Author Topic: Clueboard 66% PCB - Pre-soldered Underlight Available!  (Read 221367 times)

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Offline redbanshee

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #100 on: Wed, 23 March 2016, 10:42:38 »
Oh man I might have to get in on another one of these now that there's purple case colors and underlighting support...will go perfect with purple JTK and zealios. How many RGB LEDs need to be soldered on? Are resistors needed too?

The back lighting is achieved with a WS2812B LED strip on the v1.0 clueboard pcb. Im not completely sure (as ive only done an 8 LED strip) if you can do more then 8 without it effecting the brightness, but I think that the more LEDs you add, the dimmer it will be overall. Someone correct me if im wrong...

« Last Edit: Wed, 23 March 2016, 11:49:39 by redbanshee »

Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #101 on: Wed, 23 March 2016, 10:43:00 »
Skully! Any chance you could send some smds in my fulfillment  and/or possibly transparent middle acrylic pieces - I'd gladly pay!

Offline JaccoW

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #102 on: Wed, 23 March 2016, 11:09:34 »
Are the LEDs controllable or do they just cycle?
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Offline redbanshee

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #103 on: Wed, 23 March 2016, 11:12:19 »
Are the LEDs controllable or do they just cycle?

100% controllable, with multiple effects/brightness/hue/saturation control

Offline yinzer

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #104 on: Wed, 23 March 2016, 11:12:43 »
Are the LEDs controllable or do they just cycle?

Oh man I might have to get in on another one of these now that there's purple case colors and underlighting support...will go perfect with purple JTK and zealios. How many RGB LEDs need to be soldered on? Are resistors needed too?

The back lighting is achieved with a WS2812B LED strip. Im not completely sure (as ive only done an 8 LED strip) if you can do more then 8 without it effecting the brightness, but I think that the more LEDs you add, the dimmer it will be overall. Someone correct me if im wrong...

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I'd definitely like to work this into my build. Same question as Jacco, but I mainly want to be able to turn them off from the keyboard.

Also, redbanshee, can you point to a good guide on how to install these? I've never worked with LED strips and I'd like to study up so I can minimize how much I'm wrecking that pretty white board.

Offline redbanshee

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #105 on: Wed, 23 March 2016, 11:20:01 »
Are the LEDs controllable or do they just cycle?

Oh man I might have to get in on another one of these now that there's purple case colors and underlighting support...will go perfect with purple JTK and zealios. How many RGB LEDs need to be soldered on? Are resistors needed too?

The back lighting is achieved with a WS2812B LED strip. Im not completely sure (as ive only done an 8 LED strip) if you can do more then 8 without it effecting the brightness, but I think that the more LEDs you add, the dimmer it will be overall. Someone correct me if im wrong...

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I'd definitely like to work this into my build. Same question as Jacco, but I mainly want to be able to turn them off from the keyboard.

Also, redbanshee, can you point to a good guide on how to install these? I've never worked with LED strips and I'd like to study up so I can minimize how much I'm wrecking that pretty white board.

There is no guide.... yet. I me and skully just got it working last night  :D

I can do a fast write up on how to get it done once I completely finalize my firmware, I still have some issues to work out in the firmware itself before letting you guys at it. Skully will probably write his own guide eventually for the v2.0 pcb rgb install.

Those pics are of my modded clueboard v1.0 FYI... it should be easier to add this to a v2.0 clueboard
« Last Edit: Wed, 23 March 2016, 11:52:22 by redbanshee »

Offline JaccoW

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #106 on: Wed, 23 March 2016, 11:20:56 »
Are the LEDs controllable or do they just cycle?

100% controllable, with multiple effects/brightness/hue/saturation control
That sounds pretty sweet. :thumb:
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Offline yinzer

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #107 on: Wed, 23 March 2016, 11:29:17 »
Are the LEDs controllable or do they just cycle?

Oh man I might have to get in on another one of these now that there's purple case colors and underlighting support...will go perfect with purple JTK and zealios. How many RGB LEDs need to be soldered on? Are resistors needed too?

The back lighting is achieved with a WS2812B LED strip. Im not completely sure (as ive only done an 8 LED strip) if you can do more then 8 without it effecting the brightness, but I think that the more LEDs you add, the dimmer it will be overall. Someone correct me if im wrong...

