Author Topic: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - GB is Canceled... for now.  (Read 47329 times)

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Offline Yuinth

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends
« Reply #50 on: Thu, 20 May 2021, 11:43:09 »
Love the inspiration and the colors. Hopefully you can make the 3 color novelty. GMK Hazakura also had 3 colors, I think 2 colors were double-shot and the 3rd one was printed.

Offline norb

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends
« Reply #51 on: Thu, 20 May 2021, 11:50:59 »
gmk olivia is the trash version of this.

Offline boneandbee

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends
« Reply #52 on: Thu, 20 May 2021, 12:12:22 »
As to the feasibility of the tricolor novelty, that could be doubleshot with a white legend with the flowers UV/pad printed after. Downside is that it adds a color of plastic to your novelties kit; you might be able to do the whole key in UV instead.
Yeah i'll have to look into which works best. I'd like to do it, but if it's going to cheapen the look or drastically raise the price of the kit, at least I have a backup 2 color option.

Offline boneandbee

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends
« Reply #53 on: Thu, 20 May 2021, 13:03:20 »
Not the kind of keeb aesthetic for me but I really appreciate how cute and well done this is looking!

Also, no second B anywhere?

F13 in the base kit please.

And the deskmats are so cute!

Kitting is a bit everywhere.

Iso needs to be redone, B and F13 in base please
Also consider adding 2.25u and 2u shifts in base, those are pretty crucial
You need a 1u bar for 3,1,3
Also no 1.25u, off center 6 or centered 6u bars. Although off-center is really needed, consider 1.25 and 6 centered for sure though.
Also consider 3 key 40s and a single r2 accent nov for accenting 40 percents

Otherwise GLWIC

I am a trash friend  I am The trash And the Friend. . .. .   Now it is time for the treeleaf's return to the Reality  of The Geek hack

There is no  F13 key  at all      And there is no extra B key for the  Fake-Ergonomic Alicelayout Users (It is not in the Base kit or the Spacebar kit)

Very cute set theme/color/novelties ALL OF IT!

I do agree w/ the previous comments about kitting however.


I love the colors and the theme.
The kitting needs a touch more work though, extra B and maybe an f13 on the base. And the spacebar kit isn't really complete. (basically I second most of the things other people previously said about the kitting)

No f13 and no 2nd b, other than that this seems nice.

Extra B and F13 in base please

Yes need these in the base kit

Also, I dig the colors

Extra B and F13 in base please

THANK YOU to everyone who chimed in about the 2nd B and F13 in the base kit. I'll be adding those! It won't happen immediately just because I want to hold out and collect as much kit data as I can in case additional changes need to be made and then I can do it all at once... but I'm hearing you all and truly appreciate your thoughtful feedback! <3

Offline Que7797

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends
« Reply #54 on: Thu, 20 May 2021, 13:22:46 »

With Fox having just wrapped up GB last month, and this being your third keycap IC this month this week holy crap, you may want to consider pacing so that you don't burn out or become overloaded

Wow, thats concerning to say the least.

Aw that's really nice of you - I appreciate the concern. I'm spacing all of the GBs out so I don't have anything running concurrently. Just trying to get my concepts out there, since I've had issues of putting in a ton of work on a set and then go to check ICs and it turns out that someone else did something too similar for me to move forward with it. Trying to avoid having that happen again.
Timing just so happened that although I've been working on all of the 3 sets I have in IC for quite a while, things started moving forward for them at the same time. I have a few more ICs I'll have ready for this year, at least 1. But I'm definitely pacing myself! :)

I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with a reasonable amount of IC's from a single designer, but it's not a good look. Granted, people have done it successfully, but there are also those who have put out terrible sets because of it. Its also related to another problem the community has with designers ICing a set simply to 'call dibs' on a combination of colors.

Not sure what the solution is, but its also becoming a larger responsibility for designers (especially those who want to run multiple sets) when doing their due diligence to not only be aware of previously run sets, but currently IC'd sets, instead of "putting in a ton of work on a set and then going to check ICs" as you say yourself.

Again, not sure what the solution is here, but it's worth considering at least.

Offline dRnRcRr

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends
« Reply #55 on: Thu, 20 May 2021, 15:23:05 »

With Fox having just wrapped up GB last month, and this being your third keycap IC this month this week holy crap, you may want to consider pacing so that you don't burn out or become overloaded

Wow, thats concerning to say the least.

