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Interest Checks / Re: [IC] zeit // Plateless 65XT
« Last post by tankLancer on Sun, 09 February 2025, 21:04:09 »
I love this layout
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] TORO60 - CWKL/HHKB 60% with Exploded Spacebar
« Last post by tankLancer on Sun, 09 February 2025, 20:52:49 »
TORO is so cute.
Off Topic / Re: Gaming PC Parts discussion thread.
« Last post by tp4tissue on Sun, 09 February 2025, 20:48:38 »
Might be placeboo, but connecting Tp4's audio dac to usbc, and mouse/keebr to the usb3.2s  FEEEEELS m0ar tight latency wise than the other ports.

Also, Tp4 feels by far, AMD input latency is much lower than Intel chipsets of late.

Yeah hopefully the designer reengages with vendors and this set actually runs

Vendor List Update

US: ClickClack & DangKeebs
CA: Desk Hero
UK: Prototypist
AU: KeebznCables
SG: ktechs
GMK/UNIQEY / Re: New GMK Webstore
« Last post by dvorcol on Sun, 09 February 2025, 19:39:41 »
I'm really glad to see GMK now has classic CYL sets in stock, and that so many configuration options are available. Please consider adding Dvorak and Colemak+ addon kits. Based on order numbers from 21 KAT sets, demand for alternative layout support is similar to demand for international support.

  which are subsets of Colevrak+ -->

Each kit's take rate for each of 21 KAT sets -->

Off Topic / Re: What are you watching? The thread about what you're watching.
« Last post by tp4tissue on Sun, 09 February 2025, 19:08:10 »
Reminds Tp4 of that movie, where they're stuck underwater and there was this giant crab monster.
Is there any update on this? This design is too good to collect dust on here

You right tho. I forgot about this. Hope we hear something in the future.
Other Geeky Stuff / Re: Games you are most looking forward to
« Last post by noisyturtle on Sun, 09 February 2025, 16:40:13 »
It's wild to me given the series popularity that the first Silent Hill game has never once gotten a rerelease, HD remaster, remake, or has been included in any collections ever.

You can download a digital version from the PS3 store(which might not exist anymore) and that is it, aside from directly off the original PS1 disc.

It sucks, because the opening sequence of that game is really great. First time I remember ever being frightened from a game.
Just filled out the IC for the rerun

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