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I'd definitely like to work this into my build. Same question as Jacco, but I mainly want to be able to turn them off from the keyboard.

Also, redbanshee, can you point to a good guide on how to install these? I've never worked with LED strips and I'd like to study up so I can minimize how much I'm wrecking that pretty white board.

There is no guide.... yet. I me and skully just got it working last night  :D

I can do a fast write up on how to get it done once I completely finalize my firmware, I still have some issues to work out in the firmware itself before letting you guys at it. Skully will probably write his own guide eventually for the v2.0 pcb rgb strip install.

Those pics are of my modded clueboard v1.0 FYI... it should be easier to add this to a v2.0 clueboard

Sounds good! Any chance you might be willing to throw up a shopping list so we can have things on hand for when that time comes? Or is just the LED strip that Skully linked and some resistors?

Offline redbanshee

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #108 on: Wed, 23 March 2016, 11:37:12 »

Sounds good! Any chance you might be willing to throw up a shopping list so we can have things on hand for when that time comes? Or is just the LED strip that Skully linked and some resistors?

All you need is a WS2812B strip and some wire to mod a V1.0 clueboard. The WS2812B strips come with resistors pre-soldered and they come in coated (waterproof) and uncoated variations. Either variation will work but I recommend the uncoated version.

let me ebay that for you:
« Last Edit: Wed, 23 March 2016, 11:49:00 by redbanshee »

Offline skullydazed

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #109 on: Wed, 23 March 2016, 11:46:06 »
Do the Acrylic case metal plate also fit the regular FC660m/Varmillo case

No, the acrylic case metal plate is wider and has screw holes to interface with the rest of the acrylic plate. You can't swap between the cases that way.

Skully! Any chance you could send some smds in my fulfillment  and/or possibly transparent middle acrylic pieces - I'd gladly pay!

Not yet, I'm working on a bulk order of WS2812B's. In the meantime just grab 2 of these:

Oh man I might have to get in on another one of these now that there's purple case colors and underlighting support...will go perfect with purple JTK and zealios. How many RGB LEDs need to be soldered on? Are resistors needed too?

You'll need 14 of these:

No other parts are needed, the necessary caps for those LED's are already included on the PCB.

Are the LEDs controllable or do they just cycle?

Oh man I might have to get in on another one of these now that there's purple case colors and underlighting support...will go perfect with purple JTK and zealios. How many RGB LEDs need to be soldered on? Are resistors needed too?

The back lighting is achieved with a WS2812B LED strip. Im not completely sure (as ive only done an 8 LED strip) if you can do more then 8 without it effecting the brightness, but I think that the more LEDs you add, the dimmer it will be overall. Someone correct me if im wrong...

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I'd definitely like to work this into my build. Same question as Jacco, but I mainly want to be able to turn them off from the keyboard.

Also, redbanshee, can you point to a good guide on how to install these? I've never worked with LED strips and I'd like to study up so I can minimize how much I'm wrecking that pretty white board.

On the Clueboard 2.0 you use bare WS2812B's, not the strip. You can grab the right part here:

I'm working on a video tutorial, but essentially you just set the LED on the pad, make sure the corner with a line matches the corner with a line on the PCB's silkscreen, and then touch a hot soldering iron to each pad to make the connection. It's the easiest SMD soldering job ever.

Sounds good! Any chance you might be willing to throw up a shopping list so we can have things on hand for when that time comes? Or is just the LED strip that Skully linked and some resistors?

The shopping list is easy, just order 2 of these:

No other components are necessary.

Are the LEDs controllable or do they just cycle?

They're fully controllable.

All you need is a WS2812B strip and some wire. The WS2812B strips come with resistors pre-soldered and they come in coated (waterproof) and uncoated variations. Either variation will work but I recommend the uncoated version.

