It must be extremely confusing for newbies reading rants about how the earliest Model Ms are great and that after about 1987 they became inferior, and that brand new Unicomps with modern colors and native USB are garbage, yet they all seem to sell in a relatively similar and narrow price band...
The only rational solution is to have one of each, right? Then you don't have to guess or take other peeps's words for it.
Why wouldn't an early M in good condition be worth twice the selling price of a new Unicomp, they might ask?
Because the Unicomp:
(1.) Is NIB (vintage M's clean up great, but it's not quite the same, and some peeps are picky about that)
(2.) Is black (for those who find "pearl" too dated)
(3.) Is USB-ready
(4.) Is warrantied
(5.) Has a creaky case (well,
somebody must consider that a feature)
(6.) Is the last keeb of any kind still made in the USA, by nice people running a small, dedicated business out of its gloriously original location, who couldn't stand to see the computer industry's clickiest-clackiest keyboard production line shut down forever (can ya blame 'em?) and who've pulled off the miracle of producing genuine buckling-spring keebs,
domestically, for less than most imported MKs with comparatively wimpy switches.
(7.) Would no doubt be endorsed by Natalie Portman, if she knew about them. (Someone should tell her.)