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No more weeb sets
Quote from: BapoDonu on Wed, 10 March 2021, 17:10:15No more weeb setsomg that's SOOOO funny because you're the op and YOU made this weeb set! xDD
Pad printed sub legends?
i agree
umm... what ??
mess with the ****posters get the treeleaf
Looks like ****. GLWIC
Quote from: BapoDonu on Wed, 10 March 2021, 17:10:15No more weeb setsNo, more weeb sets
the first keys that will be removed are mod pipe and tilde
Quotethe first keys that will be removed are mod pipe and tildeMod Tilde is important to Tsangan layout, don't cut it.
Pad printing or UV printing?Also those sublegends are near impossible to see.