Aw that's really nice of you - I appreciate the concern. I'm spacing all of the GBs out so I don't have anything running concurrently. Just trying to get my concepts out there, since I've had issues of putting in a ton of work on a set and then go to check ICs and it turns out that someone else did something too similar for me to move forward with it. Trying to avoid having that happen again.
Timing just so happened that although I've been working on all of the 3 sets I have in IC for quite a while, things started moving forward for them at the same time. I have a few more ICs I'll have ready for this year, at least 1. But I'm definitely pacing myself! :)

I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with a reasonable amount of IC's from a single designer, but it's not a good look. Granted, people have done it successfully, but there are also those who have put out terrible sets because of it. Its also related to another problem the community has with designers ICing a set simply to 'call dibs' on a combination of colors.

Not sure what the solution is, but its also becoming a larger responsibility for designers (especially those who want to run multiple sets) when doing their due diligence to not only be aware of previously run sets, but currently IC'd sets, instead of "putting in a ton of work on a set and then going to check ICs" as you say yourself.

Again, not sure what the solution is here, but it's worth considering at least.
I think you're assuming a lot here no offense. I don't know why you think its concerning.   She has an idea and would like to share it.   That's all.


Offline boneandbee

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends
« Reply #56 on: Thu, 20 May 2021, 16:50:51 »

With Fox having just wrapped up GB last month, and this being your third keycap IC this month this week holy crap, you may want to consider pacing so that you don't burn out or become overloaded

Wow, thats concerning to say the least.

Aw that's really nice of you - I appreciate the concern. I'm spacing all of the GBs out so I don't have anything running concurrently. Just trying to get my concepts out there, since I've had issues of putting in a ton of work on a set and then go to check ICs and it turns out that someone else did something too similar for me to move forward with it. Trying to avoid having that happen again.
Timing just so happened that although I've been working on all of the 3 sets I have in IC for quite a while, things started moving forward for them at the same time. I have a few more ICs I'll have ready for this year, at least 1. But I'm definitely pacing myself! :)

I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with a reasonable amount of IC's from a single designer, but it's not a good look. Granted, people have done it successfully, but there are also those who have put out terrible sets because of it. Its also related to another problem the community has with designers ICing a set simply to 'call dibs' on a combination of colors.

Not sure what the solution is, but its also becoming a larger responsibility for designers (especially those who want to run multiple sets) when doing their due diligence to not only be aware of previously run sets, but currently IC'd sets, instead of "putting in a ton of work on a set and then going to check ICs" as you say yourself.

Again, not sure what the solution is here, but it's worth considering at least.

I'm not exactly sure where comments like this are coming from and they're honestly very troubling, not to mention taking several liberties with assumptions about me, my life, and my capabilities. I have been working on all three of the sets I posted this past week for MONTHS (like literally this time last year), and as I said in my response that you quoted, it just so happened that the ball really started rolling on them at the same time. All of the sets had US vendors before I even IC'd them because I'd been tossing the ideas around with those vendors as I worked on fleshing them out. I also have been doing my due diligence during the entire process and i apologize if my wording maybe coming across badly when I said that i work on a set "and then check ICs," but I check regularly and engage regularly. In fact, my Freyja set was changed once as to not be too close to something that came out during the process, not at the end. I have a ton of ideas, am very passionate about the concepts, making art for the masses, and being able to give back and do some good in the world. I found an outlet that I believe to be super productive am hustling to provide sets that i don't just think the community would like, but I would like too. I'm not just going to toss sub par material out there, and frankly it's offensive that you assume that's what I'm doing. TBH if the only criticism you have on the set is that you think i have too many out, just keep scrolling and pass on by.

Offline Extra Fox

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends
« Reply #57 on: Thu, 20 May 2021, 20:26:04 »
I get the impression that some people in this hobby forget that it's supposed to be fun.
Personally, I believe if you've got ideas racing to get out of your brain, let 'em fly. More power to you!
« Last Edit: Thu, 20 May 2021, 20:30:20 by Extra Fox »

Offline eibbun

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends
« Reply #58 on: Thu, 20 May 2021, 21:20:07 »
i clicked on the name not sure what i was expecting... but the novelties are so flipping cute

Offline boneandbee

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends
« Reply #59 on: Fri, 21 May 2021, 11:42:09 »
i clicked on the name not sure what i was expecting... but the novelties are so flipping cute
Thank you! :) I had raccoon high-fives and the A-Team theme music playing in my head when i named the set haha

Offline boneandbee

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All vendors announced, base and novelty kits updated!
If you didn't see a kit update you really want, please fill out the feedback form. I am heavily relying on that for what people are looking for! :)

Offline Mr Chrome

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Came for the name, stayed for the... well, all of it.
“This plastic rectangle is alright. The plastic rectangles on top of it, though...”