The LED strip is only needed for Clueboard 1.0 users. If you have a 2.0 PCB you will need to order 2 of these:

Offline redbanshee

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #110 on: Wed, 23 March 2016, 11:48:17 »
Oh dang my bad, thought the 2.0 was with strips! Sorry! Edited my other posts to reflect the clueboard v1.0 pcb
« Last Edit: Wed, 23 March 2016, 11:51:13 by redbanshee »

Offline yinzer

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #111 on: Wed, 23 March 2016, 11:55:06 »
For you folks getting the v2.0 PCB ... there are only 16 of those strips left on Sparkfun .. I'd be surprised if they didn't restock soon, but if you're really geeked about getting that under-light, I'd move on these.  ;)

Offline cheddarbek

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #112 on: Wed, 23 March 2016, 22:27:23 »
Got my shipping notification today. Can't wait for the board to arrive.
The Alps cover 65% of Switzerland's surface area (41,285 km˛), making it one of the most alpine countries. Despite the fact that Switzerland covers only 14% of the Alps total area (192,753 km˛),[2][3] many alpine four-thousanders (48 of 82) are located in the Swiss Alps and practically all of the remaining few are within 20 km of the country's border.

Offline Butter

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #113 on: Wed, 23 March 2016, 22:59:10 »
Any plan for in switches LED?

Offline skullydazed

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #114 on: Thu, 24 March 2016, 01:53:41 »
Any plan for in switches LED?

Eventually yes. For now I'm focusing on the current clueboard and the numpad.

Offline Wannabe

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #115 on: Thu, 24 March 2016, 08:53:33 »
Just placed my order for my second clueboard! I got burned hard on Ivan's RedScarf GB, but now I can complete my dream of a small form factor purple board with underlighting without having to resort to Winkeyless or GON.  Clueboard 1.0 was perfect for building my MX Clears board. Really excited to build with the new pcb and hopefully create my endgame board.
I liek keyboards

Offline cheddarbek

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #116 on: Thu, 24 March 2016, 21:00:12 »

Just placed my order for my second clueboard! I got burned hard on Ivan's RedScarf GB, but now I can complete my dream of a small form factor purple board with underlighting without having to resort to Winkeyless or GON.  Clueboard 1.0 was perfect for building my MX Clears board. Really excited to build with the new pcb and hopefully create my endgame board.

Silly silly. There is no endgame.
The Alps cover 65% of Switzerland's surface area (41,285 km˛), making it one of the most alpine countries. Despite the fact that Switzerland covers only 14% of the Alps total area (192,753 km˛),[2][3] many alpine four-thousanders (48 of 82) are located in the Swiss Alps and practically all of the remaining few are within 20 km of the country's border.

Offline StormyMonday

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #117 on: Thu, 24 March 2016, 22:52:18 »

Just placed my order for my second clueboard! I got burned hard on Ivan's RedScarf GB, but now I can complete my dream of a small form factor purple board with underlighting without having to resort to Winkeyless or GON.  Clueboard 1.0 was perfect for building my MX Clears board. Really excited to build with the new pcb and hopefully create my endgame board.

Silly silly. There is no endgame.


Offline Wannabe

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #118 on: Fri, 25 March 2016, 08:06:21 »

Just placed my order for my second clueboard! I got burned hard on Ivan's RedScarf GB, but now I can complete my dream of a small form factor purple board with underlighting without having to resort to Winkeyless or GON.  Clueboard 1.0 was perfect for building my MX Clears board. Really excited to build with the new pcb and hopefully create my endgame board.

Silly silly. There is no endgame.

Shhhhhhh. Let me and my wallet pretend!
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Offline yinzer

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #119 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 14:28:24 »
With all of the options for bottom rows and the holes for the stabilizers for the space bar, I'm having a hard time keeping firmly in the board. It'll just slide out or shift to one of the joining holes.

Any tips for keeping it in place? I'm looking to do a standard bottom row.

Offline njbair

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #120 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 14:32:26 »
What can you do with i2c support? Sounds interesting.

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Offline skullydazed

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #121 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 15:37:05 »
With all of the options for bottom rows and the holes for the stabilizers for the space bar, I'm having a hard time keeping firmly in the board. It'll just slide out or shift to one of the joining holes.

Any tips for keeping it in place? I'm looking to do a standard bottom row.

There are two options that seem to work well. The first is to use a dab of hot glue, although you want to be very sure you're in the correct set of holes. The second is to insert a toothpick or two into the hole to force the clip to stay "wide" in the hole.

Thanks for bringing this point up, I need to document that on my support section.

Offline skullydazed

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #122 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 15:49:21 »
What can you do with i2c support? Sounds interesting.

In short you can talk to other hardware.

For example, I've been eyeing this screen. Using i2c you could display information, like your current layer or the RGB mode for underlighting.

