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Keyboard Keycaps / Keytronic E03602 keycaps?
« Last post by devnix on Sun, 09 February 2025, 05:53:26 »
Hi! I've discovered an old keytronic keyboard at my basement and I was thinking about trying it at work.

It's missing the backspace keycap, but I'm not able to find a compatible key. Can anyone help me discovering what kind of thing should I search for?

Enviado desde mi SM-S928B mediante Tapatalk

Group Buys and Preorders / Re: [GB] GMK Nord | GB CLOSED
« Last post by IOVERCALLHISTIOCYTES on Sun, 09 February 2025, 02:26:26 »
After forgetting about it for a long time, I just checked this thread to see what ever happened to my set. I ordered through MKUltra- am I basically SOL now?

Yes, they went out of business years ago. Which is kinda surprising, since they weren’t fulfilling 2019 foam orders months later into 2020 precovid, and people still bought from them. 
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] DCS Cafe | Updated Renders, Kitting, Pricing, Vendors
« Last post by BigBeetKen on Sun, 09 February 2025, 00:42:18 »
Just in case, I'll also leave the list of vendors here but we're much more accessible via Discord:

US: Divinikey & spkeyboards

CAN: Deskhero

Asia: Geonworks (posted at a later time as in-stock sales)

OCE: Cafege

UK: Prototypist

EU: Eloquent Clicks
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] DCS Cafe | Updated Renders, Kitting, Pricing, Vendors
« Last post by BigBeetKen on Sun, 09 February 2025, 00:40:24 »
Will this run using the new DCS short bar molds that SP has in the works? :p

Sorry for being MIA, we've been working to get this up and running. Yes! We do plan on having the convex minibars in this set as they plan on being finished by the time this GB ends.

Interest Checks / [IC]Ashes Linear Switch R2
« Last post by on Sun, 09 February 2025, 00:27:25 »
Hello, This time we bring the ashes switch R2.
R1 is produced by Jwk and has received many positive reviews from friends
So we brought the R2 version of the ashes switch, produced by Keygeek this time.
At the beginning of the design, we aimed to create a switch that simultaneously balances smoothness and sound
After intense discussions and long-term adaptation with Keygeek, we have finally completed this ashes switch r2

Ashes switch R2 specifications
- Linear
- 21mm lengthening spring(42g version)/21mm lengthening spring(52g version)
- U+ Lengthen stem(Hybrid materials primarily composed of UPE materials)
- PA+ Special Nylon top housing
- PA+ Special Nylon bottom housing
- Factory lubrication
- 5 pin
- 3.8mm travel
- Pre-travel: 2.0mm
- Pressure point force: 42g(42g version)/52g(52g version)
- Made by Keygeek

The ashes switch uses Keygeek's latest top mold, which optimizes the contact area with the stem, making the switch smoother when pressed
And the stem uses a spherical bottom mold,Combined with special nylon material, it makes the sound of the switch more muffled
Overall, the ashes switch is a switch with a dull sound and a smoother feel than previous keygeek switches


Sales method: Inventory sales
Price:0.32$/PCS(Adjustments will be made according to the region)

Vendor List:
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Group Buys and Preorders / Re: [GB] GMK Nord | GB CLOSED
« Last post by fiveaces on Sat, 08 February 2025, 23:06:28 »
After forgetting about it for a long time, I just checked this thread to see what ever happened to my set. I ordered through MKUltra- am I basically SOL now?
Off Topic / Re: What are you watching? The thread about what you're watching.
« Last post by tp4tissue on Sat, 08 February 2025, 21:35:08 »
Everytime Tp4 watches a TV show, he be like, something's wrong, must double check the TV settings. Takes out color probe just to make sure.
Keyboards / Zoom75 not working
« Last post by xLion on Sat, 08 February 2025, 20:10:48 »
Zoom75 stopped working

I downloaded via for the first time. It didn’t show up even after side loading the json a few times and I read online it could be a firmware issue. So I flashed it and everything worked great. The tool said it was successful and the keyboard worked but it still didn’t show up in via. I unplugged it and plugged it back in and that’s when the keyboard turned into a brick.

I used a different cable and tried a different computer. None of it works. I disconnected and reconnected the jst cables on the daughterboard . Still didn’t work. The keyboard doesn’t even work in wireless or Bluetooth mode.

I haven’t double checked the jst pins in the daughterboard so I haven’t ruled it out as an issue. I’m pretty sure I remember Bluetooth working before.

Besides the jst pins (I’ll check those and update here), what else could be the problem? Customer service said it could be a fried daughterboard but I also wanted to see if anyone had experience with this as they weren’t 100% sure what it could be. Worst case scenario if fixing jst or replacing daughterboard doesn’t work I’ll have to get another pcb. Please advise
Off Topic / Re: This year may be biblical
« Last post by tp4tissue on Sat, 08 February 2025, 19:56:08 »
Basically, there is a chicken shortage, but what's happening is, you eat dead chickens, well, can you tell it's a diseased-dead-chicken, no?, welp, they didn't think you could tell either.  So..... that's what's on the market.

They should be culled and thrown away, buhhhh.... yum yum..
Off Topic / Re: What are you watching? The thread about what you're watching.
« Last post by noisyturtle on Sat, 08 February 2025, 19:35:00 »
I don't think Sonic 3 should get away with the excuse 'it's just a kids movie,'

's weird cuz real sonic games are unplayable on anything outside of CRT, so who's really that invested in Sonic at this point?

Apparently their audience is little children and autistic 40 year olds. Same as it always was.
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