Offline holer

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Like the colors, I like the theme, the kitting suits my needs, has an European vendor - yea I'm getting this  :D

Offline itsazly

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Oh my. How did I miss this?! Forbidden pets forever.

Offline dxxbox

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I like it, really do. Icons are cute, how about also adding their name? For example: "Control" => "Raccoons"; "Alt" => "Squirrels" and "Shift" => "Opossums"

Offline Flazion

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This is super unique and cute!

Offline 0hh.Hello

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I am consistently immediately drawn to sets that have those warm beige/taupe alphas and this is no different. The whole color way is beautiful! Definitely keeping an eye on this set!

Offline DJd34d1

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If nothing else, I need these deskmats made!!!! Pwty pweeez!!!!! Those novelties are pretty perfect too but I'm not a cherry user. If this makes it to KAT or SA then we'll talk about me getting the actual cap set.

Offline boneandbee

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - Final (?) Kitting updates!
« Reply #68 on: Thu, 26 August 2021, 11:38:14 »
Kitting updates added!

Offline nvh2092

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - Final (?) Kitting updates!
« Reply #69 on: Thu, 26 August 2021, 16:11:55 »
Kitting updates added!
Feedback about the updated kitting:
_ Base kit: please change f13 to mod color to be consistent with color sequence after F12. Also, Please change the 2 alpha keys of iso support to: R3 1u "\|" and R4 1u "<>" for basic ISO aka iso usa.
_ Novelty kit: if you only have one novelty for iso enter, please make it an accent one.

Offline XiXora

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - Final (?) Kitting updates!
« Reply #70 on: Thu, 26 August 2021, 17:06:40 »
I agree with above comment, R3 [|\] and R4 [><] would be an actual ISO layout.

I'd also add a 1U space for the SB kit for 3-1-3 splits.

Offline JQ27

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - Final (?) Kitting updates!
« Reply #71 on: Thu, 26 August 2021, 17:50:07 »
Am I imagining things or did UK-ISO get the chop?

Offline audax989

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - Final (?) Kitting updates!
« Reply #72 on: Thu, 26 August 2021, 20:06:04 »
love the theme on this one.

Offline Dotnick

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - Final (?) Kitting updates!
« Reply #73 on: Thu, 26 August 2021, 20:39:58 »
Please consider adding a 2.25U shift for 660 layouts and an R1 equals key for split (+) numpad users.

Offline Butterbeer

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - Final (?) Kitting updates!
« Reply #74 on: Tue, 05 October 2021, 20:59:09 »
Any updates for GMK Trash Friends?

Offline vishydesigns

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - Final (?) Kitting updates!
« Reply #75 on: Tue, 05 October 2021, 21:12:36 »
consider leaving just terminal iso in the base kit and adding 3 key 40s to the base if price is too much, split numpad.

Offline krugerlive

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - Final (?) Kitting updates!
« Reply #76 on: Fri, 15 October 2021, 10:26:23 »
Just learned about this set from the Cannon Keys newsletter and I'm so excited.  This is such a great and fun theme and the set is really well done.  Nice work!  Can't wait for GB!

Offline Coquelox18

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - Final (?) Kitting updates!
« Reply #77 on: Sat, 16 October 2021, 02:28:56 »
very cute :-*

Offline Chedend

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - Final (?) Kitting updates!
« Reply #78 on: Sat, 16 October 2021, 04:19:32 »
oh wow the colors are so cute

Offline vishydesigns

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - Final (?) Kitting updates!
« Reply #79 on: Sat, 16 October 2021, 22:07:08 »
kitting could be improved but set looks great overall, consider adding another 2.25u shift, 2u shift, and consider at least adding full terminal iso support, if not uk iso. Finally, it would be a good idea if your not going to include 40s to include 3 key 40s in base.

Offline Qwapa

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - Final (?) Kitting updates!
« Reply #80 on: Tue, 19 October 2021, 21:16:47 »
I caught a posssum!

Offline HappyB0T

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - Final (?) Kitting updates!
« Reply #81 on: Wed, 20 October 2021, 03:20:19 »
I love animals, I love pink, I love brown. Theme is incredible but these colors aren't vibing for me together. Glad people like your set.
Base kit nice.
« Last Edit: Wed, 20 October 2021, 03:22:06 by HappyB0T »

Offline boneandbee

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - GB Date Announcement (IT'S SOON) and US Pricing
« Reply #82 on: Mon, 15 November 2021, 12:50:18 »
OK, so so sorry for the delay! Just got GB date locked in and yeah - it's FAST. Pricing is updated, and Salvun is added to the collab roster.