Or how about Bluetooth? It wouldn't be as straightforward as it is on the planck, but you could use i2c to add a bluetooth module to your clueboard.

You can even violate patents! it would be really easy to design a PCB that sits below the Clueboard PCB and shines LED's up through the switch holes, using i2c to talk to the MCU on that board. That way you could control the backlighting from your keyboard.

Offline njbair

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #123 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 16:57:58 »
What can you do with i2c support? Sounds interesting.

In short you can talk to other hardware.

For example, I've been eyeing this screen. Using i2c you could display information, like your current layer or the RGB mode for underlighting.

Or how about Bluetooth? It wouldn't be as straightforward as it is on the planck, but you could use i2c to add a bluetooth module to your clueboard.

You can even violate patents! it would be really easy to design a PCB that sits below the Clueboard PCB and shines LED's up through the switch holes, using i2c to talk to the MCU on that board. That way you could control the backlighting from your keyboard.
I'm somewhat familiar with serial protocol, and I've done some serial stuff with Arduino, but I wasn't sure what the particular application would be in this case. The screen idea is a good one. I've been thinking about ways to indicate layer states, etc.

Alpine Winter GB | My Personal TMK Firmware Repo
IBM Rubber Band "Floss" Mod | Click Modding Alps 101 | Flame-Polishing Cherry MX Stems
Review: hasu's USB to USB converter
My boards:
AEKII 60% | Alps64 HHKB | Ducky Shine 3, MX Blues | IBM Model M #1391401, Nov. 1990 | IBM SSK #1391472, Nov. 1987, screw modded, rubber-band modded | Noppoo EC108-Pro, 45g | Infinity 60% v2 Hacker, Matias Quiet Pros | Infinity 60% v2 Standard, MX Browns | Cherry G80-1800LPCEU-2, MX Blacks | Cherry G80-1813 (Dolch), MX Blues | Unicomp M-122, ANSI-modded | Unicomp M-122 (Unsaver mod in progress) | 2x Unitek K-258, White Alps | Apple boards (IIGS, AEKII) | Varmilo VA87MR, Gateron Blacks | Filco Zero TKL, Fukka White Alps | Planck, Gateron Browns | Monarch, click-modded Cream Alps

Offline briancvrrbs

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #124 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 19:28:40 »
About to start soldering my board together! I just received the Clueboard 2.0 PCB today. I will be using the Alum case from Massdrop but I noticed a small issue. It seems like the board fits a bit loosely inside the case even when the case is fastened with the screws. Upon inspection, it seems the plate is a bit short on the sides that the case isnt able to grip on the edges. Anyone have a solution or faced this yet? :o
Aside from, that this board is gonna be gorgeous! :'D

Offline yinzer

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #125 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 22:55:41 »
So, what do we need to do to get these LEDs working? Other than waiting on some caps I have in the mail, this is the last hurdle for me.

Offline briancvrrbs

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #126 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 23:07:23 »
So, what do we need to do to get these LEDs working? Other than waiting on some caps I have in the mail, this is the last hurdle for me.

I just sent a PM to skullydazed about that lol
I'm happily typing on my board right now...but I can't light up those arrows and esc keys :(

Offline yinzer

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #127 on: Sat, 26 March 2016, 23:31:33 »
So, what do we need to do to get these LEDs working? Other than waiting on some caps I have in the mail, this is the last hurdle for me.

I just sent a PM to skullydazed about that lol
I'm happily typing on my board right now...but I can't light up those arrows and esc keys :(

Oh, I mean the new back-light feature. I'm not sure if the answer for our questions is the same or not.

I've only gotten hex files from InputClub's configurators and flashed through the teensy bootloader, so I'm just kind of hoping that this won't be too too much more complicated than that. Firmware building is definitely not my strong suit.

Offline skullydazed

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #128 on: Sun, 27 March 2016, 00:35:47 »
By default Fn+Page Up will turn the in-switch LED's on and off.

I'm working on shipping orders right now, but on my todo list for tonight is getting the firmware source code, and a default firmware with RGB support, posted and available. Please sit tight, you'll be able to customize soon!

Offline yinzer

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #129 on: Sun, 27 March 2016, 09:17:25 »
By default Fn+Page Up will turn the in-switch LED's on and off.

I'm working on shipping orders right now, but on my todo list for tonight is getting the firmware source code, and a default firmware with RGB support, posted and available. Please sit tight, you'll be able to customize soon!

