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Keyboards / Re: Filco keyboard - modding project
« Last post by Leslieann on Fri, 17 January 2025, 20:59:26 »
I could see damage possible if pushing 5v into a data port. Quick google says red = positive, black = negative, white = data +, and green = data -.
Correct, so long and red and black are correct nothing will happen except a warning saying unknown USB device.
Off Topic / Re: Gaming PC Parts discussion thread.
« Last post by Leslieann on Fri, 17 January 2025, 20:57:00 »
I think having a standardization of exposed GPU faces to allow the GPU to grab ambient air is the solution.
That was how the NCase N1 works, except it's sucking from underneath, giving a buffer on the noise compared to sucking from the front and it didn't require any extension or anything.
Off Topic / Re: Severance
« Last post by tp4tissue on Fri, 17 January 2025, 20:17:39 »
This is basically real life. Modern corporate work culture is exactly as represented in the show.

They pay you a salary, what's not said up-front is we're then also signed up to the blind allegiance towards the imperialist structure.

If my company makes bombs for israel so they can genocide the palestinians, so be it. I have to feed my kids, who will also sell their souls into the same machine.  To work for the company or country, is then identical to removing pieces of yourself, your virtues, your empathy, your capacity for love.

Exactly like the show.
Off Topic / Re: Random picture thread! SFW ONLY
« Last post by fohat.digs on Fri, 17 January 2025, 20:17:36 »
Not about keyboards, politics, or global warming - for a change.

Off Topic / Re: Severance
« Last post by fohat.digs on Fri, 17 January 2025, 20:12:10 »
I saw Season 1 - creepy AF!

But I will have to find out what happens, after that extremely compelling cliffhanger.

Now that I have had a few years to binge on multiple "back issues" that I never caught the first time 'round, having to wait a week between "fixes" seems so so 20th century.
Off Topic / Re: Severance
« Last post by phinix on Fri, 17 January 2025, 19:34:34 »
If you haven't watched it, I highly recommend it!

If you are intrigued by those computers and those keyboards - those ones are nice replicas of old computer - Data General 6053 terminal, or Dasher D2.

Off Topic / Severance
« Last post by phinix on Fri, 17 January 2025, 19:31:33 »
Just watched 1st episode of 2nd season. This is really good show, one of my favourites.

Other Geeky Stuff / Re: What video games are you currently playing?
« Last post by noisyturtle on Fri, 17 January 2025, 17:36:04 »
Doom eternal, too much or too little platforming? Thoughts.
You ever played the Yakuza games? Think they'd be right up your street.

On the to play list.

Infinite Wealth is a very good game. After the first 2 hours of setting up the story(yeah, it takes that long for every Yakuza game) the game basically turns into like 75 different mini games that are all quite fun and easy to get sidetracked with for a week.

I think Yakuza games get better and better as they lean more into ridiculousness and absurdity. 
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] Milkyway - PANCOON
« Last post by dvorcol on Fri, 17 January 2025, 17:17:49 »
This set is now in stock at proto[Typist] -

Perhaps some other vendors too?
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] GMK ADA revamp
« Last post by Kuj0 on Fri, 17 January 2025, 16:24:36 »
The only thing missing is a killer set of novelties. I love the color scheme, but for me what makes a purchasing decision a no brainer is a solid theme that carries through to the novs as well.

Considering her life and history, some ideas that come to mind would be:
  • Birds
  • Paper/Wax wings
    • Bernoulli numbers
    • A simplified icon of Babbage's analytical engine
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