Offline ManiacMarc

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - GB Date Announcement (IT'S SOON) and US Pricing
« Reply #83 on: Tue, 16 November 2021, 00:08:52 »
Is there a pic of the Salvun cap?

Offline oilpapers

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - GB Date Announcement (IT'S SOON) and US Pricing
« Reply #84 on: Tue, 16 November 2021, 05:20:46 »
Adorable set idea, I love this - I don't know if I can manage a keycap set but the <3! deskmat is an instant yes.

Offline JQ27

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - GB Date Announcement (IT'S SOON) and US Pricing
« Reply #85 on: Tue, 16 November 2021, 06:07:38 »
Considering UK-ISO got chopped if I recall. Can Terminal ISO get fixed?

Offline kukkurovaca

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - GB Date Announcement (IT'S SOON) and US Pricing
« Reply #86 on: Tue, 16 November 2021, 13:53:29 »
Also interested in the Salvun cap. And are any other artisan collabs planned? Seems like there's a ton of potential.

Offline boneandbee

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - GB Date Announcement (IT'S SOON) and US Pricing
« Reply #87 on: Tue, 16 November 2021, 19:36:22 »
Is there a pic of the Salvun cap?
Not yet - it will likely be a render as I'm not sure the proto will be done in time for the GB, but i'll post that as soon as I have it.

Offline madrone

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - GB Date Announcement (IT'S SOON) and US Pricing
« Reply #88 on: Wed, 17 November 2021, 00:51:00 »
These desk mats are the greatest <3

Offline NoPunIn10Did

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - GB Date Announcement (IT'S SOON) and US Pricing
« Reply #89 on: Wed, 17 November 2021, 06:26:14 »
F13 should be mod-colored.

Offline boneandbee

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - GB Date Announcement (IT'S SOON) and US Pricing
« Reply #90 on: Mon, 22 November 2021, 14:42:45 »
These desk mats are the greatest <3
Thank you! <3

Offline boneandbee

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - GB Date Announcement (IT'S SOON) and US Pricing
« Reply #91 on: Mon, 22 November 2021, 14:43:26 »
F13 should be mod-colored.
Thank you for the feedback! Confirmed it's not too late to update and i'll make that change ASAP. Thanks again!!
« Last Edit: Mon, 22 November 2021, 14:54:11 by boneandbee »

Offline boneandbee

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - GB Date Announcement (IT'S SOON) and US Pricing
« Reply #92 on: Mon, 22 November 2021, 14:54:58 »
Also interested in the Salvun cap. And are any other artisan collabs planned? Seems like there's a ton of potential.
Doing a collab with Luxe Cables!

Offline shendoo

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - GB Date Announcement (IT'S SOON) and US Pricing
« Reply #93 on: Mon, 22 November 2021, 14:59:30 »
Really digging the set ! Although I hate most garbage friends lol

Offline boneandbee

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - GB Date Announcement (IT'S SOON) and US Pricing
« Reply #94 on: Mon, 22 November 2021, 15:09:42 »
Really digging the set ! Although I hate most garbage friends lol
Some of them can be total jerks. There is a reason no rats or pigeons were included  :))

Offline boneandbee

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - GB Date Announcement (IT'S SOON) and US Pricing
« Reply #95 on: Mon, 22 November 2021, 16:39:52 »
F13 should be mod-colored.
F13 updated. I very much appreciate your feedback!

Offline boneandbee

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - GB TOMORROW 12/1/21!! + Collab Pics
« Reply #96 on: Tue, 30 November 2021, 14:40:06 »
EEEEEK GB starts tomorrow 12/1!! I added collab pics and some of the vendor pricing to the IC too! :)

Offline boneandbee

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - GB is Canceled... for now.
« Reply #97 on: Thu, 16 December 2021, 21:48:28 »
Hey everyone! GB is being canceled - Current details are in the update. I plan on continuing the project in the future so feel free to continue sending feedback :)
Thank you to everyone for their support! Have a great rest of the year <3

Offline arvindvma

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Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - GB is Canceled... for now.
« Reply #98 on: Fri, 17 December 2021, 01:30:11 »
It sucks. That Salvun is adorable. Hoping that you bring it back along with the rest of the set.


  • Posts: 330
Re: (IC) GMK Trash Friends - GB is Canceled... for now.
« Reply #99 on: Fri, 17 December 2021, 08:20:24 »
Hey I really liked trash friends and I’m sorry to see it getting canceled (for now)

A word of advice, PLEASE advertise your set more when you run it again. If you search GMK trash friends on Reddit the only two relevant posts are the gb announcement in r/mechgroupbuys and somebody mentioning it being refunded in r/mk. As the designer/group buy runner marketing is super important and Reddit post really do help with sales.

Best of luck!