Thanks! I only jumped on the Clueboard train a week ago, but your customer support has been awesome this week. I'm excite to post pics of this beautiful board and, hopefully, stir up a little business for you.  ;D

Offline Wannabe

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #130 on: Sun, 27 March 2016, 11:16:37 »
With all of the options for bottom rows and the holes for the stabilizers for the space bar, I'm having a hard time keeping firmly in the board. It'll just slide out or shift to one of the joining holes.

Any tips for keeping it in place? I'm looking to do a standard bottom row.

I struggled the most with the bottom row too. Figuring out which holes to use for the stabs was a tad confusing.
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Offline skullydazed

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #131 on: Sun, 27 March 2016, 12:18:36 »
Happy Easter everyone!

I will be busy all day, and haven't had a chance to post the new firmware code. If you need to flash a custom firmware to your board and want to do so today, you can grab my source code here:

I will get it posted to gihhub as soon as I am able, but I will be busy all day with Easter celebrations.
« Last Edit: Sun, 27 March 2016, 12:39:03 by skullydazed »

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #132 on: Sun, 27 March 2016, 13:07:19 »
About to start soldering my board together! I just received the Clueboard 2.0 PCB today. I will be using the Alum case from Massdrop but I noticed a small issue. It seems like the board fits a bit loosely inside the case even when the case is fastened with the screws. Upon inspection, it seems the plate is a bit short on the sides that the case isnt able to grip on the edges. Anyone have a solution or faced this yet? :o
Aside from, that this board is gonna be gorgeous! :'D

With the 1.0 the PCB almost fit too tightly due to the hole to the right of enter. I increased that radius by 0.1mm to help with that, but it sounds like it's looser than you would like. Sorry about that!

If you have some heat shrink you can try sliding that open and using it to shim the left and right edges of the plate. That should hold everything in place better.

Offline redbanshee

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #133 on: Tue, 29 March 2016, 10:11:50 »
Duck feet on my clueboard  ;D :

« Last Edit: Tue, 29 March 2016, 10:13:49 by redbanshee »

Offline yinzer

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #134 on: Tue, 29 March 2016, 10:19:41 »
Duck feet on my clueboard  ;D :

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Forgive me for being a bit out of the loop (you miss a lot when you're only an Ergodox user), but how does one find such excellent feets? I may have instantly developed a fetish.

Offline redbanshee

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #135 on: Tue, 29 March 2016, 10:43:28 »

Forgive me for being a bit out of the loop (you miss a lot when you're only an Ergodox user), but how does one find such excellent feets? I may have instantly developed a fetish.

They came from the CP-SQ 1800 group by  :thumb:

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #136 on: Wed, 30 March 2016, 12:54:56 »
Here's the new firmware for 2.0:

Clueboard 1.0 Users: Use the keyboard/clueboard1 directory

If you want to use the RGG strip support, follow /u/badnewscaps 's wiring guide ( ) and uncomment RGBLIGHT_ENABLE in Makefile.

Clueboard 2.0 Users: Use the keyboard/clueboard2 directory

If you want to use the RGB underlighting support you'll need to solder 14 WS2812B onto your PCB. Then uncomment RGBLIGHT_ENABLE in Makefile.

Default Layout Features:

Capslock LED works normally.

Escape key sends escape normally. Shift+Escape sends ~. Fn+Escape sends `.

Fn + any number key is the corresponding "F" key. EG, Fn+4 is F4.

Fn+Backspace sends Delete.

Fn+Page Up turns on the LED's for Esc, Page Up, and the Arrows. (Clueboard 2.0 only)

Fn+Arrows sends Page Up/Down, and Home/End

Fn+S enters the second layer:

Fn+S+R: RESET button, enters firmware programming mode

Fn+S+Backspace: Turn on/off RGB underlight

Fn+S+Spacebar: Cycle through RGB modes

Fn+S+Page Up/Down: Control Brightness of RGB underlight

Fn+S+Left/Right: Control Hue (Color) of RGB underlight

Fn+S+Up/Down: Control Saturation of RGB underlight

Offline alexjj

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #137 on: Wed, 30 March 2016, 13:20:43 »
I love the clueboard and I'm just putting together my list of everything I need.

