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Keyboard Keycaps / Re: Which Sets Do YOU Most Desire to See a Rerun Of?
« Last post by skwrl on Tue, 11 February 2025, 22:44:42 »
I'm still waiting for reruns of
GMK Toxic
GMK Fro.Yo.
LFG! R5 in base!!!!!!

Tho since we have R5, can we do a R0 add on as well?  ;D
New Members / Hi! New here.
« Last post by jcards on Tue, 11 February 2025, 20:41:18 »

New here and also quite new to the hobby -started just last year, around April.

Into 60% (HHKB and WKL) and currently have 4 boards in my collection:

QK60 Clear Top, Cream Bottom + GMK Analog Dreams R2
QK60 Black Alu Top, Ano Mint Bottom  + GMK Digital Nightmares
Tofu60 2.0 Anodized Brown + GMK Tiramisu
KBDFans D60 Lite x ePBT 6085 + PBTFans Pyga

I've tried different budget boards with diference layouts but ultimately settled for 60%s

Looking to purchase my 5th one; this time in silver.
Loving the cool S as 1u supers.
Off Topic / Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Last post by fohat.digs on Tue, 11 February 2025, 19:41:36 »
I am reading Isaacson's book about him now, about halfway through.

He really is all those things, and more. He is utterly without empathy or sympathy, truly more animal than human.
Off Topic / Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Last post by noisyturtle on Tue, 11 February 2025, 19:41:26 »
Goes without saying, being rich does not make you inherently evil. It's not a blanket statement, I am expecting you all to use your brains and logic to understand what specific rich people and behaviors I am talking about. You just can't expect people to use their brains anymore, everyone takes everything at face value with zero self-reflection or research. Which is exactly what the WRONG types of rich people are betting on by controlling the news and information.
Off Topic / Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Last post by TomahawkLabs on Tue, 11 February 2025, 19:16:22 »
I think "rich" isn't even the issue. It's when the rich use their rich to twist reality and bend laws to suit them, while taking more than can be justified while telling the poor they are the problem. I have never had an issue with a person who works at the company they started/are at who puts in an honest day and reaps rewards. What I take issue with is the rich who change local/state/federal law to allow them to exploit average people for financial gain/political power. I also take issue with the rich who decide because they "own" something, they should receive all proceed, despite putting in no work/labor themselves. If you are a professional vacationer who complains about lack of profit/cost of labor, but don't actually work a full week at the company, your complaints will fall on deaf ears.

Elon is the perfect example. He somehow has time to run a govt agency, also lead a space transport company, and an EV company that also does battery and solar solutions, also a company that makes dumb products for tech bros, and at the same time be rank 1 in the US for a video game. But gets pissy when a judge doesn't think he deserves a payout of an additional $56 billion, with a b dollars for his "work" at Tesla.
FYI, the R1 End, PgDn keys don't need to be in the base kit since they are only ever used together with numpad keys in layouts such as 1800/CP/96-key. That's why many modern sets offer these keys as part of the numpad kit instead of base.

Additionally, the second R4 1u Ctrl is unnecessary since two 1u Ctrls are not used in any modern layouts outside of ortho 40%. In other words, this key could be moved to the 40s kit without impacting usability for anybody else.

Moving the aforementioned keys out of base would allow you to include the ever-so-popular R4 1.5u Super keys in the base kit at around the same price.

I forgot, was it the difference between DCS and Cherry profile?

They are very similar. In my experience, the biggest difference is that DCS has slightly more angled R4 keys (somewhere in between Cherry R4 and R5). Also, DCS caps are thinner than Cherry-profile caps from most manufacturers.

I see, thanks for explanation.
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] GMK CYL POMPEII
« Last post by EdgeOfInfinity on Tue, 11 February 2025, 17:59:47 »
really into the Ashes kit. glwic!
Off Topic / Re: dey'gon'git'Drumph'dis'tine'o'no?
« Last post by tp4tissue on Tue, 11 February 2025, 17:32:35 »
You do not understand the concept here. Fear of losing everything is the only language they understand, because the only thing they care about is their personal wealth and amassing more. You really think if 2 people walk into a room and their heads roll out, the next person in line is going into that room? **** no.
Being ultra wealthy and selfish should be a risk to your personal health, and it is our duty to put that fear into their hearts for the sake of humanities future.

Fear of losing everything is the only language YOU-understand too.

If you eat the rich. You will replace them, and do the exact bad things they did. You have not addressed the CORE problem which is Eating Veggies.

Eating veggies, no one needs to BE RICH, ever again.
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