 2024, 17:28:01 »
4 star hotels are crap.  3star and 2 star are way better and they usually include free breakfast .   5atar is just 3 star with better decor.  6-8 are for when you've stolen too much COVID relief money
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