I want to have LEDs, but I can't decide what acrylic colors I should get. I was thinking of a black top and then clear/white/smoke sides, but I quite like the white tops in this thread with the colors shining through.

Decisions decisions..!

Offline yinzer

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #138 on: Wed, 30 March 2016, 20:48:07 »
So, I'm having a little trouble making a hex file. I'm not making a custom keymap at this time, just trying to get the RGB lights to work. I'm able to make a Clueboard1 hex without any trouble. However, Clueboard2 results in an error 1. It looks like the failure has something to do with "multiple definitions of 'led_set'

Also, isn't RGBLight_Enable already uncommented in the Makefile?

Sorry if this isn't a ton of information to go off of. This is most definitely not my area of expertise.
« Last Edit: Wed, 30 March 2016, 21:44:45 by yinzer »

Offline skullydazed

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #139 on: Wed, 30 March 2016, 23:22:14 »
So, I'm having a little trouble making a hex file. I'm not making a custom keymap at this time, just trying to get the RGB lights to work. I'm able to make a Clueboard1 hex without any trouble. However, Clueboard2 results in an error 1. It looks like the failure has something to do with "multiple definitions of 'led_set'

Show Image

Also, isn't RGBLight_Enable already uncommented in the Makefile?

Sorry if this isn't a ton of information to go off of. This is most definitely not my area of expertise.

Sorry about that! In my haste to get this out there I missed committing that fix. Edit led.c and change "led_set" to "led_set_kb". We just got to LA and are about to go to dinner, I will commit the fix tomorrow.

In the meantime, if you just want to enable RGB you can try this hex:

Offline pwade3

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #140 on: Thu, 31 March 2016, 10:10:30 »
Hey Skully, any more info on continued PCB production? Currently still undecided on case color and switches, but I was debating grabbing the PCB just in fear of missing out. Wasn't sure if the next shipment would be in before or after you manage to get color sample pictures taken, you know?

Offline skullydazed

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #141 on: Thu, 31 March 2016, 10:23:05 »
Hey Skully, any more info on continued PCB production? Currently still undecided on case color and switches, but I was debating grabbing the PCB just in fear of missing out. Wasn't sure if the next shipment would be in before or after you manage to get color sample pictures taken, you know?

The next batch ships to me on Apr 15, which means it should be in my hands on Apr 22. (The day before my birthday actually.)

Offline pwade3

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #142 on: Thu, 31 March 2016, 10:31:23 »
Hey Skully, any more info on continued PCB production? Currently still undecided on case color and switches, but I was debating grabbing the PCB just in fear of missing out. Wasn't sure if the next shipment would be in before or after you manage to get color sample pictures taken, you know?

The next batch ships to me on Apr 15, which means it should be in my hands on Apr 22. (The day before my birthday actually.)

Good to hear, I think I'll just wait until then to order, that way I can have everything show up all at once.

Offline yinzer

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #143 on: Thu, 31 March 2016, 10:41:23 »
So, I'm having a little trouble making a hex file. I'm not making a custom keymap at this time, just trying to get the RGB lights to work. I'm able to make a Clueboard1 hex without any trouble. However, Clueboard2 results in an error 1. It looks like the failure has something to do with "multiple definitions of 'led_set'

Show Image

Also, isn't RGBLight_Enable already uncommented in the Makefile?

Sorry if this isn't a ton of information to go off of. This is most definitely not my area of expertise.

Sorry about that! In my haste to get this out there I missed committing that fix. Edit led.c and change "led_set" to "led_set_kb". We just got to LA and are about to go to dinner, I will commit the fix tomorrow.

In the meantime, if you just want to enable RGB you can try this hex:

I was able to compile a firmware with the change to the led.c file, but the backlight functionality doesn't appear to be working for me. The LEDs seem to be installed correctly because they flash when I plug in the board (they did this on the old firmware as well). I'll continue to troubleshoot this afternoon.

How would I go about putting the hex file you linked onto my Clueboard? I've been uploading with the 'make dfu' in the terminal.

Offline skullydazed

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #144 on: Thu, 31 March 2016, 11:21:48 »
So, I'm having a little trouble making a hex file. I'm not making a custom keymap at this time, just trying to get the RGB lights to work. I'm able to make a Clueboard1 hex without any trouble. However, Clueboard2 results in an error 1. It looks like the failure has something to do with "multiple definitions of 'led_set'

Show Image

Also, isn't RGBLight_Enable already uncommented in the Makefile?

