DCS Pink Alert
Welcome to the Pink Alert IC, a set idea I had whilst getting zooted on the balcony one time and thought to myself "Damn, I really want that to exist". Now that you know where you are, lets get into it shall we?
DCS Red Alert is one of my favourite sets of all time and pastel pink is one of my favourite colors. So why not combine them?
IC FormOnce you've had a gander at what Pink Alert has to offer for now, it'd be much appreciated if you could take a few minutes to fill the IC Form above so I know what you guys would like to see change.
KitsKeep in mind renders are not to be used as exact color reference as they are not representative of how the set will look in real life.
All kits rendered by Paul
MX / Alps Base KitThis kit will be offered in both MX and Alps variants
Numpad Kit Extra Chonky to support both styles for this set. As well as being usable on a standalone numpad
Alt Mod KitFor those feeling a little extra spicy
Femboy KitFor those who know size doesn't matter
Relegendable KitOnly MX for now, if you'd like to see an Alps variant for this, fill out the IC form!!!
Spacebar KitPretty self-explanatory
Bulge Kit
10u spacebar for those who like showing off their package
Enye KitHonestly this is just for me and my homies in the Spanish-speaking communities
Board RendersThese are purely to help you visualise the set on a keyboard. Do NOT use these for color reference
Renders by Paul
Pepper by yoot

W1-AT by Geonworks

6xx by Paul

6xx by Paul

Pegaso by Alessio (Me)

Routemaster by Ash
Pink Q-Row being added to revised Femboy kit

Frog TKL by Geonworks
Color SamplesColor Samples finally here. These are a good way to get a rough idea of how the pink should actually look like IRL.
These pictures are taken in natural daylight in front of my open window. Lighting has a massive impact on colors, so keep in mind that shade of pink may contrast under your desklamp at 3AM
. In the picture: SP Color Chips (RCS & WFK), MG1 GMK Color Sample, ePBT Blank Pink 1u (Pantone 189c), GMK Noel Accent Enter, Two pink frogs from the Lego Bonsai, TTC Gold Pink v3, JWK Pinoko, Gateron Pink, DCS Red Alert R3 Caps (RDD &WFK) Camera: Canon M50 w/Sigma 105mm Macro Lens
Pictures edited in lightroom for accuracy on a 2021 MBP Screen
There's countless pastel pink deskmats available on the market. I don't feel there's a need to add another to that list, lets focus on what really matters here
General Information
Manufacturer: Signature Plastics a.k.a PimpMyKeyboard
Profile: DCS (1-1-2-3-4-4)
Material: Doubleshot ABS
Colors: SP Stock RCS (Pink) & WFK (White)
GB Date: Q2 2022 (Subject to change)
Lead time: 6~ months (Subject to change)
Vendors & Pricing
Pricing - Target pricing will be provided within a couple weeks of posting this IC. This is so that I may more accurately estimate what a realistic MOQ is for the set.
DCS: Aside from the relatively short lead times, I genuinely love the profile and typing feel of these keycaps. For those who are still stuck on the mindset that thin keycaps are inherently bad, I would argue that's only the case when it's paired with the low quality materials and OEM-tier manufacturing processes those are typically made with. The thinness of ABS DCS attributes to less dampening of switch feedback, even going as far as making tactiles feel more tactile due to this effect. Moreover the unique "chirpy" / thin sound profile, albeit polarising, further adds to what makes me and many others love it. ABS: Not only is DCS PBT far more expensive than ABS DCS and thicker (thus losing a part of what I love about thin DCS), it's also just not possible for this design due to the white on pink keycaps as they require reverse dye-sublimation; which Signature Plastics can't do as of yet.Wyse Legends: I personally enjoy the unique aesthetic this font provides and think it works well with the profile. I understand there are those who may prefer I use Cherry legends but this will not be a possibility for this set. If this is a dealbreaker for you, there are plenty of other wonderful sets that make use of great pastel pinks
This kitting: The kits you see above have been carefully thought out, taking into consideration all the sage advice provided from friends and wise community members alike. To reiterate - if you have any suggestions or criticisms that you believe may help improve the set, please do not hold back! Fill out the IC form and voice your opinion in this thread.
Updates & Changelog
18/02/2022- Color Sample Pictures Posted
- Render on a 40% Posted
19/02/2022- Femboy Kit Updated
-Added Pink Q-Row
- Numpad Kit Updated
-Added 4 R1 White Relegendables to allow for independent usage of this kit with standalone numpads.
-Removed 1u = keys
Paul (paulgali / baul) - Without this man, this set would not exist. I owe it entirely to him for putting up with my annoying ass and explaining how **** works, as well as being a good little render slave. Thank you, sincerely. All my homies across all the communities I'm active in who believed in the set from day 1. You know who you are <3Fooblitzky - for making and open sourcing these wonderful DCS models.40s Discord - for making my 40s kit into something usable.Hetpet - for being the femboy secretary who aided me with emotional support.
DiscordTo stay updated on the progress of this set as soon as anything happens, join my Discord. I am most active on this platform so it's also the best way to contact me for anything
SignatureIf you'd like to fully support this set, consider adding this Signature to your profile
Thanks! [url=https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=116286.0][img width=290 height=120]https://i.imgur.com/vGVaHZJ.png[/img][/url]