Sorry if this isn't a ton of information to go off of. This is most definitely not my area of expertise.

Sorry about that! In my haste to get this out there I missed committing that fix. Edit led.c and change "led_set" to "led_set_kb". We just got to LA and are about to go to dinner, I will commit the fix tomorrow.

In the meantime, if you just want to enable RGB you can try this hex:

I was able to compile a firmware with the change to the led.c file, but the backlight functionality doesn't appear to be working for me. The LEDs seem to be installed correctly because they flash when I plug in the board (they did this on the old firmware as well). I'll continue to troubleshoot this afternoon.

How would I go about putting the hex file you linked onto my Clueboard? I've been uploading with the 'make dfu' in the terminal.

Try this:

Code: [Select]
dfu-programmer atmega32u4 erase || dfu-programmer $(MCU) erase --force
dfu-programmer atmega32u4 flash clueboard2.hex
dfu-programmer atmega32u4 reset

Offline yinzer

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #145 on: Thu, 31 March 2016, 12:57:09 »
I was able to flash that firmware, but I am still not able to turn on LEDs.

I can't tell if this is a firmware issue or if there is something wrong with my assembly. When I plug in the keyboard, some of the LEDs flash. So, at least some of them are installed correctly and receiving power. However, if one of the contacts on one of the LEDs isn't receiving power, would that prevent the back-light from working from a programming standpoint? Or would just those not properly installed not work?

Okay. It appears that problem was the result of poor installation. However, a new problem has presented itself.

After adding a generous amount of solder to the LED pads, the lights all light up when plugged in. It appears that by default, the LED program is a red pattern where each light flashes in a circular pattern. Each LED lights up.

I am not able to make changes to this through the shortcuts that are listed above. It does not appear to be a problem with the FN + S binding, because I am able to Reset the keyboard through FN+S+R.

Any thoughts team? Is anyone else on this stage of their 2.0 build?
« Last Edit: Fri, 01 April 2016, 12:31:28 by yinzer »

Offline Wannabe

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #146 on: Sat, 02 April 2016, 10:45:41 »
So, I'm having a little trouble making a hex file. I'm not making a custom keymap at this time, just trying to get the RGB lights to work. I'm able to make a Clueboard1 hex without any trouble. However, Clueboard2 results in an error 1. It looks like the failure has something to do with "multiple definitions of 'led_set'

Show Image

Also, isn't RGBLight_Enable already uncommented in the Makefile?

Sorry if this isn't a ton of information to go off of. This is most definitely not my area of expertise.

Sorry about that! In my haste to get this out there I missed committing that fix. Edit led.c and change "led_set" to "led_set_kb". We just got to LA and are about to go to dinner, I will commit the fix tomorrow.

In the meantime, if you just want to enable RGB you can try this hex:

Have these changes been committed to github? About to start building by 2.0 today. Also, not a huge problem, but on my Clueboard 1.0, sometimes when I boot my PC and it goes to login screen, I have to unplug and plug back in the keyboard for it to recognize to type in password. Doesn't happen every time though. I'm on Win10.
I liek keyboards

Offline yinzer

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #147 on: Sat, 02 April 2016, 12:52:30 »
Here's a video of the LED in action from my instagram. I still haven't quite gotten to figuring out how to make changes, but the WS2812Bs most definitely work at this point.  :D

low-quality GIF version:

« Last Edit: Sat, 02 April 2016, 13:07:35 by yinzer »

Offline merlin64

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #148 on: Mon, 04 April 2016, 14:44:59 »
Is that Alpine Winter and the blue switch plate? Looks pretty good!

Offline Wannabe

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Re: Clueboard 66% PCB - New version 2.0!
« Reply #149 on: Mon, 04 April 2016, 15:15:44 »
Here's a video of the LED in action from my instagram. I still haven't quite gotten to figuring out how to make changes, but the WS2812Bs most definitely work at this point.  :D

low-quality GIF version:

Show Image

Is that JTK White/Purple? What layout are you using? I'm wanting to use that set on mine. The set didn't come with a 2nd 2.25x shift key for Right Shift so I'm not quite sure what to do with R4. The Tsangen shift that came with JTK and is used on 75% boards isn't an option as far as I can tell.
I liek keyboards